Hounds Tooth is overpowered

A 4* Hounds Tooth with a 2* pilot can hold taunt and survive against the combined firepower of a 7/7 Biggs, Geo Soldier and KRU, plus 6/7 Fett and 6/6 Ghost reinforcements.

Granted the guy buffed his Bossk up to G11 but that is still a ridiculous state of affairs made possible by the ridicilous set of abilities conferred upon the Hounds Tooth.

Biggs gains protection on a successful target lock, Bossk gains it when he takes a hit. (stacking)

Biggs gains taunt on a successful target lock, Bossk gains it on inflicting breach (which can't be evaded) and regains it if any enemy is still breached when it drops.

Bossk gains a big chunk of turn meter when any ally is hit so even assuming he miraculously loses taunt and you try other targets, he'll be right back.

Biggs is often paired with Vader to reliably activate these abilities. Bossk gets protection for free and taunt **** near free.

Additionally, Bossk gets tenacity buffed when not taunting, just in case you thought of stunning him.

And Bossk gets health + protection regen on his basic attack if he has taunt. ('if' haha!)

Oh and his maxed reinforce gives stacking counter chance to allies when they resist debuffs.

Seriously, ****?!??? He's Biggs on space-steroids witb a side of Vader and a generous helping of meta-munchkin.


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    Inflicting buff immunity helps. Try TIE Fighter’s special.
    I demand Grand Arena Elo ratings.
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    Ahsoka says hi, then Ahsoka says die.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Fake news
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    Wait till Xanadu is on that team as well lol. You’ll be screaming sunuma breach!! Lol
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    It's actually pretty easy to kill the under powered hts if you do it right. Don't know about a maxed one, haven't seen one in my shard.

    But basically, I run a tfp, vader, biggs starting line up under tarkin. My tfp usually goes first. Use a basic to get tl on ht. If it misses, you have vader up next to do his own tl. Then use tf's special and the ht has buff immunitu and no bonus protection. Then use your next couple of turns to kill it. Usually you can get it before it cleanses.

    I also have fives as a reinforcement, his basic can dispel the bonus protection and effectively shoot through it if he still has tl. So if you don't get him all the way call fives in and finish the job.

    Ht is a hard counter to geos but isn't invincible.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Kru and Geo Soldier are weak ships for first point, 2nd point just use ships that actually do work and are good like Ahsoka, HT is beatable.
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    There is a 7* HT camped at #1 on my server and I have yet to beat him.

    For those of you using Ahsoka - what gear level? I have her at 7* but only g8. I have a g11 TFP on my bench. Is she better than TFP for reinforce against HT?
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    HT was the best investment I’ve made!
    Take 1# every day (unless I’m busy) and don’t fall below #6 tons of crystals for farming Slice pieces.

    Granted I have a maxed HT and close to max Bossk (missing a zeta and one 12+ piece) but I will admit and agree it is OP but has made ships bareable and almost more fun then Arena
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    There is a hounds tooth with Xanadu's blood fully geared (pilots) and maxed out to 7 stars (ships)

    It is a very very overpowered combination. Buff immunity works until Hounds Tooth goes and dispels it. XB gives your ships offense down making HT beefier. Hounds Tooth also has high tenacity (at least at maxed gear/stars) and buff immunity from TFP will not land half the time (HT is starting line up not even a reinforcement)

    Ahsoka's buff dispel is a one-trick pony that only works if HT has no protection (which he recovers on basic) and she can one-shot him (tough under Thrawn lead who heals the team often)

    it is overpowered imo

    I'm able to beat this team with a lot of RNG but it took me a lot of practice.

    I haven't tried Sith Assassin's ship against it because not F2P yet but maybe that would make it much easier
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    VonZant wrote: »
    There is a 7* HT camped at #1 on my server and I have yet to beat him.

    For those of you using Ahsoka - what gear level? I have her at 7* but only g8. I have a g11 TFP on my bench. Is she better than TFP for reinforce against HT?

    I would put your g11 tfp in the starting lineup and make room in your reinforcements for asoka in case she is needed. If you have fives he can also dispel as long as you have tl on ht.

    For tfp to work you also need tl so two other toons that can tl are helpful in your starting line up. Vader and biggs work great since you need a tank anyway and vader can't miss and does big damage.

    You can get away with a somewhat under geared ship in reinforcements if it is used correctly. For example, i have both fives and ghost in my reinforcements. I bring fives in for a massive aoe if I manage to get tl spread and ghost in if i don't since it puts tl on all enemies when it comes in and calls a powerful ally to assist on the first attack. My biggs gets full protection from bringing it in so it is fairly safe. The other use is defense down. None of these purposes require g12 pilots.

    So as long as you can protect asoka behind a tank when she comes in, her dispel will work at lower gear.
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    Thanks. I'm in late 2016 shard. Run Biggs Vader Ghost->Phantom Cassian FOTP TFP. I used to be able to take #1 on occasion but now have to settle for top 5-10. I'm the only one that runs Ghost and it works, so not real keen to change my starting lineup. But I dont mind swapping around my bench. Lil Ahsoka would be fine if she can help nuke a 7* HT, but man he is tough. May just use Thrawn's super on him...
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    VonZant wrote: »
    Thanks. I'm in late 2016 shard. Run Biggs Vader Ghost->Phantom Cassian FOTP TFP. I used to be able to take #1 on occasion but now have to settle for top 5-10. I'm the only one that runs Ghost and it works, so not real keen to change my starting lineup. But I dont mind swapping around my bench. Lil Ahsoka would be fine if she can help nuke a 7* HT, but man he is tough. May just use Thrawn's super on him...

    I think ghost works better as a reinforcement. I maxed out it's reinforcement ability and the tl it puts outcan turn the battle. I've had several times of going from my biggs being almost dead to full protection and gives me time to get through their tank.

    Then I call in 5s to take out a few ships since he does a big attack from 4 ships being tl'd.
  • Jarvind
    3930 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    HT does have exploitable weaknesses. He's kinda slow, so if you can land a buff immunity, stun, or ability block before he takes his first turn, you should be able to take out one of his allies before he can get a taunt going. If you can resist Breach (do any ships give Tenacity Up? I honestly can't remember), a simple buff wipe will also make him pretty harmless for a couple turns. Even if he does have a Breach out, a buff wipe followed by a big hit (Silencer, Poe) can take him out.

    I'm not saying he isn't an absolute monster (he is), just that he can be beaten or worked around if you have the right tools.
  • Chicagotarsier
    621 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Simple to work around. Hehas been nerfed on his defense the past week. Silencer x1 biggs special and anything less than 5 stars is dead

    It is the typical bait and switch.

    Happened with Sion hound 5s...i can keep going. Somehow their attack power or defence or tenacity or potency gets a fix at the 1 month point. Becomes half what it was before.

    I digress.

    Wedge is the key to dealing with hound.

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    It’s all in your fleet choice. Once you beat him, however, you open yourself up to possibly having a horrible team to defend the #1 spot. So ask is it really that important to be #1 unless you can plan on attacking a win right at payout.
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    There's a G12 Bossk, 5 star HT in my shard.

    With Tarkin, ITF, Vader as 1st reinforcement... Just hit him harder than he recovers.
    Bring in Ashoka to help too.

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    Jarvind wrote: »
    I'm not saying he isn't an absolute monster (he is), just that he can be beaten or worked around if you have the right tools.
    That I cannot currently beat him is merely an irritant. I am used to fighting against the odds.

    What really worries me is what he will be like at 7*/7* and several of the comments on this thread seem to confirm my suspicions.

    A self-healing tank with the potential to hold taunt for the majority of the time is a serious game balance issue, even more so when we have only 3 ships in a starting lineup.

    Hounds Tooth will become the new meta, the only question is what it will be deployed with.
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    Considering HT made me change my reinforcement to bistan and phantom, I'd say it's good.
    Considering HT did not make me change my lineups from Thrawn Ties+Biggs, I'd say surely not OP.
    Doable. Pretty hard, but even Tie fighter can counter it with buff immunity, and thrawn can still one shot it.. I'd say it's really not a problem. You just run things that don't counter it.
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    Ok, but when you use ashoka, she only dispelled, and after that ht will recover once again hes def.

    Anyone maybe try a wedge?
  • Jarvind
    3930 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    I'm not saying he isn't an absolute monster (he is), just that he can be beaten or worked around if you have the right tools.
    That I cannot currently beat him is merely an irritant. I am used to fighting against the odds.

    What really worries me is what he will be like at 7*/7* and several of the comments on this thread seem to confirm my suspicions.

    I'm using a 7* Hounds Tooth with a 7*, G12+1 Bossk, and while it's certainly monstrous (and funny to watch the entire enemy fleet pound on it the entire match), the other top players in my shard don't seem to have any issue bumping me out of the #1 spot each day.
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    Simple to work around. Hehas been nerfed on his defense the past week. Silencer x1 biggs special and anything less than 5 stars is dead

    It is the typical bait and switch.

    Happened with Sion hound 5s...i can keep going. Somehow their attack power or defence or tenacity or potency gets a fix at the 1 month point. Becomes half what it was before.

    I digress.

    Wedge is the key to dealing with hound.

    Did Houndstooth really get nerfed?
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    Jarvind wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    I'm not saying he isn't an absolute monster (he is), just that he can be beaten or worked around if you have the right tools.
    That I cannot currently beat him is merely an irritant. I am used to fighting against the odds.

    What really worries me is what he will be like at 7*/7* and several of the comments on this thread seem to confirm my suspicions.

    I'm using a 7* Hounds Tooth with a 7*, G12+1 Bossk, and while it's certainly monstrous (and funny to watch the entire enemy fleet pound on it the entire match), the other top players in my shard don't seem to have any issue bumping me out of the #1 spot each day.

    I was finally able to beat it last night just by brute Force. Biggs Assist, Ghost Assist, Vader with offense up, Phantom TL, Vader Buff wipe, Phantom big special. Took a while though. Not sure how often I can consistently do that though.
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    Hey OP, I'm on a day one shard and consistently fight against about six/seven maxed hound's in various comps.
    I still run geos under tarkin (everyone totally maxed) and my reinforcements from a left to right are tie advanced, tie reaper, Kylo shuttle, and tie silencer.
    Against hound I switch to chimaera lead, and call in Kylo's shuttle first. Basically chimaera already boosts crit dmg passively, I use it's "cure" special immediately to give offense up to geo and soldier, then call the multi attack from geo spy on hound. As I have the shuttle called in I use its special giving 100% tm, advantage, and reduce special cd on geo spy; then immediately reuse the multi attack (this time with offense up and advantage). That usually burns down the hound or dmg it beyond recovery.
    Besides, both shuttle and reaper have a dispel to get rid of the stacking protection, and the tie advanced too if the target is locked.
    I hope it helps, cheers
    Res non verba
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    I think Kylo's shuttle is very underrated, and purely because it's a hard farm, one of the hardest actually. The maxed reinforcement and maxed abilities completely make up for its abysmal speed. I use it right now at 4* in my 7* lineup and love it.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »

    I think Kylo's shuttle is very underrated, and purely because it's a hard farm, one of the hardest actually. The maxed reinforcement and maxed abilities completely make up for its abysmal speed. I use it right now at 4* in my 7* lineup and love it.

    I totally agree, usually Kylo’s shuttle is my first reinforcement because of how good it really is. It’s always is providing TM and advantage, so it also works great with TIE Silencer if you run him.
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    Indeed I do. Best ship I have so far. Just missing all the G12+ as I'm not that far along and one Zeta.
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    I think it doesn't work as intended, because sometimes I can kill it with ease and sometimes it just doesn't loose any health. All those secondary attacks don't do anything.
    Change - Paradox - Humour
  • Roopehunter
    1188 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Personally I came to the opposite conclusion.

    Sure, a regenerating tank soundd great, but if every single ship totall counters it (tfp, taxi, bistan, ahsoka, marauder, wedge, thrawn....) then its pointless and is not worth the farm.
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    I use Home One in fleet arena, which means I rely on a lot of assists. That makes HT a challenge, since each separate attack gives it bonus protection. If your attacks don’t do enough damage, you run the risk that HT will wind up stronger than before you attacked it.

    You can work around it though. You just have to adjust your strategy. My main advice is try not to damage it while it already has protection up, unless you can inflict overwhelming damage. I’ll even use non-attack abilities that don’t serve any strategic purpose under the circumstances, just to avoid granting it bonus protection. That and make liberal use of cleanse from Vader/Ahsoka/others.

    I face 7* HTs everyday on my push up to top 5 in fleet, and I probably win 70-80% of my attacks on HT fleets using these strategies.
    I demand Grand Arena Elo ratings.
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    HT is overpowered, but that's ok. I'm farming him right now. in the meantime, I just blow him up with the Geo triple burst, after getting offense up from Chimera. Problem Solved.
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