Why is Vader's ship so bad? and falcon, for that matter.



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    Mobewan wrote: »
    Giving maul's retribution to vader is an amazing strategy. This is my go to move once biggs goes down.

    As vader counters, he spreads target locks and bleeds on everyone. Under tarkin, that means more damage for your team. Furthermore, since this attack is unevadable, you wont give the enemy TFP a chance to dodge.

    When vader dies, call in fives or boba for an aoe on target locked enemies.

    I have Vader and Vader's Tie totally maxed (minus one G12 piece) and he does not survive long enough to be effective using this strategy. I don't know what your shard is like, but on mine everyone has well upgraded ships that can take out Vader in 2 or 3 hits.
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    Vader's tie is one if the best ships in the game. I'd imagine you're running a poor fleet around him if he's not performing. Gotta have biggs, Tie, fotie, Vader, reaper/fives/bistan starting the battle.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    my falcon isn't 7* or anything, but does it get better? that and vader have the most "power," whatever that seems to mean these days but I have a g11 vader (7* ship)with good mods (I think lol) and the ship is just so soft. Anyone? tyty. Is there a better way to rate ships? I just don't get why vader's is so bad. Besides taking on tip pilot (forget which one) for the unavoidable...

    So, unavoidable basic which inflicts TL, unique that makes all TLs stick and buff removal and still you call it a bad ship?

    **** with 3 buffs and offense up can AoE your entire fleet to death and still you call it a bad ship?
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    Ummmm Vader’s ship is one of the best in the game
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    Of course it’s gonna be squishy, vaders ship is an attacker. His target lock can’t be avoided or resisted. That’s why his ship is meta
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    Creepioo wrote: »
    First Order Tiepie is weak but also very good with Vader and targetlock team crazy tm gains

    Actually FOTP is the secind best DPS, Fastest DPS with target lock, second fadtest DPS without TL (Might be third with silencer) and has a strong TL basic
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    not sure if anyone already mentioned this, but advanced tie is a pretty good ship ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Vader's ship is great. Just gotta hide him behind tanks.
    Hit the gym.
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    Run Biggs with Vader. As long as you keep inflicting target lock, Biggs will be unstoppable, and Vader will be safe.
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    I believe Vader's ship is strong against tfp. There is a lot of dodging and TM gain, and he shuts that down. So he is definitely viable.
    Hit the gym.
  • TVF
    36710 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Run Biggs with Vader. As long as you keep inflicting target lock, Biggs will be unstoppable, and Vader will be safe.

    Biggs is unstoppable and Vader is safe until you get to the higher end / older shard of fleet arena. At that point everyone's ships are able to overwhelm Biggs' protection gain.

    It's still a strong combo, which is why nearly everyone runs it, but Biggs doesn't last as long anymore.
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    Vader's ship is hands down a must have. Without him you are going to struggle against any team. I always try to use mine to take out the enemies TFP. If mine is dead before then, I'd better hope Tarkin's special is right around the corner.
  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    He is squishy, but he is also the highest ehp of my startimg lineup after biggs. But maul gives him protection up, and so does tie reaper.

    And like i said, when vader goes down, boba or fives comes in from reserves with an aoe on all their target locked ships.

    I never would have used this strategy had the whale on my shard not surprised me with it.

    If, however, vader had taken some damage before maul is called, i wouldnt use it on him.

    In my shard, most tfp and fotp are g12 or nearly g12 with chinera. Whatever the difference in gear wouldnt be very much.

    You will probably disagree with this too, but sometimes i give retribution to tfp to force dodges and give tm to my capital.
  • TVF
    36710 posts Member
    Mobewan wrote: »
    You will probably disagree with this too, but sometimes i give retribution to tfp to force dodges and give tm to my capital.

    I don't run Scimitar but I know this is actually a common strategy, especially if you aren't using Fives.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    @Mobewan @TVF I've been doing this for a long time now. Literally is the best strategy. Especially after TFP has used his special. If he's taken damage or if enemy Vader is alive it's going on 5's
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