Which ships to farm right at the start?

Im currently approaching level 60 and im not sure which ships to farm. Obviously i want ships where the character is useful to me in other game modes. Im currently running/working on Phoenix so ill be getting their ships, im also working on Tarkin and TFP for my dark side so ill be looking to work on those ships as well. Im also looking to unlock Boba shortly too who i know has a good ship.

I dont use Ackbar in any teams but obviously his capital ship is pretty decent. I know the likes of JC, AT, Clone Sargent and Resistance Pilot have ships but i dont know if they are worth farming up just for their ships as i dont use them anywhere else? Are there any other characters that i should look to farm that have a good ship and are useful elsewhere in the game?



  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Kylo Ren unmasked / Tie Silencer. Go find them and you'll see why.
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    Poe. Definetly best ship , and hardest to farm.
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    I don't see Biggs listed here. Biggs is a must. Vader is also pretty OP. I would also recommend Fives (pretty easy farm) and Sun Fac (more difficult farm, big drain on fleet store currency). FOTP can go in a First Order team for BB-8 and the ship shards can come from Galactic War, so it's a good ship to have from a not-sucking-resources-from-other-farms POV, plus it's fast in battle.

    Boba's ship is a long, painful farm, and more and more people are dropping him from their lineups. The Gamechangers really overhyped him as a reinforcement. Personally, I don't think he's worth it anymore.
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    Boba sucks. Ofc biggs, but he is often in store. Rare is tax1 and poe, and 2 best ships. Rest is ok, but easy to farm
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    Unfortunately, you're going to have to farm more ships than you need for just your Arena team. A priority will be getting your Dark Side ships, so you can get Executrix and beat the Ship Ability Materials challenge, so you can speed up your Zeta Materials farming. If you want the Chimaera capital ship, you'll have to focus on your Rebels. You can put this off for a bit, though, as this capital ship isn't necessarily as vital now as it was back in Ships 1.0.

    So, early on, you're going to want to probably focus on the easier farm Dark Ships, and build them to a certain level. Then, you'll probably end up "abandoning" some of them, while continuing to focus on others, and then you'll incorporate new ships. It's somewhat inefficient, but eventually you'll have enough to field at least two full fleets, which will be helpful in your Territory Wars, anyway.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Tarkin. Vader. boba. tfp. biggs.

    after that, you should only focus on pilots that will help you in other areas and let there ships be a bonus.

    dont stretch yourself too thin, it can hurt you.
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    Kyno wrote: »

    dont stretch yourself too thin, it can hurt you.

    Absolutely true. I recommend you make yourself a farming/gearing excel spreadsheet to keep yourself on track and focused.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Tarkin. Vader. boba. tfp. biggs.
    Unless he throws a bunch of real life money at the game he's not going to unlock Vader's Tie Advanced for a long time. It will be a while before he can unlock Slave 1 also.
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    I dont use Ackbar in any teams but obviously his capital ship is pretty decent. I know the likes of JC, AT, Clone Sargent and Resistance Pilot have ships but i dont know if they are worth farming up just for their ships as i dont use them anywhere else?
    Home One is a good capital ship. Fighter-oriented.
    Executrix is good also. It"s all about the 'Imperial Assault' aka Tarkin's Tie-party.
    Endurance is more of an acquired taste. Fighter-oriented.

    Of the first three ships you can farm:
    * Tie Fighter you will use long term and the pilot is also good in Imperial squads. Well worth leveling
    * Resistance X-Wing actually looks pretty decent but you'll need to level- and *-up the pilot who you probably wont have any other use for for a while.
    * Clone Sergent's Arc Fighter sucks.

    Consular comes up regularly in fleet and GW stores and I'm still using it at 78, though it just got relegated to reinforcements. Its 'Guarded Assault' ability is complemented by Home One.
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    Home One is a good farm if only because it can unlock Chimaera (which is still a strong arena ship, but it's also used in TB/TW).

    Biggs and Vader's Tie are requirements, you aren't getting a fleet together that doesn't at least use them in reinforcements.

    Sun Fac is great even without the other Geo's, that double stun on reinforcement is huge.

    Tie Silencer is an easy farm. It's a decent ship, can be kind of swingy sometimes, but it's an easy farm and you'll want to farm Kylo Unmasked anyways.

    F/O Tie is still a good ship and you'll want F/O pilot anyways. It's a long farm for pilot though.

    The trashy starter ships really don't have a home now (Resistance X-wing, Consular, Arc-Wing, etc, though Arc Wing is close to being usable, I still wouldn't farm it up). They got better with reworks, but they pale in comparison to all-stars like Biggs, Vader, Sun Fac, etc.

    Executrix is a solid arena ship even at low stars, but I would avoid Endurance like the plague, that ship is all kinds of awful right now.
  • Shadowscream
    971 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Your main aim is to unlock 5* Executrix to unlock the Zeta Mat Challenge.
    You need 5 Dark Side Ships at 4* and 4* Executrix.
    (My main fleet uses Home One....but I made sure I had these Darkside ships to unlock Executrix)
    Later on you will want to unlock 6* Executrix so that you can do the final tier of the Ability Mat Challenge - as well as giving Zeta mats this final tier gives Ship Omega Mats.
    ***The actual Ability Mat Challenge only requires Executrix at 5* (or 6* for final tier) you can use any ships light/dark....it’s darkside only to unlock Executrix itself though***

    So...if you are being efficient - think Darkside.
    The Best possible ships are the 3 Geos - they totally eclipse the old Biggs meta. However, they are pretty useless in all other aspects of the game. I personally think it’s worth getting them, I unlocked 6* Executrix with 6* Geo Ships and 5* pilots...

    More pragmatic is to go for First Order Ships, Darth Vader’s ship, TFPs ship and Boba. You will need these characters in other areas of the game.

    —> If you had a 5* Executrix/Home One with the 3 Geos, Slave 1, Tie Advanced and Scimitar you would totally dominate your Arena and the standard Biggs teams would be toast.
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    Of the trashy starter ships Jedi Consular is the only one that has a small niche.
    If you are using a Biggs Fleet...the key is keeping Biggs alive at all cost - you want him to last longer than an opposing Biggs/Sun Fac.
    The JC ship can reinforce - give him massive protection with an assist attack then more again with its Heal. But.....it’s an easy farm but certainly not a high priority & pointless if you aren’t running Biggs.
  • Xx1xx2xx2
    143 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Cant agree, aa is best capital ship. His aoe amazing.
    Forgot farm phoenix for chimera. I dont use her, but need to events
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    Xx1xx2xx2 wrote: »
    Cant agree, aa is best capital ship. His aoe amazing.
    Forgot farm phoenix for chimera. I dont use her, but need to events

    There’s no argument! I also use AA’s ship as my main Capital Ship....BUT the most efficient route is unlocking Executrix 5* —> 6* ASAP....to get extra Zeta Mats and Ship Omega mats. If you delay and go after lightside Ships first —> others on your shard will get a significant early advantage.

  • Xx1xx2xx2
    143 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    We talk about what ships best farm couse The hard, do i gave answer: poe, and tax 1 and phoenix. Other ships easy to farm, or you not use them. Like boba. Everyone says: hes amazing. So I give answer, no he dont.
    If you want main fleet so: tax1, itf,fotfp, silencer.
    From tank biggs and sun fac.
    Rest is only to.make you go higher, but you need use them. Maybe ashoka to take taunt from boba.

    For chimera you need to just 3 ships: biigs, and phoenix.

    And maybe I mistake but not enought to gets 6*executrix, you need to high lvl
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    I just did 6* Executrix with
    5* Geo pilots, G8 5*/6* Ships.
    Reinforcements - 7*/7* TFP, 6*/7* KRU, 5*/7* FOTP

    Hardly an optimum line up! The key are the Geos! Put 5* lvl 15 mods on them, lvl them to 85 (even if only 5*) push abilities to lvl 7. They will be about 20k ship power each and beat this challenge.

    It did take me about 12 attempts.....
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    I just did 6* Executrix with
    5* Geo pilots, G8 5*/6* Ships.
    Reinforcements - 7*/7* TFP, 6*/7* KRU, 5*/7* FOTP

    Hardly an optimum line up! The key are the Geos! Put 5* lvl 15 mods on them, lvl them to 85 (even if only 5*) push abilities to lvl 7. They will be about 20k ship power each and beat this challenge.

    It did take me about 12 attempts.....

    congrats mate but kind of a bit over my head haha, looking for ships to farm at the start so im closer to level 60 than 85!
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    I just did 6* Executrix with
    5* Geo pilots, G8 5*/6* Ships.
    Reinforcements - 7*/7* TFP, 6*/7* KRU, 5*/7* FOTP

    Hardly an optimum line up! The key are the Geos! Put 5* lvl 15 mods on them, lvl them to 85 (even if only 5*) push abilities to lvl 7. They will be about 20k ship power each and beat this challenge.

    It did take me about 12 attempts.....

    congrats mate but kind of a bit over my head haha, looking for ships to farm at the start so im closer to level 60 than 85!

    Sorry! :) But this is for 6* Executrix which is further down the line...

    It’s still very relevant to you though because you can prepare for the 5* Executrix Challenge from the get go. You need 5 Darkside ships that are 4*+ for that. If you aim towards that - you can still unlock the second last tier of the ship ability mat challenge and start getting extra zeta materials as soon as you possibly can.
    It may seem a way off....but you won’t regret having slowly built up 5 Darkside ships. It’s so easy to just level lightside ships like Biggs, Phantom and Ghost and then get caught behind. This is what I did....haha....I then had to backtrack a little and speed level Darkside ships....I lost a lot of time.
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    Using SWGOH tools website: (approx days to 5*)
    This assumes 25% drop rate and that you use all your energy to farm.

    Geo Soldiers Star Fighter 13 days - pilot 9 days to 5*
    Geo Spy’s Star Fighter 14 days - pilot 11 days to 5*
    Sunfac’s Star Fighter 17 days - pilot 27 days to 5*

    Imperial Tie Fighter 17 days - pilot 13 days to 5*
    Tie Silencer 14 days - pilot 13 days to 5*

    Other ships take longer....these 5 are the fastest Darkside ships to reach 5*

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    It's worth noting here that:
    * both currency and ship shards are major constraints on fleet building, even more so than for characters
    * leveling slows down considerably in the 70s. We are talking a few days per level.
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    I just did 6* Executrix with
    5* Geo pilots, G8 5*/6* Ships.
    Reinforcements - 7*/7* TFP, 6*/7* KRU, 5*/7* FOTP

    Hardly an optimum line up! The key are the Geos! Put 5* lvl 15 mods on them, lvl them to 85 (even if only 5*) push abilities to lvl 7. They will be about 20k ship power each and beat this challenge.

    It did take me about 12 attempts.....

    congrats mate but kind of a bit over my head haha, looking for ships to farm at the start so im closer to level 60 than 85!

    So the Geos... Sun Fac you kinda want no matter what, and he's a long farm from Fleet shop no matter what. But the other two Geos are easy Cantina farms and their ships are in GW a lot. You can run them under Home One or Executrix, but I'd recommend Executrix with Vader as first reinforcement because it holds better on defense. The downside to them is they really need their omegas to shine, which you can't put on them until you're level 85. You won't rank as high in Fleet Arena at the start, but later on you'll destroy everyone else on your shard.

    If you don't want to do Geos just yet, I'd recommend focusing your energy on: Executrix, Biggs, TFP, Sun Fac, Vader, FOTP, KRU, while slow-farming Poe's X-Wing. Slowly pick up Fives, Phantom, Ghost, and Wedge as well (you'll need LS ships for the Fleet Building Materials challenge), but make these lower priorities than your DS fleet.
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    Moff and Biggs absolutely essential. Priorities.

    And then KRU's ship and TIE.

    If you've got good Phoenix or are farming them, as you should be, go for their ships.

    Vader's is very good.

    I'm a big fan of Asohka's. But have probably never actually used her as a character.

    Slave I've always heard a lot about...but never been that impressed.
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    I'm level 79 now and can consistently hit #1 for my payout each day so not doing too bad. (Home One, Biggs, Kylo, Boba with Consular, Ghost & Phantom reinforcing)

    If I were to do it all again from lvl 1:
    * Geo Solider in arena team until team outgrew him (so not 7* necessarily but more than the 2* I have currently)
    * Biggs, Boba and Kylo unmasked all farmed up as soon as available and added to arena team (These I actually did; big part of my success to date)
    * Consular I would probably farm and use in arena. (As I did this time)

    When ships unlocked:
    * I would have Tie Silencer ready to go at least 4* / 5* with pilot about the same - big advantage!
    * Buy Geo Solider fighter, Tie Fighter and Biggs X-Wing from fleet store
    * First set of hard nodes farm Tie Fighter and either use remaining daily energy on Resistance X-Wing or spend 50 crystals for another 5 sims of Tie Fighter
    * Second set of hard nodes, farm Slave 1 and either keep Tie going or switch to farming Sun Fac and add him to store buying list
    With that setup I could use either Executrix or Home One but probably Executrix, which would lead on to those juicy Zetas (after a few weeks of leveling)
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    Xx1xx2xx2 wrote: »
    Poe. Definetly best ship , and hardest to farm.

    I agree he is the best ship. I've done over 100k damage in 1 hit with him multiple times. Having both reinforcement upgrades on his ship can do devastating damage. Like I said over 100k damage in 1 hit many times.

    I do not agree he is the hardest to farm. I started him and Rex at the same time, and I've had my Poe done for 3 or 4 months and I just now finished my Rex. I feel Rex is a much more difficult farm.
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    Im currently approaching level 60 and im not sure which ships to farm. Obviously i want ships where the character is useful to me in other game modes. Im currently running/working on Phoenix so ill be getting their ships, im also working on Tarkin and TFP for my dark side so ill be looking to work on those ships as well. Im also looking to unlock Boba shortly too who i know has a good ship.

    I dont use Ackbar in any teams but obviously his capital ship is pretty decent. I know the likes of JC, AT, Clone Sargent and Resistance Pilot have ships but i dont know if they are worth farming up just for their ships as i dont use them anywhere else? Are there any other characters that i should look to farm that have a good ship and are useful elsewhere in the game?


    You want to get all 3 geos (and their ships) and make them your starters. Don't put any reinforcement upgrades on them. And get Poe. Give him both of his reinforcement upgrades.

    You are welcome

    With the 3 Geos and Poe, I rarely have to call in more than Poe. It's over before I can call my 2nd reinforcement.

    You also want to get Boba and his ship. You want to give him both reinforcement upgrades also. Put it in so it's your first reinforcement ship.

    Welcome to the top 10.
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    To reiterate what a couple folks have already said. Don't hesitate on the Geonosians. They'll give you 3 of the 5 Dark Side ships that you need to unlock Executrix (and therefore gain access to the Ships Ability Mat Challenge, which is critical). They're also end-game meta ships. The cool thing is that the ships are super easy/quick farms. Also, Geonosian Soldier and Spy are both relatively quick farms from two early Cantina nodes (they do compete with each other, unfortunately, for the same energy source for farming). Sun Fac is a harder farm, showing up occasionally in both Guild Store and Fleet Store.

    The only real downside to the three bugs is that they aren't part of a faction that is all that useful or vital elsewhere in the game. It's no problem to gear up Biggs, Vader, the TIE Fighter Pilot, Kylo Ren Unmasked, and all of those old-meta toons that have a lot of viability throughout the various game modes. It's a little painful to do it for the Geonosians. However, if getting to the top of your Fleet Arena Shard is important (and trust me, it is) then it's worth doing anyway.
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    Your first priority needs to be the best ships of the characters you already have, or are working towards.

    Geo ships, for example, are good...but who's farming Geos when resources are limited?





    Find the best ships from these.
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    Xx1xx2xx2 wrote: »
    Poe. Definetly best ship , and hardest to farm.

    I agree he is the best ship. I've done over 100k damage in 1 hit with him multiple times. Having both reinforcement upgrades on his ship can do devastating damage. Like I said over 100k damage in 1 hit many times.

    I do not agree he is the hardest to farm. I started him and Rex at the same time, and I've had my Poe done for 3 or 4 months and I just now finished my Rex. I feel Rex is a much more difficult farm.

    Yes but rex useless.
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    Im currently approaching level 60 and im not sure which ships to farm. Obviously i want ships where the character is useful to me in other game modes. Im currently running/working on Phoenix so ill be getting their ships, im also working on Tarkin and TFP for my dark side so ill be looking to work on those ships as well. Im also looking to unlock Boba shortly too who i know has a good ship.

    I dont use Ackbar in any teams but obviously his capital ship is pretty decent. I know the likes of JC, AT, Clone Sargent and Resistance Pilot have ships but i dont know if they are worth farming up just for their ships as i dont use them anywhere else? Are there any other characters that i should look to farm that have a good ship and are useful elsewhere in the game?

    I haven't got to this part yet in my F2P guide, so this will be a rough draft of my advice.

    First off, you are very resource-constrained with ships. Very, very resource-constrained. In my prior run when I unlocked ships, I was able to take Executrix to level 50 and the four non-capital ships I was using to level 53. When I quit at level 64, my ships were just getting up to my level.

    I had thought I'd quickly switch from my initial ships to Ghost and Phantom II. That didn't happen. The Fleet Arena Store only refreshes once a day and most days it doesn't have Ghost or Phantom II shards. If I had played until I unlocked Ghost or Phantom II, I would have been faced with not having the Ship Building Materials to train them up high enough to replace the ships in my current Fleet Arena squad.

    So you're going to spend the first few weeks in Fleet Arena using the ships you used in Fleet Arena on Day 1. If you're going to do well in Fleet Arena for the first few weeks, you need to be prepared for Fleet Arena when you hit level 60.

    I went with a team of Executrix, JC's ship, Imperial Tie Fighter and Resistance X-Wing with the ARC-170 coming in as a reinforcement. I had the pilot for all of those ships up to at least 3* and G7 before I hit level 60.

    What I discovered is that the Resistance X-Wing is a terrible ship. The AI would always attack it exclusively to start and it was frequently knocked out before I could bring in the ARC-170 as a reinforcement. JC's ship and the Imperial TIE Fighter were okay, but my favorite ship was ARC-170. It was a good tank and it had a good synergy with the JC's ship as JC's ship could give it protection in a couple of ways, which would give it back Taunt. To add to the Resistance X-Wing's drawbacks is that the Resistance Pilot isn't needed for anything else and is much harder to get to G7 than the other pilots.

    The two alternatives to the Resistance X-Wing are the Geonosian Soldier's ship and the TIE Silencer. The Geonosian Soldier's ship is (in the test I did) a much better ship than the Resistance X-Wing and it was fairly easy to the get the Geonosian Soldier to G7. It's super-easy to get shards for him as the Cantina 1-A node gives his shards. The drawback to that ship is that the Geonosian Soldier is useless for all other aspects of the game. The TIE Silencer isn't one of the initial ships but it isn't hard to unlock as Cantina 3-F node gives both Kylo Ren (Unmasked) and TIE Silencer shards. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) is a good character and can be a solid part of your Dark Side team. You'll need a First Order team as some point and he should be a part of that. The downside to the TIE Silencer is that unlocking it and Kylo Ren (Unmasked) requires a significant investment of Cantina energy, slowing your development of Ezra and Hera.

    One more point - until you reach level 65 (which takes a while), you are stuck on the first Stage of the Fleet Battles table. The Hard side of that stage gives shards for the ARC-170, the Imperial TIE Fighter and the Resistance X-Wing.

    So in my humble opinion, I would go initially with Executrix, JC's ship, Imperial Tie Fighter and one of either the Geonosian Soldier's ship and the TIE Silencer. The choice of the last ship would depend on whether it makes sense to you in your overall position to farm Kylo Ren (Unmasked) shards or not.

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    The Fleet Arena Store only refreshes once a day
    Incorrect. Fleet store refreshes 3x each day.
    What I discovered is that the Resistance X-Wing is a terrible ship. The AI would always attack it exclusively to start and it was frequently knocked out before I could bring in the ARC-170 as a reinforcement.
    Interesting In terms of abilities the X-Wing looks better to me but I chose to level up the ARC instead because I already had thst pilot at 4* vs 2* for Resistance. I found the ARC to be squishy for a so-called tank but at lower levels most ships are pretty squishy and I had it alongside Biggs and Kylo which were my hero ships - both pilots in my arena squad and Kylo's fighter pre-leveled.
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