Energy Packs

I was pretty excited to hear you’d be offering energy packs for 600 crystals. Then I saw the actual pack today and it’s definitely NOT a 14-15% discount. Let’s look at Cantina energy. Over 2 days you can refresh cantina 6 times for 600 crystals. That would give you 740 cantina energy. Instead you offer 640 energy with this pack and it should be offering at LEAST 750 to actually be considered a discount or even a good deal.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They are not giving it to you over 2 days, it's all in 1 day. How much would 600 crystals get you in 1 day?
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    Correct, only makes sense if you cannot wait until tomorrow to refresh it again.
  • MajesticMoose41
    247 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Those packs are for super impatient people. Wait... isn't that for any pack ever released in this game?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Those packs are for super impatient people. Wait... isn't that for any pack ever released in this game?
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    They said they plan on bringing these packs back 2 additional times.. foreshadowing for people to panic farm other legendaries coming back? Maybe some heroes journey?
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    For those who do the 200 Crystal Refreshes it's a good deal
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    @Bouu I definitely think BB-8 and RJT will be returning this month... and vets are such a grind! Lol
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    Mod salave pack is a disgrace lol
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    Yea this is a joke. And for someone like me who doesn’t go above the 50 crystal refresh, but does daily 3 refreshes. This is actually 60% MORE expensive... as I could get 1440 energy for 600 crystals. This is not a value pack.
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    Ztyle wrote: »
    For those who do the 200 Crystal Refreshes it's a good deal

    So. Whales. Where most of their income is coming from. And who 99% of released content is released to cater for. The rest of us are just masochists who love Star Wars.
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    I am no whale - I have done the math though. The crystal refresh math and the days left to farm certain characters. And I am buying those packs each day they are offered. I did hope that they would be a slightly better return but I am pleased that they are available.
  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Your looking at it the wrong way... Let's say you have bought 3 energy refreshes @50. For your next your cost is 100c for 120energy. At this point the packs with 900 energy for 600 make since....

    Your better off getting shards from shipments then buying energy and node refreshes.

    Its about even if your trying to farm gear vs shipments.... Depends on drop rate you assume but for the most part your better off getting gear from shipments. Even if the energy route is better it is only marginally so.

    I do not know where is 15% off thing comes from since you can't buy energy normally.

    CG would have sold a lot more packs at 300c, and likely had generated more revenue for themselves.

    The cantina packs can be worth it if you want to spend up a farm in cantina...
    Post edited by Vice_torn on
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    For those farming T3 and mission (which everyone who remembers JTR and the vets should be) with 3x 100 crystal cantina refreshes, it makes sense. If you can make top 50 in arena and top 10 in fleet arena it's affordable, and I have been doing 3x 100 crystal refreshes since those hard farms came to the cantina table and have bought both cantina energy packs, all without spending a dime. Some buy gear with crystals, but I feel like preparing for legendary/HJ events and helping with hard platoons it better value for me.
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    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    Yea this is a joke. And for someone like me who doesn’t go above the 50 crystal refresh, but does daily 3 refreshes. This is actually 60% MORE expensive... as I could get 1440 energy for 600 crystals. This is not a value pack.

    If you spent 600 crystals on refreshes today you would get 15% less energy. This is an additional purchase and saves 3 days worth of time if you were to purchase only the 50 refresh. Imo not worth it for the regular energy...

    Cantina I'm on the fence for... I really need the calendar to know when jtr is going to come (ie, if/where bb8 is on it). I'm 99 shards short on chewy and 103 shards short on Han. With 3 refreshes a day that should take me 22 more days. If I buy the pack today and the 8th, I can shave about 4 days off of those farms. Now, I can also buy the $30 pack and shave 10 days off...
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    Yeah, those packs are only for people who normally do more than 6 energy refreshes per day.
  • Padas
    52 posts Member
    I buy the cantina to help farm Mission and T3 faster. I don't see the value on the regular energy though
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    If you have a wide volume of farming (3+toons.... Kinda like the Kotor release) I see this as a great value time-wise.
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    And I say this because I'm power farming these toons to no end. The time savings is valuable.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Pulsipher wrote: »
    I am no whale - I have done the math though. The crystal refresh math and the days left to farm certain characters. And I am buying those packs each day they are offered. I did hope that they would be a slightly better return but I am pleased that they are available.

    aah, crystal math =)
    edit: apparantly that word isn't allowed.
  • StarSon
    7532 posts Member
    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    Ztyle wrote: »
    For those who do the 200 Crystal Refreshes it's a good deal

    So. Whales. Where most of their income is coming from. And who 99% of released content is released to cater for. The rest of us are just masochists who love Star Wars.

    Not necessarily whales. I saved up crystals for a couple months specifically to farm the Old Republic faction because I think we'll need them for a Legendary. I ended up buying Bastila from shipments with that stash, and still have enough left to spend about 700 crystals/day on the various nodes and refreshes.

    As such, I view these packs as a good thing. I bought both on Friday, and will buy both today, and next Monday.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Jeffrome wrote: »
    I was pretty excited to hear you’d be offering energy packs for 600 crystals. Then I saw the actual pack today and it’s definitely NOT a 14-15% discount. Let’s look at Cantina energy. Over 2 days you can refresh cantina 6 times for 600 crystals. That would give you 740 cantina energy. Instead you offer 640 energy with this pack and it should be offering at LEAST 750 to actually be considered a discount or even a good deal.
    I agree OP

    Over 4.5 days you can get that much energy for FREE

    That pack should be free

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    Pulsipher wrote: »
    I am no whale - I have done the math though. The crystal refresh math and the days left to farm certain characters. And I am buying those packs each day they are offered. I did hope that they would be a slightly better return but I am pleased that they are available.

    Someone who knows the game ;) zaalbar will be my quickest hard node farm ever.

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    Depends on how many crystals you have and how many you can reliably get each day.

    I do well in both arenas so probably average 700 or 800 crystals a day. You can only spend 450 a day on cheap energy refreshes for cantina and regular energy.

    If you spend that 450 and still have 600 left plus enough to refresh the nodes to use the regular energy effectively, the packs are a good deal.

    If you use all the crystals you get on cheap refreshes not so much. I bought a regular one when the bonus drops were up but that was in addition to the 50 crystal refreshes, not in place of them.

    With no bonus drops, I don't think I'll buy the regular one since it gets to expensive to refresh nodes and use it all with focus on bastilla, jolee, and zalibar. I already refresh bastilla's and jolee's node. So it would cost another 200 crystals on node refreshes to use it there.

    Now I may buy the cantina one if i have extra crystals after refreshing 3 times. It really depends on what gear is available today since i usually use excess crystals on stun guns, eyeballs, or other difficult to obtain gear.
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    thedrjojo wrote: »
    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    Yea this is a joke. And for someone like me who doesn’t go above the 50 crystal refresh, but does daily 3 refreshes. This is actually 60% MORE expensive... as I could get 1440 energy for 600 crystals. This is not a value pack.

    If you spent 600 crystals on refreshes today you would get 15% less energy. This is an additional purchase and saves 3 days worth of time if you were to purchase only the 50 refresh. Imo not worth it for the regular energy...

    Cantina I'm on the fence for... I really need the calendar to know when jtr is going to come (ie, if/where bb8 is on it). I'm 99 shards short on chewy and 103 shards short on Han. With 3 refreshes a day that should take me 22 more days. If I buy the pack today and the 8th, I can shave about 4 days off of those farms. Now, I can also buy the $30 pack and shave 10 days off...

    With jtr Oct 11-17, in an attempt to avoid the $30 pack I bought the cantina. 600 credits for 15 shards of vet Han, plus all the cantina currency, a couple omegas, couple mk3, well worth the investment (35% drop rate was good to me)
  • Options
    Pulsipher wrote: »
    I am no whale - I have done the math though. The crystal refresh math and the days left to farm certain characters. And I am buying those packs each day they are offered. I did hope that they would be a slightly better return but I am pleased that they are available.

    You realize they are the one that created the demand for those characters in the first place. That’s like inventing small pox and then selling the vaccine...
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    For those farming T3 and mission (which everyone who remembers JTR and the vets should be) with 3x 100 crystal cantina refreshes, it makes sense. If you can make top 50 in arena and top 10 in fleet arena it's affordable, and I have been doing 3x 100 crystal refreshes since those hard farms came to the cantina table and have bought both cantina energy packs, all without spending a dime. Some buy gear with crystals, but I feel like preparing for legendary/HJ events and helping with hard platoons it better value for me.

    Right. Create a demand. And then sell said demand. I don’t get how people are defending this. It’s not complicated. Anyone who buys this (and many other things they sell) are allowing CG to walk over them.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Jeffrome wrote: »
    I was pretty excited to hear you’d be offering energy packs for 600 crystals. Then I saw the actual pack today and it’s definitely NOT a 14-15% discount. Let’s look at Cantina energy. Over 2 days you can refresh cantina 6 times for 600 crystals. That would give you 740 cantina energy. Instead you offer 640 energy with this pack and it should be offering at LEAST 750 to actually be considered a discount or even a good deal.
    I agree OP

    Over 4.5 days you can get that much energy for FREE

    That pack should be free

    Lol idk about free... but yea you aren’t completely off there. The community has been saying that we have been overloaded with marquee events and new characters to farm. After creating that environment they release something like this, under the illusion of a “good deal”. While anyone with a lick of common sense can see directly through this.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    When i play monopoly i never buy any properties, houses or hotels. That’s how they get you along with RNG dice rolls.
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    Boov wrote: »
    When i play monopoly i never buy any properties, houses or hotels. That’s how they get you along with RNG dice rolls.

    Except in monopoly you use “Monopoly money” provided through gameplay. By playing the game you are rewarded with in game currency to be able to access any and all aspects of said game. A better comparison would be if you could buy the first two tiers of property with in game money. But the second two tiers including Park and Boardwalk would require you to send real money to Hasbro to access. Create the demand and then charge money for said demand.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    When i play monopoly i never buy any properties, houses or hotels. That’s how they get you along with RNG dice rolls.

    Except in monopoly you use “Monopoly money” provided through gameplay. By playing the game you are rewarded with in game currency to be able to access any and all aspects of said game. A better comparison would be if you could buy the first two tiers of property with in game money. But the second two tiers including Park and Boardwalk would require you to send real money to Hasbro to access. Create the demand and then charge money for said demand.

    You don't have to use real money to buy the energy packs though. Crystals are the ingame equivalent of "monopoly money", the only difference is that you can't buy monopoly money with real money.
    So when you land on boardwalk and you've already purchased park place in a previous round, but you don't have enough monopoly money to buy it, you're out of luck. Where as in swgoh you can just buy some "monopoly money" with real money and purchase boardwalk anyway, increasing your chances to win in the process.
    Point is that it's not always bad to create a demand, in most cases it makes the game more enjoyable. Being able to buy boardwalk anyway would ruin the game for me. For swgoh it's slightly different, i think that some ocasional spending would still be enjoyable, i just don't because i think it's a waste of money.
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