Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »

    I almost fell out of my chair laughing :D
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    HyperCalm1 wrote: »
    There's that word again... soon

    I didn't say soon.
    I didn't say very soon.
    I didn't say SOON.
    I said VERY SOON. ;)

    But certainly not tonight :(

    Careful , I got put in the sin bin for using all caps once

    Second bullet down under "unwanted topics"
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »

    I almost fell out of my chair laughing :D

    It's a clever way to give feedback on how much you want this raid, to be sure. ;)

    People deal with sadness in various ways. As long as it's respectful I try to be open minded.

    Talk to you tomorrow! :)

    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  • Rojas
    336 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »

    I almost fell out of my chair laughing :D

    Talk to you tomorrow! :)

    That means we're getting the raid tomorrow!!!! :wink:
  • Krwind
    54 posts Member
    CG just taught everyone that February is actually spelt as March
  • egtrip
    23 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    HyperCalm1 wrote: »
    There's that word again... soon

    I didn't say soon.
    I didn't say very soon.
    I didn't say SOON.
    I said VERY SOON. ;)

    But certainly not tonight :(

    Clarification: Sith Triumvirate Raid release:
    Hello Heroes,
    It has been a great week of version updating and releases and we've enjoyed the excitement. There is still more to come, however we have no more releases planned for tonight.
    Please know we plan to release the Sith Triumvirate Raid VERY SOON.

    @CG_RyDiggs , @CG_Leviathan

    I am writing to discuss the word "SOON" in the hope to help players define a time frame or set expectations.
    "SOON" is an adverb with 2 widely accepted definitions for common usage in the English language -
    1. in or after a short time.
    2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.

    here, I will not attempt to tackle the implications of global linguistics and translations regarding how a person approaches time from culture to culture, language to language. Most Asian languages do not have the idea of "SOON" you can not translate or convey this vague sense of time.

    as per your language in the post, subject to change

    Clarification: The Word "SOON"

    if using the terms definition 1. in or after a short time
    we should define what a short time is and why the terms time frame could be confusing some of the readers
    when discussing the universe "SOON" can be 100 million years, estimates for the age of the universe are 13.772 billion years.
    in terms of the House Fly "SOON" can be used for hours, their life span is about 28 days.
    can we define what a short time is?

    if using the terms definition 2. one's preference
    can we define who's preference we are subject too?

    last thought if a manager told an employee, "you will be paid soon" as an employee, I would find that unacceptable, but that may open the door to what is acceptable or best business practices that can range from industry to industry, so maybe that is not a good example ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Post edited by egtrip on
  • Iy4oy4s
    2946 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    It's actually really simple...if you plan to be done on say, 28FEB(dunno just pulled that date out of the air), then tell the community that you have the new raid (or other content) ready on 09MAR. If its ready to be released on 28FEB, SURPRISE the community by releasing it "early" That way, if you do miss the "mark", only you will know. Bottom line is to give yourself some cushion so 1. you don't anger the community and 2. you look like the hero by "releasing" it early. Delayed is a word we hear just as much as "soon". All this so you can avoid with the guy below me said.....
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    February Fail.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Funny so many people seriously expected the raid to be released on time.
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    Dark_Light wrote: »
    Dark_Light wrote: »
    I have to say this update has been totally underwhelming so far. Next year maybe we could have a little less hype. At least there was some new content mixed in with all the bug fuxes.

    What hype? How could anyone be hyped about something we knew nothing about until release?

    Because Kozi was hyping it up?

    Are you asking me? Anyway, that’s her job, that’s like getting excited when a used car salesman tells you he’ll give you a great deal.

    So, first you say it can't be hyped because it hasn't come out and then you say it's Kozi's job to hype it. Make up your mind. Or you can just admit February was a bust and move on.
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    Well February **** balls for the DS this year didn’t... oh let’s talk about they never promised us anything... it’s like batter women who just say that’s the way that “he”, EA, is...
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    My god have some patience people
  • TigToad
    25 posts Member
    One of these mega-updates can we please, please, please get half a dozen non-event release? It’s getting really tiring to have little use for cantina, arena, gw, energy. I’m almost done with Ship shard currency. I know it’s a first world problem to have, but it’s starting to make the game disappointing. I’m dying to have a freaking new Ugnaught or Tuskan raider or something to waste time farming with these stashed shards. If you want us to pay to chase the new hot Uber toon don’t give us so many reasons to wait until they are ftp. Give us some new ftp characters from day 1. This used to happen and I really miss those days.
  • Aplus
    138 posts Member
    I have never seen this running man K2 bug before and now I’m sad... Imagine if it’s General Kenobi just air flipping 360 nonstop LOL
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    This update is too overpowered!
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    So we have zero clarification on when we are getting our character events. Zero clarification on when the raid is dropping. Zero response to all the posts and questions about QoL additions we asked for, since last year.
    Sounds about right
  • FearMeFool12345
    16 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I say for every day of delay we should get 10 extra shards of Darth Sion. Maybe not, this way we would 7* him before Marquee Event... :p
  • Ykeer
    7 posts Member
    "Droid: Fixed issue where K-2SO and R2-D2 were sometimes stuck in the running man/smoke screen animation."

    Bring it back.

    Lmfao you made my day
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    Got it, how’d you guys know
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    Wacka wrote: »

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    Rojas wrote: »
    at the end of the day this just a game and life goes on....I'm sure everything will be ready when it's ready.

    Good Lord- how dare you come in here with such a sensible, mature, reasonable post.

    This is an internet discussion forum and there is absolutely no place for it!

    You have been warned.
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    They have altered the deal..pray, they don't alter it any further....
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    Player 1- it's my raid and I want it now.
    Player 2- it's my raid and I want it now
    Player 3- it's my raid and I want it now

    Call CG diggsworth and say it's my raid and I want it now
  • TwiztidJay
    104 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    It's ready they want you to get all hype so when they drop these toons well you know
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    But where is the Daring Driod ?
  • Shadowrom
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Galactic War Simming:
    Players that have reached level 85 and completed Galactic War 150 times can now sim Galactic War

    Im the only one to think this prereq is completely kitten ? 150 is way to big to achieve, and i was able to sim it yesterday because of a bug i think
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    This was the last time we had an event update/ new character release.
    The QOL was more bug fixes than anything. I do enjoy the GW simming, but the height adjustment & character reordering are questionable at best.
    Releasing a few videos and telling us about updates isn't going to cut it. I've been playing since day 1 and this is the longest I've seen the game go without any major releases.
    Also @Kozi seems to be MIA.
    What is happening?
  • Sza_Bo
    84 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Shadowrom wrote: »
    Galactic War Simming:
    Players that have reached level 85 and completed Galactic War 150 times can now sim Galactic War

    Im the only one to think this prereq is completely kitten ? 150 is way to big to achieve, and i was able to sim it yesterday because of a bug i think

    Wait, I thought the complaint was that 150 is too low. I completed 8681 GW battles before simming yesterday.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    Sza_Bo wrote: »
    Shadowrom wrote: »
    Galactic War Simming:

    Wait, I thought the complaint was that 150 is too low. I completed 8681 GW battles before simming yesterday.

    Not everybody played the game for 2 years.
    Even though when you arent playing phenix completing it is totally random (im level 70), hence its slow the stu-pid req
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