Thanks for moving the Bronzium Data Card...

1047 posts Member
edited December 2018
... to the beginning of the row.

However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(


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    You made a mistake, and it was in the update notes. I can sympathize with the lost crystals, but this one's on you.
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    I did the same thing.
    over a year of automatic hand motions. 350 crystals went poof.
    No warning.
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    Huge fan of the move , great job
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    I would be a great fan if I could have my crystals back.
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    +1 BEST quality of life change to date.
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    Thanks for the move. That's a lot bettet
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    3..... Years...... Later......
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    Gair wrote: »
    +1 BEST quality of life change to date.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ... to the beginning of the row.

    However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

    Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(
    Wow another predatory tactic disguised as a QOL

    CG will never change

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    Ultra wrote: »
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ... to the beginning of the row.

    However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

    Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(
    Wow another predatory tactic disguised as a QOL

    CG will never change

    The sarcasm is strong with this one
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    Always losing.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    3..... Years...... Later......

    There's always somebody to complain.

    Or 15 somebodies...
    I need a new message here.
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    I couldn't believe that they actually did this, so I had to go check my phone to make sure. :smile:
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    real question is, did you get something cool for your 350 crystals?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ... to the beginning of the row.

    However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

    Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(
    Wow another predatory tactic disguised as a QOL

    CG will never change

    How is it predatory? People have whined for years where it was located. They move it, put it in patch notes telling us they move it and you call that predatory?
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    No. Useless.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    How is it predatory? People have whined for years where it was located. They move it, put it in patch notes telling us they move it and you call that predatory?

    I need a new message here.
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    My bad, I didn't read the patch note before doing what I've always done at server reset.
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    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ... to the beginning of the row.

    However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

    Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(
    Wow another predatory tactic disguised as a QOL

    CG will never change

    How is it predatory? People have whined for years where it was located. They move it, put it in patch notes telling us they move it and you call that predatory?

    You are missing the point of that post, The c9mment is directed to the complaining about not being told it moved and buy8ng a 350 pack.

    It’s a sarcastic commment about a nonsense complaint,
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    It’s a sarcastic commment about a nonsense complaint,
    A complaint?

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    Money is nonsense?
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    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ... to the beginning of the row.

    However, I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.

    Thanks for the move, no thanks for the lack of forewarning. :(
    Wow another predatory tactic disguised as a QOL

    CG will never change

    How is it predatory? People have whined for years where it was located. They move it, put it in patch notes telling us they move it and you call that predatory?

    You are missing the point of that post, The c9mment is directed to the complaining about not being told it moved and buy8ng a 350 pack.

    It’s a sarcastic commment about a nonsense complaint,

    Usually my sarcasm detector works well. Must of had it turned off.
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    mesa176750 wrote: »
    real question is, did you get something cool for your 350 crystals?
    10 FOO shards. :blush:
    P.S: not cool but better than nothing. :)
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    Nice change for a non spender like myself. If you dont have the money to spend no need to do all that window shopping.
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    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ...I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.(

    Did same thing. Autopilot failed.

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    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    ...I had no idea it had been moved so went all the way to the end, as I've done for years, and spent 350 Crystals before realising what had happened.(
    Did same thing. Autopilot failed.
    Sorry to hear it and for the sarcastic comments that'll come your way. ;)

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    Same thing happened to me. At least I got 15 Sabine shards for it, which I happen to be farming. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Same thing happened to me. At least I got 15 Sabine shards for it, which I happen to be farming. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Not too bad if you needed them. :)
    We're not the only ones to have made the "mistake" @KausDebonair , it's happen to quite a few others who posted on Reddit.

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    10 Holdo shards )))
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    10 NS Spirit shards here
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