Quests Summary from a CG Developer (Mega)


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    I love PVE generally and making it somewhat story-based and dip you in to some lore...that's fantastic. I loved the maps and challenge nodes in Heroes of Dragon Age, something like that which brings you closer to the story a bit I'm looking forward to.
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    Interesting concept, let's see how it plays out.
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    Sounds like they have gated the content so players do not get overwhelmed trying to perform quests they are not ready for. Seems like I suggested that a few times, good to know someone is listening. ;)
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    And people said I was crazy with such outlandish ideas.
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    And people said I was crazy with such outlandish ideas.

    I'm sure you were their inspiration ;)
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    I have no ability to quantify or qualify... but the game needs a lot of work, and there's a lot of issues to work out... and we got titles.
    I don't mind titles, per se, I look forward to getting my "Full Metal Jacket" title for yelling at new recruits 5000 times.
    15 pages on the "Sith Triumvirate Raid Feedback Thread" and *sigh* and we get titles.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    What's the opportunity cost of making titles part of the game?

    Since none of us know the answer, there's no way to know if this is a valid complaint or not.

    My guess is "not."
    I need a new message here.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    What's the opportunity cost of making titles part of the game?

    Since none of us know the answer, there's no way to know if this is a valid complaint or not.

    My guess is "not."

    Enough with the "opportunity cost" of it all. In life, all complaints are valid as is his. Let him vent. Don't tell us our venting isn't valid. Valiantly defending the validity of his voice in the face of your vapid response. Needs more V words...
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    V for Vendetta
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    V for Vendetta

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    Muaddib wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    What's the opportunity cost of making titles part of the game?

    Since none of us know the answer, there's no way to know if this is a valid complaint or not.

    My guess is "not."

    Enough with the "opportunity cost" of it all. In life, all complaints are valid as is his. Let him vent. Don't tell us our venting isn't valid. Valiantly defending the validity of his voice in the face of your vapid response. Needs more V words...

    Aren't you just telling TVF not to vent? Seems like you're doing the very thing you're dressing down TVF for doing.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    What's the opportunity cost of making titles part of the game?

    Since none of us know the answer, there's no way to know if this is a valid complaint or not.

    My guess is "not."

    Enough with the "opportunity cost" of it all. In life, all complaints are valid as is his. Let him vent. Don't tell us our venting isn't valid. Valiantly defending the validity of his voice in the face of your vapid response. Needs more V words...

    Aren't you just telling TVF not to vent? Seems like you're doing the very thing you're dressing down TVF for doing.

    You're fun. You seem to be following me around today. Wanna party?
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    Muaddib wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    What's the opportunity cost of making titles part of the game?

    Since none of us know the answer, there's no way to know if this is a valid complaint or not.

    My guess is "not."

    Enough with the "opportunity cost" of it all. In life, all complaints are valid as is his. Let him vent. Don't tell us our venting isn't valid. Valiantly defending the validity of his voice in the face of your vapid response. Needs more V words...

    Aren't you just telling TVF not to vent? Seems like you're doing the very thing you're dressing down TVF for doing.

    You're fun. You seem to be following me around today. Wanna party?

    No, you seem like more of a party pooper.
    I noticed that too though lol. You pick on people (TVF, Kyno) then I point out how ridiculous you sound, then you get mad.
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    Anything that helps attract new players and aids new players in advancing is a good thing. For a long time the game has felt like it didn't want new players. Hope this works well and more is coming. What I would really like is pve missions that are not on rails. One of the things I really miss is exploring new areas, run and gun etc..
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    So many new things for so many people to complain about anew!!

    Honestly, though - it's a weird reflex I see with every update. People are complaining about the new chat before they've even tried it out. I think putting gear requests in it is an awesomely good idea, even though I've watched people already whine about how you might accidentally give away gear. Which isn't true, it's really not that easy to accidentally do anything. Not to mention that you can make multiple chat tabs, so those gear requests and other guild info (like who starred/geared up a toon) can go in one tab, and general chat can go in another. Easy.

    I've actually looked into starting an alt account, because I'm honestly excited to see all the new game features, and to just see how the new player experience has changed since this game launched and I started playing.

    There's nothing wrong with titles. If you don't want one, don't append it to your username when you earn it.

    But you wouldn't think so the way people whinge on.

    In fact, most of what people are complaining about in this game seems directly traceable to ... whiny, self absorbed, and entirely unrealistic entitlement. I understand that a lot of us have spent money on this game. Some of us have spent truly stupid amounts of money on this game. And it got you exactly what you paid for when you spent it, because what you were paying for was right there on the label. If you think that means you're obligated some special additional service or consideration, that right there is the very definition of 'entitlement'.


    Maybe you should go spend that money on something you can keep forever like food or rent or ... oh, wait.
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    So, do the kills from simming battles, ie gw and nodes, count towards quests? That's a lot of wampa and jedi. Also, if I set my team to all jedi, when I sim gw does that count?
  • UdalCuain
    5048 posts Member
    So, do the kills from simming battles, ie gw and nodes, count towards quests? That's a lot of wampa and jedi. Also, if I set my team to all jedi, when I sim gw does that count?

    People are saying simming battles doesn't count in the other thread.
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    So, do the kills from simming battles, ie gw and nodes, count towards quests? That's a lot of wampa and jedi. Also, if I set my team to all jedi, when I sim gw does that count?
    Hi folks, I passed this question along to developer and he has written a thoughtful reply:

    "Simming a battle will not progress a Quest task that requires you defeat 75 Jedi, these kinds of Quests require that you manually battle to defeat the specified enemies! The reasons for this are that some Quests require that a specific character is present or makes the finishing blow. Also, we have some battles where the amount of enemies that show up are variable. In order to reduce complexity, we chose to have these Quests progress through manual battles only and not include the option to sim. In these kinds of Quests you can defeat the enemy in any game mode where that enemy shows up, both PvE and PvP!"
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    So, do the kills from simming battles, ie gw and nodes, count towards quests? That's a lot of wampa and jedi. Also, if I set my team to all jedi, when I sim gw does that count?
    Hi folks, I passed this question along to developer and he has written a thoughtful reply:

    "Simming a battle will not progress a Quest task that requires you defeat 75 Jedi, these kinds of Quests require that you manually battle to defeat the specified enemies! The reasons for this are that some Quests require that a specific character is present or makes the finishing blow. Also, we have some battles where the amount of enemies that show up are variable. In order to reduce complexity, we chose to have these Quests progress through manual battles only and not include the option to sim. In these kinds of Quests you can defeat the enemy in any game mode where that enemy shows up, both PvE and PvP!"

    and now this update gets even worse. unreal how bad this is. everything new was ok until this. Like, yesterday, I mean. Was the "quests" menu bad because it is way clumsier than the old way? sure. Was it so annoying that guild gear requests were in chat that we made a separate chat just to avoid them? sure. The zeta tags were great, and I was excited for ships (ok, no I wasn't bc ships are awful and only good for getting zetas, but still)

    But now nerfing tie reaper, a 20pt hard node ship? sigh

    But by far this new Having to manually battle instead of sim? And having to find which nodes have more jedis or clones or whatever? Ugh I can only assume these are meant to be background achievements that we just get as we play normally. I mean, right?

    I almost never complain about new stuff. Yes sith raid is meh and too hard, but all raids were hard at first, but this is different.

    I mean, The number one thing we complain about is the timesuck (then gear obv), and now ships takes just as long and you want us to stop farming certain things in order to do these quests? what is happening??

    Not making these things count if simmed is by far the worst thing to happen to this game. You seriously want us to manually play daily challenges/etc just to complete these quests?

    "Simming a battle will not progress a Quest task that requires you defeat 75 Jedi, these kinds of Quests require that you manually battle to defeat the specified enemies! The reasons for this are that some Quests require that a specific character is present or makes the finishing blow. Also, we have some battles where the amount of enemies that show up are variable."

    Um, so make them simmable unless "a specific character is present or makes the finishing blow" is required! Obviously that doesn't apply to beating 75 jedis. And if "the amount of enemies is variable" then just count the ones who show up and get defeated. Or do an average. Something. ANYTHING but this

    Please fix this simming thing.


    ps I do love the game and 98.32% of what goes on, but this is insane. Oh, and of course lol @ the rewards for these quests

    pps and now I looked thru the quests and you can't even have them all active? this is a nightmare
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Perfzilla
    60 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I mean if you can't do sim, can you lower the threshold by an order of magnitude on some of the more insane things? I mean I love my Boba but doing 500 battles at 2mins a pop clocks in at 16hours of continous Boba use to get one tier out of seven. And this grinding is in absolutely no way interesting. Unlike raids were you're trying to eke out max damage, these grinds are trigger some easy condtions then win.

    I really appreciated your sim system in allowing me to minmax grind without destroying my life (it was so good I would mention it speciically when getting others to play). And this is really a major foray into the grind 24/7 stuff that leads to player burnout.

    Since simming is likely too hard to implement (though I encourage thinking about it). Here's a good rule of thumb for devs, Any single quest requirement that takes over 50 (non-simmed) battles to do is overly obnoxious.
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    The new ships arena went from being a revolving chess board to a simple game of checkers. As if we needed to shorten the attention span for concentrating on strategy & adaptation in the age of a 3 min song on the radio. Not a fan
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    So the 1800+ donations I've made don't count towards the 100 I need for that quest? Please rethink some of this for older players.

    Edit:1800+ I've made in the past
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Just added a ton of time with quests without allowing sim. Sorry but this is a phone app not a computer program. While I understand the want to have players slog through this at lower levels, a level 85 player is spending on average 2-5 hours in raids, TW and TB plus the daily chores. Adding quests that can’t be simmed when they are just kill X number of Jedi or Wampa without special conditions is just plain wrong.

    And once again new content falls short. Why on Earth would I ever use Fulcrum, let alone waste resources on her when Sion is used in STR and Arena? For a title and 10 crystals!?!?! Are you kidding?

    P.S. I want an Emperor’s Hand title added since you’re ripping off WOWs title system anyway. (Hand of A’dal)
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    Are the dailies rotational or did they eliminate or forget to add the LS battles daily? I could also be missing something too. I don't have the time to brush up on everything that is new.
  • Tiali
    42 posts Member
    There are some quests that ask you to donate xx amount of gear to the guild. Can the game just use the stats from our lifetime donations?
    Same with the one that asks us to use xx number of omega materials. Surely the game has info on the total omegas we have already used?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Hey, guys? You know you can just skip quests, right? I have one that gives me 3 Nightsister Spirit shards and another that gives 2 Hera shards. I can't sim through either one, but.... Okay. I don't need those shards, so I'm not missing anything if I skip out on it.

    Were I a new player, they'd be worth doing because I'm still advancing boards and unlocking new stuff and I might not have enough sim tickets to save time. So quests are rewarding me for things I'd already be doing. But I'm not a new player, so I don't need any of this.

    That said, am I doing them? Yeah. I want the titles, I want the completion stuff. But I'm not stressing about it--I know what I'm doing is totally voluntary.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    --I know what I'm doing is totally voluntary.

    Is it? Or are they just making you say that :)
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Hey, guys? You know you can just skip quests, right? I have one that gives me 3 Nightsister Spirit shards and another that gives 2 Hera shards. I can't sim through either one, but.... Okay. I don't need those shards, so I'm not missing anything if I skip out on it.

    Were I a new player, they'd be worth doing because I'm still advancing boards and unlocking new stuff and I might not have enough sim tickets to save time. So quests are rewarding me for things I'd already be doing. But I'm not a new player, so I don't need any of this.

    That said, am I doing them? Yeah. I want the titles, I want the completion stuff. But I'm not stressing about it--I know what I'm doing is totally voluntary.
    This. Some people fail to understand that those quests are needed to keep young players interested in the game.

    Also you aren't obligated to complete them as soon as they are unlocked, i for instance am doing the quests a bit at a time. B)

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    Since you're quick to delete when your feelings are hurt and can't handle the truth
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