Live Q&A w/Dev Team - 4/6/18

122 posts Member
edited April 2018
And that's it for today! Thank you everyone for participating. We will do additional Q&As at some point in the future where we are keen on involving other parts of the development team. Stay tuned to the forums for announcements about when and what the subject will be.

If you weren't able to get your question in on time, please submit them here for a future Q&A.

Thanks from all of us!


Hello everyone, we are here live taking questions! Please respond below, we will be taking them first come first serve and answering ONE question per person. If you have multiple questions, please ask the one you want answered most first - otherwise we will select the top one.

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Team here:
Carrie Gouskos, Senior Producer [CVG]
Nick Reinhart, Live Producer [NR]
Erik Larsen, Player Lifecycle Producer [EL]
Sam Abbott, Lead Product Manager [SA]
John Salera, Studio General Manager [JS]

We will address as many questions as possible from 12:00PM-1:00PM PDT. And copy and paste the question into the first few responses in this post. We want to make it easy for people to read later.

Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
Post edited by CG_Erik on


  • Carrie
    122 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    KvotheQGBQG2: With the impending arrival of a new Han Solo and a new Chewie it would indicate that an event is forthcoming that will need both of them. Is this an accurate assumption, and if so, can you share any other information in those regards?
    [NR] Regarding Solo content, please keep an eye out for news in the coming weeks.

    xNickx: Recently it feels that the character release has been rewarding PTP players, and I understand they are the ones keeping the game running; however, can FTP players expect any major character(s)?
    [NR] I would say that the nature of the Character Release Cadence is to make all characters eventually available to all players. To specifically answer your question, we have no intention of releasing any characters outside of Marquees, Legendary Events, or Raid Rewards in the near future.

    gordonjones: Why can’t players change their time zone settings?
    [CVG] We talked about this a bit with the Game Changer Halfface01 - but the short of it is finding a balance between allowing people flexibility and safe-guarding against people colluding and potential exploits. Now we would like to allow people to infrequently change their time zone due to moves or extraordinary circumstances but we haven't prioritized the tech yet.

    Bobsburgers: Will EA ever recognize what has probably been the biggest resource for serious SWGOH players outside of the game, specifically, all of the hard work that those people over at do to mine the data of the game so that we can switch around mods, theory characters, and the like?
    [JS] What may not be apparent to players is we have been working with the great folks who run the SWGOH.GG site. This has included giving them early heads-up about significant changes early enough that they can better prepare their site, as well as enabling them to have more direct access to the data so that they may better provide the helpful services they do. We are actively talking to them now about additional integrations.

    mallen87: Are there any plans to give Mods their own energy since everything else will have it's own energy including the new PvE Ship Tables?
    [SA] We have been slowly widening the range of options for farming mods, and are still monitoring the long-term impact of the mod store's change to credits and ship building materials. We knew many players would spend down large balances of currency on high-quality mods now that they are more visible in-game, but we are still waiting to see if buying mods becomes a long-term part of players' daily routines, before we take the next step. We do have lots of plans to continue this "widening", but right now a dedicated energy system for mods is not currently in those plans - but this may change in the future.

    WookieeBelch: Is there a way we could see who is adding zetas in the in game guild chat?
    [NR]: The answer is yes, but not yet. We're reviewing the "chat announcment" tech in general, but we don't have any updates to it in the near future. But it's something we'd like to come back to at some point and better refine.

    lester68: Where is Padme?
    [NR] We can't speak to when she'll be arriving.

    Jammax: When can we expect to see information about Bossk? Abilities, etc?
    [CVG] We'll reveal more information as we get closer to his release date. However, I want to especially point out that with our communication increasing, that you may have to recalibrate to the distance of time between a communication and the release of something. We are trying to be more transparent, which means some info is coming much earlier than it used to.

    Prudkoan: Do you plan to renew the graphics engine in the future? Or is it will be only in the Galaxy of heroes 2?
    [JS] We have not immediate plans for a major graphical overhaul. We intentionally keep the asset size small to reduce the overall footprint on players' devices and to ensure the game performs well on a variety of device profiles. That said, we certainly could come back around and update the look of the game. It's more a question of priority and player feedback.

    CaptainRex: Can we get an update on Clone Helmets?
    [NR]Hi Captain Rex! I've seen your requests in here for awhile. So the answer is, when we do a rework to the Clones, we'll likely put their helmets on then, but there's a chance we don't. As to when we do the Clones rework, that's something that may come but we have no current timeline.
    [CVG] Additional note from me, I brought up the the Clone Helmets in a meeting and Nick said "You've been reading comments from Captain Rex, haven't you?" Point is - you (and your guild) have gotten through, we just can't speak to when due to all the other content we are building.

    Gawejn: Did You ever play or do You play this game as a free to play? If Yes what is your lvl, gp and how many months You play or played?
    [JS] I personally have played to the level cap three different times: once during soft launch, once at world wide launch, and finally once again starting in Feb 2016. The first two times, I was playing at different spend cadences. The third time -- and the current account I use actively -- has been 100% free to play. My GP is ~1.4M. I play fairly actively, but there are also times when we as a team have to step away from the live version of the game so we can dive into the version of the game that's in development. As part of my play style, I try to avoid copying what everyone else is doing because that experience is well understood. In pursuit of that goal, my current arena squad is all 7* Ewoks and my next goal is to (finally) get Wicket to G12.

    BellamyNao: When rework jedi, when shaak ti ?
    [NR] We can't speak to when she'll be arriving.

    Dr_Alan_Grant: Is there any thought about having a players highest rank throughout the day count for their payout?
    [NR] The answer is no. This sort of system ultimately doesn't reward the play pattern we believe drives competition, which is players should battle for the top spot at a specific payout time. This also likely facilitates collusion behavior that we think is detrimental to the game.

    Neo2551: Why are the gear requirements so unbalanced? Mk3 Carbanti, Mk5 stun guns, mk3 cuffs, mk8 biotech balls, mk4 comlink? Are there any plans to relief the burden in the short future?
    [SA] We've substantially improved gear income for most players piece by piece over the last several months, but we know that there is more work to do here. Our next step for adjusting gear income is going to come out of looking at the impact of the raid rewards changes. Specifically, while most top-end gear will get a little easier to acquire as a result of these changes, we suspect a few pieces will still need some additional loosening, and we will have more to share on this once we get initial feedback and data.

    Hepatox: Do you have plans to change the way that raids are started and/or the base participation requirement on players so that the current "24-hour 0-damage" requirement that guild leaders have to enforce to prevent members missing raid rewards will no longer be required?
    [CVG] Yes, we will be diving into the details soon with one of our Game Changer partner videos, but we plan to make the whole Posting a 0 and having to chase down guildmates much easier on Guild Officers.

    TheChode: With the upcoming changes to raid rewards is there any possibility of fixing the ties?
    [NR] We made a change about a year ago where ties in the raid are resolved by randomizing the rank received for all tied players. We still believe in this solution and have no current plans to change it.
    [CVG] We have explored a number of different solutions but they were all exploitable and/or encouraged behavior that doesn't work for everybody or all playstyles.

    Farrson: Is there a chance you guys tackle the clone wars era in the near future, like rework grevious and add more clones like wolffe, gregor and republic commando or rework separatists (give them a synergy add droideka battledroids etc)?
    [NR] We recently discussed General Grievous with the GameChanger AhnaldT101. Check out his latest video to hear what we said about Grievous and the Separatists.

    Sdtbarbarossa: Is it Possible to "swap" arena shards once per month?
    [NR] We recently discussed our disposition on arena shards and payout times with Halfface01. Check out his latest video to hear what we said about moving and changing shards.

    varkesh: You have confirmed that another solo and chewie will be coming, can you say if orginal movies (4-6) milienium falcon will be coming and if not can you at least say if you are planning to relase it.
    [NR] We can't speak to when they will be arriving.

    Korrin: do you plan in the near future to allow the players to select their arena payout times?
    [NR] See our response to Sdtbarbaroosa.

    Animefangod1: I was wondering if it was possible and if you guys ever would add a feature where you could watch your battles with other players so you could see where you are having trouble in things like arena and TW?
    [CVG] We had battle replays and consequently being able to watch other allies battle in the scope for Territory Wars, but unfortunately they had to come out of our update in order for us to get it done in time. There is significant tech work required for synchronous gameplay events which we just don't have at the moment but would really love to do in the future.
    Post edited by Carrie on
    Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
  • Carrie
    122 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    MonYolo: With the upcoming in-game chat changes, are you going to allow officers to create and change the gold banner/title?
    JS: Yes. With the upcoming chat changes, players will be able to create up to 20 chat channels. The owner / creator of the channel will be able to change the banner at the top. By the way, that 20 can be made up from 5 guild channels and 15 custom channels which can contain anywhere from 2 to 500 players.

    DoomAkaStarkiller: Is Porkins coming to the tables?
    NR: No.

    Goodgil: Between events, TB, TW, two arenas, and 3 raids, the amount of time needed to play this game <seems> to always be increasing. What are your plans on this subject?
    [NR] We have a history of a doing things to lower the amount of time that players spend in game as the develop mastery over our different areas. We most recently added simmable Galactic War and will continue to do things to ease the time burden. I can't speak to specifics right now, but we hope that our development history demonstrates that we are constantly addressing it and making changes.

    LaksonVell: there was a mention in the ships department for new content. Can we expect that before the Solo release or is that reserved for after it?
    [NR] We're still finalizing work on the content. We can't speak to when it will land purely because we don't want to set expectations and then potentially miss them. What I can say is that the content is indeed coming and will be here soon.

    Nauros: What is your policy concerning Legends/Expanded universe characters? Obviously, KOTOR is an acceptable source of new content, but what about the older novels and all the other stuff that is outside the official canon?
    [NR] The policy is that all characters and content is evaluated on a cases by case basis. We partner closely with Lucas to find the characters and content that best make sense for the game. At the moment I can't speak to characters coming from sources other than what we presently have in the game.

    dogwelder79: Are there any plans to alleviate the gear crunch problem?
    [SA] I believe the answer to Neo2551's question covers our next steps for the gear economy. We have lots of plans and will always be working on this.

    BrtStlnd: Have you guys thought about rotating bonuses for the TW table?
    [JS] Why... yes, we have. :-) The TW feature is a robust system that will allow for a wide variety of interesting game options. We have only just started to explore the full potential of this feature's potential.

    Yarrg: Is there a plan in the works to "sunset" the older raids for veteran players to reduce time spent?
    [CVG] This is related to Nick's answer to Goodgil on overall time spent in game. We are always looking at how much time people spend and reevaluating how much time it takes them to get things done. One thing that's interesting to note is that when we put in significant time savers, players offer reallocate that time spent to puttering around elsewhere in the game. But it is always top of mind when we put out new content and will continue to be.

    Can you please release a public API so that we can build other community tools around the game?
    [CVG] I'll talk to our engineering about what we can reliably make public and not. The more likely thing is that we will partner with people (like that we can have a relationship with and make sure that there is a two-way street in case there are any issues. For example, some player-created scanning tools have been responsible for two of our outages in recent months, so this is something we need to guard closely.

    legitimationcrisis: What happens when there is an odd number of guilds participating in TW?
    [JS] The guild with the lowest participant GP, while still meeting the 25 member requirement will be considered the "odd man out" and will receive an Inbox message stating that we couldn't find them an opponent and 1st place rewards for their bracket (which likely is the lowest bracket).

    catharsis478: Are there any plans to add a review period to Territory Battles?
    [CVG] We would definitely consider it. We are evaluating the frequency of both TB and TWs as it relates to player time and guild management expense though.

    Immorta1lynx: With the way that the sith raid is as of right now it is no fun to play. Particularly p1 and p4. The stacking tinacity and protection regenerating elements are by far the most frustrating.If those where done away with it would be more fun.My question is, how does the development team feel about this and have they even played their own game to know what we are talking about?
    [NR] The raid was designed to be very challenging for even our oldest and most established players. As to if we engage with the raid, the answer is daily. The guild I'm in is currently going through a T6 and trying to finish out Phase 3. The rest of the development team are in a variety of guilds taking on different tiers. We recently discussed with AhnaldT101 about how we are finding the community's progress in the Sith Triumvirate.

    GoldieJames: can CG do something positive in regard to secondaries of speed being made decent and having an increased chance to roll?
    [JS] We have no plans to make adjustments to Speed secondaries as it is right now. However, as discussed in the recent Q&A video with Halfface01 we are discussing ways to improve the overall Mod feature and that would include developing a richer array of strategic options beyond what we currently see in Mods.

    Adobo_Hutt: With the rework of the Bounty Hunter faction can we expect more Bounty Hunters from canon and legends?
    [NR] We can't speak to when any other Bounty Hunters are coming.

    Valdrin: Do you guys have plans to take anymore inspiration from SWTOR?
    [CVG] I have a long history with people on that team and the game itself, I think SWTOR is awesome and I bring up Khem Val in nearly every planning meeting. However, despite my love of Khem Val, we aren't planning to do anything at the moment.

    NovaPrime: Are you aware of what many consider "Arena Mafias" that basically kill competition at the top 50 and people outside of those groups to be specifically targeted and excluded, forcing them to waste more crystals than they should due to their skill level just because a group of people want the easy way of getting those rewards?
    [JS] We're aware that some players communicate and coordinate with other players in their respective Arena Leaderboards. As of now, we have no plans to intervene in that behavior. It's a fine line between malicious behavior and cheating, we have several cheating experts who monitor the community and their behavior, but we also don't want to go overboard.

    Indominable_J: Now that GW can be simmed, is there any plan to either revert the difficulty, or to offer a "hard mode" for those who want the challenge back?
    [NR] It's been discussed in the studio and we've done some preliminary ideating on it. It's a trickier design than you may think at first blush. Do we just draw from high GP squads again? Do we curate specific challenges? If we curate specific challenges how often do we change them? What are the rewards for participating? Do we expect everyone to partiicpate? This isn't to say we think it's too hard to figure out, but that it needs some time to be designed and it's a lower priority for us now. However, it could become an important feature in the future.

    Barik_Edo: Any plans on slightly increasing the amount of Omegas that drop from the Omega Battles?
    [SA] No plans to increase Omegas from current Omega Battles. Plans soon to reward more Omegas from other sources.

    Abysmal_Void: You mentioned previously that you would not add "new" characters into the Galactic War, Cantina and Squad stores so it could serve a source of Shard store currency - truly appreciated - but would you perhaps consider refreshing farming spots for certain characters?
    [SA] We know that some characters are not a good fit for the nodes that they are currently on. We would love to fix that immediately, but we also think there will be a lot of adverse effects from switching farming locations on players without advance warning, or without a long-term plan to communicate to players. We cannot share anything now but are currently considering options for tackling this.

    Viserys: While I know there are a great many characters people want, I’m a big fan of some of the recent comics for Star Wars and wanted to know what the prospects for characters originating from the comics might be (Terex, Aphra, Sana, etc)?
    [NR] I personally love Dr. Aphra, BT, and 000 and would love to see them in the game. However, we can't speak to if or when they may be coming into the game.

    TheMegaSage: Are there any plans for more Last Jedi characters, and more specifically for "meta defining" First Order characters?
    [NR] We can't speak to when anymore Last Jedi characters will be coming to the game.

    Rab1s: With the BH rework down the pipeline, do you have any plans to show some other factions some love? (Jedi, Separatists, Clones?)
    [NR] We can't speak to when any specific factions are coming or being reworked in the game.

    TeshKarhann: It seems like a lot of your jobs overlap, like how is "Live Producer" different from "Lead Producer" and all the other titles? Do you all stick to your lanes at work, or do you all tend to have a culture of getting in each other's business to help out wherever you can? Can you share a story (just for funsies) of a recent argument about a new piece of content and how it got resolved?
    [CVG] We love this question, so much so that I bullied the others into letting me answer it, which is pretty par for the course in the dynamics of the Producers on this team.
    In all seriousness, there are over 50 developers on this team, most of whom have practical skills like design, art, engineering, QA. Producers (and at EA we also have Development Directors) are responsible for the vision of the direction of the game and then ensuring the team is supported to get that execution done. It also means that sometimes we bump into each other because we all sincerely care about what we're doing and we want the game to be as good as possible. Each of the Producers that work for me own a space - from Feature to Live to Lifecycle, and then it's my responsibility to help support them and make them stronger, but to also roll my sleeves up and help where I can.
    As for a recent disagreement - one of the biggest ones that ever happened on this team was the fight over TB having 12 hour or 24 hour phases. The initial intent of the feature was for it to happen over a weekend and be six phases that are 12 hours each. After testing with the beta group, it became very clear to me that we couldn't go under 24 hours per phase. Now, I will say that despite being happy with where we ended up, some of the original people in the 12 hour camp were fighting for TB/TW not to take up the whole week, so by making it 24 hours we are contending with them taking up more of your time and need to reflect on that.

    Sparrow: You mentioned battle replays are still a ways off, as a stop gap would it be possible/easier to let us see the team that attacked us in TW and its end state?
    [CVG] Would love to, but some of the tech required to preserve the history of the team that attacked you is needed as well. When we realized we couldn't get the battle replays in, we didn't want to ask the engineers to do the underlying tech first.

    Post edited by Carrie on
    Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
  • Carrie
    122 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    WhatIth: Will either arena ever be reworked?
    [NR] Not sure what the question is asking. If the question is will the actual structure of Arena or Fleet Arena be changed (rank swap, payout times, shard sizes, etc) the answer is no.

    YaeVizsla: Is the distinction between "Support" and "Healer" for various characters still under review? Most notably, for Hermit Yoda, who primarily heals but misses out on the HP bonus for the Sith raid because he is classified as a Support, and to a lesser extent Captain Han.
    [NR] We regularly review many of the designations in the game. At the moment, we feel that Hermit Yoda and Captain Han are still correctly classified as Support characters. We may make the change in the future, but have no intention of changing it at this time.

    Skillous: with the continuing rise of the dark side are we going to see a rise of light to meet it within a couple months time frame after Treya becomes common?
    [NR] We regularly release new characters from both sides and hope that we create compelling experiences for each.

    Dphalpin: Shouldn't Nightsister Zombie have her health and protection decrease as she is leveled up?
    [NR] Because she becomes more decomposed? What a fascinating thematic/mechanic tie-in if that's what the question is. If it's because Paper Zombie is a good strategy, the answer is no, we wouldn't do that. We have a design target to try not to put the player in a position where not leveling up and investing in a character is a potentially good idea. Nightsister Zombie has specifically put us in a place that's a little tricky, but in general we don't want players to be better served by underinvesting.

    rus_swgoh: Can you enter the feature to view the entire list of allies during the preparation for the battle? Sometimes finding the right ally can be difficult.
    [CVG] It's a great idea, will put it on our quality of life list - but I must tell you that list is very long.

    HK22: One of the things that you guys released recently were the five dollar Lightside and Darkside Starter Packs. I know that I purchased them because it was a great value and I could support a game that I enjoy. My question is simple are there any more plans to release these type of packs such as a Fleet Starter Pack, or maybe a five dollar character of the month pack?
    [SA] The revamped Starter Bundles are promotional offers primarily aimed at new players. We released them to the entire player base, because we didn't think it would be wise for longtime players to feel like a really good offer was being hidden from them arbitrarily. We will very occasionally put together bundles for those "lifecycle" purposes and will give everyone a chance to purchase them, but we have no plans at this time to release them regularly.

    egtrip: Have you considered adding a players Personal Daily Raid Tickets, xxx/600, to the screen with player level, in game name, energies, credits, crystals, to help a player know when they have completed the daily 600 and help guild leaders mange the 30,000, players who have not completed the 600 are missing 10-50 tickets?
    [JS] The personal Daily Raid Tickets are currently displayed in the lower left of the Guild Activities tab. Info about a guild member's Daily and Lifetime Raid Ticket contribution may be found under the Guild -- Manage screen, including sorting highest-to-lowest and lowest-to-highest. We have no plans to put this info at the top of the home Cantina screen.

    PiperSteed: The Sith Raid is not enjoyable at all. My guild has 117m GP, the whole guild plays on a daily basis, and yet half of them do not play the Sith Raid. As I read the forums, this seems to be a common problem. More needs to be done to make this time commitment more enjoyable. Any plans to further make this more engaging?
    [NR] Per my response to Immorta1lynx, it's designed to be a challenge. We have no plans at this time to change the way players engage with the Sith Triumvirate raid.

    drklrdbill: Can we get a practice arena mode?
    [NR] We answered this recently in the last Q&A, but our disposition is that we don't want to put in a practice mode. Our theory is that even a mode that didn't have rewards could potentially balloon session time and we think that could ultimately lead to a negative experience for players. The Galactic War is still a place to do a fair amount of this, even though we understand you can't tailor it exactly to your needs.

    Alfa_Landwalker: I know he's not build for battles but as part of Star Wars, is C3-PO planned to be released someday?
    [NR] We can't speak to when specific characters will be released into the game.

    BobaPhatty: Any chance of seeing more improvements to Leadership tools, for instance in Territory Wars to make it more like Territory Battles with all members listed in Signup/Leaderboards, starting with missing Indicators/Zeros respectively, to alleviate the need for Leadership to fill out several Spreadsheets to keep track of things like who HASN’T signed up yet, who HASN’T set Defense, who HASN’T Attacked succassfully?
    [JS] We don't have this on list, but we can see what it would take to add it. Making the lives of guild leaders and officers better is always on our minds, and if this would be another step in achieving that goal, we will talk to the team and see what it would take to implement it.

    Barashin_Mokushi1: Is there any plan in the future for the TIE Defender to be added to Ships?
    [JS] The TIE Defender looks cool as heck! We can't speak to when specific ship will be coming to the game.

    SadB0i: Does all the recent communication have anything to do with the release of Marvel Strike Force?
    [JS] No. We're looking forward to their launch. Please let us know when they do. :-)

    Gemma: Will Clone troopers who dont have zetas recieve a zeta ability in the future?
    [NR] Based on our history of reworks, we generally add zetas to some, if not all, of the characters in a given rework. That said, I can't speak to when or if we are doing a Clone rework.

    McClapYoHandz123: How will Bossk come to the game? Legendary? Marquee?
    [NR] Sorry, we can't share that information at this time.

    lovemat: Any plans to add 4lom and /or Zuckuss in future?
    [NR] We can't speak to when specific characters will be released into the game.

    Jenojo: Will you be adding other Bounty Hunters to the game at the same time as Bossk, or even just after?
    [NR] Sorry, we can't share that information at this time.

    Teague: Any changes intended for Galactic War? Specifically, I'd like to see it be hard again after the sim option is unlocked. This would give me somewhere to test new teams I'm building. It's far too easy to test anything currently.
    [NR] I touched on this to my answer to Indominable_J, but the answer is that we're thinking about it but don't have any plans or timeline for putting it in.

    Zagric: When are you going to rework General Grievous ?
    [JS] While we can't get into a specific date, please check out the recent Q&A video from AhnaldT101 for more info.

    Dagonsith: Will new ships be added to the game when the ship table launches?
    [NR] Sorry, we can't share that information at this time.

    JDiesel: You mentioned info is coming on how we can apply to the Gamechangers program. Any additional info to share on this topic?
    [CVG] Not at the moment, we've got a lot going on with the current Game Changers, but we will definitely make sure those instructions are available. In the meantime, DM CG_Erik :)

    Meroving: Is there any possibility to change Hermit Yoda's AI? 1, It seems a bit weird that HY cast Masters traning first on tanks, than supports finally attacker classes. Reverse order would be much better. 2, On Masters traning prioritization of the jedis would be reasonable also 3, Sometimes my HY cast his basic heal on auto mode instead of a zeta Strength Flows From the Force while one of my team member on ~5% health. HY just let the party member die... but why?
    [NR] Thanks for the feedback on Hermit Yoda's AI. At present we're pretty satisfied with his targeting. We may change it in the future, but have no plans to change it at the moment.

    Achilles: Does a department checking/testing updates - before release - exist?
    [NR] Most certainly they exist! We have our QA and Game Balance Teams. Our QA team is a very talented group of Quality Assurance specialists who excel at triaging software issues and our Game Balance team assesses the tuning of characters and content. SWGOH is a big game with a lot of dynamic interactions and edge cases. We do our best effort to catch everything, but sometimes things slip through. After we have any major misses, we review our process and update it appropriately to try to prevent future issues.

    jeffnorth86: There seems to be a disconnect between the EA help bug reporting and the actual Dev team. I reported the Hermit Yoda Zeta bug a week ago and was told the Dev team wasn't aware of the issue even though there's been a thread about it open since February on EA Help. When can we get some updates on these glaring and costly bugs?
    [NR] We are aware of this bug and it's currently in our stack of "To Do". We have a lot of bugs come in and we do our best to prioritize them across us 1) needing to make new content 2) test the bugs and 3) making sure we haven't created any new bugs. I just looked at the ticket for it and we'll see if we can get that taken care of soon.

    Destrix: How is price for shards in Shipments determined and how will it look in the future?
    [NR] Voodoo magic... No seriously, it's complicated and a part of the "secret sauce" that we won't share with players. We make changes to it as we deem appropriate.

    And that's it for today! Thank you everyone for participating. We will do additional Q&As at some point in the future where we are keen on involving other parts of the development team. Stay tuned to the forums for announcements about when and what the subject will be.
    Post edited by Carrie on
    Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
  • KvotheQGBQG2
    813 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello and thank you for the opportunity to ask a few questions.

    With the impending arrival of a new Han Solo and a new Chewie it would indicate that an event is forthcoming that will need both of them. Is this an accurate assumption, and if so, can you share any other information in those regards?

    Now that the BH rework is coming down, can we expect a rework for Scoundrels as well? Asking for a friend.
  • Options
    As you've introduced several new game modes that are meant to challenge us there seems to be attrition at a higher level. Many of the players leaving cite enjoyment versus the time commitment as a deciding factor. Many of the new modes are grinding time consuming features and many of the events no longer provide a challenge for your more dedicated players.

    Any plans to do anything to kind of reintroduce some fun into the game?
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    Good evening, first of all I'd like to thank you for taking time to hear from the community and do an attempt to answer all of our questions. So having said that I have a couple of questions my self and my guild have:
    1. Recently it feels that the character release has been rewarding PTP players, and I understand they are the ones keeping the game running; however, can FTP players expect any major character(s)?
    2. What are you guys doing/thinking in regards to what many consider "Arena Mafias" that basically kill competition at the top 50 and people outside of those groups to be specifically targeted and excluded, forcing them to waste more crystals than they should due to their skill level just because a group of people want the easy way of getting those rewards?
    3. On the previous Q&A you mentioned that you want to reduce the time spent on the game for tasks, specially for veteran players, but the question about a practice mode arose and you said that part of the option to Sim or not Sim the GW was to see how many people would be interested in practicing, the problem I see with that is I can auto the whole GW with one team, it doesn't provide any practice mode. So have you considered that when thinking of a practice mode?
    4. Have you considered intra-guild battles?
    5. Has there been any consideration on shard gifting, like there is for gear?
    6. For TW, could you add a way to display the win/tie/lose of the guilds, specially when the TW begins?
    6. With the new Sith raid out, the amount of time balancing other raids has increased. For the Rancor since it's the oldest one out, is there any plans for people that can solo it to rank without spending the time? Thus allowing other guild members to get more out of the raid without infringing on the rewards.
    7. Speaking of raid rewards, why people dealing the same exact damage don't get the same rank? It happens on any other mode of the game except raids.
    8. Lastly, are there any plans to structure the "member roles" in the game, for example add a co-lead or something in between officer and leader or between officer and members?
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    Timezone Changes. Why can’t players change their time zone settings? Is it a technical issue, balance issue, or a prioritization issue? It really is unfair to players who have to relocate their residence to a new timezone, it affects all players who live in Daylight-savings timezones, or for players who change shifts, work, or school schedules.
  • Bobsburgers
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    A little snark to start and then two real questions.

    That was an interesting in-game pop-up for one of the gamechangers (especially since he recently posted a video claiming that people taking part in the beta’s were cheating or exploiting the process). In spite of your odd choice, the community does generally appreciate getting videos from the gamechangers, highlighting new content and giving guidance on how to use the content already in-game.

    My question is this: Will EA ever recognize what has probably been the biggest resource for serious SWGOH players outside of the game, specifically, all of the hard work that those people over at do to mine the data of the game so that we can switch around mods, theory characters, and the like?

    Can we get clarification about when mods are locked in Territory Wars? Despite what the devs have posted that everything is locked when the “join”/preview phase expires, in practice it appears that mods for defensive characters lock at that point but mods for offensive characters lock when the setting defense portion is done. In that case, for example, someone can mod a nightsisters with their fastest speed mods for defense, set the team, and then switch those mods to a team they use on offense. Is that “working as intended” or just a bug?
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    Are there any plans to give Mods their own energy since everything else will have it's own energy including the new PvE Ship Tables? If Mod Management is not on the near horizon, and we were never intended to move them as much as we do, then can we make it so we are able to get them without sacrificing character farming?
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    Thanks for taking the time to do this, it's greatly appreciated. Here are some questions I have that I haven't seen addressed before.

    1. Is there a way we could see who is adding zetas in the in game guild chat? Even better would be a way for guild leaders to choose what upgrades appear in the game chat. For example I don't really care when someone in the guild has a character upgrade their gear to level 9, I'd just like to know when it is an upgrade from level 10 and up. However some guilds that are not as high of level might want to know about much lower level gear upgrades. Let each guild choose which upgrade alerts, and at what levels, show up in our guild chat. But especially please add the ability for us to see which characters are getting a zeta upgrade (and which ability on that character).

    2. Shouldn't Nightsister Zombie have her health and protection decrease as she is leveled up? The current way she is set up makes it an incentive to not upgrade her, which seems to go against the point of the game. By putting time and resources into her you actually make her worse. Also, since you can't remove armor or un-level a character, there's no way to really improve her if you already put any gear on her or leveled her up. The way she currently works in the game just seems so counter to everything the game is supposed to be about.

    3. Will there ever be a Mandalorian faction? Boba Fett, Gar Saxon, Sabine, we have a few already. Hopefully we'll get Jango Fett and Pre Vizsla at some point too.

    4. It would be nice to have the ability to sort enemy squads by their total power level in a section in TW, would def make it easier to find the squad you want to fight. Is there a way to do this?

    5. Can we get Rogue One as a sortable faction since certain missions are restricted to them in light side TB?

    6. Why are so many of the game's healers not considered healers? I think the most egregious are Shoretrooper, Chirrut Imwe, Captain Han Solo and Hermit Yoda. Yes I know Shoretrooper is a tank already, is there a reason he can't be both? With the new bonuses for healers in the Sith raid it would be nice to have all healers classified as such.
    My ally code is 185-778-278

    "I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the wookiee win." -- C-3PO
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    Where is Padme? :(
  • Jammax
    21 posts Member
    When can we expect to see information about Bossk? Abilities, etc?

    Thank you
  • Prudkoan
    236 posts Member
    Not so long ago there was a new similar game, many reviews about awesome graphics of this game. Do you plan to renew the graphics engine in the future? Or is it will be only in the Galaxy of heroes 2?
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Can we get an update on Clone Helmets? It's been a YEAR, since @CG_TopHat (or any other dev) has said ANYTHING about them!
    Clone Helmets
    We've heard you. And we aren't ready to show anything yet. But, given the feedback on Gar Saxon we're definitely thinking about helmets... a lot.
    In case you haven't noticed, I am a HUGE Clone Fanboy. Clone Helmets are what make each Clone unique, since their faces are the same, and I would give ANYTHING to see them added!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member

    I would like to ask You about this. Did You ever play or do You play this game as a free to play? If Yes what is your lvl, gp and how many months You play or played?
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    Hi everybody. I would like to know what are the drop rates exactly for the entire game. And by that i mean for the battle nodes but also and most importantly for all the character shards packs. Thank you.
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    When rework jedi, when shaak ti ? more ships !! (newq about bossk what we need ??) Thank's for all you do !
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    Is there any thought about having a players highest rank throughout the day count for their payout? That way, people that can only play at a certain time can still get payouts.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member

    First of all, thanks a lot for this Q&A. I love this game, you have been doing a great job since start.

    I have been playing this game since 2016 January, and I am in a guild that is actually clearing Heroic Sith raid.

    If you could only answer one of the following questions, it would help the community a lot.

    1. Why are the gear requirements so unbalanced? Mk3 Carbanti, Mk5 stun guns, mk3 cuffs, mk8 biotech balls, mk4 comlink? Are there any plans to relief the burden in the short future?
    2. Why is the price of gearing taking an exponential curve? At level 70 cap, it was much cheaper to maximize a single character than it is today. Is there any plan of decreasing gear price of level 8 to 10?
    3. There was a question about investment in the customer survey, about players feeling with new level cap increase and all. The discount rate is enormous in this game and is there any way that old time players could just leverage on existing toons?
    4. Can you talk about the plans for new level of mods? May I suggest that you create a system where players can leverage on their farming of mk5 mods, because the level of investment is enormous and it would probably create a wave of players leaving the game.
    5. Is there any plan on creating an easier arena for old time players ? A common suggestion is the rewards determined on the maximum position over 24h. This would create a much better and healthy community.
  • Hepatox
    53 posts Member
    Hi CG,

    Do you have plans to change the way that raids are started and/or the base participation requirement on players so that the current "24-hour 0-damage" requirement that guild leaders have to enforce to prevent members missing raid rewards will no longer be required?

    I also understand that you won't have time to review these ideas during your live Q&A but can you please check and review the following two ideas I have posted in the feedback section of the forum in the hope of improving the community aspects of guild raiding in a mixed power guild and how the Sith raid might be made more fun for the general gaming population.

    Thank you for your time and feedback.
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    I have one question. With the upcoming changes to raid rewards is there any possibility of fixing the ties? If 25 guild members solo the Rancor we should all get "1st". I don't see why one with the same score should take 25th while another takes 1st. Thanks for your time.
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    I know this was touched upon in the last Q&A, but I cant help feeling like your response to the question showed a lack of alignment between what players are asking for and what developers think we are asking for.

    Players have asked for a Sandbox mode, at a minimum a place where we can battle our guild mates for nothing more than practice. The suggestion from Dev's has been that Galactic War is the place for this, but between Turn Meter loading and the completely random weird teams you face in GW it does not allow us to do what we really want, which is to practice for Arena and Territory Wars.

    As an example a guild mate of mine DrShesith has maxed out Ewoks, and I have maxed out Phoenix, we would absolutely love to test those teams out and make them available for our guildmates to test against as well, but right now there is nothing we can do aside from put them in arena and get hammered because they are different.

    I know as well that Dev's have stated they want to manage the time we spend int he game and dont want to give us more things to do that soak up time. but something like this would have no rewards and be completely for fun, to be honest an ability to play the game when i want to play the game is the biggest thing missing.

    At this very moment id love to be playing but my energy is spent by refreshes are done TW is over raids are in registration, all i can do is shift mods around or something. Every aspect of this game is tied to a schedule not of the players choosing, either the guild or the Dev team has set that for us, please let us play some aspect on our own schedule.
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    Is there a chance you guys tackle the clone wars era in the near future, like rework grevious and add more clones like wolffe, gregor and republic commando or rework separatists (give them a synergy add droideka battledroids etc)?
    2. Did you already consider a fleet raid?
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    1.Is it Possible to "swap" arena shards once per month? I like the idea to not battle the same persons over and over again. ( i know this isnt a qiestion but a feature request )

    2. Do you plan to fix the Fleet Shard Bug i have Posted month ago? If you look at a friends inventory the shards of the ships are shown wrong. For example if i have 95/100 reaper shards and i look in my friends inventory he have a 5* reaper with 95/80 shards. So im sure MY shards are shown except of his... this only inflicts ship shards.
  • varkesh
    15 posts Member
    Firstly just like to say thanks for the big push on commincation, you are doing really well and i hope this can be maintened consitanlty even if not at this same frequency, we would rather more conistant than you guys burn out.

    You have confirmed that another solo and chewie will be coming, can you say if orginal movies (4-6) milienium falcon will be coming and if not can you at least say if you are planning to relase it.

    At a total of 5 hans and 3 chewies it seems silly that we do not have the ship that goes with the story, it's the ship thag made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
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    I would like to ask, do you plan in the near future to allow the players to select their arena payout times?
    18:00 is conflicting with real life for a lot of players. If someone cannot play during his payout hour, he cannot be competative in top arena.
    In my opinion fixed/locked time events are not player friendly in a mobile game.

    Thank you.
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    Hi thank you for taking our questions me and my guild have been talking and I was wondering if it was possible and if you guys ever would add a feature where you could watch your battles with other players so you could see where you are having trouble in things like arena and TW.
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    With the upcoming in-game chat changes, are you going to allow officers to create and change the gold banner/title? If not, what is the reasoning to allow only the guild leader to set and change it?
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Moreover, can you explain your gearing expectation and speed for several type of players? How fast/long should farming a toon from 0 to level 85 G12 and 2 zetas abilities for a typical toon? What is a typical toon for gearing? General Kenobi is one of the worst, and Talia in of the easiest.
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    Sparrow wrote: »
    I know this was touched upon in the last Q&A, but I cant help feeling like your response to the question showed a lack of alignment between what players are asking for and what developers think we are asking for.

    Players have asked for a Sandbox mode, at a minimum a place where we can battle our guild mates for nothing more than practice. The suggestion from Dev's has been that Galactic War is the place for this, but between Turn Meter loading and the completely random weird teams you face in GW it does not allow us to do what we really want, which is to practice for Arena and Territory Wars.

    As an example a guild mate of mine DrShesith has maxed out Ewoks, and I have maxed out Phoenix, we would absolutely love to test those teams out and make them available for our guildmates to test against as well, but right now there is nothing we can do aside from put them in arena and get hammered because they are different.

    I know as well that Dev's have stated they want to manage the time we spend int he game and dont want to give us more things to do that soak up time. but something like this would have no rewards and be completely for fun, to be honest an ability to play the game when i want to play the game is the biggest thing missing.

    At this very moment id love to be playing but my energy is spent by refreshes are done TW is over raids are in registration, all i can do is shift mods around or something. Every aspect of this game is tied to a schedule not of the players choosing, either the guild or the Dev team has set that for us, please let us play some aspect on our own schedule.

    There's a lot here to talk about. Would you mind framing up a question for the team to answer?
This discussion has been closed.