This new P1 is not OK.

Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.

It's not ok,we worked hard to beat this phase and it's not ok to nerf it like this. I've worked my **** off to have good mods on RJT team and good speed and now everyone can do the same score as us.

High end guilds are not happy.


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    Can’t please everyone
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    There's a lot more people not in high end guilds than in them.

    In which tier? I thought they said they weren't touching heroic
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    Need some more context here. If this isn’t Heroic then pump the brakes. If everyone is doing major damage on the raid at your current tier, you need to advance to the next one. Once you get to Heroic the damage will even out again.
    But eventually down the road that happens with all raids. Everyone catches up, and it’s RNG on who finishes where once everyone gets similar scores.
  • newbornFL
    484 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    This is heroic,it's so much easier...

    Before this patch i've done between 6 and 8 mil (MAX and very rare to happen)

    Now I do 11 mil in 2

    You don't even need strategy anymore ( example before you had to give everyone illuminated destiny before nihilus takes his turn,you can now let him take his turn and still do more damage)

    This is bad,they should have reduced Annihilate cooldown by 2 if he isn't going to reduce CD by basic attack anymore
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    cboath7 wrote: »
    There's a lot more people not in high end guilds than in them.

    In which tier? I thought they said they weren't touching heroic

    Nihilus mechanics changed in heroic as well.....
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    cboath7 wrote: »
    There's a lot more people not in high end guilds than in them.

    In which tier? I thought they said they weren't touching heroic

    They changed Nihilus's mechanics, but there was no health reduction in Heroic.
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    I'm in a "high end" (170m+) guild and i'm very happy with the change.
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    High end guilds are not happy.

    Which ones in particular? Where is your data supporting your claim? Are you the elected high end guild spokesperson or guild shop steward?
    newbornFL wrote: »
    Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.
    Then move to Tier 5 or 6. What is a low gear Rey? What does that even mean? If the team has all their Zetas invested that’s pretty significant regardless if she is GS 11 or GS 12 or 12+. Your comment makes no sense other than you hate your guildmates because they knocked you out of the top 10.
  • newbornFL
    484 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    We are a french consortium of many guilds,and many exterior guilds that are not in our consortium and the general consensus is that p1 sucks now . You don't have time to finish it properly and it's just so easy for the amount of work we've put in our characters

    If you know skelturix then you know whose guilds I am from.

    General GP is over 100 million for all of our guilds
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    Don’t forget everybody, the only ones that matter in this game are the high-end whale guilds and nobody else.

    Now let me go get the world’s smallest violin.
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    ^^^ 100mil ain't that high bro
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    High end guilds are not happy.

    Which ones in particular? Where is your data supporting your claim? Are you the elected high end guild spokesperson or guild shop steward?
    newbornFL wrote: »
    Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.
    Then move to Tier 5 or 6. What is a low gear Rey? What does that even mean? If the team has all their Zetas invested that’s pretty significant regardless if she is GS 11 or GS 12 or 12+. Your comment makes no sense other than you hate your guildmates because they knocked you out of the top 10.

    If that team was all GS-11s and GS-12s, nothing would get done in the raid while they waited for all the GS-7s and 9s to show up to do the work. ;-)
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    I said starting 100 mil. And i'm talking about hsith here,it shouldn't be this easy .

    Now everyone will have traya . You can have 8 people with RJT and just solo the p1 .

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    newbornFL wrote: »
    Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.

    It's not ok,we worked hard to beat this phase and it's not ok to nerf it like this. I've worked my **** off to have good mods on RJT team and good speed and now everyone can do the same score as us.

    High end guilds are not happy.

    Lol your not happy... unless your like the high end guild union president
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    I'm in a higher gp guild and found it improved; much less tedious. Damage capability was higher, but not absurdly so. Still need a well built team with damage.
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    We are a french consortium of many guilds,and many exterior guilds that are not in our consortium and the general consensus is that p1 sucks now . You don't have time to finish it properly and it's just so easy for the amount of work we've put in our characters

    This is just a temporary issue for you guys. In my guild there wasn't any time to finish it properly prior to the update either, so that would have happened to your guild eventually aswell.
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    newbornFL wrote: »
    High end guilds are not happy.

    Which ones in particular? Where is your data supporting your claim? Are you the elected high end guild spokesperson or guild shop steward?
    newbornFL wrote: »
    Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.
    Then move to Tier 5 or 6. What is a low gear Rey? What does that even mean? If the team has all their Zetas invested that’s pretty significant regardless if she is GS 11 or GS 12 or 12+. Your comment makes no sense other than you hate your guildmates because they knocked you out of the top 10.

    If that team was all GS-11s and GS-12s, nothing would get done in the raid while they waited for all the GS-7s and 9s to show up to do the work. ;-)

    Lol think you got 11-12 mixxed up with 13/14/15’s
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    I said starting 100 mil. And i'm talking about hsith here,it shouldn't be this easy .

    Now everyone will have traya . You can have 8 people with RJT and just solo the p1 .


    So your really upset that more players will be able to get traya, not that phase 1 is easier.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Expect every single thing in this game to get easier as time progresses.

    investing heavily in something gets you to the end or the top AHEAD of others, it doesn't keep you ahead of them. Sooner or later people catch up.

    This is the nature of these things. If you expect an investment to not lose value over time, it is your expectations that are out of whack, not what is perturbing you.
  • newbornFL
    484 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway
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    Boov wrote: »
    newbornFL wrote: »
    We are a french consortium of many guilds,and many exterior guilds that are not in our consortium and the general consensus is that p1 sucks now . You don't have time to finish it properly and it's just so easy for the amount of work we've put in our characters

    This is just a temporary issue for you guys. In my guild there wasn't any time to finish it properly prior to the update either, so that would have happened to your guild eventually aswell.

    Lol this is true, when everyone knows how and have the char geared. We have to set a 24 hr delay for everyone to join...
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway

    Ya nightsisters for 3/4 everyone hated p1 and 4

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    newbornFL wrote: »
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway

    Those characters are still required. The raid isn't that much easier, it just has less RNG.

    The upset doesn't match what has occurred.
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway

    See its funny when characters are nerfed and whales smile cause their top 10 cannot be touched... they tell everyone to shut up and quit whining... but see how quick they flip
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    I prefer this way. Now I don't need to restart a battle several times on a tablet/phone game because of bad RNG
  • Darthsetty99
    255 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    newbornFL wrote: »
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway

    Don't worry the meta will shift away from sith eventually. I'm surprised it's lasted this long. Then noboby will care about the sith raid other than getting g12+.

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    This is a travesty sir. Me and my low end guild will still read of your feats thru galactic scrimshaw.
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    People are upset that guilds have farmed characters(mandatory characters for HSTIH) for months only for the raid to be nerfed anyway

    Think long-term. They gated G12+ and eventual G13 by extension with this Raid...we are going to have to play it with some level of effort FOREVER while we play this game anyway. Anything to make it less tedious they should do so for the benefit of player's sanity.
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    I have no idea how it can be worse for "high end guilds" unless it concerns some players from top 10 score of sith raid
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    newbornFL wrote: »
    Everyone can do 11 mil in one run now.Before we had to have RNG and luck,now everyone and their low gear RJT can do it.

    This simply is not how raids work..... Especially the STR....

    You only get so many turns until enrage kicks in and all of your toons get destroyed ... If your guildmates are scoring as much as you are with a lower geared and powered squad, then they either have better mods or you quite simply aren't playing it as well as they are....
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