What's going on with Nighsisters


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    Treeburner wrote: »
    Gather some troopers and press auto loltoysane3a6id.png

    Hahahaha, really? Thats your proof? hahahaha.

    How come no picture of the squad at fight select so we see your rank, and the rank and gl of your opponent? Is it because with that squad you never break into the top 100?? Because not only can I beat that team, every other team on your shard can too.

    My NS.

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    He's correct though. Troopers walk all over any set of 5 sisters. I don't think I've ever had troopers take more than 30 seconds to wipe a straight NS team.
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    dheneb wrote: »
    He's correct though. Troopers walk all over any set of 5 sisters. I don't think I've ever had troopers take more than 30 seconds to wipe a straight NS team.

    first off I can beat that team with my NS the problem with that particular comp is it can be beaten by a good NS team, but more importantly that team will not hold in the top anything. So yes you can beat NS on defense congrats, you finally figured out that the AI is terrible in this game. The other problem you have is since no one in their right mind would use that squad in the top 20 it's irrelevant what it can do, especially since the last time I ever saw that comp I smoked it. I don't see them around, at all, anymore.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    I've been bumped to 500 now! I've been consistently in the top 200, now I'm struggling to break 400. Something is clearly not right!!!! 7k0jxw9zdkuj.jpg

    You can beat that JTR team easily. I see no struggle there.
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    My problem with them is 4 ns is a must, so you have 1 leftover spot for talia/acolyte/spirit, all bringing completely different things to the table. I want all of that cake, not just 3 pieces lol.

    Don't forget Initiate (assuming the four must-haves are Talzin, Daka, Ventress and Zombie). For offense, I usually pick her for the 5th spot unless I need a dispeller.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    Use another revive related team, with 2 dispellers. Target daka 3 times to kill her off. Keep dispelling zombies taunt. Then take talzin, then asanj. That order always works.

    I'm using my main and most powerful arena team that I have been working on for around a year. If I were to start trying different weaker teams I'm going to get bumped even further.

    A year? Just be happy that your team has earned you higher ranks for a whole year. That's a loooong time for an arena team.

    (But still, with NS you should be able to easily stay within top—100)
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    The only thing I can now make progress on in my current team is mods. And I guess I'm just not that lucky when it comes to farming or slicing.

    May I suggest that you post a link to your profile on swgoh.gg? We can help you much better then.
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    My problem with them is 4 ns is a must, so you have 1 leftover spot for talia/acolyte/spirit, all bringing completely different things to the table. I want all of that cake, not just 3 pieces lol.

    Don't forget Initiate (assuming the four must-haves are Talzin, Daka, Ventress and Zombie). For offense, I usually pick her for the 5th spot unless I need a dispeller.

    Initiate isn’t quite as useful as the other three options for the fifth slot.
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    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    I've been bumped to 500 now! I've been consistently in the top 200, now I'm struggling to break 400. Something is clearly not right!!!! 7k0jxw9zdkuj.jpg

    This no longer sounds like a nightsister problem.
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    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Reading your comments i disagree... you are a noob

    Thanks for the input. Jog on.

    I dont need to thanks... 3 years playing this game and NS are not an issue..

    If you have fallen 300 places or whatever it was over night then its not down to the recent NS change alone...

    So in your words.. jog on and enjoy complaining just cause your getting beat by old school not even (atm) meta teams
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    I love Nightsisters. They are my arena team.
  • Yawansumame
    12 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    The only thing I can now make progress on in my current team is mods. And I guess I'm just not that lucky when it comes to farming or slicing.

    I'm not sure if it was your swgoh.gg profile, but to be honest and blunt, your NSs are garbage. Take a look at your squad and the rest of your shard's squads.
  • Yawansumame
    12 posts Member
    edited November 2018
  • casper1jr
    175 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    casper1jr wrote: »
    Sydre wrote: »
    I only have an issue if they are running acolyte. I use bastila lead and I shred all NS that use talia over acolyte

    Use a AoE team and you will win them every single time. I use Palintine as lead, Darth maul, Nihilus, Sith trooper and Darth Vader. All my characters can do damage to all so they can't hide behind the zombie or Acolyte. This will work Everytime, I have 1000+ nightsister defeats in the arena :)

    Lol, you've never faced a decent NS team, because your team is cake. lol. I have 10 million wins vs palpy teams

    10 million arena wins? Troll fail, I've been in top 100 plenty of times and I'm a free player. I don't need to do any better. My arena team always wins NS. The past 1000 arena wins are from NS, I maybe lose 1 in 20 fights. Here's my arena wins so far as a free player.

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    Not sure what team u run but NS r easy for sith but arena comes down to mods who attacks first to get the advantage if u r not investing in mod upgrades u r going to fall u have to make changes to go up not down can’t stay the same.
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    casper1jr wrote: »
    casper1jr wrote: »
    Sydre wrote: »
    I only have an issue if they are running acolyte. I use bastila lead and I shred all NS that use talia over acolyte

    Use a AoE team and you will win them every single time. I use Palintine as lead, Darth maul, Nihilus, Sith trooper and Darth Vader. All my characters can do damage to all so they can't hide behind the zombie or Acolyte. This will work Everytime, I have 1000+ nightsister defeats in the arena :)

    Lol, you've never faced a decent NS team, because your team is cake. lol. I have 10 million wins vs palpy teams

    10 million arena wins? Troll fail, I've been in top 100 plenty of times and I'm a free player. I don't need to do any better. My arena team always wins NS. The past 1000 arena wins are from NS, I maybe lose 1 in 20 fights. Here's my arena wins so far as a free player.


    Hahahahahahahaahahaahahaahaha, your proof of you squad arena rank doesn't even show what rank you are and what you are fighting. Simply because you can't. Move along nub.
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    Getting back on topic, NS gain TM with heals and NS heal a lot. Add a zeta or two in there and you get more damage, heals and resurrection abilities.

    To the OP, what team are you currently running? I hear you struggling against NS and am curious what team you use.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    casper1jr wrote: »
    casper1jr wrote: »
    Sydre wrote: »
    I only have an issue if they are running acolyte. I use bastila lead and I shred all NS that use talia over acolyte

    Use a AoE team and you will win them every single time. I use Palintine as lead, Darth maul, Nihilus, Sith trooper and Darth Vader. All my characters can do damage to all so they can't hide behind the zombie or Acolyte. This will work Everytime, I have 1000+ nightsister defeats in the arena :)

    Lol, you've never faced a decent NS team, because your team is cake. lol. I have 10 million wins vs palpy teams

    10 million arena wins? Troll fail, I've been in top 100 plenty of times and I'm a free player. I don't need to do any better. My arena team always wins NS. The past 1000 arena wins are from NS, I maybe lose 1 in 20 fights. Here's my arena wins so far as a free player.


    Hahahahahahahaahahaahahaahaha, your proof of you squad arena rank doesn't even show what rank you are and what you are fighting. Simply because you can't. Move along nub.

    You're filling this thread with irrelevant posts and constantly missing the point. Nobody cares what you do with your NS on offence, that's literally the opposite of what OP is asking.

    OP: If you're dropping that much it's more than just a NS problem. You need to give us more information (an swgoh.gg profile would be nice but at the bare minimum we need to know what your team is).
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Although sometimes it's random. Previous three days I held 40-60 before my climb, today I'm suddenly 168. But with that said I'm pretty sure it's not because CG changed something about L3.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TROOPERS. Then auto
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius. My SWGOH.GG Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/bahumat22/
  • Shadowscream
    971 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    I think this is his account?
    It shows the drop off on the Arena Graph.
    If I’m right....I’m not surprised with your Arena Rank. Palpatine gets slaughtered by jobbing Bastila Teams, Revan etc.

    IF, you want to stick with this lineup:
    • Nihilus has to replace Tarkin ASAP
    • Speed needs improved but especially on Vader - Vader needs blistering Speed and very high Potency to punch through Tenacity.
    • Zeta Crackling Doom

    TL : DR —> Farm and Gear Nihilus, Zeta EP, and focused relentless Mod Farming with refreshes for several weeks (months...)

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    casper1jr wrote: »
    casper1jr wrote: »
    Sydre wrote: »
    I only have an issue if they are running acolyte. I use bastila lead and I shred all NS that use talia over acolyte

    Use a AoE team and you will win them every single time. I use Palintine as lead, Darth maul, Nihilus, Sith trooper and Darth Vader. All my characters can do damage to all so they can't hide behind the zombie or Acolyte. This will work Everytime, I have 1000+ nightsister defeats in the arena :)

    Lol, you've never faced a decent NS team, because your team is cake. lol. I have 10 million wins vs palpy teams

    10 million arena wins? Troll fail, I've been in top 100 plenty of times and I'm a free player. I don't need to do any better. My arena team always wins NS. The past 1000 arena wins are from NS, I maybe lose 1 in 20 fights. Here's my arena wins so far as a free player.


    Hahahahahahahaahahaahahaahaha, your proof of you squad arena rank doesn't even show what rank you are and what you are fighting. Simply because you can't. Move along nub.

    ... His GG is in his signature. Pay more attention before randomly attacking someone. , "Nub"
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius. My SWGOH.GG Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/bahumat22/
  • casper1jr
    175 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    casper1jr wrote: »
    casper1jr wrote: »
    Sydre wrote: »
    I only have an issue if they are running acolyte. I use bastila lead and I shred all NS that use talia over acolyte

    Use a AoE team and you will win them every single time. I use Palintine as lead, Darth maul, Nihilus, Sith trooper and Darth Vader. All my characters can do damage to all so they can't hide behind the zombie or Acolyte. This will work Everytime, I have 1000+ nightsister defeats in the arena :)

    Lol, you've never faced a decent NS team, because your team is cake. lol. I have 10 million wins vs palpy teams

    10 million arena wins? Troll fail, I've been in top 100 plenty of times and I'm a free player. I don't need to do any better. My arena team always wins NS. The past 1000 arena wins are from NS, I maybe lose 1 in 20 fights. Here's my arena wins so far as a free player.


    Hahahahahahahaahahaahahaahaha, your proof of you squad arena rank doesn't even show what rank you are and what you are fighting. Simply because you can't. Move along nub.

    Your troll is weak, let's see your 10 million arena wins. Only one full of poo poo is you lol Also, no one was talking about ranks btw, we were talking about winning NS squads. Do you understand now poo poo?

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    @christopher152003, we didn't come here to listen to your meager attempts at a debate and ad hominem techniques of simply insulting someone and hoping they'll back off. It is also common sense that Troopers beat NS. He should not need more proof. This has been a thing for a very long time (though I do question the use of Gar Saxon leadership), and he wasn't even implying that that team would hold on defense, so your claim "I can beat that team, and so can everyone else on your shard," is completely irrelevant. he could simply switch to a different team that "Holds better," but it is somewhat difficult to lose in arena nowadays unless its against Revan, in which case you don't even lose, you time out.
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius. My SWGOH.GG Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/bahumat22/
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    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    I've been bumped to 500 now! I've been consistently in the top 200, now I'm struggling to break 400. Something is clearly not right!!!! 7k0jxw9zdkuj.jpg

    Double check your mods. Now that it is so easy to move them I will sometimes leave somone empty by accident. Had Thrawn on my arena team without mods for a few days one time. And he is my Fleet commander too. Could not figure out why I could not beat anyone on offense... ;)
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    I have noticed more activity in my shard the past few days... Won't break 200 today unless I refresh, and was 144 when I woke up...
  • Treeburner
    773 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Gather some troopers and press auto loltoysane3a6id.png

    Hahahaha, really? Thats your proof? hahahaha.

    How come no picture of the squad at fight select so we see your rank, and the rank and gl of your opponent? Is it because with that squad you never break into the top 100?? Because not only can I beat that team, every other team on your shard can too.

    My NS.


    The OP is on how to beat NS.
    Troopers are the hard counter , nothing holds on defense against everything so you saying you can beat the trooper team on offense with NS doesn't matter.

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    NS can beat any squad. Matter of mods and lineup. Troopers wont be able to do so, neither most other squads. Its because the KI cannot handle the zombie upgrade totally and the 2 extra rezzes (4 deaths) give them enough juice to let assaj rock the show. KI will attack zombie further even with 2 stacks of debuff and so simply will be stacked with dots and the show is over after x time. I think this faction didnt deserved a free push into this range, but thats just my tiny opinion. The zombie rework is nice, except those free rezzes. An immuntiy to fracture might have been better.
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    Treeburner wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Gather some troopers and press auto loltoysane3a6id.png

    Hahahaha, really? Thats your proof? hahahaha.

    How come no picture of the squad at fight select so we see your rank, and the rank and gl of your opponent? Is it because with that squad you never break into the top 100?? Because not only can I beat that team, every other team on your shard can too.

    My NS.


    The OP is on how to beat NS.
    Troopers are the hard counter , nothing holds on defense against everything so you saying you can beat the trooper team on offense with NS doesn't matter.


    The original post was asking what was up with NS and why are they so hard to beat.

    So your saying there is no possible way an NS team can beat troopers?? Lol thats an ignorant stance all teams are beatable given sufficiently good mods and tactics. I have beaten the NS killer trooper teams, I also am not at 186 rank I am #1 when I want it. I am here to correct your ignorance, do not really care if it pertains to original post, as you can't have a helpful post with ignorant misinformation.

    BTW my server is a Nov 15 shard.

    My original team was Asajj (L), Daka, Acolyte, Initiate, and Talia, and I have consistenly been in top 150 since Nov 2015. I am not a bandwagon jumper when they released MT and such, I have put everything into my NS first everyone else 2nd. My NS team is second to very few if any.

    To keep this on topic the Jump in stats for having a full set on a single character of 6* mods makes a huge difference, that is the reason why I see Revan's with 320+ speed. I prioritize upgrading all my mods to 6* and I have 4 full characters with 6*. I can tell you it makes a big difference.


  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Oh and I stayed on topic I probably gave the single best advice on how to beat NS consistently regardless of what team you use. Saying use troopers is stupid and unrealistic.

    Just so you don't think I'm fighting 103k opponents I included a few more screenshots for you. And I do not use the discord chat for the top 20 to achieve #1 either, so I don't have people putting soft teams up for me to go up in rank, or locking me in at #1 till my payout. I do this alone.

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