Spectating Battles

29 posts Member
edited December 2018
I was talking with my guildmates today and we were all talking about how fun it would to be able to spectate actively going battles (or if that's not possible, archived/completed battles). That would likely greatly increase interest and enjoyment out of TW.

I can see only one drawback, and that is you would see your opponent's squad members they use when attacking you. However, that should give minimal to no advantage. Defenses are already locked in so you can't change them. The only advantage you could get is trying to deduce what teams you won't face later, but it is unlikely that you'll be able to find your opponents rosters anyway. In all, I think there is minimal advantage by allowing this while greatly increasing player enjoyment!


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    I would enjoy this feature also.
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    It would be fun but the way the game currently works is that battles are played out on the attacker's device separately from the internet, with the results being uploaded to the game servers at the very end. It would need quite a big game restructure to make this possible and the game would probably then kill battery life.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    This is a great idea. It would enhance the game nicely. Watching battles would help to engage the players on both teams.
  • Ultra
    11521 posts Moderator
    It would be fun but the way the game currently works is that battles are played out on the attacker's device separately from the internet, with the results being uploaded to the game servers at the very end. It would need quite a big game restructure to make this possible and the game would probably then kill battery life.
    Saving so many videos of battles on the server is costly and I don't think CG has enough servers to do so

    I'd like a log of teams used and time taken at least

    like what squad / gear / mods were used to attack your teams viewable the same way you see TW defenses and also helps detect if anyone is using hacking tools in TW against your guild
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    You dont need to store videos... numbers and sequences then you could review it on your own device. All chars and specials are just simplr numbers/variables on server side, client is the tool for visual representation. All what is needed is option to get stored data nad have tool in client to play it
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    The thing is they could do this if they just really wanted to, other games do this sort of thing but like how some have said already it would require them making changes to servers and code etc and if they dont see a way something major like that can directly relate to more money in their pockets they won't waste the time on it
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    I've wanted this ability for a long time now for TW. I've always been interested in how my defensive squads do in TW, but without being able to watch the already finished battle (for those players who choose to), any efforts made trying to improve your defensive squads is just a shot in the dark and may even end up making them easier to defeat. The only real information we have access to now is how many battles they survived, which I dont think is nearly enough.

    I went through the recent post about the ban for players involved with the discount crystals thing, but I was also surprised to find out there are a few other ways some players cheat. From what I can remember, there's one referred to as "fog" that would allow you to see the defensive setup of the enemy guild during the setup phase in TWs. Others described players being able to clone their best mods and use the cloned mod set on however many heroes they wanted. The last one was referred to as "God mode" and it allowed players to defeat arena/fleet opponents in a matter of seconds, and I imagine them being able to use these elsewhere, in events, TBs, etc.

    I had no idea these kinds of things have been going on until now and I think the lions share of the blame for that is the lack of players being able to review (or basically NON-real-time spectating) of defensive value. If CG/EA really are genuine in their professed commitment to address this kind of blatant cheating, it's hard for me to imagine them not being open to this idea. The people who have been using these kinds of cheats have only been getting away with it because of the inability for other players to review their defensive squads battles with these cheaters. Cheaters thrive in the darkness of this defensive information feedback blackout.

    Shining a light on these cheaters, increasing information feedback to players on their defense, while also increasing player involvement and engagement in TWs sounds to me like a win for honest players, a win for CG/EA, and a loss for those who choose to cheat. Players would be able to report players that utilize these cheats to CG/EA, and not only that, the CG employees investigating cheaters will have access to some strong data to aid them in finding and removing these players wed all be better off without.
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    I didn't even think about the aspect that it can prevent cheating. Great point!!
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