Original Trilogy Content Coming

They said in the last Road Ahead update that they're going to finish the year by adding more toons and ships from the Original Trilogy. Who do you guys think they'll add? Bounty Hunter Leia? X-Wing Pilot Luke? Jedi Luke? Endor versions of Han, Luke, and Leia? A Millenium Falcon for Han and Chewie? A-Wings, B-Wings and Y-Wings? TIE Interceptors and Bombers?


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    More Han and Chewies, is my guess
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    More Han and Chewies, is my guess

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    C3po will run the meta
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Mara Jade
    Jaina Solo (she's legacy OT)

    a man can dream...
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    To be honest, there aren't many known characters that we don't have already, unless they release iterations of the same characters. For example a new han, chewbacca, luke skywalker, or a new Leia. C3P0 is one that hasn't come to the game yet, or a lot of other nameless characters that we go up against in TB like rebel pilot.

    The sad fact about the OT is that there aren't that many characters to pull from that they don't already have in game without making a new iteration of them. Like Endor Leia or Endor Han solo.
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    mesa176750 wrote: »
    To be honest, there aren't many known characters that we don't have already, unless they release iterations of the same characters. For example a new han, chewbacca, luke skywalker, or a new Leia. C3P0 is one that hasn't come to the game yet, or a lot of other nameless characters that we go up against in TB like rebel pilot.

    The sad fact about the OT is that there aren't that many characters to pull from that they don't already have in game without making a new iteration of them. Like Endor Leia or Endor Han solo.

    That’s true but there are bunches of lesser known, obscure but named characters. If we can have Bistan and Pao from Rogue One, there are surely plenty of pilots and officers and such from OT that can easily be added.
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    Cantina band
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    Dianoga trash monster.
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    Jabba the Hutt
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    Salacious Crumb!
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    Give us porkins dang it
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    Its more ewoks
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Eutus wrote: »
    Its more ewoks

    Yes! More murder bears! Bahahaha
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    Yeah, it's hard to think of who's left from the OT, but I have the feeling that C3PO is going to be added as the next big character add outside of the next round of KotOR toons. This isn't really based on anything other than he's the last main character not to be in the game, and the other (Chewbacca) was recently added already.

    I don't see Jedi Luke coming quite yet, and Jabba just isn't happening (I'd love it though) but who knows.

    or...Nien Nunb!
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    First before all of that nonsense we need a lobot rework.. give us what we need
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    DT_Jango wrote: »
    First before all of that nonsense we need a lobot rework.. give us what we need

    Stop that! This will be the one time they listen and think that this is what the community all wants!
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    Prune Face!
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    They said they’re going to add more content from that era. I hope you realize that. And I hope we get some more characters that aren’t in the game instead of more duplicates of the exact same characters.
    That being said, I hope we get some more imperial characters from the Rebels show, Govoner Pryce and Thrawns assassin Rukh!
    From the movies I hope we get Jabba the Hutt, 4-L0M and Zuckuss.
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    Jabba and his crew. They will then be required for a Legendary toon (probably another Han) that will eventually be needed for Jedi Luke.

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    They haven't got Nien Nunb yet, which is surprising since he made it into EA battlefront
  • B0R345
    25 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    C3PO is the most obvious choice. I'd say he's 8/10 to show up in the next batch.

    JLS may be even more likely given the buzz on the character, though he will almost certainly follow 3PO.

    Apart from that, the remaining OT bounty hunters may yet get a spin, with 4Lom being the likelier of the two.

    Mon Mothma? Why not. Crix Madine? Maybe.

    General Lando and Nien Nunb could well appear, but the obvious context for them is as Falcon pilots and I'd rather see that distinction given to Han and OG Chewie.

    Bespin Han? I can't see them adding a sixth Solo, but who knows?

    Carbonite Han? Oh, behave.

    Jabba probably insn't feasible, but Bib Fortuna could well show up. I dunno.

    More Imperials like Piett aren't unlikley.

    Rebel Force Major Derlin would be a fun addition, if only to have Cliff Claven join the SWGOH cast.

    Porkins? Why not?

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    Death Star fleet raid. I have a ton of ships, and there’s nothing to do with the ones that aren’t my arena lineup.

    C-3PO and OT Falcon are likely. I feel like Jedi Knight Luke is still ways off.

    I’ll be psyched if they add some Inquisitors to the game. Not OT per se, but same era.
    I demand Grand Arena Elo ratings.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Id like the "He doesnt like you" guy.

    I mean hes wanted on 12 systems
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    In the end episode of Rebels Rex is said to have fought on Endor....how bout Endor Cpt. Rex?
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    Leak said C3PO and Falcon. I’d assume that’s what it is.
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    Demo1ition wrote: »
    In the end episode of Rebels Rex is said to have fought on Endor....how bout Endor Cpt. Rex?

    Yes 1000 times yes. Or even just old Rex with rebel, clone, and phoenix tag.

    Old clones is just what the clones tag needs, they dont even need helmets!!
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    I think we need battle of Endor (clone trooper) rebel Rex.
  • Tryagain88
    3 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Out of the original trilogy, Return is the only one we don't have that many characters from.
    I see them releasing endor characters (Leia, Han, old Rex etc) and then having to use them to unlock JLS. Definitely needing 3PO as well.
    As for the falcon, its ridiculous we don't have one yet piloted by Han and chewie. But then, it's taken this long to get Anakin a ship....
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    mesa176750 wrote: »
    To be honest, there aren't many known characters that we don't have already, unless they release iterations of the same characters. For example a new han, chewbacca, luke skywalker, or a new Leia. C3P0 is one that hasn't come to the game yet, or a lot of other nameless characters that we go up against in TB like rebel pilot.

    The sad fact about the OT is that there aren't that many characters to pull from that they don't already have in game without making a new iteration of them. Like Endor Leia or Endor Han solo.

    There are tons of minor and background characters to pull from the movies and even more main steam EU or Legends. The Solo Kids, Luke’s son, Mara Jade, Gram Bel Iblis, Jagged Fel, Imperial Officers and Rebel Officers and Leaders. There’s so much content that can still be added.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    If you go only on factions for ROTJ.

    SHIPs Empire

    Interceptor - Interceptor pilot (attacker AOE stuff)
    Bomber - Same as INT
    TD shuttle (no imperial crew in movie so prob not happning
    Defender ( in era by cannon now not sure who they would pilot)

    Ships Rebel
    A wing (put the girl who was removed from movie in the Awing or Avryl
    B wing (Take Hera out of current ship her B wing episode from Rebels was amazing and put her there)
    Ywing (whoever) pick a "There's too many of them guy" and transfer

    TOONS not for ships.

    Gammo Brutes already in game
    Temple guards (rebels) alrady in game
    ROJ lando
    ROJ leia
    ROJ han
    Nien Numb
    ROJ wedge
    Ghost Yoda (lol)
    Ghost Ben (lol)
    Multiple Ewoks... Still think glider should be a ship
    Sickly wierd looking dude serving Emperor


    Slave Droid Leader
    Little Imperial droid (support)
    Medical droid (healer)

    Anyone at Jabba's I guess...

    Out of that whole list I honestly and not seeing anyone they would be crazy about relasing for $$$ purposes cept Nien, lando, leia, ewok or two..

    All I'm hyped about is Ships ALL THE SHIPS.. Just not OG falcon....anything but OG falcon...

    We dont' need an all powerful ship released with 2 toons everyone already has a G12.... Yeah we would like Falcon but not like that...it's just ship arena cheese....releasing a God ship everyone will have maxxed that negates EVERYTHING we already have in ships

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