What is happening to notices of events?


  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Xoulrath wrote: »
    Therein lies the problem. I am a new player. I don't even have a full three months under my belt yet. I started playing at the end of December, the 27th or 28th. So I'm still about a week short of a full three months.

    *taps microphone*
    *clears throat*

    Seriously. It's like if you were level 40 in old school WoW and are complaining that you can't beat Outlands content.

    Don't write me off as some unsympathetic troll--I only have zero sympathy for the people who have been playing for long enough to get Luke but stopped farming because there was some other shiny thing they wanted (which is totally fine! It's your game, it's your entertainment, follow the shiny thing you want! But don't whine and kvetch because you went after something else when you knew this would come back) and now they're pretending like if they'd known they had a month they would have had enough time.

    What I'm saying to new players like you is--relax. Pop a xanax. Sleep in a hammock. You're going to be fine. Missing it the first time really isn't a big deal--even missing Rey the next time she comes around probably won't be a big deal (Veteran Smugglers are at the very end of the final Cantina board, your peers probably won't have the nodes unlocked, let alone 3*rd, by then). Yes, of course, on every leaderboard you'll find someone who is ready and able to take out a second mortgage on their house to get the newest of the new-new characters and they're going to be up at the top of your arena for a while until people farm the teams that beat Luke. But that's okay. You don't need to finish 1st every day, let alone lock it down with a pipe wrench and hold it against all comers for a week straight.

    None of this matters. We all die cold and alone and no one will say, "Yeah, but she got Luke on the first try." Just play the game, spend what you want (which can be a million or zero dollars) and march to the grave like the rest of us.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Lol this place.

    Maybe I'm unusual in this sense, but I've never played a game where I even bothered to find a forum for it. And so I'm completely used to playing a game with zero communication from anyone, be it the developers or the other players. I assume nothing will be consistent in this game, I don't listen to rumor and speculation, and I follow my own instincts. Sometimes I'm wrong, and I miss CLS the first time because I ignored the advice and didn't farm Old Ben. Sometimes I'm right, and I don't waste resources panic farming Sith Assassin. But I don't blame anyone but myself for my choices. And when I'm wrong, like with CLS, I farm the requirements up as soon as is feasible and I get him the next time.

    Assume the worst case. When it happens, you'll be prepared, and when it doesn't, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Either that or you can just complain all day long on the internet.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    To all the people defending the 8 hr notice:

    If you remove CLS from the equation, and replace it with a new required character, do you still think 8 hrs is reasonable? Key word is reasonable. You can't reasonably do anything in 8 hrs. short of using your credit card. 2 days for JTR wasn't reasonable, but there was a small window that people could work with, if they were within striking distance- which obviously excludes people who weren't already farming for the event.

    Apples to oranges.

    If it was a new marquee character where ANY 5 ions could be used to unlock, I’m fine with no notice.

    If specific toons are needed to unlock, we get notice the first time around. After that, we all know what’s needed so the notice is not so important.
  • nobodyfromjakku
    240 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Vanov77 wrote: »
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    I started playing in December and I already have Thrawn 5 stars (I was only lvl 70 when he came around so couldn't 7 star it), Palpa 7 stars, I will now have R2D2 and CLS at 7 stars as well.

    and out of curiosity, how much did you pay?

    What do you mean how much I paid ?? All the chars required are F2P.

    Thrawn - Phoenix f2p
    Palpa - Phoenix f2p
    R2D2 - I did with Palpa, Vader (f2p), Stormtrooper ( Galatic store?), TFP (Cantina) and Tarkin (Squad)
    CLS - Old Ben (cantina) Luke ( free character + cantina), r2d2 (f2p), Leia ( squad), STHan ( squad and this months login)

    So what's your point ? I haven't spent a penny on any of those legendaries.

    Oh and btw I get rank 1 with ships almost every day so 400 crystals, because I chose to invest heavily in my ship squad ( TFP, Boba, Tarkin, Vader, Biggs, FOTP) instead of doing silly farms like I see a lot of new players doing.

    And I used to get top 10 in squad as well but since Palpa rework I get top 20 which still gives me another 200-250 crystals.

    So actually I'm getting about 800 crystals a day (whatever the dailies reward is).

    People just don't know how to farm properly in this game even though there are like a hundred guides out there then complain when they get no notice.

    For the record all I did was follow the Adaptive F2P V2 guide and didn't stray from it at all. I'm working on bb8 now and the only one I'm going to struggle with is JTR because of the Vets (that we can all agree is a bad farm).

    As someone who also started in December and has been F2P with the exception of $20 on the Vader pack in February (I 7-starred Vader TODAY, btw), it sounds like you got lucky on your timing. If EP had come 2 days later I would have had a chance at 7*, but instead I only got 6* EP and am now trying to get R2 with a really janky Empire squad. I'm missing CLS by 2 weeks. And I'm mad about it, but really I'm terrified that I'm going to fall way down in my shard and everything going forward in this game is going to go a lot slower.

    Here is why I think you're being super snotty with your "I did it, everyone can!" statement: my fleet lineup looks like your fleet lineup, gear and all. And yet, the whales eat me alive. I've finished #1 once, #2 a few times, and usually have to settle for #4 or #5. All those crystals I get from fleet aren't enough to field me a full Nightsister squad with Talzin and Zombie and high gear to keep me in top 20 in Arena. I barely get enough crystals daily to do my refreshes and buy a piece of gear now and then. I've always run top 200 in Arena, and lately I've been running top 100, but I don't think it's reasonable to tell all F2P players that top 20 is where they should be. That's crap. Many of the top 20 in my shard are running 7* Sion and are obviously big spenders. While I think if you started 2 weeks earlier than me it's plausible you have a 7* Vader without buying the pack, not everyone will be so lucky with their Fleet Shop drops.

    CG can run legendary events however they like, but I'm still going to be upset - really, really upset - I'm missing out. I'm going to be frustrated that if they had published a calendar, I might have been able to buy more Old Ben and Farmboy shards from the guild store instead of going for Jawa Engineer and Jyn, and I might have been able to pick up enough Leia shards from the Guild Events store. I would have put less gear on my non-Empire pilots and more on my CLS squad, and hoarded some for R2. Or I might have run the numbers, decided CLS was out of my reach this time, and spent a little more Cantina energy on much-needed mods. I get that it's part of the game, but "stop whining" and "F2P players should have been ready because I was" is really unfair.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    warmonkey wrote: »
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Corvus wrote: »
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Again, the problem isn't the players. It's the team who promised better communication (after being chided for no communication not a week before), and then dropped 2 major characters with the shortest window in the game's history.

    Should people have been ready? Yes. But that isn't the bigger issue here.

    Why should they announce legendaries !! If you want the character than farm the required toons, it doesn't take that long. I have all legendaries except BB8 and JTR and I've only been playing since December!

    Maybe they feel it's a nice surprise when people log in and see it, I know I was excited when I saw a guildie promoted r2 to 7 stars then checked the event page and bang there he is with CLS

    Maybe because they promised to do so? Just go to Q&A they felt that was neccessary after the very bad coomunity work lately. There they state they want to improve and clearify the release cadence for legendaries. and now they just do the opposite.

    They get more and more disconnect from their community and therefore their customers its just sad to see what happens if revenue seems to be the most important maxime ;(

    They are a public company, of course maximising revenue is the most important thing for them.

    Guess what happens when they maximise revenue though ? They get more funding from EA which means more developers, more product managers, more artists, etc which in turn makes a better game which in turns brings more revenue. Don't think of your short term pains of missing out on a character for a couple of months, think of what more money brings in to the game in long run.

    Guess what happens to a game that doesn't bring revenue ? It gets cancelled. We should be praising the creators of this game for building such a great gaming experience not attacking them

    Normally this is true but what have we got with the millions they make? New backgrounds and a new toon every once in awhile that always comes out buggy. New content is just old content repackaged, same enemies and gameplay. New raid is just the new two sith and dn with new raid mechanics that make only a couple teams useful for heroic because they didn't know how to Nerf them like jrey recently before it came out to force it into nothing but a dps and hope for good Rng mode which they want. TB was designed around platoons instead of interesting gameplay (I love DSTB though but just look at the descriptions of those missions there to see how much they care.). The last time we actually got something new that wasn't a toon is the wicket event with the AAT (my favorite event and gamemode). These QOLs and updates are stuff that should have been in game or fixed last year.

    Instead of actual new content to play with we get devs coming to forum to say "they hear us and have plans for this and that soon" which means absolutely nothing. They do something that makes players mad, say they will try harder for the future, and then continue on like nothing's changed.

    It’s takes money to make money.
    EA/CG aren’t run by one guy out of his basement. They are major corporations. They have offices. They have employees. They have server costs. They have licensing costs. They have shareholders.

    My point is, you can’t point to one number on a balance sheet and say “they can afford not to make any more money”. They aren’t a charity. They want to get paid, they want to make money, and their shareholders demand the same. The new content that you want costs money to develop. Even what you say is not really new content (which I won’t even get into) still has a lot of development cost. Yes, everyone involved is making money. That’s why they all go to work every day.

    To put it another way:
    If I go to a car dealership and pay $80k for a corvette, does that mean that the salesman is getting $80 000 in pay?
  • Options
    It's is 3rd time for CLS and 2nd run of Jrey. If you weren't prepping along time ago then to bad do sad. Anyone who's played this game for an extended period knows this is how CG operates. They will NEVER give more notice. If your missing out cause your ill prepared how is that CG'S fault? Lol. Whiners are weiners
  • Options
    kello_511 wrote: »
    To all the people defending the 8 hr notice:

    If you remove CLS from the equation, and replace it with a new required character, do you still think 8 hrs is reasonable? Key word is reasonable. You can't reasonably do anything in 8 hrs. short of using your credit card. 2 days for JTR wasn't reasonable, but there was a small window that people could work with, if they were within striking distance- which obviously excludes people who weren't already farming for the event.

    Apples to oranges.

    If it was a new marquee character where ANY 5 ions could be used to unlock, I’m fine with no notice.

    If specific toons are needed to unlock, we get notice the first time around. After that, we all know what’s needed so the notice is not so important.

    If we accept 8 hrs as ok, we are giving the mile instead of the inch. Don't fool yourself if you think it won't happen in other instances. It basically tells them, "this is ok." It is not ok. Regardless of the toon, regardless of the times the event has come around, 8 hrs is junk punch. Every other release or return was promoted beforehand, even the equally hamfisted 2 day JTR. I mean, who needs consistecy, amirite?

    But, no, let's encourage them and fight amongst ourselves. That'll get us somewhere...
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    If you farm until you're ready, the notice is irrelevant. You take the power out of the devs hands and put it in your own.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I for one think it's absolutely a good thing that the cadence on these events seems to be getting more frequent. Not that we have enough data points to know for sure, and CG could always change the cadence, but if we're getting Jedi Rey and Luke every three months instead of every four, that's a good thing for the players, even if some miss out this time.

    However, for CG to come in their online Q&A and stress that they're going to make a better effort to communicate the timing of legendary events only to throw out a CLS Legendary Journey with eight hours notice is pretty weak. Heck, they haven't even updated the March calendar and the event is ongoing. Get it together, CG.
  • Eutus
    232 posts Member
    Ill be the dissenter here. I dont care. Cls popping back up should be exciting, yeah it sucks if your farming wasnt finished. For example my smugglers were not done for RTJ, they could have been. But i chose to work on sith trooper, cap han, and kylo unmask with my cantina energy. Thats my problem, and i missed the last rey. Oh noes. Didnt really want her tho.

    Cls. Man was he a different story. I wantted him. So when the rumors started up the first time i invested in anh characters. It didnt pay off the first time. Old ben couldnt do vader. So what did i do? I finished him. I knew id need him for cls and little else. (Turns out hes kinda fun under ackbar, with leia, r2, and fulcrum)

    Tldr. If you want something buckle down and finish the prereqs. Then this is a happy surprise vs a "nooo gotta panic farm" i mean really, how often does the panic farm benefit your health? I am now working on my smugglers. I guess ill get rey... next time, when they only give 3 hours notice itll be a fun surprise for the day.
  • admiral_akbar
    98 posts Member
    edited March 2018

    You get what you pay for - nothing! So:

    1) Don't expect to obtain these Heroes the first time around. If you do, consider yourself a smart (or lucky) player who prepared in advanced, but keep your expectations low!

    2) If you didn't prepare for the second time around, that's your fault.

    3) If you're new to the game (less than 6 months, still talking about F2P players), you're simply not ready to get them all. You gotta farm a lot of characters. So choose one path and stick to your farming routine. I think CLS is probably easier in terms of farming the required toons, I'd probably aim for him first.

    • I am an F2P player who quit around March 2016 and came back in May 2017.
    • I spent $10 on this game back in the day, when they had a promotion running - they would give you 100 crystals a day for 21 days or something like that.
    • I got CLS the first time around (St. Han, Old Ben, Leia were really good characters before I quit and farmed them back then).
    • * I got JTR the second time around (about a week ago or so).
    • * You can't see your ears without a mirror.
    • * You can't count your hair.
    • * You can't breath through your nose with your tongue out.
    • * You just tried doing it.
    • * You just realized you could actually do it, but you looked like a fool.
    • * Have a nice day.
  • DTL
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Dear CG, those JTR and CLS events are a MAJOR client relationship FAIL. Especially considering how many players have just quit the game after the Sith Raid was introduced. Moreover those events completely nullify the previous Q&A letter from @CG_Carrie. You don't earn clients' trust by messing with them so badly. And you don't contradict yourself so much in such a short timespan. This forum is only a tip of the iceberg compared to what's happening on Discord in thousands of channels. Believe me, sheet just hit the fan in a legendary way.

    To all of those who mock other players here. I hope you are consistently in the top-10 of your arenas at least. But if not, you are more like card collectors (as CG called us earlier) that mock competetive players who are upset. That's why you farm everything without thorough planning, without reasonable assumptions, without schedule. Good luck with that! This topic is not for you to understand.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    DTL wrote: »
    To all of those who mock other players here. I hope you are consistently in the top-10 of your arenas at least. But if not, you are more of a card collectors (as CG called us earlier) that mock competetive players who are upset. That's why you farm everything without thorough planning, without reasonable assumptions, without schedule. Good luck with that! This topic is not for you to understand.

    It might help if this paragraph was understandable.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    When an event comes out and you miss the character be ready for the second occurrence. I missed every single legendary character the first time but guess what I made sure I was ready the second time. CG doesn't owe us anything. It's very satisfying to know that I abandoned everything to farm a character for their second coming. From Yoda to Jedi rey. I made sure I was ready the next time. I didn't stop farming vets since the first time rey came out. No kru. No sion. No sith trooper. No foe. No rose. No holdo. Get your priorities in order.
  • DTL
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2018

  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    DTL wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    DTL wrote: »
    To all of those who mock other players here. I hope you are consistently in the top-10 of your arenas at least. But if not, you are more of a card collectors (as CG called us earlier) that mock competetive players who are upset. That's why you farm everything without thorough planning, without reasonable assumptions, without schedule. Good luck with that! This topic is not for you to understand.

    It might help if this paragraph was understandable.

    You are at the top-200 that's why you just can't

    I can assure you my arena ranking has nothing to do with it.

    I don't farm anything without thorough planning. My plan is based on the quite reasonable assumption that nothing can be assumed, that everything can change, and that the only thing I can trust is that nothing can be relied upon. I want a 7* Thrawn and a 7* Chim, so I'm farming everything I need now. I'm not going to assume I have x amount of time left or that I'll get y amount of notice. And if it drops tomorrow and I miss it, I won't complain on the internet. I'll just keep working at it until it's done so I don't miss it the next time.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    DTL wrote: »
    To all of those who mock other players here. I hope you are consistently in the top-10 of your arenas at least. But if not, you are more like card collectors (as CG called us earlier) that mock competetive players who are upset. That's why you farm everything without thorough planning, without reasonable assumptions, without schedule. Good luck with that! This topic is not for you to understand.

    So what if we are? what the *@#! does that difference make? I actually do do card collection, and let me tell you what most competitive players tell me. They work on each deck before the next. They dont go off trying to build mutiple decks at once. If they do, they fall off the ladder.

    We farm everything with thorough planning of not getting distracted halfway thanks to knowing our piorities/preferneces and sticking to them. We are assuming that event timelimes are unpredictable and unexpected, and thus attempt to farm as quickly as we can without getting sidetracked. we schedule what time we finish farming and we stick to the schedule as best we can with mercy from RNG.

    On the other hand, you guys farm this and that before complaining about having little time to farm vharacters assume timelines from a single data point, and schedule your farming around said timelines, before whining on the forums on how said timelines are inaccurate

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    NicWester wrote: »
    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    I’m guessing most of the people complaining have been playing the game for less than six months. The lack of empathy on these threads always astounds me. Not everyone is you. Not everyone has been playing for two years. Most of the people missing out on this event are newer players worried they will fall behind in their arena shard, fall behind on raids, not be able to get into better guilds, etc. because they got no notice whatsoever a less than a week after the Devs specifically acknowledged they need to communicate better and be more reliable in their cadence in these events.

    For the record, I have been playing four months. I got JTR. I am ready for CLS. But I also have empathy.
    If you're new enough that you're going to miss the event, then your arena leaderboard isn't going to be that heavily-impacted. You're not running up against me or other players who have been around forever. You're up against people who started when you did.

    If you're that new then a week or even a month of advance notice isn't going to matter.

    The moral of the story is the same: If you know what you need to farm, don't don't do it, do do it.

    I’m sorry, but you are just flat-out wrong. I’ve been first at payout for my 4-month-old arena shard for weeks, and Top 10 since the beginning. In shards that are in the 3-6 month age, you are going to see some get these characters and some not. The younger the shard, the lower the number who will get it. CLS will be a meta character in most of those shards. Those that don’t have him may very well find themselves dropping significantly, particularly if they missed out on Palp and JTR as well. And it’s not the top 10 or 20. We all have Palp and nearly all will get CLS. It’s those trying to claw their way into the Top 50 or Top 200 that are going to be the most impacted. People in these shards have a ton of demands on their resources. They are farming for all of the event characters, trying to put together a decent arena squad, trying to put together a couple of raid squads. A predictable cadence and a little advance notice allows them to push a priority up the list so they can get the event character.

    I don’t know why it is so hard for you to find the slightest bit of empathy for these players.

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    Yograin wrote: »
    You whiners should have prepared yourself so you are not surprised and unable to finish an 8 months old event. You have no idea how long it would take you to farm the needed characters so even a two weeks notice wouldnt necessarily help and the only way to go about this is farming until you are ready and then wait. Not waiting for a notice and then hope for Droprate... Zzzzz

    Same with the Rey event. People whining and when you check their Veterans they miss 350-560 shards. When exactly did they want to start? Next week?

    Try empathy. Most of the people who are upset about missing this event have not been playing for eight months or more. And we’re lucky to get any notice? Seriously? You sound like someone who tells the oppressed masses they are lucky to get the stale breadcrumbs the authoritarian government gives them. This is a customer/employee relationship. These forums exist for customers to give their feedback. The company responded to that feedback over the lack of communication about the JTR event by promising better communication and a more reliable event cadence. Then they did this four days later.
  • Options
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Again, the problem isn't the players. It's the team who promised better communication (after being chided for no communication not a week before), and then dropped 2 major characters with the shortest window in the game's history.

    Should people have been ready? Yes. But that isn't the bigger issue here.

    Why should they announce legendaries !! If you want the character than farm the required toons, it doesn't take that long. I have all legendaries except BB8 and JTR and I've only been playing since December!

    Maybe they feel it's a nice surprise when people log in and see it, I know I was excited when I saw a guildie promoted r2 to 7 stars then checked the event page and bang there he is with CLS

    I’m on a four-month-old shard. I got JTR and am about to get CLS. Everyone on my shard who is in that category spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to do so. If you have all the event toons and are in a December shard, you are a mega-whale, and it is disgusting for you to be lecturing others who can’t afford to drop thousands of dollars to buy every toon they want. If you got a 7-Star Thrawn, you bought him. The whales in my november shard were just geared enough to get Thrawn at 7. There is no way someone in a December shard could possibly farm and gear Phoenix well enough unless they spent a ton of money, particularly considering you would have been probably level 70 or less when the event happened. If you got a 7-Star Palp, you spent a lot of money to get your Rebels farmed and geared for that event. Even getting R2 geared and leveled in time to get CLS the same day would require a decent chunk of money.

    Nice that you got the characters, but please stop pretending it was super easy and anyone who didn’t is dumb or lazy. They just didn’t spend like you did.
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    No one deserves Jedi rey without a minimum 1 year grind. 6 months to unlock vet nodes and 6 months to 7 star vets. You can't complain about missing the shiny new toy if you haven't put in the time. Hero's journey should be the hardest farm in the game. It's the culmination of time spent playing. Months old shards don't deserve her. Nor cls.
  • Viserys
    461 posts Member
    DTL wrote: »
    Dear CG, those JTR and CLS events are a MAJOR client relationship FAIL. Especially considering how many players have just quit the game after the Sith Raid was introduced. Moreover those events completely nullify the previous Q&A letter from @CG_Carrie. You don't earn clients' trust by messing with them so badly. And you don't contradict yourself so much in such a short timespan. This forum is only a tip of the iceberg compared to what's happening on Discord in thousands of channels. Believe me, sheet just hit the fan in a legendary way.

    To all of those who mock other players here. I hope you are consistently in the top-10 of your arenas at least. But if not, you are more like card collectors (as CG called us earlier) that mock competetive players who are upset. That's why you farm everything without thorough planning, without reasonable assumptions, without schedule. Good luck with that! This topic is not for you to understand.

    Well there's definitely an element of "We want to rebuild your trust by showing you that you can't trust us," going on here. I understand that things like this are on their schedule for longer than we're told about them - so maybe they couldn't really back off on the CLS event. They certainly could have had the dignity to mention it in the Q&A session given how a lot of people were already on fire about the JTR event returning with limited notice.

    The current silence isn't helping much either. It would be very good of them to get on top of this now, and issue some kind of response. The Q&A, despite it flaws, did build some goodwill. I feel like that's evaporating pretty quickly right now though. It so often feels that way -- one step forward, five steps back.

    Not to mention these types of frequent controversies also turn players against one another, and that's not terribly beneficial to the game either.
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    I don't see what the problem is... I've been waiting for CLS, I farmed accordingly and I got him this time around.There was plenty of time to farm the necessary toons. Jedi Rey I thought was too early given how challenging it is to farm Veteran Han & Chewy but that's part of the game. I'd be nice to see some double drops on those shards..... just saying.
    Another thing, there are events schedules that although won't tell you when an event will be up exactly, it will give you at least an idea of the trends. Decide what you want and plan accordingly.
  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    CG can run legendary events however they like, but I'm still going to be upset - really, really upset - I'm missing out. I'm going to be frustrated that if they had published a calendar, I might have been able to buy more Old Ben and Farmboy shards from the guild store instead of going for Jawa Engineer and Jyn, and I might have been able to pick up enough Leia shards from the Guild Events store. I would have put less gear on my non-Empire pilots and more on my CLS squad, and hoarded some for R2. Or I might have run the numbers, decided CLS was out of my reach this time, and spent a little more Cantina energy on much-needed mods. I get that it's part of the game, but "stop whining" and "F2P players should have been ready because I was" is really unfair.
    So, essentially, you're saying that you're upset at yourself for making the wrong decisions in going for Jawa Eng & Jyn, instead of the 2 characters needed for this Event. Regardless of whatever speculation you formed that decision on, you still made that choice.

    All those things that you claim you "could have done with more notice" you could also have easily achieved without it, had you not made the choice/decision that you did.
    Anyone else who has been playing for the same length of time as you, who didn't make that choice, is now reaping their justified rewards.

    Ultimately you are only "missing out" because of your own decisions. I can understand why that's frustrating, but you need to direct your frustration at the genuine root cause.
    You are responsible for being unable to compete in this Event, no-one else.
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    I don’t want to stir the pot to much, but it seems to me that everything is going to a 3 month cadence. It had been more than 3 months for RJT and now it has been 3 months for CLS. Honestly guys with the empire/sith meta right now r2 should be a breeze and the toons needed for CLS are pretty easy farms. I know there wasn’t a lot of communication this go around but I suspect that this event was planned prior to last weekends QA with the devs in which they promised better communication. Hang in there folks! I’m not afraid to call out issues with the devs, but let’s give them some breathing room!
  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    Try empathy. Most of the people who are upset about missing this event have not been playing for eight months or more. And we’re lucky to get any notice? Seriously? You sound like someone who tells the oppressed masses they are lucky to get the stale breadcrumbs the authoritarian government gives them. This is a customer/employee relationship. These forums exist for customers to give their feedback. The company responded to that feedback over the lack of communication about the JTR event by promising better communication and a more reliable event cadence. Then they did this four days later.
    Removing the hyperbole (no pun intended) from that, CLS & RJT are at least mid, if not end-game content.
    If you're not a mid or end-game player, then it's simply a case of managing your own expectations and not expecting to get mid to end game content if you're not a player who falls into that category.
    You are not entitled to a chance at it, if not.
    Why do you feel that you should be?

    I can entirely empathise with a valid position or concern.
    This is not, it is simply entitlement.

    Bottom line: If you've only been playing a game for a short while & they release something for long-time players, it's obviously not for you, yet.
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    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Vanov77 wrote: »
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    I started playing in December and I already have Thrawn 5 stars (I was only lvl 70 when he came around so couldn't 7 star it), Palpa 7 stars, I will now have R2D2 and CLS at 7 stars as well.

    and out of curiosity, how much did you pay?

    What do you mean how much I paid ?? All the chars required are F2P.

    Thrawn - Phoenix f2p
    Palpa - Phoenix f2p
    R2D2 - I did with Palpa, Vader (f2p), Stormtrooper ( Galatic store?), TFP (Cantina) and Tarkin (Squad)
    CLS - Old Ben (cantina) Luke ( free character + cantina), r2d2 (f2p), Leia ( squad), STHan ( squad and this months login)

    So what's your point ? I haven't spent a penny on any of those legendaries.

    Oh and btw I get rank 1 with ships almost every day so 400 crystals, because I chose to invest heavily in my ship squad ( TFP, Boba, Tarkin, Vader, Biggs, FOTP) instead of doing silly farms like I see a lot of new players doing.

    And I used to get top 10 in squad as well but since Palpa rework I get top 20 which still gives me another 200-250 crystals.

    So actually I'm getting about 800 crystals a day (whatever the dailies reward is).

    People just don't know how to farm properly in this game even though there are like a hundred guides out there then complain when they get no notice.

    For the record all I did was follow the Adaptive F2P V2 guide and didn't stray from it at all. I'm working on bb8 now and the only one I'm going to struggle with is JTR because of the Vets (that we can all agree is a bad farm).

    As someone who also started in December and has been F2P with the exception of $20 on the Vader pack in February (I 7-starred Vader TODAY, btw), it sounds like you got lucky on your timing. If EP had come 2 days later I would have had a chance at 7*, but instead I only got 6* EP and am now trying to get R2 with a really janky Empire squad. I'm missing CLS by 2 weeks. And I'm mad about it, but really I'm terrified that I'm going to fall way down in my shard and everything going forward in this game is going to go a lot slower.

    Here is why I think you're being super snotty with your "I did it, everyone can!" statement: my fleet lineup looks like your fleet lineup, gear and all. And yet, the whales eat me alive. I've finished #1 once, #2 a few times, and usually have to settle for #4 or #5. All those crystals I get from fleet aren't enough to field me a full Nightsister squad with Talzin and Zombie and high gear to keep me in top 20 in Arena. I barely get enough crystals daily to do my refreshes and buy a piece of gear now and then. I've always run top 200 in Arena, and lately I've been running top 100, but I don't think it's reasonable to tell all F2P players that top 20 is where they should be. That's ****. Many of the top 20 in my shard are running 7* Sion and are obviously big spenders. While I think if you started 2 weeks earlier than me it's plausible you have a 7* Vader without buying the pack, not everyone will be so lucky with their Fleet Shop drops.

    CG can run legendary events however they like, but I'm still going to be upset - really, really upset - I'm missing out. I'm going to be frustrated that if they had published a calendar, I might have been able to buy more Old Ben and Farmboy shards from the guild store instead of going for Jawa Engineer and Jyn, and I might have been able to pick up enough Leia shards from the Guild Events store. I would have put less gear on my non-Empire pilots and more on my CLS squad, and hoarded some for R2. Or I might have run the numbers, decided CLS was out of my reach this time, and spent a little more Cantina energy on much-needed mods. I get that it's part of the game, but "stop whining" and "F2P players should have been ready because I was" is really unfair.

    I started in December and I didn’t even play for 2-3 weeks (went on holiday) which was really dumb of me and probably should’ve rerolled but I didn’t find out about shard placements until much later.

    I don’t know how you only 7 starred Vader today when buying the $20 pack, I think I 7 starred Vader late January or beginning of Feb. Maybe I got lucky with shipment drops.

    I’m also mad I only got 5 star thrawn because my Phoenix team wasn’t strong enough last time he was around ( January?) but that’s life, I will hopefully get him next time.

    What gear is your ship line up ? I admit luckily my ship shard doesn’t look like it has any whales, I am only 20K gp behind most other teams. I do have most of my fleet at G10 though and I only started getting rank 1 when I got Vader, TFP, Moff to g10, I think Boba is g9. Biggs might be g9 as well, Sunfac and Maul are very undergeared (g7)

    There were tons of high ranked players in arena that were f2p, heck most of the top 50 teams were phoenix or first order which is completely free to play, it’s only since the palpa rework that there are a lot of nihilis and sions but even at 3-4 stars those guys are good enough and palpa and vader are f2p. There’s only 4 Nightsister teams rest is all f2p. (again sounds like maybe you got a tougher shard than me?)

    Ok so it sounds like I got a lot lucky and I only just finished farming Leia YESTERDAY, so it sounds like you wouldn’t have made it even if they told you CLS was coming now. I farmed Kanan first, then Tarkin, then SThan, then Leia and I only just finished her and sounds like I get more squad shipments then you, probably 10 thousand more since I get top 10 payout everyday.

    So EVEN if CG had told you CLS was coming weeks in advance you still wouldn’t have been able to get CLS because you would’ve had to give on Tarkin and you wouldn’t have r2d2.

    So if they had told you would’ve made no difference, you’d still have to wait for next event because it sounds like you got really unlucky or didn’t farm well enough (like why are you buying Jyn ?? she’s only required in TB which is a very late game guild thing, do you have Baze and Chirrut as well ? I guess not)

  • Well_I_Never
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    So if they had told you would’ve made no difference, you’d still have to wait for next event because it sounds like you got really unlucky or didn’t farm well enough (like why are you buying Jyn ?? she’s only required in TB which is a very late game guild thing, do you have Baze and Chirrut as well ? I guess not)
    Well said.
    btw - Jyn is very useful in Rancor Raid for HS shards. So there is a good reason to go for her, but that's the choice they made - Rancor over CLS.
    Now they're complaining about the choices that they made & are desperately trying to find someone else to carry the burden of responsibility.
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    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Again, the problem isn't the players. It's the team who promised better communication (after being chided for no communication not a week before), and then dropped 2 major characters with the shortest window in the game's history.

    Should people have been ready? Yes. But that isn't the bigger issue here.

    Why should they announce legendaries !! If you want the character than farm the required toons, it doesn't take that long. I have all legendaries except BB8 and JTR and I've only been playing since December!

    Maybe they feel it's a nice surprise when people log in and see it, I know I was excited when I saw a guildie promoted r2 to 7 stars then checked the event page and bang there he is with CLS

    I’m on a four-month-old shard. I got JTR and am about to get CLS. Everyone on my shard who is in that category spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to do so. If you have all the event toons and are in a December shard, you are a mega-whale, and it is disgusting for you to be lecturing others who can’t afford to drop thousands of dollars to buy every toon they want. If you got a 7-Star Thrawn, you bought him. The whales in my november shard were just geared enough to get Thrawn at 7. There is no way someone in a December shard could possibly farm and gear Phoenix well enough unless they spent a ton of money, particularly considering you would have been probably level 70 or less when the event happened. If you got a 7-Star Palp, you spent a lot of money to get your Rebels farmed and geared for that event. Even getting R2 geared and leveled in time to get CLS the same day would require a decent chunk of money.

    Nice that you got the characters, but please stop pretending it was super easy and anyone who didn’t is dumb or lazy. They just didn’t spend like you did.

    I don't have 7 star thrawn, I just managed to unlock him at 5 stars and he destroyed me dozens of times, I think I ended up autoing it at work because I was bored and eventually got him. I also did not spend a penny on phoenix packs (LOL in UK they are 100 pounds for 50 shards each, what a rip off, CG you need to update your exchange rates, pound is 1.4 of a $ now)

    I got 7 star palpa with the same team I got 5 star thrawn, a lvl 70 G8 phoenix team, I just gave them my arena mods and compared to Thrawn he was a piece of cake.

    R2D2 is completely f2p as well I used Palpa Vader, Tarkin TFP and Stormtrooper.

    CLS I only just finished Leia yesterday so maybe got lucky with timing there but I would've gladly waited until April for him.

    Also it's worth noting, I dont buy gear with crystals, I was just smart and managed to get into a Heroic Pit and Heroic AAT guild at very low lvl by being nice to the officers and guild leaders, being active on discord and not causing trouble or defying guild rules. So I get a lot of gear from raids and also a lot of guild tokens which I then use to buy more gear

    So no, I am not a disgusting whale and there are bigger whales in my shard than me, nearly everyone in top 20 has 7 star nihilus and sion and they used to have 7 star baze, NS, etc.

    Any way, my point is, I have been farming towards CLS and all these legendaries SINCE i started playing, I've followed Adapting f2p guide religiously and have never deviated from farming legend requirements, that's the only reason I have what I have, I haven't spent a penny on empire or rebel packs. Just been very disciplined with my farming, I would love to have 7 star kru and his ship like every other ship player in my shard does but I don't because I sticked with farming Old Ben and Luke Farmboy instead.
  • Kai_Mulai
    683 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I’ll chime in with another newer player free to play/guppy perspective. I spent $20 for the Vader pack and that’s it. Started playing the beginning of December. When Rey and Luke came out in December, I knew I had no chance at them. I followed the free to play guides that I saw and farmed a Phoenix team, which served me well in arena, galactic wars, and light side and cantina nodes. The majority of my guild (most of us started playing around the same time) figured Thrawn and Palpatine would come around in February and we would get them both at 7*. We were right about Palpatine but wrong on Thrawn. His event happened in January instead, so I got him at 6* instead of 7. Got Palpatine at 7* easily. Farmed an Empire team for R2D2, and when that was finished switched to farming CLS characters. Knew I was going to miss Rey next time but was ok with that. And then this event happened. I got R2D2 at 7* without difficulty, but I’m still 2 weeks away from getting all the New Hope rebels to 7*. I haven’t been slacking or distracted, but I’m going to be a week late for an event that happens months apart. It’s frustrating to be so close yet so far. So while I will definitely be ready to get CLS the next time he comes around, and I’m currently omega-ing the uniques on my Phoenix characters to make sure I’m ready for Thrawn next time, I can relate to and understand how some folks are mad with the late notice and timing of events.
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