Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


  • Bossak
    119 posts Member
    150 galactic Wars- ( 12 battles per war = 12* 150= 1800 battles) still not a ton... but reasonable- 150 days worth of battles
  • Arcaver
    317 posts Member

    In the future, can you guys separate the fixed and the what's been added in to two different sections of the announcement? I know it wasn't you, but it's a mess trying to read what you guys actually added in the game and what was fixed. I'd rather just read the what's been added stuff instead of the broken parts that were fixed stuff.
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
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    Bossak wrote: »
    150 galactic Wars- ( 12 battles per war = 12* 150= 1800 battles) still not a ton... but reasonable- 150 days worth of battles

    Its almost 6 month, which is INSANE, when doing fleet is quicker and give you more reward for less time invested per day

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    I heard there could be a possible shake-up in the licensing from Disney...just a rumor
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    It's been two weeks. Relax.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    I heard there could be a possible shake-up in the licensing from Disney...just a rumor

    Get outta here with that nonsense.
    This was the last time we had an event update/ new character release.
    The QOL was more bug fixes than anything. I do enjoy the GW simming, but the height adjustment & character reordering are questionable at best.
    Releasing a few videos and telling us about updates isn't going to cut it. I've been playing since day 1 and this is the longest I've seen the game go without any major releases.
    Also @Kozi seems to be MIA.
    What is happening?

    I agree February was pretty lame, especially after they hyped it so much, but it *has* only been a couple weeks since we got a new character. These are typically only once/month anyway, and we already know 3 more are coming "very soon".
  • Kurrgan
    100 posts Member
    @CG_RyDiggs , @CG_Leviathan and all at CG.
    Thank you! Thank you! Love all the new stuff!
    Great job!

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    While I appreciate being reminded that I can turn on my notifications...I really don't care to be reminded about it every 5 or so minutes. If I wanted to turn on my notifications, I would. Please give us the option to stop reminding us to turn on our notifications, instead of just asking to remind us every 5 minutes.
  • TheChampionBum
    340 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    red321123 wrote: »
    While I appreciate being reminded that I can turn on my notifications...I really don't care to be reminded about it every 5 or so minutes. If I wanted to turn on my notifications, I would. Please give us the option to stop reminding us to turn on our notifications, instead of just asking to remind us every 5 minutes.

    Personally I wish we could turn off notifications for these **** super threads here in the forums. All I put was one remark and since then I've been punished for weeks with hundreds of these notifications! I've learned my lesson, now release me you foul thread demon!
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    I heard there could be a possible shake-up in the licensing from Disney...just a rumor

    Get outta here with that nonsense.
    This was the last time we had an event update/ new character release.
    The QOL was more bug fixes than anything. I do enjoy the GW simming, but the height adjustment & character reordering are questionable at best.
    Releasing a few videos and telling us about updates isn't going to cut it. I've been playing since day 1 and this is the longest I've seen the game go without any major releases.
    Also @Kozi seems to be MIA.
    What is happening?

    I agree February was pretty lame, especially after they hyped it so much, but it *has* only been a couple weeks since we got a new character. These are typically only once/month anyway, and we already know 3 more are coming "very soon".

    The licensing issue is all over the news. Just google it.
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    I for one am pretty disappointed with last month. Anyone else agree?
    February was supposed to be the Month of the Sith. What new Sith content did we get? Sith Marauder. That's... IT. Does this feel right to anyone else?
    Yes, I know we got Sidader reworks. Yes, I know that lots of new content is inbound, with new Marquees and a Raid that looks quite awesome.
    But that's part of my problem. Instead of getting content, we got content previews. Previews which I for one didn't need.
    The Game-Changer announcements are to me an anticlimactic end to a boring month. We all knew the raid was coming. I for one even knew Sion was coming as a marquee (due to the "Lord of Pain I" incident), and had correctly inferred from there that Traya would be the raid reward. The only new info I got was Visas Marr, and she isn't even a Sith!
    Yes, the Marquees and Raid are coming, but even if we get them today (which seems unlikely anyway), that makes March Sithier than February!
    Plus, the Raid was supposed to come with the QoL, which we got yesterday.

    Am I the only one who feels like I got all hyped up only to be let down?
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •
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    Wacka wrote: »

    Player generated content feature? :smiley:
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    Arcaver wrote: »

    In the future, can you guys separate the fixed and the what's been added in to two different sections of the announcement? I know it wasn't you, but it's a mess trying to read what you guys actually added in the game and what was fixed. I'd rather just read the what's been added stuff instead of the broken parts that were fixed stuff.

    We try to put the bugs (fixed) separate from all the additions. What would make it easier?
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    nah... The full content isn’t out yet so why be underwhelmed?

    relax.. :D
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Arcaver wrote: »

    In the future, can you guys separate the fixed and the what's been added in to two different sections of the announcement? I know it wasn't you, but it's a mess trying to read what you guys actually added in the game and what was fixed. I'd rather just read the what's been added stuff instead of the broken parts that were fixed stuff.

    We try to put the bugs (fixed) separate from all the additions. What would make it easier?

    What you provide is how it should be provided. As bug fixes are part of updates. You do a fine job clarifying the difference from new updates and fixes.

    On a different note, how long until August (very soon)? I couldn't resist.
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    @CG_RyDiggs any news about the sith raid and marquee event? Also thanks for this awesome upcoming raid.
  • CG_RyDiggs
    536 posts SWGOH Dev Team
    edited March 2018
    egtrip wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    HyperCalm1 wrote: »
    There's that word again... soon

    I didn't say soon.
    I didn't say very soon.
    I didn't say SOON.
    I said VERY SOON. ;)

    But certainly not tonight :(

    Clarification: Sith Triumvirate Raid release:
    Hello Heroes,
    It has been a great week of version updating and releases and we've enjoyed the excitement. There is still more to come, however we have no more releases planned for tonight.
    Please know we plan to release the Sith Triumvirate Raid VERY SOON.

    @CG_RyDiggs , @CG_Leviathan

    I am writing to discuss the word "SOON" in the hope to help players define a time frame or set expectations.
    "SOON" is an adverb with 2 widely accepted definitions for common usage in the English language -
    1. in or after a short time.
    2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.

    here, I will not attempt to tackle the implications of global linguistics and translations regarding how a person approaches time from culture to culture, language to language. Most Asian languages do not have the idea of "SOON" you can not translate or convey this vague sense of time.

    as per your language in the post, subject to change

    Clarification: The Word "SOON"

    if using the terms definition 1. in or after a short time
    we should define what a short time is and why the terms time frame could be confusing some of the readers
    when discussing the universe "SOON" can be 100 million years, estimates for the age of the universe are 13.772 billion years.
    in terms of the House Fly "SOON" can be used for hours, their life span is about 28 days.
    can we define what a short time is?

    if using the terms definition 2. one's preference
    can we define who's preference we are subject too?

    last thought if a manager told an employee, "you will be paid soon" as an employee, I would find that unacceptable, but that may open the door to what is acceptable or best business practices that can range from industry to industry, so maybe that is not a good example ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think we will have to agree to disagree on the premise that Capital Games, building content in a live game month over month is not comparable to an Employer and Employee relationship, as far as I understand them in the United States. ;)

    That said, live games are adventurous. We work VERY hard to meet and exceed expectations when ever we can! :)

    We are learning how we can meet the expectation of communication and still deliver on temporal commitments.

    There is a balance and dialog our community has been and will be continuing to develop. Thanks for being a part of that continued growth!


    EDIT: Smiles added to indicate levity!
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  • DarthPlasmas
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Really hoping at least the Marquee events come out today. :(
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    egtrip wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    HyperCalm1 wrote: »
    There's that word again... soon

    I didn't say soon.
    I didn't say very soon.
    I didn't say SOON.
    I said VERY SOON. ;)

    But certainly not tonight :(

    Clarification: Sith Triumvirate Raid release:
    Hello Heroes,
    It has been a great week of version updating and releases and we've enjoyed the excitement. There is still more to come, however we have no more releases planned for tonight.
    Please know we plan to release the Sith Triumvirate Raid VERY SOON.

    @CG_RyDiggs , @CG_Leviathan

    I am writing to discuss the word "SOON" in the hope to help players define a time frame or set expectations.
    "SOON" is an adverb with 2 widely accepted definitions for common usage in the English language -
    1. in or after a short time.
    2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.

    here, I will not attempt to tackle the implications of global linguistics and translations regarding how a person approaches time from culture to culture, language to language. Most Asian languages do not have the idea of "SOON" you can not translate or convey this vague sense of time.

    as per your language in the post, subject to change

    Clarification: The Word "SOON"

    if using the terms definition 1. in or after a short time
    we should define what a short time is and why the terms time frame could be confusing some of the readers
    when discussing the universe "SOON" can be 100 million years, estimates for the age of the universe are 13.772 billion years.
    in terms of the House Fly "SOON" can be used for hours, their life span is about 28 days.
    can we define what a short time is?

    if using the terms definition 2. one's preference
    can we define who's preference we are subject too?

    last thought if a manager told an employee, "you will be paid soon" as an employee, I would find that unacceptable, but that may open the door to what is acceptable or best business practices that can range from industry to industry, so maybe that is not a good example ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think we will have to agree to disagree on the premise that Capital Games, building content in a live game month over month is not comparable to an Employer and Employee relationship, as far as I understand them in the United States. ;)

    That said, live games are adventurous. We work VERY hard to meet and exceed expectations when ever we can! :)

    We are learning how we can meet the expectation of communication and still deliver on temporal commitments.

    There is a balance and dialog our community has been and will be continuing to develop. Thanks for being a part of that continued growth!


    EDIT: Smiles added to indicate levity!

    Thanks for the constant feedback, I for one, am always grateful for feedback from the dev team, as they, better than no one know the current state and feasibility of schedules. Although maybe the general population in this forum is somewhat tilted towards dates, again, this communication is a great effort, since it takes time from your job and coding of course. But I think announcing delays are just as important.

    In abstract, thank you for the effort in communicating to us in the forum issues or general responses!
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    @CG_RyDiggs please post troll meme, we would all love that
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    ATAT1977 wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs please post troll meme, we would all love that

    Umm, that's definitely a difference between me and @CG_Kozispoon :(

    @ShaolinPunk or @Vampire_X feel like taking a stab at fun troll meme?
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  • LynnYoda
    1017 posts Member
    @CG_RyDiggs i have to say thank you for the clarification + most of all Communication you have given it makes things a heck of a lot simpler and calms a lot down just to have that little bit of communication. Kozi had been chiming in with bits but as she has been inactive (hopefully just on holiday and nothing serious of course) there has been no communication at all and that is why "most" of the posts on here are angry ones not due to delays etc but communication.
    That being said can you give us a hint of what "very soon" means (today, tomm, the next week , august...)
    And can you please let us know if when the raid does get launched are tickets being topped up or not just so we can prepare if they are being filled.
    Once again thank you for the communication
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    @CG_RyDiggs Since it seems like you happen to be answering questions, care to tell us where kozi seems to have fluttered off too?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Finally figured it out!!
    Reason with all the delays (content is fine)
    It’s a stall tactic. With everyday that ticks by “they” know people will have a stockpile of gear,currency,zeta’s that people will eventually say “kitten this, I’m upgrading so and so”.
    Then when enough people have used up their resources that’s when everything will drop and the panic farming begins.
    Drops mic....
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    Dark_Light wrote: »
    Dark_Light wrote: »
    I have to say this update has been totally underwhelming so far. Next year maybe we could have a little less hype. At least there was some new content mixed in with all the bug fuxes.

    What hype? How could anyone be hyped about something we knew nothing about until release?

    Because Kozi was hyping it up?

    Are you asking me? Anyway, that’s her job, that’s like getting excited when a used car salesman tells you he’ll give you a great deal.

    So, first you say it can't be hyped because it hasn't come out and then you say it's Kozi's job to hype it. Make up your mind. Or you can just admit February was a bust and move on.

    Reading comprehension obviously not your strongest attribute.
  • ksomm5
    169 posts Member
    @CG_RyDiggs Since it seems like you happen to be answering questions, care to tell us where kozi seems to have fluttered off too?

    Thought it was vacation/PTO
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    ksomm5 wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs Since it seems like you happen to be answering questions, care to tell us where kozi seems to have fluttered off too?

    Thought it was vacation/PTO

    Off Topic, but to stall the rumor mill, correct, PTO

    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    ksomm5 wrote: »
    @CG_RyDiggs Since it seems like you happen to be answering questions, care to tell us where kozi seems to have fluttered off too?

    Thought it was vacation/PTO

    Off Topic, but to stall the rumor mill, correct, PTO

    On topic. Will we be finding anything else out today? Or any chance of something coming today?
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    I hope the sith raid is enabled today
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.
    I need a new message here.
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