Sith Raid Strategy

9 posts Member
edited March 2018
Obviously not everybody has Jedi Training Rey, BB8 and R2 so are there any other teams working for people?
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Jooms
    74 posts Member
    Might be a dumb question but I keep reading in their abilities: "as long as this unit isn't toppled..."

    Is there a way to topple them that I'm missing, like the tank or rancor?
  • Options
    I know I saw that Traya can be toppled if you defeat her lightsabers (saw that in either MobileGamer or Ahnolds video) but I don’t think Nihilus or Scion can be
  • Jooms
    74 posts Member
    Hmm, it says it in the Fearsome Foe text under each phase, so maybe its just a general statement and doesnt necessarily apply to each phase
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I think they just copied that from the other raids. I see no way to topple. Unless they are going to update it with something later.
  • Options
    My guild is stuck on P4 with 2.04% health remaining, but Sion is no longer taking damage. Splash numbers still show up, but the bar doesn't decrease. When a team is defeated, it shows individual damage but cumulative damage is always 0. Is this a bug? Or is there some mechanic we're overlooking? Sion doesn't appear to have protection, but not sure if something else is going on. Any advice or information would be appreciated.
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    12 attempts at using Vader under a palpatine lead to apply speed down or at least some debuffs of any kind, nothing sticks, not even Zidious is landing any debuffs. I know he's not immune, so just how much tenacity does he have?
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    It's over 9000!!! But really, every time nihilus takes damage he gains 50% tenacity until the end of his turn. I've literally only landed debuffs off first hit
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    As title says I’m curious how the other tiers of this raid compare to tier one which my guild is still on cause Nihilus is a tough cookie to break. And if you’ve done them what teams work with the other tiers
  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Yes there are some other teams that are doing some good damage.
  • HanSwolo13
    9 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Yes there are some other teams that are doing some good damage.
    Like what? I’m using a Nihilus team which does okay but after that squads gone Im unsure who to use
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    HanSwolo13 wrote: »
    Yes there are some other teams that are doing some good damage.
    Like what? I’m using a Nihilus team which does okay but after that’s squads gone Im unsure who to use
    Bomb squads are pretty good (either jawa teams or BH with greedo, zam and co)
    DT squads do a lot of damage. Each time you hit a boss with deathmark it does an additional 50k damage.
    Basically anything % based is good. Rex special does 70k.
  • SeanutB
    482 posts Member
    Imagine if Bounty Hunters were useful. Cad bane and squad evading
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    SeanutB wrote: »
    Imagine if Bounty Hunters were useful. Cad bane and squad evading
    They actually are really good. :)
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    It's over 9000!!! But really, every time nihilus takes damage he gains 50% tenacity until the end of his turn. I've literally only landed debuffs off first hit

    I've never landed a debuff and most of my characters have potency set mods spiking them over 100%, which means that there should be a 15% chance for it to stick, but after dozens of attempts nothing would stick ever
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    Geez man, can't you just enjoy the new content that we got?
  • Options
    Geez man, can't you just enjoy the new content that we got?

    Dude seriously? I was asking a question
  • SeanutB
    482 posts Member
    Yeah it seems only unavoidable debuffs work
  • Calx
    112 posts Member
    A little help? I'm looking for a comprehensive list of every ability that can stack to infinity until the end of a battle or encounter:
    • Sabine's Darksaber Strike. Armor Shred can land on DN.
    • Tarkin's Potency (if you don't use Ultimate Firepower)
    • Farmboy Luke's Critical Damage
    • FO Executioner's Max Health (and thus, his Offense)
    • Ventress's Rampage (Offense, cc, Max Health)
    • Old Daka's Max Health
    • Wampa's Furious Foe (40% Accuracy, 40% cc, 40% Offense)
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    The answer is "all of it."

    But that's not true that only unavoidable debuffs work. If you're waiting until he's taken damage but before he attacks, then yeah only unavoidable will work. Read his kit.
    I need a new message here.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    It's over 9000!!! But really, every time nihilus takes damage he gains 50% tenacity until the end of his turn. I've literally only landed debuffs off first hit

    I've never landed a debuff and most of my characters have potency set mods spiking them over 100%, which means that there should be a 15% chance for it to stick, but after dozens of attempts nothing would stick ever

    You have to compare potency to tenacity. Being over 100% by itself doesn’t mean anything.
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    We have just over 100 mil gp and only 3 JTR. We will have to abandon tier 6. Which tier is doable for us to keep churning them out? Maybe tier 4?
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    I don’t know the back story on these guys but why is Trayas sabers purple when she’s dark side and red when she’s light side? Visas is Traya right?
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    No they are not the same person
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    Visas marr was a servant apprentice to Darth nihilus until she eventually turned to the light side by the exile.
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    I'm confused how my 5 toons show individual damage over 500k but my damage score is only 163k. Is this a bug?
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Nope. Read the other threads.

    (Damage against protection doesn't count.)
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    How many of these threads are we going to have?? As @TVF said in parenthesis
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I'm curious about this too. Our 60m GP guild has done about 25% of P1 so far in T6 lol.

    We're debating T3, T4, or just starting at T1 and seeing how we do.
    I need a new message here.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Geez man, can't you just enjoy the new content that we got?
    Epic burn!

    But seriously to answer OP, there’s never been a minimum chance to inflict debuffs so once the boss starts stacking Tenacity(and he does that fast), you ain’t landing no debuffs no more.
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