More legendary characters 2018



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    You forgot Commander Bragh. Also can can we get a level 3 Hold out blaster.
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    Legends characters are okay, only looking forward to Revan and Shan(maybe even Mara Jade) though...
    But TLJ characters are just not enough, old Luke, Snoke, Preatorians Guards...
  • Joost
    233 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    1. War Veteran Rex - Clones
    2. Padme Amidala - Separatists
    3. Jango Fett - Bounty Hunters
    4. Snoke - Resistance
    5. Clone Wars Maul - Nightsisters or Sith

    Also of course Jedi Luke and Lord Vader but they'll be heroes journey/fall characters
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    Joost wrote: »
    1. War Veteran Rex - Clones
    2. Padme Amidala - Separatists
    3. Jango Fett - Bounty Hunters
    4. Snoke - Resistance
    5. Clone Wars Maul - Nightsisters or Sith

    Also of course Jedi Luke and Lord Vader but they'll be heroes journey/fall characters

    1. Maybe but he would be a rebel as well, in that case they could also add Wolffe and Gregor
    2. Im worried about the devs adding Padme, what if her kit turns out horrible like Rose?
    3. Bounty Hunters to get a bounty hunter? Why not Jedi or Galactic Republic?
    4. Ive been wanting him in FO roster for a while now, him and Hux
    5. Honestly i dont see the point of a new Maul, what would the difference be?
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    1. Heroes Fall Event - Dark Side Anakin
    2. Darth Revan - DS meta
    3. Jango Fett - w/Bounty Hunter Zeta
    4. Hux - Capital Ship
    5. Slave Leia - Inflicts charm on all male characters at start of encounter
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    1. Heroes Fall Event - Dark Side Anakin
    2. Darth Revan - DS meta
    3. Jango Fett - w/Bounty Hunter Zeta
    4. Hux - Capital Ship
    5. Slave Leia - Inflicts charm on all male characters at start of encounter

  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    War Veteran Rex wouldn't just be a Rebel. He'd be a Phoenix.

    And I am so glad Disney is trying to distance Star Wars from the slave Leia image.
    Still not a he.
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    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    War Veteran Rex wouldn't just be a Rebel. He'd be a Phoenix.

    And I am so glad Disney is trying to distance Star Wars from the slave Leia image.

    sadly thats still canon
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    Still canon, but at least they're not still slapping that sleaze on everything.
    Still not a he.
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    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    Okay, this is going to sound a little weird, but - there was briefly a mobile game called Star Wars: Uprising.

    It was great, so it's a shame the game was tanked after only a year or so, but it was considered canon, and EA published it so technically the characters are still ... there?

    Was not EA. Kabam and Disney Interactive. EA doesn’t actively discourage sleeping in Heroes the way Uprising was all focused on insane marathons of clicking the same buttons. The content was killer, and canon, so I am with you on your main point. We just want to avoid as much of the game destroying gameplay as possible over here.... trust me!
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    Didnt we get enough Siths for a while? With each new sith is more stronger than the previous take a break already

    We got pretty much non stop Light side and Rebels for years... now we have only get 2 New DS Toons and you think that's enough ? Wow, just Wow.
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    Darth Bane would be the best and most appropriate out of these. The others can take a back seat.
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    Joost wrote: »
    1. War Veteran Rex - Clones
    2. Padme Amidala - Separatists
    3. Jango Fett - Bounty Hunters
    4. Snoke - Resistance
    5. Clone Wars Maul - Nightsisters or Sith

    Also of course Jedi Luke and Lord Vader but they'll be heroes journey/fall characters

    Good call and good idea
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    I'd like to see a Darth Bane journey, they could make it a 6 toon event, using the Banite sith. Each tier apprentice and master. Sidious and Maul, Sidious and Dooku, Maul and Savage, Palpatine and Vader. Things of that nature. Give us a bonus tier for Darth Zannah or something.
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