Anybody beat Nest in Galactic Bounties?

Did anyone beat Enfys Nest in the Galactic Bounties event? If you did, how well geared was your team? What tactic did you use?

I know my team is mostly undergeared, but my Boba Fett is fully G12 and gets blasted by Nest on counter attacks. Obviously Bossk is a must for taunt but he'll get decimated on counter attacks too if he taunts, even at G12. Very tough to stay alive before her protection goes away to finish her.

Just curious so I know what I need to beat this tier.


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    Someone in my guild beat it with Greedo loading her up with thermal detonators
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    I beat it with g12 bossk (L), g12 boba, g11 greedo, g10 cad and g9 dengar. The trick is keep her stunned and just keep adding detonators.
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    I acomplised the task after like 50 trys... With Bossk (L), boba, zam, greedo and dengar.

    Boba, greedo and dengar G12 and bossk, zam G11 (without a single Z)

    It was so hard and very RNG dependent... Just load detonators into nest and pray for Zam getting a turn right after nest oneshoot someone (i meant attack).
    Also try to ability block nest with boba, otherwise she will oneshoot ur whole team with this aoe...
    U can try to stun her with dengar if u have high potency on him... Also bossk assist stun.

    Just try and try over and over until u get a big RNG boost xD
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    The same as others but I used ig88 instead of greedo. Not that he did much against nest, He just ability blocks her at the start and then dies from a counter.

    Btw, bossk with a zeta and gear 11 can survive a few hits from nest
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    G10 Zam Wessel (lead), G9 Dengar, G11 Greedo, G10 Cad Bane, G9 Bossk
    All of them 7 Star except Bossk(6 Star)
    In final tier, Enfys slaughtered 3 of them with ease, but thermo detonators(probably from Zam’s contract) killed her.
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    g12 zBossk lead, g12 Boba, g11 Zam, g10 Cad Bane, g9 Dengar.

    Same strategy as listed before. Keep Nest stunned at the beginning while removing her protection (i.e. big hits like Boba's Execute when she has no bonus protection). Once her protection gets low, (or if she's no stunned and Bossk isn't taunting) toss thermal detonators from Dengar and Zam. Those finished her off for me.

    I've had 4 & 3 survivors - haven't been able to 3-star it yet due to her high counterattack chance and the massive damage increase she gets over time. Thankfully she appears to not also get really high health steal.
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    How do you survive the opening round AOEs? Half my team is dead before I get to move. Just keep restarting?
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    Took awhile the trick for me was taking at boba, he doesnt offer much. ZBossk (L), Dengar, Greedo, Cad Bane, Zam. Ideally you need Demgar to move before Nest going into thenlast round. His stunnis dependent on 50% tm so if you dont get at the start when she is already plus 50% timing is gonna be difficult. After that you have try and time zams mandatory autos while nest has no protection up, if you can zam auto nest right after a thermal is placed when she has no protection like 2-3 times it will be enough. Stun lock when possible. Zam goes invis and thus no counter when ness takes dmg from a thermal so keep that in mind.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    VonZant wrote: »
    How do you survive the opening round AOEs? Half my team is dead before I get to move. Just keep restarting?

    That's the rng part, starting that stage with enough TM on a BH that can stun or AB her, pretty similar to wampa.
    Also doesn't matter if you 3* it, unless you want bragging rights. Can't sim bounties anyway.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Not to be rude, but if you hate it that much i wouldnt wait.

    I just got the ability to get to her. She beat me... but i have a gear 12 bossk, gear 11 embo, gear 10 Bfett and gear 9 dengar/greedo.

    Im under geared and i got through her protection before i was done.

    Think if i get dengar and greedo to gear 10 ill have this
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    Embo’s contract payout gives him an attack that ignores protection
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    It can be done without Embo but it is a lot of rng. I used Bossk l, boba, Zam, dengar and IG88. Tried to get an AB on Nest and the taunt up on Bossk. Had a hard time controlling the protection on the thermal detonators for Zam but used Bossk’s hunting party to load up debuffs on Nest and had Boba rocket her after she took a turn so her bonus protection was gone. Kept doing this until she died. Beat it twice, had 3 toons alive at the end both times.

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    I beat it with g12 bossk (L), g12 boba, g11 greedo, g10 cad and g9 dengar. The trick is keep her stunned and just keep adding detonators.

    This. Alternate your stuns and expect to lose some toons. I ran the same team and got smoked a few times, so it's a lot of RNG. Stuns and thermals are the key.
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    I haven't tried her yet. Is she harder than Wampa? Because I can do Wampa no problem as long as I time my turns right and Cad can open with a stun at the start of round 4.
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    I tried it 5 times and then went for visas Lolol

  • medatho
    42 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I beat it with g12 bossk (L), g12 boba, g11 greedo, g10 cad and g9 dengar. The trick is keep her stunned and just keep adding detonators.

    I did it basically the same with g8 dengar and g11 cad. Zeta on bossk lead is necessary. Omega on dengar aoe is essential.

    Don’t use execute when it would remove stun or ability block. Save stuns to chain them.

    Easily 30 attempts to get two wins.
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    1 Star with g12 zzBossk g12 zBoba g11 greedo g11 Dengar g10 Cad bane. Got lucky with stuns and thermals but lost bossk and greedo to counters. It’s doable, but this kind of kitten makes me wonder just what the kitten the devs had in mind when they came up with nests kit. It’s like the biggest troll in the game besides wampa. Which I still can’t beat at all.
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    I tried it 5 times and then went for visas Lolol

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    I beat it with Zam lead and all BH at g12... did it on the 2nd and 3rd attempt. The dets are the best way to attack her and Zam brings tons of em. I had tried several times with Bossk lead and kept getting close but not finishing her off.
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    I used

    G12 Bossk/Boba/Dengar, G11 Greedo, G10 Cad Bane. Just keep her stunned all the time and eventually she will wear down. If the stuns don't stick, retry...took me about 40 minutes to finish it twice. And yes, I agree with some people here: This is no fun at all, just torture.

    You know what actually was/is fun, CG, the Jango bonus rounds with the nice little intros! I still enjoy those so much every morning. Please do more of that and less of the Enfys Nest GB II event. That is just a pain!
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    First attempt, Zossk G12 lead, Embo G12 zeta to avoid crits, Dengar G12, Greedo G12, Boba g12

    Ended up being a standoff between Dengar and the Termostat at the end but he landed a stun and she had detonators on her so when she went to move she blew up.

    Very rng dependent but as been said, stuns and detonators are your friend
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    I used Zam lead, worked well enough. I like this event challenging but fun.
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    I did it with zBossk (l) G12 / zBoba G12 / Greedo G12 / Dengar G12 / Zam G11
    First time on both attempts, no RNG. Dengar, Bossk and Zam standing. Load Nest with TDs and eventually Zam gives her the final shot when she goes right after her.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Tanzos wrote: »
    Did anyone beat Enfys Nest in the Galactic Bounties event? If you did, how well geared was your team? What tactic did you use?

    I know my team is mostly undergeared, but my Boba Fett is fully G12 and gets blasted by Nest on counter attacks. Obviously Bossk is a must for taunt but he'll get decimated on counter attacks too if he taunts, even at G12. Very tough to stay alive before her protection goes away to finish her.

    Just curious so I know what I need to beat this tier.

    If you a strongly geared Embo, doesn't need to be 7 stars that can work also. His max payout gives him an attack that ignores protection. Make him fast and make him hit hard and you go this.
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    I did with zBossk G9, Boba G12, Dengar G9, Cad Bane G9 and Zam G9. Although after 30 attempts.
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    save special abilities on dengar,zam, and greedo. put all thermals on nest back to back. the thermals will do the rest. have bossk taunt ready to use.
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    Some of detonators we’re doing over 100k dmg so stun and thermals is her weakness.
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    Using bossk g11, jango g11,
    Dengar g12, cad g11, aurra g10. Using Conflagaration to decrease nests max health h6ovc8pv4n8h.jpg
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    I tried it 5 times and then went for visas Lolol


    I'm about to go for Qira to finish her off.
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