Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    I am disliking the fact that ships reinforce however they feel like when ran by the AI, and NOT in the order they are placed in your reinforcement slots.

    I had to take Geonosian Soldier completely out of my lineup because he was always reinforcing first. Now I can't get Ahsoka to not reinforce before Rex.

    I understand the idea was something like letting the AI decide who to reinforce based on the reinforcement ability and the situation (at least I hope that was the idea), but all it really does is make our defense less under our control.

    Please make ships reinforce in order again.
  • GRTL
    48 posts Member
    Usually you guys do a really good job of telling us when characters get reworks what abilities changed. We really need something like this for ships. It's very hard to tell what all the changes are without doing one by one analysis of every stat and ability on every ship.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_Kozispoon @CG_TopHat @CG_Carrie
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    i'm not entirely sure where to bring this up, but the ship ability descriptions in korean now refer to galactic republic incorrectly. they say 은하 저항군, should be 은하 공화국. they were correct before the update.
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    When attempting to 5* a capital ship, I have insufficient ships available in a 3v3 environment. koujb74z87ul.png

    In order to have enough ships to get a 5* ship, I’d have to already have a 5* ship.

    I even asked about this and zeta requirements before the patch went live.
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    It looks like all of my ships ave gone back 2 levels for everything. I ran out of prestige just doing Thrawn, before everything was maxed. I’m not talking about the new reinforcement- just the other abilities.
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    So another terrible update. If only the beta testers had warned them. Oh they did. And they weren't listened too. Will this lead to another's mass exodus like all the previous ones....

  • stumpoman
    442 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    There's a lot of bugs but I'm enjoying trying new things. Ships had gotten stale. Once people get more abilities to max level I think it will work out. For the love of God weigh the cost of the ability mats though. Think about how many you've had left over the last few months. If the crystals from first place in arena in the coming weeks are important go for it I suppose
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    The people that actually cared about fleet you just screwed over. 3 on 3 is all about replacements so the Chimera which is a lot slower then other capital ships is at a huge disadvantage. Fine if you want to do that but why the hell not give people information ahead of time so they can adjust. This sure doesn't want me to spend any money. In fact since you completely changed the game and nerfed a bunch of ships without warning. I believe I am do some money back. Of course you won't do anything about that or the crystals I may loose until I can adjust. Can't gear people overnight. I already have all the ships starred up but this is ridiculous. I've gone along with all the screw ups. But right now is the first time I think it may be time to move on.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    The gameplay reveal for ships 2.0 was released a month ago..
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    I like 3 x 3 ships update. In fact, it was the only thing I like in this much hyped update.

    Ship cartels and mafia might not like it because it disrupts status quo.

    I'm actually open to change the arena to start from 3x3 with possible reinforcements to make 5 x 5. This might shake up arena with more strategy involved
  • Jeffrome
    63 posts Member
    @CG_Carrie ... I’m just wondering why reinforcement materials aren’t in one of the ship challenges? That doesn’t really make sense... I’m open to giving this new ships mode a few days to weeks to settle in, but why only a single cantina node until ship battles come out? Seems like they should be in the Ship Abikity Materials Challenge.
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    Is it me or did they just break the fleet arena. People with a lesser level and power get better cool downs and better survival rate, then I with a better fleet get taken out like I'm the weaker one with an unbalanced fleet. I mean things were fine the way the were before why did the have to go break the whole system.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    The gameplay reveal for ships 2.0 was released a month ago..

    Yes but they did not give ability or ship breakdowns. I know ships were going to change. But they nerfed a bunch of ships and made a bunch a lot stronger. They said stats were changing so there was no way to know what it was going to look like. Much less plan for anything. Attackers damage is way down and tanks are way up. So showing a video that said it's going to be 3v3 and there will be new abilities but we aren't going to tell you what they are is not a revel it's a teaser. What they did was alter the whole landscape and didn't allow time for anyone to prepare. I'm not some joe smoe either. I have everyone ship but one at 7* but I started Jan '17 so I haven't had the luxury to gear up pilots for crap ships that have no other use. So thanks for your reply that doesn't say anything to the issue I raised.
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    The broke fleet arena they should have left the 5v5 snd gave the 3v3 to more competitive players because under 3v3 I have a higher level and power then get dropped like I'm nothing. The update is so unbalanced and I those with a lower power get better cool downs and a crazy speed buff.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    Ships are so shockingly bad now that they make the Sith raid look like a trip to a theme park.
  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    I just chimarae vs my shards kraken, used both tie and fotp and Biggs, reinforced with boba for giggles and then maul, boba looks like he has a damage buff and Biggs looks like a protection buff, tfp dodge seems about the same (one match) tl doesn’t seem to stick very well (one match) but it took less than 90 seconds, I haven’t used any of the omegas or reinforcement ability upgrades yet. Works for me as it doesn’t seem that much different, could swap out Biggs for reaper and not worry about the capital ship getting a turn till it’s too late
  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    In summary don’t see it as a nerf
  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    And I started feb 17 btw
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    DoOrDoNot wrote: »
    I like 3 x 3 ships update. In fact, it was the only thing I like in this much hyped update.

    Ship cartels and mafia might not like it because it disrupts status quo.

    I'm actually open to change the arena to start from 3x3 with possible reinforcements to make 5 x 5. This might shake up arena with more strategy involved

    There is actually less strategy involved. In an attempt to make it more active since it was a failed area (not a lot of people participated in it), they just made it easier for people to win. I liked the 5x5 starting because you had to invest more time and resources for a good defense (something CG wants gone away with). There is no such thing as ship cartels and mafia, just users who worked on their ships for months only to be nerfed heavily (stats wise). Give them a month and they'll climb back once everyone realizes which ships are better and things will be the same just a lot more activity for no extra reward.

    Give it a week and you will have a stale ships meta that everyone will run (starting 3 ships). I enjoy ships and have been playing it since they dropped and from what little I played, its still the same ships game. People who found it boring will be bored by it after the initial excitement and shine wears off. Its the one area of arena where you don't get much reward for your time and crystals the more competitive it gets.

    by going from 5x5 (which is more diverse) to 3x3 (narrow and limited) with a VERY small selection of ships to choose from, anyone can be #1 by focusing on the top 3 meta ships (easier to do since you need to focus on about 5 toons when accounting for reinforcements).

    Hopefully my opinion changes over time to a more optimist outlook.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Things were not fine. One team with minor variations was being used for the last year. It was horridly broken.

    And your notions of "weaker" and "unbalanced" are no longer valid. Everything is new and strength and balance will take a long time to be determined. You should consider that you need to adapt or you will get left behind.
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    Anyone else not able to win in fleets anymore since this broken update?

    Feels like the stole 2 ships out of my fleets, and gave their power to an already OP Biggs. Its unplayable now, the best part of this game and they break it. All they had to do was add more toons with ships, give us more options. But no... they desided to break it worse than it already was? I want my 5 ship line up with 4 reinforcments back or im quitting.
  • Risz
    134 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    Things were not fine. One team with minor variations was being used for the last year. It was horridly broken.

    And your notions of "weaker" and "unbalanced" are no longer valid. Everything is new and strength and balance will take a long time to be determined. You should consider that you need to adapt or you will get left behind.


    Every ship got changed, adapt to it.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Jedi_Bane wrote: »
    Before the update my Silencer could hit for 100k with its special when it had advantage. Now it hits for around 60k (this is based on a Slave 1 with both instances)
    Probably. The best ships got nerfed and the worst ships got buffed in order to balance things out. I think.

    All high damage ships had their damage reduced to make battles last longer when moving from 5v5 to 3v3

    Every ships stats changed assume a nerf on your favourites.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Play Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 sound track while doing ships. Passes the time until Deadpool 2 sound track is available.
  • BuffedID
    10 posts Member

    I started the game in December, when I started playing in the fleet arena, after a few times I was always in 1st place, I am a f2p player. From what I saw, there were a few players who exchanged positions, the rest sat in a safe 50 and satisfied with what they got without playing. After the changes, I'm not talking about restrictions on 3 ships anymore, but about all this. Why were there so many farms to have a desirable fleet. At this point I mean that the game has been changed too much, Tarrkin can not be played at the moment, his ship is too weak, unless he somehow survives up to 5 turns and uses Tie assault, which deals 55% dmg. sic!

    That is why I turn to the developers that they would reverse the changes in the capital ship tarkina that I have and have zeroed it, because for me at a given moment, because it is completely unhelpful. However, the Chimera is too strong, has too much damage and considerably reduces the opponent's fighting abilities. I do not understand why something that worked well was broken. It's as if suddenly in the arena to make a Jedi much better than an empire
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    I think it's your playing that's broken. It's really easy to win on offense.
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    I didn't bump anyone up either. And yes they did nerf Tie. Take a look his dodge is cut in half. Reaper also is less then what he was before. So that's just a couple of what you call "changes" that everyone else calls a nerf. And Chimera vs Chimera is no big deal. Try going up against some other Captial Ships that have been upgraded already. Chimera stands still next to them and with Tie able to be hit a lot easier. Chimera is not going to get the extra TM to keep up.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Play Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 sound track while doing ships. Passes the time until Deadpool 2 sound track is available.

    I've done this now :D

    @BuffedID Actually, its funny cause I've just hit 2 and going to try for 1st... before this I could only manage 4th and it was a slog and hard fight. lol. This change has actually sped it up for me quite considerably, but that might be because people have not put Biggs up first yet as the change is still new so people have three weak ships up first.

    Also, Tarkin's buff is useable Twice now before he ulti's, and he can expose many targets. He's actually VERY strong if played right.
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    It's easy to win Chimera on Chimera. The other Capital ships have an advantage now with there extra speed. It makes things interesting. Which is what it is. The annoying part is they didn't give people a chance to plan for a radical change.
  • SithAmer
    227 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    So if I have this right you're putting reinforcement mats in a cantina node up until we really need them and not disclosing how they will be obtainable afterwards?

    That's gotta be the most blatant cash grab ever

    No, they are putting reinforcement mats in a cantina node up until they are farmable in ship PvE to give us a head start. That's the opposite of cash grab.

    To risk to sound like someone who whines, you are right until there is situation like mine. I started farming vets last time rey was around and i have finished chewy and are less then 100 shards away from full Han and obviously i wont pause this farm for SRM and to make it worse I allready have Barriss on 7*, so in my opinion they should have put this in a store somewhere because cantina is too valueable spot also we have shards there and mods so to make it farm place for third thing which will be important if you want to stay relevant in ships you have to make choice between those or you could keep farming your toons and buy reinforcement mats which is why many of us percive it as cash grab

    Yeah, with the vets it is understandable, you never know when the next event hits so better be ready asap. Other than that, it's just about priorities. Do I take a break from KRU/FOE/whatever to get better starting point for ships 2.0? I probably will, but I don't think it will actually make or break my performance in ship arena. Of course, I could be wrong and the early mats will be super necessary, but judging from past experience, it should be possible to catch up if your priorities are elsewhere. And remember, it is only temporary. It's not like we will have yet another use for cantina energy forever.

    I am planning to take a break from farming KRU. Thankfully, Vets farming already done.
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