Finalize the March Calendar



  • Stud3099
    601 posts Member
    Another week goes by without an announcement of a legendary event...

    The last announcement was about two months ago followed with Thrawn in mid-late January
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    Spoiler Alert: No event actually shows up until April.
  • Qhue
    31 posts Member
    It seems odd to have no event today and no sign of another event until Monday
  • Ugnaught
    481 posts Member
    The 21st is the start of the only 3 day gap in the calendar. That is the most likely time anything major will happen.
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    They didn't bring bb8 last thursday - 8th march 88 days after his 8th release, will he ever come back? I have lost my hope.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Nope, BB8 will never, ever come back. You probably should quit.
    I need a new message here.
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    This isn't about BB8 at this point there is no doubt in my mind that we are wrongfully being withheld from him but this is about something different.

    Every time there is a discussion about a legendary event people always bring up the calendar and talk about "openings" in the calendar.

    I never got why that's a thing? Why can't we have multiple events going on at the same time? If there is a territory battle why can't there be a legendary event at the same time?

    It simply makes no sense to me, I understand why a territory war and a territory battle should not happen at the same time but no for all other events. If there's a technical reasons I'd like to know it, but honestly it would be very hard to convince me that there can't be a legendary event at the same time of a TB or a TW or any other event that's taking place!
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    We can definitely use logic to see which legendary event would be next tbh.
    Bb8 amd r2 will come twice before hero event is my guess.
    Once just before the hero's journey and the other independently.
    We also can come to know thrawn and EP comes every 75 days or so.
    Heck if we look carefully..we can even guess when credit and droid heist come (btw i think its due tomorrow and day after since there is a 2 day gap betwen events).
    All it matters os that u dont fall into panic farm trap.
    Make a plan and stick to it.
    If u miss it this time...u are sure to get it easily the next time lol.
    It wont affect ur arena for long time..seeing some rework for toons making them meta (palp and vader)
    Heck i made a plan for what to do for this cls event and i am sticking to it. And i still dont have r2 unlocked lol.
    And that plan is coming along wonderfully.
    All u need is patience and a plan.
    Note: this is only for events. Not for tb, tw and other plans which have some annoying things which tuey wont do anything about

    but time between two thrawn's event never was longer then 47 days, this time it is, palp and yoda should be on monthly rotation by their words i think it is stupid not to have bb8 or r2 since december and then put them twice in a month and a half if u belive predictions for hero journey... i really dont see why u cant give dates for existing legendary events since all of them have been around for at least 2 times so alot of people have them
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    Thing is there was major complaints over not having enough time to get such and such toon in for an event. You won't see those here because the forum police have removed them. So then they started doing this half whacked attenpt to letpeople know what is ahead only to leave out important information people are looking for. Its sneaky, backhanded & a slap in the face of the people that been supporting & playing this game for 3 years. Once upon these forums were a good place information. Now they are useless.

    Time for the forum police to delete this comment.

    I double that. Whats the point of visitnt a forum, where:
    -you dont get any meaningful information on upcoming events
    -you dont get any meaningful information on timelines on critical fixes ("soon")
    -your ideas are never made true (revan, mod management..), but they work on things that noone wants (character lineup placing, marauder..)

    It all fits so well that it actually looks like thats the point. Cg doesnt want people coming here? So they wont need to hire mods? Why not just close down the forum?
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    Roopehun wrote: »

    -your ideas are never made true (revan, mod management..), but they work on things that noone wants (character lineup placing, marauder..)
    I liked the marauder and he has good potential. When he goes f2p people will find out he is a lot better than he initially looks.
    The real "no one wants" event was the Holdo/Rose event. The only people that bought those were whales just for the possible TB use, 0 character value.
    Revan will come, but probably for the next tax return season. Mods are just too good as a cantina dump/cash cow right now that they wont be changing that any time soon.

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    Holdo is a fine addition to a JTRey squad so quit being so ****.
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    DrMaggot wrote: »
    Holdo is a fine addition to a JTRey squad so quit being so ****.

    if she was f2p. She is not worth 300 dollars it takes to 7 star her. She never will be.
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    Holdo will join the F2P rotation in due course. Be patient.
    Still not a he.
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    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Holdo will join the F2P rotation in due course. Be patient.

    It will be horrible if Rose ends up having the easiest farm while Holdo ends up somewhere complex
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    Give up the million posts about who this or who that and what if and what not. EA owns them and does not care at all, CG never had a chance of pleasing their fans and never will. Both EA and Activision do not care at all about anything else except quarterly numbers and how to raise them for stock payouts. They have more "in their back pockets" wildcards waiting to be pulled put us consumers don't stand a chance of happiness IF this is why you play the game. Lower guilds want info to be able to stay ahead to go into content...nope not part of the plan, buy buy buy. Want to beat that new raid or hit high arena marks, buy buy buy. If you see anyone ftp that can manage anything in this game it a because they have been playing since launch and have time on their side. Either stop playing or just play to have fun EA will never care.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Be patient.

    You must be new here.
    I need a new message here.
  • Lozsta
    195 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Holdo will join the F2P rotation in due course. Be patient.

    It will be horrible if Rose ends up having the easiest farm while Holdo ends up somewhere complex

    Rose, useless character in the film, useless toon. Does she have any value?

  • Jorus
    14 posts Member
    I have Holdo, she is awful
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    Okay, it's not funny any more. If there is no legendary event this month just tell us already. As a new player I have to be really economical with my resources, I don't know to upgrade Phoenix, Empire, Jedi, FO or Rebel squad because next event could be R2, BB8, Thrawn, Yoda or CLS!
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    We can definitely use logic to see which legendary event would be next tbh.
    Bb8 amd r2 will come twice before hero event is my guess.
    Once just before the hero's journey and the other independently.
    We also can come to know thrawn and EP comes every 75 days or so.
    Heck if we look carefully..we can even guess when credit and droid heist come (btw i think its due tomorrow and day after since there is a 2 day gap betwen events).
    All it matters os that u dont fall into panic farm trap.
    Make a plan and stick to it.
    If u miss it this time...u are sure to get it easily the next time lol.
    It wont affect ur arena for long time..seeing some rework for toons making them meta (palp and vader)
    Heck i made a plan for what to do for this cls event and i am sticking to it. And i still dont have r2 unlocked lol.
    And that plan is coming along wonderfully.
    All u need is patience and a plan.
    Note: this is only for events. Not for tb, tw and other plans which have some annoying things which tuey wont do anything about

    A good guild mate of mine has what I call “shinyitis”. When something new comes out he is like a kid in a candy store. I have to literally talk to him about once a month and have him plan out what he wants to work on. I made so many mistakes when I started my account. I lacked a plan. I lacked a vision.

    Now I make a plan and more importantly I do not DEVIATE from the plan. Because of JTR viability in the Sith raid I had gone back to farming the Vets the past two weeks. All these discussions of nerfing her makes me as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs as to what the changes will do.

    I got suckered in to buying that Sion would be a killer in the Sith raid. Spent $10. And regret my purchase because he adds nothing other than a paid toy now that does nothing in P1 of the Sith raid. I should have stuck to my own advice and not deviated from my plan. I will not be making that mistake in the forseeable future...
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
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    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Okay, it's not funny any more. If there is no legendary event this month just tell us already. As a new player I have to be really economical with my resources, I don't know to upgrade Phoenix, Empire, Jedi, FO or Rebel squad because next event could be R2, BB8, Thrawn, Yoda or CLS!

    I can save you a little resources. If yoda comes back first, don’t waste your resources prepping for him especially if you’re close on the other ones lol.
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    Edward wrote: »
    Thar_14 wrote: »
    I love this game, but I have to say the lack of legendary transparency is the most discouraging part of the game for me as a mid-range player. I have a team put together to 7* both BB8 and R2. Once I have R2 I’ll be able to get CLS.

    I’ll never panic buy. I always make purchases on any game as a reward of their good faith gestures to make the game enjoyable. Not the contrary. I mean sure I’m only speaking really for myself and I know other people will panic buy, which is why CG is not posting legendaries on the calendar. But for the love of god do the right thing and look at the long-term viability of your game; keep your customers in the loop.

    Could you imagine the outrage if retailers didn’t display a release date for a big console game and it just dropped in stores? It would put such a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

    *End rant of loser trying to be somewhat viable in arena*

    If they let us know in advance, we will all be ready and no one will need to buy the overpriced bundles and packs. I have become ftp and still be able to get ahead of everything, at least not fall behind, you need to be smarter than them even they control everything in game, but not us.

    “Have become f2p”

    Real easy to stay ahead when you originally paid to get ahead. Idk
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