Marquees and Jango Fett [MEGA THREAD]


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    eepikins wrote: »
    Just dont buy the relevant content. I haven't in quite some time and guess what, I am doing just fine. Still enjoy the game, and still do extremely well.

    Do you really think that whales out there will miss out on character like this just so us F2P players would get some kind of justice? :D

    Nope, and I didn't say that. I was speaking to those that have their feelings hurt over this. You will be OK if you don't get him IMMEDIATELY. Last I hear Aurra Sing was a META super duper must have character.... dont see much of her.

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    Garbage. Here’s a new squad, they’re great but you can’t have them at high stars, which is needed for where they’re needed the most(HSR), for a year, unless you pay for them, which would be OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS.

    Big difference from the past was that they would put all of these character in the shard shops and you could enjoy these characters faster. Now all of the hard node farming is ridiculous.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    C4L3B87 wrote: »
    Lol of course he is.... hopefully it’s at least a fully crafted carbanti and some gold salvage... also I wonder who the “it’s not a marquee” toon is.

    Lol like it matters 98% of game will not be able to probably beat the “new tiers” And you knoooooooooowwwww thissssss mannnnnn -smoky
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    There's no feeling of accomplishment for working hard on factions in this game anymore. You should be rewarded for working your favourite factions with a legendary toon from that faction. Thoroughly dissapointed in this news and really feels like disrespect to Jango as he deserves more
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    Makes absolutely no sense to not tell everyone he was going to be marquee when his kit was revealed. Devs are just trying to **** everyone off.
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    Kainmk wrote: »
    It's not that I dont believe the devs, it's that I don't believe the devs.

    I mean, when you say we re changing our schedule and it doesn't happen overnight...that's like my daughter blowing off family time and saying her changing plans with her friends doesn't happen overnight. That's a **** cop out excuse and you guys know it especially since people have been complaining about the marquee overload for months now. So don't hand us this **** about stuff doesn't happen overnight when you have had months and don't insult our intelligence either with thinly veiled poorly thought out excuses.

    You need to overload people with garbage marquee events to make money to make your bosses happy then fine, it's a business but at least have the decency to be honest about it and say sorry our hands are tied, we all answer to someone, we re trying but its about the bottom line at the end of the day.

    They earned 12 milion dolars in August, they dont need to be greedy. They would get money and praise if Jango was legendary but they just dont care what we thing or what we want. I dont know why we bother complaining anymore tbh
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    Ultra wrote: »
    He looks great but it sounds like another **** Marquee event. Didn’t the devs just say they have done too many Marquee events? I guess they never learn. Time to see how many players start dropping the game.
    Mobilegamer doesn't think its marquee. Curbsfan han comments were ominious. It doesn't seem to be marquee or legendary.

    We don't know the release structure so don't hate on the devs unless you have the full information

    Feels more like they were fed what to say to us, and it wasn't their own words
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    Lrrr wrote: »
    Par for the course since Carrie arrived. Last legendary almost a full year ago...BB-8 released on 9/28.

    Carrie wasn’t brought in to help fix community or improve game. She was here to help them further monetize the game...

    I expected a marquee and I’m not shocked. Just not sure why I bother anymore. Grind grind grind, no reward...

    Careful. I got banned for mentioning she who shall not be named on the forums. Just a friendly FYI.

    I see both sides on this one, but at least they are giving extra rewards on this much of those rewards will greatly determine my happiness level. It’s taken forever, but it’s now seems they are listening. Now if we could get a time when the raid rewards change is coming out, I’d be a happy camper.
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    This is Ridiculous. Stop with the cash grab. I know you have to pay your bills but this takes all the fun out of it. Jango should be a Legendary character. And you are setting up for more disappointment when only whales can get the legendary characters. F2P will leave and you’ll also lose your whales. At least give us predictability for what is coming and stop lying about what is coming. And oh, by the way, a little late on listing the probabilities for drops. They show how much you prey upon those with addiction. If I would have know the probabilities I would have never purchased some of the packs I did.
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    Come on, this is crap. Probably funny for you to sit up there and see how many marquee toons you can release and still get people to buy them. Well I can tell you this. I have spent money on this game, quite a bit actually for a phone game. But also know this I will never spend one penny more here. Done
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    I’ve lost count of the marquee toons. I get the drive to make their budget numbers happen, but where’s the give and take. I can’t say anyone is happy about this, especially with this being Jango
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    Juniper wrote: »
    Come on, this is ****. Probably funny for you to sit up there and see how many marquee toons you can release and still get people to buy them. Well I can tell you this. I have spent money on this game, quite a bit actually for a phone game. But also know this I will never spend one penny more here. Done

    Your not the only one. 100% f2p from now on. Not even a $20 crystal chest.
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    Do you know what worst part about this is? They dont care what we think about it

    I rarely comment but that’s just **** man.
    CG Crumb didn’t have to post but he did. This game makes enough money they could completely ignore these forums and it wouldn’t impact their bottom line.

    I’m not a CG apologist but to me, they have been very open in sharing a lot of their thought process around marquees, as well as addressing other matters.

    Im not the biggest fan of the way they have been releasing toons, but I feel pretty good with the information they have relayed to the community and I have a better understanding of why the flood of marquees- because, I’m my opinion - they cared enough to share some insight.

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    Exactly what everyone should've expected after Carrie's post on reddit. And I get that you've got a schedule that can't just be scrambled; legendary events don't just appear from nowhere.

    Doesn't bother me. I like Marquee releases. I dislike the hard node farms that come after. So maybe throw us a sop, CG, and make him easier than a single hard node?

    PS: Jango didn't do nearly enough to justify being a legendary.
  • Coran_Horn
    58 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Hello guys,

    I am so disappointed in EA for making yet another Marquee Event especially since they said last month that they will change that.

    On my side, I have put money into the game to try my luck at Marquee 's Packs for Bastila and Visas... But I'm just fed up with the way things are evolving...

    I ask anyone reading this thread CONSIDERING not buying JANGO MARQUEE PACKS.

    I am not pleased being considered a milk-cow by EA and you shouldn't either... EA should you read this, please restore the balance in the force of this game... I do think the first two years were perfectly balanced...

    Thanks for reading me, any feedback will be greatly appreciated
    Post edited by Coran_Horn on
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    There you go folks, thats what they think of us, apparently listen to us and then tease a new toon only to make it marquee... all those 10 bucks add up from the small paying to get a 4star jango.
    Also why they adding this when they said they would add salvage to the raids? still waiting on that too.
    Trash, everything they say is trash, so honestly, stop trying to talk to them, they full of it
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    Won't complain. As much as I like Jango, he's not legendary material, let alone hero's journey.

    And neither is Beckett. Maul had too little screen time to be relevant. Revan/Malak won't be released in the coming weeks. Judging by the Rolo hint, jedi Luke is a solid guess
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    All they need to do is make some of the marquee toons actually farmable in more than just a SINGLE hard node. Young Han was a bone.... but there should be more of that. Single hard nodes are a kick in the nuts... and having 8 attempts but only allowing 144 energy is crappy as well.
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    Nori703 wrote: »
    Do you know what worst part about this is? They dont care what we think about it

    I rarely comment but that’s just **** man.
    CG Crumb didn’t have to post but he did. This game makes enough money they could completely ignore these forums and it wouldn’t impact their bottom line.

    I’m not a CG apologist but to me, they have been very open in sharing a lot of their thought process around marquees, as well as addressing other matters.

    Im not the biggest fan of the way they have been releasing toons, but I feel pretty good with the information they have relayed to the community and I have a better understanding of why the flood of marquees- because, I’m my opinion - they cared enough to share some insight.

    Oh it somehow makes it better when they say that it will be marquee because you wouldnt find out tmrw anyway? How about they show they care by listening to their player base? And if you think that community outrage wouldnt impact their bottom line you need to think again
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    Welp, whale out, peace, gl with your game.
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    fell_swarm wrote: »
    Exactly what everyone should've expected after Carrie's post on reddit. And I get that you've got a schedule that can't just be scrambled; legendary events don't just appear from nowhere.

    Doesn't bother me. I like Marquee releases. I dislike the hard node farms that come after. So maybe throw us a sop, CG, and make him easier than a single hard node?

    PS: Jango didn't do nearly enough to justify being a legendary.
    Not only is he going to be a single hard node he's gonna be a single fleet hard node. I'm thinking 5-C maybe.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    I like marquees. Last legendary was over a year ago but I still remember how stressful Jedi Training Rey's heroic journey where we had a Veteran farming calculator website and all sorts of double drops, crystal refreshes and stuff going on.

    People should be complaining about single hard node farms which is the actual issue. The complaints are sending the wrong message.
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    Shame on you guys! I was thinking that you were trying to improve the relationship with the players, but you’re all in for the cash grabs. Carbantis and mod salvage!?!? Really!?!? This is serious ****.
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    fell_swarm wrote: »
    Exactly what everyone should've expected after Carrie's post on reddit. And I get that you've got a schedule that can't just be scrambled; legendary events don't just appear from nowhere.

    Doesn't bother me. I like Marquee releases. I dislike the hard node farms that come after. So maybe throw us a sop, CG, and make him easier than a single hard node?

    PS: Jango didn't do nearly enough to justify being a legendary.
    Not only is he going to be a single hard node he's gonna be a single fleet hard node. I'm thinking 5-C maybe.

    Yeah cause bb8 surely deserves legendary status..... And being the template for an entire clone army that later executed the betrayel on the Jedi and paved way for a galactic empire to rule the galaxy seems pretty impactful/legendary to me
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Makes absolutely no sense to not tell everyone he was going to be marquee when his kit was revealed. Devs are just trying to **** everyone off.
    They literally told you 2 hours after the kit reveal :/

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    Ok. But I think you should know that this upcoming marquee, and probably the one after that, have been preplanned on a set schedule. Carrie has said they know the fan base isn’t happy about it, but by the time they found out, things were already developed. It’s just a game, bud.
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    I was so happy when Jango was announced. Now I'm sad.
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    Booooo! I was definitely looking forward Jango with all the hype surrounding him. I guess DSTB will be a lot of fun having Jango, cads ship, hounds tooth, and sith fighter blocking most platoons...
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    Ok I’m not even that mad that he is another marquee. Soon and nihilus are top ten toons easily, and they were both marquee. What I care about is the disrespect that this throws into the player base. Jango has been a long sought after addition to this game for years now, so at the very least he could be a TW reward or something. This is just [unintelligent]. The hint for the next marquee toon doesn’t have me excited at all, because the only releases that could ever top jango are revan, ROTJ Luke, and maybe clone wars maul, although I don’t think they’d use that many big names so quickly, although they’ve made worse decisions (this). I’m tired of marquees. I’m tired of two star characters. Put someone in a frikin’ shop. I’d rather do a full shard shop farm at this point (although if they did that, it’s be as bad as grievous is/was) than farm another hard node for 6 months. I have four toons I’m farming right now, with more in fleet. I have more lined up after that, and after that there’ll probably be more. They told us that they were done with hard node farms, and even manufacture some **** about a legendary coming up. Then they tease a big character, everyone thinks it’s jango, then they say it’s a marquee? Well, we all assume that it isn’t jango because who in their right mind would toss away a big deal like that into a marquee trash can? The devs apparently. Then then manufacture more **** with these “bonus tiers...” oooh some carbantis. I’d rather wait another month to get a legendary jango that’s have him at three stars till next year.
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