Chewie Legendary Event Difficulty [MERGE]


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    For the record - done dozens of combinations and attempts. Chewie can slam for 20k AoE and R2 and Han chain stun - so pretty rough. My BH team is my main and currently 135 Arena ranked.
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    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Oh, and just to clarify - so people don't think my issues with the event are related to success/failure. I DID complete the 7* version of the event. I HAVE 7* Chewbacca. And it didn't feel like it was an accomplishment. It was boring and lame and I hated every minute (hour?) of it.

    in all fairness, it probably wouldn't have taken an hour if you had the recommended gear levels and bossk. So in a way it is related to success/failure. If you were able to clear the event in like 3 to 8 attempts, it would have been a more pleasant experience.

    This is not the case, and that is largely the issue. Even if you did have a full g12+ squad with the "right" characters, it still took a couple dozen retries.

    I'm reluctant to believe that.
    A couple dozen retries with the right team/gear/mods and strategy is definately too much though.

    I'm not sure why you wouldn't believe that. Just read through the posts. There are countless people with geared up teams who can't sniff tier 7.
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    I run Bossk lead w Boba, Greedo, Dengar and IG88 normally. Did 1-6 without a sweat. You can look it up - just search Duskshroud in game.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Oh, and just to clarify - so people don't think my issues with the event are related to success/failure. I DID complete the 7* version of the event. I HAVE 7* Chewbacca. And it didn't feel like it was an accomplishment. It was boring and lame and I hated every minute (hour?) of it.

    in all fairness, it probably wouldn't have taken an hour if you had the recommended gear levels and bossk. So in a way it is related to success/failure. If you were able to clear the event in like 3 to 8 attempts, it would have been a more pleasant experience.

    This is not the case, and that is largely the issue. Even if you did have a full g12+ squad with the "right" characters, it still took a couple dozen retries.

    I'm reluctant to believe that.
    A couple dozen retries with the right team/gear/mods and strategy is definately too much though.

    Check the post directly above the one I am quoting right now. That person is not the only one with the issue. 2 of my coworkers have full g12 BH teams (with zzBossk) and still had to try for an hour.
  • Gannon
    1667 posts Member
    LastJedi13 wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Oh, and just to clarify - so people don't think my issues with the event are related to success/failure. I DID complete the 7* version of the event. I HAVE 7* Chewbacca. And it didn't feel like it was an accomplishment. It was boring and lame and I hated every minute (hour?) of it.

    in all fairness, it probably wouldn't have taken an hour if you had the recommended gear levels and bossk. So in a way it is related to success/failure. If you were able to clear the event in like 3 to 8 attempts, it would have been a more pleasant experience.

    This is not the case, and that is largely the issue. Even if you did have a full g12+ squad with the "right" characters, it still took a couple dozen retries.

    I'm reluctant to believe that.
    A couple dozen retries with the right team/gear/mods and strategy is definately too much though.

    I'm not sure why you wouldn't believe that. Just read through the posts. There are countless people with geared up teams who can't sniff tier 7.

    it just seems odd to those who beat it with little difficulty, or those like me who were under geared and managed it. I think they're missing a key point of the strategy, and would beat it if they watched a few videos of how others did it. It seems to come down to mods, and strategy against that rolo lead
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    LastJedi13 wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Oh, and just to clarify - so people don't think my issues with the event are related to success/failure. I DID complete the 7* version of the event. I HAVE 7* Chewbacca. And it didn't feel like it was an accomplishment. It was boring and lame and I hated every minute (hour?) of it.

    in all fairness, it probably wouldn't have taken an hour if you had the recommended gear levels and bossk. So in a way it is related to success/failure. If you were able to clear the event in like 3 to 8 attempts, it would have been a more pleasant experience.

    This is not the case, and that is largely the issue. Even if you did have a full g12+ squad with the "right" characters, it still took a couple dozen retries.

    I'm reluctant to believe that.
    A couple dozen retries with the right team/gear/mods and strategy is definately too much though.

    I'm not sure why you wouldn't believe that. Just read through the posts. There are countless people with geared up teams who can't sniff tier 7.

    mainly because my experience often doesn't match what i read on the forum and none of my guildmates with great BH squads (granted, not many) had any issues with the event.
    Complaining forum members tend to over exaggerate the issue and their own competence while blaming it on RNG. While that may not necessarily be the case this time, it's the reason why i'm reluctant to believe what i read on the forum.
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    I ran a BF lead - no Zetas - got wiped without a chance. - that's G12 BF and Bossk, G11 Dengar, greedo, 88.
    Ran Bossk Lead - no zeta's - better but there was no light in that tunnel (maybe if I was willing to do it for hours...)
    Ran Bossk Lead and zeta'd him - running BF, 88, Dengar, Greedo. Was getting close, but after 6 tries I was like ****.
    Opted in a g10 Cad Bane for 88 and beat it in 3 tries.
    I'm sure I could have beaten with other comps. But Cad has his own RNGesus on your side, that third try where I won he must have dodged a dozen attacks (probably more) and I won with all 5 guys leftover.
    It's like this though, if I had just rando'd that third attack using Cad from the beginning, I might be on here just tipping it as an easy freebie event. But from what I'm seeing on this board it was just another RNG fest.
    TL;DR: If you're having trouble - put your best Cad forward and let his counter RNG lead you to victory.
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    Just wanted to say this event is an RNG nightmare. My BH are some of my strongest toons. I've made dozens of attempts with this team and haven't downed a single enemy in Tier VII.0kmrdpoavoco.png
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    Congratulations to everyone that got or will get a 7 star chewy, however with only 3 BH @ G12, one at 11 and unfortunately Greedo at G9, and none of them being Bossk, I have decided ive wasted enough time on this event.

    I was looking forward to this event but to be honest i didnt find much fun in it.
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    Just wanted to say this event is an RNG nightmare. My BH are some of my strongest toons. I've made dozens of attempts with this team and haven't downed a single enemy in Tier VII.0kmrdpoavoco.png
    That's more powerful then my guys. Get Cad bane to g10 and run him over 88 - that's how I won it.
    But yeah, RNG fest. People with less power then that shouldn't be getting it and you can't just because(!?)
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere but the event and difficulty is fine. The biggest problem that everyone complains about is RNG but that is not CG's fault and I don't think RNG is what makes this event difficult

    Its Raid Han that everyone actually has an issue with. This event just has a regular arena team but with more health/protection/speed than you can find in your shard. With the Thrawn event you had Deathtroopers with special buffs just to make it extra difficult. This one doesn't use any cheap gimmicks.

    The legendary battle is no different than facing the same team in arena but with better mods than you using bounty hunters. The RNG aspect is that Raid Han goes first and hits extremely hard. 30k on a special, stunning the target and gaining 90+% TM is something we've been doing to everyone else for months and during the Rebel meta. Its what makes him a great toon. The perceived difficulty comes from how great Raid Han is. The other issue is that the counters to Raid Han is muted by Guard buff.

    The final tier is just a really strong arena team that everyone has in their disposal (except chewbacca).

    As someone who is on a launch shard for arena, this is simply not true. I have my 6* arena mods on several of my g12+ BH - and they still act after every one of the Rebels in the 7* tier. No one, not even launch whales have mods like the T7 Rebels do.

    And the fact that they are a "regular arena team, but with more health, protection and speed" is the cheap gimmick. Especially when you consider the fact that CG has stated, clearly and plainly that BH are by design, weak versus arena teams.

    On one point I do agree - CG/EA super-charged a Rebel arena team with God-mods and abnormal health & protection. And then said "Go beat them with the one faction we've designed to be weak against arena teams. May the force be with you!"

    So yeah, that's the reason for the complaints. Several hours of moving arena mods on to a team that isn't designed to compete against arena teams. Then spending hundreds of attempts over numerous hours all decided by who lands a stun or who gets ability blocked is poor game design - which is CG's "fault". And they could have designed some of the randomness out of the event. It would have been very simple to have R2 always smoke screen first, or always burn first - but they didn't. Despite acknowledging that that same "randomness" is what makes the STR and restarting over and over so frustrating - and worthy of a change.

    ETA: I've played this game for over two and half years. This is the most unfun event I have participated in yet. Yes, including HSTR. At least that I only have to do a handful of runs and can use different teams. If had to rank all of the legendary events, this one is dead last - and it's not even remotely close. Very disappointed in this event and the direction CG is moving with this game.
    I'll agree that I just don't get why Bounty Hunters who are designed for PvE didn't get a few waves to kickstart the contracts just like the Thrawn event had 4 waves added in just so the team could benefit from Ezra's unique. It was just poor design and I agree wholeheartedly with those complaints.

    I was looking forward to using different leads only to find that Boba lead was the only one viable (of the original 6 BH). I've accepted the event because I've cleared it after painstaking hours with undergeared toons (only Boba Fett was g12+) than the recommended ones (while the rest were ranged g9-g11) and blamed myself for the grueling effort.

    Honestly, I'm legit surprised it wasn't a walk in the park for someone with your roster.
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    Just wanted to say this event is an RNG nightmare. My BH are some of my strongest toons. I've made dozens of attempts with this team and haven't downed a single enemy in Tier VII.0kmrdpoavoco.png

    You should be doing something wrong because that is more than enough to get him 7*.
    I agree is purely RNG but still doable and even easier with zbossk.
  • Gannon
    1667 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Just wanted to say this event is an RNG nightmare. My BH are some of my strongest toons. I've made dozens of attempts with this team and haven't downed a single enemy in Tier VII.0kmrdpoavoco.png

    Looks like the team I used, only way more geared! Try this, focus chewy only. Once he's down the rest will follow quickly. If dengar doesn't stealth before r2's stealth, restart. Also, be sure bossk is 210+ speed, and boba and dengar up near there also. Once I remedied dengar's speed I beat it first try.
  • Options
    Gannon wrote: »
    Just wanted to say this event is an RNG nightmare. My BH are some of my strongest toons. I've made dozens of attempts with this team and haven't downed a single enemy in Tier VII.0kmrdpoavoco.png

    Looks like the team I used, only way more geared! Try this, focus chewy only. Once he's down the rest will follow quickly. If dengar doesn't stealth before r2's stealth, restart. Also, be sure bossk is 210+ speed, and boba and dengar up near there also. Once I remedied dengar's speed I beat it first try.

    I've been focusing solely on Chewie (almost got him once!). Boba's the only one with speed that fast-that must be it. Thanks for the tips!

  • Gannon
    1667 posts Member
    Oh, Forgot to mention.. Try to avoid aoe and debuff abilities where you can, they get lots of tm whether they resist or get em. And good luck
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    This is the least fun event in the game to date. Simply describing it would be a violation of the code of conduct. No idea how anyone can design an event this bad.
  • Laserbrain
    149 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    after the rng nightmare that is HSTR now this. I really hope the developers are learning how to design games properly from now on. (one TIP though: games are meant to be fun, next you pull off something like this, ask yourself : is this fun ? then HSTR and this event would not have been this way)
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    I am done. I cleared it 7* with zBossk g12 / Bobba G10 / Zam G10 / Greedo G11 / Dengar G8 ... now I am just going to forget about these BH and try to clean my wounds ASAP. What a stress !!
    I hate this event.
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    I just need to know that 7* is possible without dengar... I dont want to farm that madafaka
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    I like a challenge but not one that's highly dependent on RNG. This preloaded TM should be reserved for mythic events in my opinion.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Kenjiro wrote: »
    I just need to know that 7* is possible without dengar... I dont want to farm that madafaka

    I am sorry for the bad news (it was for me) but Dengar is really crucial to block R2 stealth. I know ...

    Thé good news is that he doesn’t need to be so high gear (I did it at G8) as he just needs to survive.
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    DENGAR is very important to get Chewie at 7*...I don't have it ,so I'm blocked at 6 * and left the event tries again for me without it, don't wanna pay all that money to get DENGAR 7* and gear it in 2 days ..i will get it the next time
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    Totally doable with boba lead and old school BH mods is key and potency/protection
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    Here's my chewy, GP is the same so you know it's real just tweak your squad and keep pushing, chewies awesome! Good event!
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    After countless retries during the last days I finally finished t7!And all I can say is that its an horrible Event!The Rng factor is way to high,especially when doing it without Dengar!!!Hope this wasnt an indicator for future legendaries!
    I used:zBossk(g12),zBoba(g12),Zam(g11),Greedo(g10),Cad(g9)
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    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    It's a much harder event. Loving it. Nice to have another challenge in the game.

    Also if Chewie is needed for the next hero's journey - hell yeah he should be hard to get.

    A “challenge” is dark souls. A “challenge” is chess. A “challenge” is a rubix cube. A “challenge” is AP calculus 2. You are delusional if you think this is a challenge. A challenge is difficult but fair. It is achievable through strategy. It is something you can improve at with practice.

    Unless you consider whaling out on bounty hunter mega packs, crystals for gear, and bossk shards in the store “challenging.” In which case I kind of feel sorry for you.
    Fake difficulty leads to fake games for fake gamers.
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    For those saying Dengar is necessary, I landed 7* Chewie without.

    I*do* attribute his absence to making the task a royal pain the back side, however. ZzBossk, zBoba, ZIG88, ZGreedo, Zam, all G12 except Zam (G11).

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    There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to 7* Chewbacca. It's pure rng at this point and I'm very unlucky. I have five G12 guys, all zeta is maxed, and I can't even get close. I know people with less gear did it, so it's very frustrating. I rolled over 1-6*, but this 7* is out of this world!
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    VodoKai wrote: »
    There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to 7* Chewbacca. It's pure rng at this point and I'm very unlucky. I have five G12 guys, all zeta is maxed, and I can't even get close. I know people with less gear did it, so it's very frustrating. I rolled over 1-6*, but this 7* is out of this world!

    Which hunters? What strategy have you been using?

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    VodoKai wrote: »
    There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to 7* Chewbacca. It's pure rng at this point and I'm very unlucky. I have five G12 guys, all zeta is maxed, and I can't even get close. I know people with less gear did it, so it's very frustrating. I rolled over 1-6*, but this 7* is out of this world!

    What mods are you using? That's probably the most important factor, generally you need to be as fast as possible to at least somewhat keep up with their crazy speed.
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