General Grievous too hard too get?

As you may know, Grievous has been added to the list of characters. Do you think he is too hard to get? I think so


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    When you think EA cant make this game more pay to win, they do, this is redicoulous to a level the i uninstalled the game when i saw thet General Grievous can only be baught if you spammed the card shop for packs and got tonns of extra charcaters shards you DIDNT already spend on crappy characters because you taught you cant spend it on anything else... just wow the same with Joda Here is a free Joda if you have 5 6star jedi that you had no reason the have before because not all jedi wort leveling up so you better spam the card shop for pack or buy the overpriced jedi bundle.

    There shoudl be law agaents this, this is getting worse then gambling and they are targeting children, this game is basically evil at its busyness model and for this was the last straw from EA, they basically RUINED Battlefront and Ruining the Star Wars IP for 9 more years.

    No wonder origin was uninstalled from my pc for years now i just feal sorry for the developers working under these disgusting corporate people....
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    You ain't alone, a quick Google search for "EA evil" or "EA greedy" brings a world of information to show how these people are less trusted and more hated than even the worst banks.

    Quite sad how many games they've destroyed through utter greed. So many hours of entertainment ruined by people whose grasp of technology doesn't go past a calculator.
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    Unprecedented greed. I estimate you'll have had to spend over 4K on this game to get greivous. 4K for one character!!!!!!!!
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    I don't know why GG has his own shard rate. 225 credits for 1 shard. The other toons is 150/1.

    If even like to trade my 300 credits for 1 shard to feel vindicated. But, not allowed.
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    I've not spent a lot of money on this game. Just a crystal pack here or there over the last few months. I don't have GG yet, but I've played daily for a while and earned several 7* characters through patience. Now, I'm rewarded for that with the ability to trade in extra shards to eventually get GG. Seems fair to me.

    Eventually, once he's no longer the latest and greatest new character, they'll make shards for him available in other ways.
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    I dont see the problem here. GG is pretty much a gift to those players who have spent a lot of money and has supported this game. For everyone else its still possible to attain GG but will be a slower process. After a few month he will probably be moved out of the shard shop to make way for a new character and then everyone will have a better way to get him. Even though i have spent money on this game, i am not anywhere close to unlocking GG and thats ok with me. Let the big time spender have there fun for a while.
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    So, not only is GG only available in the overpriced shard shop... his shards are about 50% more expensive than the other characters in the shop.

    Is anyone supposed to ever get this character? Or is this just a theoretical concept?
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    JustStar wrote: »
    When you think EA cant make this game more pay to win, they do, this is redicoulous to a level the i uninstalled the game when i saw thet General Grievous can only be baught if you spammed the card shop for packs and got tonns of extra charcaters shards you DIDNT already spend on crappy characters because you taught you cant spend it on anything else... just wow the same with Joda Here is a free Joda if you have 5 6star jedi that you had no reason the have before because not all jedi wort leveling up so you better spam the card shop for pack or buy the overpriced jedi bundle.

    There shoudl be law agaents this, this is getting worse then gambling and they are targeting children, this game is basically evil at its busyness model and for this was the last straw from EA, they basically RUINED Battlefront and Ruining the Star Wars IP for 9 more years.

    No wonder origin was uninstalled from my pc for years now i just feal sorry for the developers working under these disgusting corporate people....

    It's only "Pay to Win" if the character in question is overwhelmingly powerful.

    I would definitely say GG is not going to be that. Strong, yes. Worth farming, maybe. But completely overpowered to the point where he unbalances the entire game by himself? Eh...

    He's laughably slow, and his base HPs are among the lowest in the game. Sure, he has good droid synergy, but in order to utilize that you need to take droids, which are not currently overpowered monsters. We have yet to see how his forced taunt works (If it's really random, it's gonna make for some pretty funny matches).

    Anyways, we'll see.
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    EA is a complany who has actually invented P2L (pay to loose). All the expensive chars really suck, so does GG. He is very good in one thing: Dieing.
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    Ummmm, Yes. Even for big fat whales we are talking BANK. Like a good month and some 3-4k+.....stupid imo and I am going to throw in the towel any day now. ...this is getting out hand.
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    Hi there, I think 15 extra shards for 1 grevous is really too much. I understand devs want a hard to earn character in the game, but I think nobody wants to be collecting a character for few months. Especially if we could collect much more different character. I spent only 20 dollars in the game and that was because of Yoda. I needed to earn shards faster so i didnt hesitate. In this case i wont spend anything and wont be trying to collect the character so I find it useless.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    We've been collecting Vader for months. Without refreshes, 3 nodes a day at 1 shard per on average, takes months for Rey to be 7 stars. No difference really. GG is at least a way to utilize extra shards from Chromium packs and log-in rewards or to use shards u don't need for characters u don't wanna lvl outta Cantina, Arena and GW.
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    MrGold wrote: »
    Hi there, I think 15 extra shards for 1 grevous is really too much. I understand devs want a hard to earn character in the game, but I think nobody wants to be collecting a character for few months. Especially if we could collect much more different character. I spent only 20 dollars in the game and that was because of Yoda. I needed to earn shards faster so i didnt hesitate. In this case i wont spend anything and wont be trying to collect the character so I find it useless.

    15 shiny new 7 starred characters to experiment and play with or just 1 7 star character? You drive a hard bargain...
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  • Shadow_Master
    8 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    So the introduction of Grievous is what finally made me interested enough to install the game again and really play it.

    And I must say, I enjoy it quite a bit, despite how it makes no sense for Clone Wars era characters to fight Original Trilogy characters, or Light Side vs Light Side, etc.

    But the one thing I don't understand is why there are CIS battle droid NPCs, yet none available for players.

    And what's especially puzzling is why you would implement General Grievous, the droid general, yet not implement the most numerous type of droids (regular CIS battle droids, super battle droids, Droidekas) to go with him. And that's not mentioning Droid Commandos and various other types of droids Grievous commands in The Clone Wars series.

    He has a trait that makes him synergize with droids, yet there is literally only one droid character available to players that actually makes sense in terms of creative content: the Magnaguard.

    The two or however many other droids there are hail from other eras.

    What gives? When can we expect CIS/TCW battle droids as playable characters?
    Post edited by Shadow_Master on
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    It's a game, not a lore keeping system. If this game were based on lore, nobody but Jedi/Sith would ever be able to kill anyone. Jedi would be practically immune to anyone with a blaster (like 90% of the characters) and they would one shot everyone b.c. lightsabers.

    It is also a "new" game. It takes time and money to put a character in the game, so just like DoTa or League of Legends, sit your **** down and wait for the devs to roll out characters. The models are there, but if you notice the CIS battle droids dont do anything other than auto-attack. It's possible they dont have any other ability and the Devs want something to synergize with. You complain you want CIS droids, someone complains they want more Jedi, another complains they want more Sith. Chillax and wait, they cant make them all at once.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    It's a game, not a lore keeping system. If this game were based on lore, nobody but Jedi/Sith would ever be able to kill anyone. Jedi would be practically immune to anyone with a blaster (like 90% of the characters) and they would one shot everyone b.c. lightsabers.

    Your apologetics are flawed.

    Being inaccurate to the lore in terms of power levels is something that anyone reasonably accepts due to the need to have character variation.

    However, crossing characters from different eras and/or same factions in combat blatantly breaks immersion, and immersion is a key factor in games. And this is, as you so clearly pointed out, a game.
    Toukai wrote: »
    It is also a "new" game. It takes time and money to put a character in the game, so just like DoTa or League of Legends, sit your **** down and wait for the devs to roll out characters. The models are there, but if you notice the CIS battle droids dont do anything other than auto-attack. It's possible they dont have any other ability and the Devs want something to synergize with. You complain you want CIS droids, someone complains they want more Jedi, another complains they want more Sith. Chillax and wait, they cant make them all at once.

    I don't know about you, but I actually work in mobile dev, and I've worked on a multitude of mobile game titles. They are a complete joke in terms of effort and time expense compared to core video game development (PC and consoles). So your second apologetic excuse doesn't make the cut either.

    In a game that, like every other mobile game out there, shamelessly extorts players into spending real money right out the gate, there's no room for apologetics. If they want our money, they need to deliver substantial value, not one character every blue moon and without the correct support characters for them to synergize with.

    Not to mention that this is EA, not some tiny mobile development studio down in a basement somewhere in Santa Monica. There's no excuse for being slow and inept.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    It isn't apologetic, it's common sense. You don't know the size of their team, the size of their budget (if any) or really anything about the internal structure. Neither do I. They are not a complete joke, especially when they ranked 7th on income of games. That's pretty great, regardless of if they are a AAA studio or some random neckbeard programming in his basement.

    As for myself, I am a software engineer and I program new applications every day and I have worked on games before with several artists and animators. I understand the time it takes for even a single model to be made, animated, scripted, and set up into a game environment. I haven't worked on mobile apps, but I can't imagine it being excessively different, especially with software that targets multi-platform (Unity, Unreal, etc).

    Extortion is... well... I can't fault anyone for hating that. I mean, it's E.A. They unfortunately hold the license for all star wars products for the next decade. Since I am a star wars fan, but hate E.A., I will play what free games I can get. I vote with my wallet and dont spend a dime. I honestly wish everyone did. How quickly E.A. would change their tune to how they approach games if everyone just stopped buying their micro-transaction hell like I have.

    Regardless, sit your **** down and wait for characters. If you are so high and mighty, please, by all means, apply to be a game dev for them and show us the power of your mobile app developmental genius. Otherwise, you have to do what we all do: wait :)
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    One of my allies has a 7* max Grevious...I used him today as an ally, and wow was I unimpressed. For being so hard to get, he really didn't bring much to the table. Maybe I was expecting too much...he is slow as heck, and damage output was not that great.

    I feel bad for some that were expecting more from him.
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    GG and Yoda can not fairly be judged until the AI is improved. Both characters are very complex compared to the others that the Current AI can not play them accurately.
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    I think he's pretty good and mine is only 4*
  • PEZ
    64 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I also am disappointed with GG damage - even with Sid as leader, my 7* and Level 8 gear GG doesn't hit nearly as hard I would have expected from a toon with his low HP. I am not running droids, which would increase his HP, and he definitely doesn't seem to fit in with a typical speed / DPS squad. I don't even use him in GW as I have better options. I am looking forward to Team Instinct's review of him - perhaps I just haven't learned to use him properly, but as of now, he is collecting dust.

    Yoda on the other hand is a fantastic toon and although I don't currently use him in the Arena, he fits in well with a speed / DPS squad when hiding behind a taunter.

  • scuba
    14147 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I just try to get yoda 1vs1 with sid. Adds to my game play time.
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    He is not great as an ally.

    He is great as a leader...especially a leader of a droid team.

    With droid team, his health increases by 36% (9% *4).

    His Leader ability reduces critical damage and critical chance significantly of the enemy team.

    People don't know how to use GG properly. He should not be used in non-droid teams. You are not maximizing his potential.

    His max potential is leading the droid team. That's when he is a monster.
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    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.
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    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.
  • Tolodine
    186 posts Member

    yes, it does apply

    just read the screen
  • BillyBeans
    440 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.


    How positive are you of this??? I would like to place a friendly wager...
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    If you use an ally the leader ability does apply. So you can have 2 leader ability active in one battle.
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    BillyBeans wrote: »
    @enigma_jedi when you use an ally, the leader ability is applied as well. Now, granted I was not running a full droid team in the match, so maybe that was the problem.

    the leader ability does not apply when you use GG as an ally. There is only one leader. An ally can't be a leader.


    How positive are you of this??? I would like to place a friendly wager...

    I am Pretty positive they do. :)

    Edit: quoted wrong. :D
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