Honest question - speed mods

3 posts Member
edited March 2018
Serious, legit question here.

The absolute key to this entire game is Speed Mods isn't it?

I mean, to the point that it should be called SW: Galaxy of Speed Mods. Amirite?

I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

No matter the team, the synergy, or the strategy I put in, it's always:
Enter match
Other team gets 4-6 turns to my 1
Lose 2-3 characters/ships
Take a turn, do some damage
Other team finishes me off with 4-6 turns

It really feels to me that there is no meta, no strat, no comp that will work. It's just throw 5 random hard hitters together, but as long as they're decked out in max speed, it will win, synergy be damned.

Am I completely off base?
Post edited by CoastalJames on


  • AnnerDoon
    1353 posts Member
    Well, if you can't take a turn before you're dead, then yeah.... speed is important.
  • Options
    Teams with fastest mods are at the top of arena, true. However, you still need meta characters. If you're running mob enforcer you're never going to crack top 1000 no matter how good your speed mods are.
  • SeanutB
    482 posts Member
    Yes they're important. But you want arrow mods with +30 speed, and other mods to have around +10 or more speed as a Secondary stat. Depending on the mods you have, a critical chance mod with +14 speed secondary may be more of a speed mod than an actual speed mod (that doesn't have speed secondary or primary).
  • Random9
    510 posts Member
    Speed is important at the higher end, but characters are more so. You can't run CUP, ugnaught, mob enforcer, jedi knight guardian, and ewok scout with 300 speed apiece and expect to beat a CLS team with 100 speed apiece.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    Random9 wrote: »
    Speed is important at the higher end, but characters are more so. You can't run CUP, ugnaught, mob enforcer, jedi knight guardian, and ewok scout with 300 speed apiece and expect to beat a CLS team with 100 speed apiece.

    Challenge accepted.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Speed seems vastly more important than other stats.
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    What's more annoying is the speed secondary drop rate. Let's say I do 3 mod refreshes a day which is roughly 25 tries. If I'm lucky I'll get 2-4 5 dot colored mods out of that and if I'm REALLY lucky I'll get 1 with speed secondary once a day, but it's usually every two days. Then to throw salt on the wound I swear to god maybe 1 out of 4 blue/purple mods will even hit speed ONCE, leaving me with a 500k cost 5 speed mod that I can resell for like 5k gold.

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    speed needs to be nerfed. from my experience if you aint ptw you dont succeed god mods make bad teams good. and its not a good thing
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Sochie wrote: »
    Serious, legit question here.

    I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

    You can’t mod for Speed in Fleet Arena.
    At least not yet.
    And hopefully that day never comes. It’s bad enough to have to gamble for speed mods in 1 Arena.
    So you’re only half right...for now.
  • Options
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Sochie wrote: »
    Serious, legit question here.

    I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

    You can’t mod for Speed in Fleet Arena.
    At least not yet.
    And hopefully that day never comes. It’s bad enough to have to gamble for speed mods in 1 Arena.
    So you’re only half right...for now.

    What do you think hardware will be?

    Welcome to speed mods for fleet... and it'll still be just as buggy. ;)
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    CleverWes wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Sochie wrote: »
    Serious, legit question here.

    I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

    You can’t mod for Speed in Fleet Arena.
    At least not yet.
    And hopefully that day never comes. It’s bad enough to have to gamble for speed mods in 1 Arena.
    So you’re only half right...for now.

    What do you think hardware will be?

    Welcome to speed mods for fleet... and it'll still be just as buggy. ;)

    That’s why sometimes I’m glad that their definition of soon and my definition of soon differs.
  • Options
    Huatimus wrote: »
    CleverWes wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Sochie wrote: »
    Serious, legit question here.

    I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

    You can’t mod for Speed in Fleet Arena.
    At least not yet.
    And hopefully that day never comes. It’s bad enough to have to gamble for speed mods in 1 Arena.
    So you’re only half right...for now.

    What do you think hardware will be?

    Welcome to speed mods for fleet... and it'll still be just as buggy. ;)

    That’s why sometimes I’m glad that their definition of soon and my definition of soon differs.

    It's true your can't mod for speed in ships but if you have faster pilots than your opponent then you essentially did mod for speed in fleet. I fought many of Ship battles where opponent was 1 to 2 star lower ships than mine but his pilots were geared and modded faster than mine and got several attacks on me before my turns.
  • Options
    Teams with fastest mods are at the top of arena, true. However, you still need meta characters. If you're running mob enforcer you're never going to crack top 1000 no matter how good your speed mods are.
    Random9 wrote: »
    Speed is important at the higher end, but characters are more so. You can't run CUP, ugnaught, mob enforcer, jedi knight guardian, and ewok scout with 300 speed apiece and expect to beat a CLS team with 100 speed apiece.

    It's like you two know what to say to make my inner contrarian sing.

    Must... retain... willpower.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    STRYKER667 wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    CleverWes wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Sochie wrote: »
    Serious, legit question here.

    I've been playing since release practically, with an odd break here and there. And yet, even more so lately, I can't crack above 300 in Arena, and maybe 250 in Fleet Arena.

    You can’t mod for Speed in Fleet Arena.
    At least not yet.
    And hopefully that day never comes. It’s bad enough to have to gamble for speed mods in 1 Arena.
    So you’re only half right...for now.

    What do you think hardware will be?

    Welcome to speed mods for fleet... and it'll still be just as buggy. ;)

    That’s why sometimes I’m glad that their definition of soon and my definition of soon differs.

    It's true your can't mod for speed in ships but if you have faster pilots than your opponent then you essentially did mod for speed in fleet. I fought many of Ship battles where opponent was 1 to 2 star lower ships than mine but his pilots were geared and modded faster than mine and got several attacks on me before my turns.

    Pilot speed does not affect his ship’s speed. Higher gear or higher leveled/tier mods can make the ships go faster.
  • Deedni
    11 posts Member
    Speed is important but strategy and properly placed mods and teams win more so than speed. You have a Zolo he’s going first anyways, you have GK, he’s taunting if there’s a critical hit. You have Old Ben? Remove turn meter, and all the other stuff he can throw in characters. It’s all in how you have your squad and their synergy.
  • Gawejn
    1126 posts Member
    Speed is important but now also the key is tm gain. For example You can use Tarkin as a leader to gain speed bonus. So your team can be fast at the start but can take less turns than for example teams with Palp as a leader. Tm gain teams are much faster than raw speed teams. I dont have very fast arena team. My slowest is Deathtrooper 188 speed. It is quite low speed but I can be in top 10 easily. Tm gain teams are the key. Also I think that high crit chance is also important, it is not easy to have crit chance as secondary stat on mod like 7-8%. If team can crit very often so can be very Effective and be a threat to an enemy. Many times Krenik was doing dmg around 40k to Han Solo. Almost one shot ko, and this had nothing to do with the speed. I have quite slow Krenik but this guy can hit very hard on basic. He has very low crit chance so mainly I keep focus on mods with high crit chance like 6-8% per mod. And those mods are very rare. I have few only.
  • Ugnaught
    481 posts Member
    What some other people said is right...but for confirmation...speed is only important to a limited extent.
    Once you have a speed arrow and 10+ secondary speed on all your mods it doesn't matter any more. Its more about group makeup after that. But yes there is a bare minimum necessary to be decent.
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    Galaxy of buff immunity. :p
    Hit the gym.
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    You whine yet you have no idea how ships work. Stats on mods matter not, just quality and lvl. So means you didnt gear/lvl/put mods on your pilots equaling your fault of inability to rise in ranks.
    I keep top 10 on both fleet and squad arena and im 99% F2p. That one % is coz i bought sion 13$ pack but he aint even in my arena team yet. I have quite a few whales in both arenas but better team comps beat money thrown at the game.
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    Speed is pretty handy. It's the difference between my G8 Ewoks losing miserably during the Ewok Event (Wicket Shards) and beating the entire thing without taking a hit.

    Slap some arena mods on them, give insane speed, and they have no problem whereas with moderate to average mods they die by the second wave.

    Arena is no different. If you do not have meta characters and speed, you lose. If you have meta characters and no speed, you will beat the lower ranking players, but lose miserably to the higher end players. Meta Vs Non-Meta decides the low rank, then speed separates the Meta Teams.
  • Gawejn
    1126 posts Member
    Speed is pretty handy. It's the difference between my G8 Ewoks losing miserably during the Ewok Event (Wicket Shards) and beating the entire thing without taking a hit.

    Slap some arena mods on them, give insane speed, and they have no problem whereas with moderate to average mods they die by the second wave.

    Arena is no different. If you do not have meta characters and speed, you lose. If you have meta characters and no speed, you will beat the lower ranking players, but lose miserably to the higher end players. Meta Vs Non-Meta decides the low rank, then speed separates the Meta Teams.

    So there is minimum few teams that can compete in top50. NS, Titans, Palp teams, Empire Thrawn lead, JTR teams. So those 5 types of teams You want to compare by speed? And based on this will You decide which one is better? Good luck.....
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    Step 1. Get the META heroes

    Step 2. Get better speed mods than your opponents.

    Every new meta hero that is released puts ftp back to step 1.

    Others will never achieve step 2.

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    Rex lead

    Thrawn lead
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    Sochie wrote: »

  • Goodgil
    349 posts Member
    There are counters to speed. There are strategies you can use to counter faster teams.
    Look at the the available toons right now. The two fastest teams would be droids with BB8 (starts with 40%tm) and Sith under zMaul (start with 20%TM), preferably with Sith Assassin to speed them up even more. But those two teams aren't anywhere near the Meta.
    Rex is a solid counter to speed. The enemy team attacks you, you gain TM, and get to attack back.
    Veteran smugglers are a counter to speed. You take a lot of turns, and their damage stacks up. They will only take one action... And one shot one of your toons with that.
    DT and Krennic together are a counter to speed, especially in mirror matches when both sides have EP leader. The enemy goes first, and DT retaliates with his granade for an AOE cooldown increase.
    And yes, speed is important. But it's not the only thing.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    So what's the question? If speed mods are key?
    You're gonna do worse if you lack speed on your mods, however just having alot of speed doesn't guarantee success.
    Speed has always been a important stat in this game. People like to believe it's the mods that made speed more important than the other stats, but that was already the case long before there were mods in this game.
    The best thing about mods is that they're meta proof. Well, untill they release 6/7 pip mods.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    You're gonna do worse if you lack speed on your mods, however just having alot of speed doesn't guarantee success.


    Speed mods are very, very important. You can have the hardest hitters in the game but if the other guy/gal goes first - repeatedly - and you never get a chance to let loose then you're dead. Bye bye.

    However...if you have a very poor team and the other has a very good team, speed mods won't save you.

    As with everything in this delightful, complex and intricate game - you should work on your speed mods, but you should work on many other things too.

  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    Down at 250-300 rank in arena yes speed might be more prolific than synergy and meta toons. However in the top 50 its definitely more about synergy and Meta.
    The current EP lead Meta can have way less speed than the CLS and JTR Metas did and still crush them.
  • Metasly
    280 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    As others have said : there are workarounds when you aren't in the same speed tier than tour opponents but it isn't as straightforward as when you have the upper hand in speed.
    You have to carefully craft your team to have an answer to everything the enemy team throws at you

    For me the best answer is Rex Lead (I use him for all my fights except the latest : I'm less targeted when leaving a Palp team for defense), but Thrawn Lead may be good too (I didn't test him agains Palp Lead)
  • Gawejn
    1126 posts Member
    Metasly wrote: »
    As others have said : there are workarounds when you aren't in the same speed tier than tour opponents but it isn't as straightforward as when you have the upper hand in speed.
    You have to carefully craft your team to have an answer to everything the enemy team throws at you

    For me the best answer is Rex Lead (I use him for all my fights except the latest : I'm less targeted when leaving a Palp team for defense), but Thrawn Lead may be good too (I didn't test him agains Palp Lead)

    Palp teams are a joke if use Thrawn lead and full Empire team.
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