Getting burned out on marquee and hard node cycle.

How is anyone supposed to keep up with all of these releases without whaling out? I mean, I know that you can't expect to do everything, but trying to keep up in arena, fleet (especially now that ship nodes are the new hard nodes of choice for new toons) and raids is starting to become quite taxing. The gear to get all of these characters up to usable levels combined with the months of farming it takes a lot of these characters is starting to really take its toll. I like this game, but it's starting to become more trouble than it's worth.

I should be super excited about the KOTOR toons and the bounty hunter additions... but I just can't be because I know it could be months to another year before it's all farmed and geared. That's of course barring the possibility that more mandatory farms don't crop up in the mean time like things for Jedi Luke or something.

I get there's a bottom line to be had there at CG, but, I can't be the only one experiencing character fatigue (to stack on top of STR fatigue and the dread of new mod updates). We need some of these characters to start making their way to guild store or added back into the shard shop. Hell, start considering putting less-desired characters on normal fleet nodes even.

I know this is a tired rant that has been going around a lot lately, but that doesn't make it any less true.


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    Oh well, they don't really care now do they?
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    I've same feelings. Just can't keep up. Sith Raid is boring and painful so I have to force myself to post some DMG. My guild is doing Tier IV in 5 days, payout sucks and makes it not worth the effort. On top of my arena shard, Bastilla and Traya shuts everything down around 20 place. So i don't give a dam about it anymore. Ships are my thing but again marquee ships from outside existing factions are presented. I can farm everything slowly but it will take me 2-3 years from now. Knowing this time frame removes all the fun from this game as the prizes are so god dam far away.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.
  • dogwelder79
    1505 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    The problem with marquee events is that most of those new toons get added to single hard nodes when they become farmable. At least they could throw a bone to the players by making old useless hard-node-only toons farmable on GW shop, arena shop or cantina shop. I mean toons like Lobot or Urorrurrururur. With all the marquee toons getting added to hard nodes, the oldest ones should be made easy to get for platoons.
    New legendary events would be nice, too. My favourite part of the game was preparing for them: getting the toons, gearing them, testing them to learn how to play with them... Now that part of the game is lost.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    No it doesnt comes down to that. For example i spent a lot of time/resources along with half of my guild to farm geonosians and their ships. Focused everything entirely on them and theorycrafting an optimal reinforcement set for them. Now all that down the drain because of the new ship that is basically says to us "we want money all of you can suck it". And if you are not a whale thats the only place to get crystals to farm the still useless veterans to get JTR to start hsr and not even counting the rest of the teams.

    He is absolutely right about marquee's beeing way too frequent. So as everyone who believes the forum is **** thanks to bad moderations and no communication which is prevelant in the content updates that come is.

    So you regret the plan and that is their fault? No one forced you down that road, that was your choice.

    You do realize you are getting the ship too, right?

    I'm glad yo see you are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Keep up the good work.
  • Options
    Wow, I just realized: If this isn't a perfect study of Marx's class struggles right there; I dunno what is...
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    Legendaries are coming back in second part of the year. Carrie has said this on Reddit last night when responding to a thread about marquee characters and game changer videos. They have realised that people aren't liking the marquee events as much and have said that the plan was marquee events first half of the year which started in April then introduce legendary/hero journey events in second half of year.

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    No it doesnt comes down to that. For example i spent a lot of time/resources along with half of my guild to farm geonosians and their ships. Focused everything entirely on them and theorycrafting an optimal reinforcement set for them. Now all that down the drain because of the new ship that is basically says to us "we want money all of you can suck it". And if you are not a whale thats the only place to get crystals to farm the still useless veterans to get JTR to start hsr and not even counting the rest of the teams.

    He is absolutely right about marquee's beeing way too frequent. So as everyone who believes the forum is **** thanks to bad moderations and no communication which is prevelant in the content updates that come is.

    And who's gonna have maxed Hound's Tooth anytime soon? You basically said it, just the whales. So let them have it, let them keep the top 10 in the arena, they paid good money for it. I highly doubt that the whole top 50 will start running the HT overnight...
  • Deum_Alisi1
    117 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    But are those designs based a revenue stream that's built around a minority paying the majority of money coming in? That's what cg has to design for. Well that's what they've built, and we all have to live with it. It's only the illusion of any kind of fairness to keep the lower cast placated. Part of that is allowing us to come here and yell in an echo chamber, while realistically having zero effect on anything.
  • thelaughingman
    43 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    hello marquee my old friend :(
  • Options
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    No it doesnt comes down to that. For example i spent a lot of time/resources along with half of my guild to farm geonosians and their ships. Focused everything entirely on them and theorycrafting an optimal reinforcement set for them. Now all that down the drain because of the new ship that is basically says to us "we want money all of you can suck it". And if you are not a whale thats the only place to get crystals to farm the still useless veterans to get JTR to start hsr and not even counting the rest of the teams.

    He is absolutely right about marquee's beeing way too frequent. So as everyone who believes the forum is **** thanks to bad moderations and no communication which is prevelant in the content updates that come is.

    So you regret the plan and that is their fault? No one forced you down that road, that was your choice.

    You do realize you are getting the ship too, right?

    I'm glad yo see you are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Keep up the good work.

    I realize that yes, and i have the ship yes. But again its on a node that essentially makes it an 8 month farm without refreshes which i wont get because even if i finish vets before deadline thanks to the whales i'll be about of the spot i farmed for in fleet arena. So what do i do now?I can accept that theres nothing to do, accept it or try to say things that are just bad and get unnoticed like everyone else on this forum. Not to many options right? Especially counting in that Bossk is a really bad character that has minimal use in the game.

    Sure you can keep a long term goal and focus on a specific thing whatever it may be, but you need a certain amount of crystal/credit both normal and fleet credit to be able to sustain that. And no matter how many times anyone says something it doesnt go through. Not to mention 99% of the forum users are better game designers than anyone who ever worked for CG which is sad. The uncensored places like reddit and discord have better ideas day by day than CG designers have on their best days.

    you do realize that you don't need bossk at 7* for this right. He's a decent toon and can be used in those bh events and also in tw a bossk lead bh team is pretty decent. Now with his ship which seems to be strong its even more worthwhile to gear him up.

    If you're that concerned about fleet just gear up your 3* bossk to g11 and lvl up ship + max the ship abilities (not the reinforce one) and the ship will be plenty viable at 3* as well.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    evoluza wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    You can't make long term plans. I did it now for almost 3 years. But all this bad updates and only marquee events make you think, if you still play when they release the character f2p and then there is a few month farm also.
    They could do that if we had good updates, some positiv we see and can focus.

    Yeah, it was great back in the day when you had to spend $200 just to have a chance to use crystals to buy a toon that had no timeline for release and would just go away for a year, or 3 months (that always felt great when you bought those ones).

    I'm not saying we need this structure, but the current release structure has allowed for people to plan. We all get the toons, and any toon worth its salt has been just fine at 3-4*. You can build the gear up and have a toon viable if you wish, and then worry about more accessibility (* count) as the time moves on.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    No it doesnt comes down to that. For example i spent a lot of time/resources along with half of my guild to farm geonosians and their ships. Focused everything entirely on them and theorycrafting an optimal reinforcement set for them. Now all that down the drain because of the new ship that is basically says to us "we want money all of you can suck it". And if you are not a whale thats the only place to get crystals to farm the still useless veterans to get JTR to start hsr and not even counting the rest of the teams.

    He is absolutely right about marquee's beeing way too frequent. So as everyone who believes the forum is **** thanks to bad moderations and no communication which is prevelant in the content updates that come is.

    So you regret the plan and that is their fault? No one forced you down that road, that was your choice.

    You do realize you are getting the ship too, right?

    I'm glad yo see you are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Keep up the good work.

    I realize that yes, and i have the ship yes. But again its on a node that essentially makes it an 8 month farm without refreshes which i wont get because even if i finish vets before deadline thanks to the whales i'll be about of the spot i farmed for in fleet arena. So what do i do now?I can accept that theres nothing to do, accept it or try to say things that are just bad and get unnoticed like everyone else on this forum. Not to many options right? Especially counting in that Bossk is a really bad character that has minimal use in the game.

    Sure you can keep a long term goal and focus on a specific thing whatever it may be, but you need a certain amount of crystal/credit both normal and fleet credit to be able to sustain that. And no matter how many times anyone says something it doesnt go through. Not to mention 99% of the forum users are better game designers than anyone who ever worked for CG which is sad. The uncensored places like reddit and discord have better ideas day by day than CG designers have on their best days.

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Alot of this comes down to long term plans. If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    The game is a grind with a long cycle and a marathon pace, just make a plan and stick to the plan. Dont worry about the new and shiny unless that fits your plan.

    No it doesnt comes down to that. For example i spent a lot of time/resources along with half of my guild to farm geonosians and their ships. Focused everything entirely on them and theorycrafting an optimal reinforcement set for them. Now all that down the drain because of the new ship that is basically says to us "we want money all of you can suck it". And if you are not a whale thats the only place to get crystals to farm the still useless veterans to get JTR to start hsr and not even counting the rest of the teams.

    He is absolutely right about marquee's beeing way too frequent. So as everyone who believes the forum is **** thanks to bad moderations and no communication which is prevelant in the content updates that come is.

    So you regret the plan and that is their fault? No one forced you down that road, that was your choice.

    You do realize you are getting the ship too, right?

    I'm glad yo see you are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Keep up the good work.

    Can someone honestly look into kyno and his responses? @ea_cian ? Maybe
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Intrapidoo wrote: »

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.

    I don't think we'll ever agree because I don't think that people should be able to pay for advantage. There're tons of freemium games out there don't relay on P2W mechanics. Not that this game it too bad in that regard since I'm F2P and can still get 1st place in both arenas.

    Other than that yeah, planning, focus and hoarding can get yuo to the top. Also yes, Bossk is a good char, not meta but still a good tank and leader.
  • Aldaron
    175 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Kyno wrote: »

    I realize that yes, and i have the ship yes. But again its on a node that essentially makes it an 8 month farm without refreshes which i wont get because even if i finish vets before deadline thanks to the whales i'll be about of the spot i farmed for in fleet arena. So what do i do now?I can accept that theres nothing to do, accept it or try to say things that are just bad and get unnoticed like everyone else on this forum. Not to many options right? Especially counting in that Bossk is a really bad character that has minimal use in the game.

    Sure you can keep a long term goal and focus on a specific thing whatever it may be, but you need a certain amount of crystal/credit both normal and fleet credit to be able to sustain that. And no matter how many times anyone says something it doesnt go through. Not to mention 99% of the forum users are better game designers than anyone who ever worked for CG which is sad. The uncensored places like reddit and discord have better ideas day by day than CG designers have on their best days.

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.

    I don't think we'll ever agree because I don't think that people should be able to pay for advantage. There're tons of freemium games out there don't relay on P2W mechanics. Not that this game it too bad in that regard since I'm F2P and can still get 1st place in both arenas.
    Other than that yeah, planning, focus and hoarding can get yuo to the top. Also yes, Bossk is a good char, not meta but still a good tank and leader.
  • Options
    Aldaron wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Intrapidoo wrote: »

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.

    I don't think we'll ever agree because I don't think that people should be able to pay for advantage. There're tons of freemium games out there don't relay on P2W mechanics. Not that this game it too bad in that regard since I'm F2P and can still get 1st place in both arenas.

    Other than that yeah, planning, focus and hoarding can get yuo to the top. Also yes, Bossk is a good char, not meta but still a good tank and leader.

    Honestly I don't think you can say P2W mechanics are at play at all here. They letn3 star toons run all the way up the arena board and with some RNG you too can lead the way in ships. I would honestly prefer it if ot were not mostly based on luck. F2P player hoping P2W toons takes RNG out of the Carrie Meta.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Aldaron wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    I realize that yes, and i have the ship yes. But again its on a node that essentially makes it an 8 month farm without refreshes which i wont get because even if i finish vets before deadline thanks to the whales i'll be about of the spot i farmed for in fleet arena. So what do i do now?I can accept that theres nothing to do, accept it or try to say things that are just bad and get unnoticed like everyone else on this forum. Not to many options right? Especially counting in that Bossk is a really bad character that has minimal use in the game.

    Sure you can keep a long term goal and focus on a specific thing whatever it may be, but you need a certain amount of crystal/credit both normal and fleet credit to be able to sustain that. And no matter how many times anyone says something it doesnt go through. Not to mention 99% of the forum users are better game designers than anyone who ever worked for CG which is sad. The uncensored places like reddit and discord have better ideas day by day than CG designers have on their best days.

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.

    I don't think we'll ever agree because I don't think that people should be able to pay for advantage. There're tons of freemium games out there don't relay on P2W mechanics. Not that this game it too bad in that regard since I'm F2P and can still get 1st place in both arenas.
    Other than that yeah, planning, focus and hoarding can get yuo to the top. Also yes, Bossk is a good char, not meta but still a good tank and leader.

    I said nothing about should, but they can and do in this game. Time=$$. That is the basis for many games out there. Not everyone is interested in new skins for $.
  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Can someone honestly look into kyno and his responses? @ea_cian ? Maybe

    Wait ... did you just go tell on him?
    Come on ...

    Suck it up and get back to your grind like the rest of us.

    Btw: Please spill on the freemium games where P2W is not a thing. I would like to try those. So far I haven't seen any.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    If you are trying to keep up with the release pace, be ready to $$$.

    This guy gets it.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Aldaron wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    I realize that yes, and i have the ship yes. But again its on a node that essentially makes it an 8 month farm without refreshes which i wont get because even if i finish vets before deadline thanks to the whales i'll be about of the spot i farmed for in fleet arena. So what do i do now?I can accept that theres nothing to do, accept it or try to say things that are just bad and get unnoticed like everyone else on this forum. Not to many options right? Especially counting in that Bossk is a really bad character that has minimal use in the game.

    Sure you can keep a long term goal and focus on a specific thing whatever it may be, but you need a certain amount of crystal/credit both normal and fleet credit to be able to sustain that. And no matter how many times anyone says something it doesnt go through. Not to mention 99% of the forum users are better game designers than anyone who ever worked for CG which is sad. The uncensored places like reddit and discord have better ideas day by day than CG designers have on their best days.

    Talking is not game design, game design is game design. Sure there are good ideas out there, but that doesnt mean they would actually work, or could be implemented in the real world.

    You seem to be focused in whales as your only competition. If you cant swim with the big fish, that's not something anyone is going to or should have to hand you. They pay for an advantage, if you want to keep up with that advantage there is a way, but it's not anyone's job to hand that too you. Many f2p and light spenders do a great job of keeping up, through planning and focus. Hoarding to keep flexible. It's not for everyone, but it is certainly doable.

    If you want to play a team of bounty hunters Bossk is key, the only tank, has regen, and one of the easier leader contracts, with a very decent boost. The game is not only about arena, they have uses other places and being a pilot adds to that. IMHO.

    I don't think we'll ever agree because I don't think that people should be able to pay for advantage. There're tons of freemium games out there don't relay on P2W mechanics. Not that this game it too bad in that regard since I'm F2P and can still get 1st place in both arenas.
    Other than that yeah, planning, focus and hoarding can get yuo to the top. Also yes, Bossk is a good char, not meta but still a good tank and leader.

    I said nothing about should, but they can and do in this game. Time=$$. That is the basis for many games out there. Not everyone is interested in new skins for $.

    @Kyno I would pay $10 per Clone Helmet.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    I am sorry, but even if you were a wbale and wanted to keep up, 25 characters at $400just to get them starred is $10,000. Then you have to gear them as well. This is even more absurd than the carbanti bottleneck they created. I urrently have 63 characters than need at least 1 carbanti...:/

    Its getting a little old/stale to literally only farm hard nodes and 3 gear pieces. Even the GCs are sounding off.
  • Options
    A G11 4* toon is almost as good as a 7* G12 toon, which is why I'm mostly okay with the marquee model.
    That being said, the marquee to hard node farming is just...boring :sleeping:
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Options
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    A G11 4* toon is almost as good as a 7* G12 toon, which is why I'm mostly okay with the marquee model.
    That being said, the marquee to hard node farming is just...boring :sleeping:

    Nest gains about 20k health at g12 lol. From a feeble attacker to a strong tanky attacker with devastating firepower that needs to be controlled.
  • RawdSW
    150 posts Member
    I'm most certainly getting burned out. There are simply too many new characters. I'm fine with an occasional event and a $$ pack now and then that I'm happy to buy, but at some point it simply becomes too many. I am afraid I've reached that point already.
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