Christmas gifts



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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Honestly, having all these events active is a much appreciated gift. Most of them are good rewards for the play.

    My exact thoughts. Thanks for the abundance of events CG!
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    The events are the present. There's nothing in the datamine about an inbox message coming with anything else.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    You all should play some of the games out there that do absolutely nothing for their player base, even when the stuff that goes wrong is their fault.

    Thats where youre wrong, kiddo.
    Their biggest competitor, MSF, gives out free, good stuff like every 3 days.

    MSF only gives these things out because they’re always screwing up.

    And swgoh isn’t?
    Honestly they need more testing time before they release things.
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    Hanfirst wrote: »
    CG tends to give out rewards when there is a glytch on their side.

    First grand arena couldnt attack, everyone gets first place rewards who entered.
    Server shuts down for a short time, Crystal in the inbox of all players.
    TW dont happen for 3 weeks, free top rewards to all players.

    Leading up to xmas 3 christmas portraits.. If potraits are your thing.

    I am a big fan that basically every event runs this week, that is huge rewards for 20-30 minutes of gameplay.
    There could be something else this week who knows but to date thats good rewards.
    You what clash has done so far, absolutely nothing.

    First grand arena couldnt attack, everyone gets first place rewards who entered. => to compsensate a bug
    Server shuts down for a short time, Crystal in the inbox of all players. =>to compensate intempestive server shuts down
    TW dont happen for 3 weeks, free top rewards to all players. => to compensate TW absence
    Leading up to xmas 3 christmas portraits.. If potraits are your thing. => it's not to compensate something so it's a present
    I am a big fan that basically every event runs this week, that is huge rewards for 20-30 minutes of gameplay. => it's not to compensate something so it's a present
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    You all should play some of the games out there that do absolutely nothing for their player base, even when the stuff that goes wrong is their fault.

    Thats where youre wrong, kiddo.
    Their biggest competitor, MSF, gives out free, good stuff like every 3 days.

    MSF only gives these things out because they’re always screwing up.

    There’s not enough time between now and Christmas dinner to explain all their screw ups. But I’ll sum up their biggest blunder and cause of their most recent mass exodus in two words....Red stars.

    Oh you had to drop Red Stars, didnt you :)
    I may have implied that msf is better, but that was unintentional. Its lightyears away from swgoh :)
    But they do one thing right, giving out free stuff very often. Everybody likes presents. Why cant we get 5 stun gun salvages, 50 crystals kind of gifts fairly often?

    Yeah but think about when MSF gives stuff out. I can’t think of a single time when we got anything from FoxNext without the caveat of some big bug or screw up. Their sales are always terrible and not worth it.

    Red stars had to be brought up because they broke the game with it even when the community and their biggest whales said it would be a terrible idea. Yet, they did it anyway

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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    You all should play some of the games out there that do absolutely nothing for their player base, even when the stuff that goes wrong is their fault.

    Thats where youre wrong, kiddo.
    Their biggest competitor, MSF, gives out free, good stuff like every 3 days.

    MSF only gives these things out because they’re always screwing up.

    And swgoh isn’t?
    Honestly they need more testing time before they release things.

    True, they do need more testing. But they’re also communicating more, raking in feedback and fixing things on a much better scale than MSF.

    Not to say SWGOH is doing great on its own in those categories, but in comparison to MSF??? Yeesh
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    I hate how much people whine and complain. This is absolutely INSANE all the events we get to play, all at once. Hopefully, you all got some time off for the holidays, as I know my time in game has skyrocketed.
    Thank you CG. If you give us nothing else, this is still an awesome Christmas gift.
    For the rest of you that think I'm some corporate stooge, get real. I enjoy these events, the rewards are good, even if it's shard shop currency, and it is some fun while kids are running around playing with their toys.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Not asking much, just bring back Revan event...

    No need one more week first lololz
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    I have to say, I’d much rather have had a gift than events. It’s nice they bring them back, but at a time when things are so busy... adding hours of gameplay seems a gift only to those who have the time to rest.

    Meanwhile I’m missing GA and half a dozen other things because there isn’t the time, so yeah I’ll complain a little. Maybe next year something we can all enjoy no matter how busy we are.
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    Kithryn wrote: »
    I have to say, I’d much rather have had a gift than events. It’s nice they bring them back, but at a time when things are so busy... adding hours of gameplay seems a gift only to those who have the time to rest.

    Meanwhile I’m missing GA and half a dozen other things because there isn’t the time, so yeah I’ll complain a little. Maybe next year something we can all enjoy no matter how busy we are.

    Im pretty sure 90%+ of the swgoh players take long toilet breaks during Xmas.
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    My Christmas present I accept a brutal hunting that sweeps cheaters. I even denounced one that got the C-3PO. He even has a Whatsap group confession.
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    I quit msf because it was too much of a time drain having to be sure you hit Hot times to maximise farming. That said. They are WAY more liberal with their energy gifts. I am a mostly ftp player. I would love to see a few more free energy rewards throughout the game. I don't think it would break the game, drop rates being what they are. But a little extra boost in that department would be nice. Maybe replace the joke number of training droids with some free energy in daily log in. Free 100 energy for completing daily challenges.
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    sigsig wrote: »
    The events are the present. There's nothing in the datamine about an inbox message coming with anything else.

    Having a bunch of events is a nice idea, but let's be clear about something. All these events are ONLY "gifts" for veteran players. If you are a sub-level 85 player, you may not get any benefit at all from the event schedule. If you haven't unlocked the legendary characters, you don't even see the mythic events. If you don't have well developed teams for the faction specific assault battles, then you get nothing from those either. The TW rewards are nice for everyone, but the events only reward veteran players. New players aren't feeling the love in the same way. It would have been nice to include the legendary events as well so at least the newer players could have unlocked some toons.
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    probably bc that's the only way msf can retain what's left if their player base with all the **** they run, like o say 99 cents for 1000 cores if you've never bought anything in game, but hey if u spent even $1 up yours, or the constant hacking and cheating, or the millions of other things wrong with a terrible knockoff

    Your argment makes no sense.

    MSF makes mistakes and gives out free stuff, people are happy.
    CG makes similar mistakes, but dont give out free stuff, people are unhappy.

    Well I stopped playing MSF cause of its horribleness and still play this. I am certain there or people on the otherside as well. Both games are good, I just didnt like how much longer it took to get decent characters on MSF. Anyway, point being I live this game and grateful for how we are treated most of the time.
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