Please fix the grand arena rewards

192 posts Member
edited December 2018
I tied with the guy in first so I lost out on a zeta. Which annoys me. GP isn’t a fair way to determine the winner. Because I ended up in fourth place with one of the two guys that I beat in second place. So please find a better way. Cause it annoys me that I a guy I beat still ended up above me. And I lost out on much needed gear because of a tie.


  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Ranks 2-4 are the same. Just think of it as you tied for second. Plus, it’s always a good idea to propose a solution to the problem you are bringing up. How would you break a tie?

    You didn’t lose out on gear.

    It really, it’s all about wins, you got two wins, so did the guy you beat, he just happens to have a higher GP. Grow your GP if you don’t like being “4th”.
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    By the end of it I was 60-70k higher than them all. There’s several ways to break a tie. Make us do a 6v6, even tho this is the easiest way they’ll probably add some complicated way to fix it. I know the 2-4th rank rewards are the same but I beat them and had I fought any of the other I probably would’ve beat them too. It just annoys me that we tied. So I lost a zeta and stun guns.
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    They could just add a "tie" stat and have all ties broken at the end based on total banners earned for positional rankings.
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    Personally I would say a tie goes to the lower gp, not the higher. They tied against a superior gp opponent
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    I’m sure we still would’ve tied somehow. I’m just annoyed cause I could’ve geared an zeta a toon with what I missed out on.
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    One zeta material piece meant you could have zetad a toon? How long will it take til you earn one to replace it? 2 days?

    I do agree though, the ties should reward the lower GP player.
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    One zeta material piece meant you could have zetad a toon? How long will it take til you earn one to replace it? 2 days?

    I do agree though, the ties should reward the lower GP player.

    Yes. But I don’t really think it’s fair that way. I think we should just be rewarded with 1st place. If they change the reward system that put fourth place from the 2-4 rewards then I’d been sol out of however many resources.
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    One zeta material piece meant you could have zetad a toon? How long will it take til you earn one to replace it? 2 days?

    I do agree though, the ties should reward the lower GP player.

    Yes. But I don’t really think it’s fair that way. I think we should just be rewarded with 1st place. If they change the reward system that put fourth place from the 2-4 rewards then I’d been sol out of however many resources.
    I don’t follow that. If they change the reward system that out what?
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    One zeta material piece meant you could have zetad a toon? How long will it take til you earn one to replace it? 2 days?

    I do agree though, the ties should reward the lower GP player.

    Yes. But I don’t really think it’s fair that way. I think we should just be rewarded with 1st place. If they change the reward system that put fourth place from the 2-4 rewards then I’d been sol out of however many resources.

    Can’t give out dual first place rewards....that would lead to everyone getting ties to get better rewards. Face it, you didn’t get three wins, while the other guy did because of his higher GP, grow your GP. You need to place better defense so he can’t blast thru on the first try.

    I’m 50/50 on the tie going to the lower GP. I can see that getting the tie because to beat a higher opponent, but in the other hand, that other person put in work to reach their GP and shouldn’t be punished for it.

    My only grip with GA is it needs better matchmaking. We have been lead to grow our GP because of TW and TB and now that’s hurting long time players who have a lot of old toons at higher gear level that can’t compete with the newer toons.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Ranks 2-4 are the same. Just think of it as you tied for second. Plus, it’s always a good idea to propose a solution to the problem you are bringing up. How would you break a tie?

    You didn’t lose out on gear.

    It really, it’s all about wins, you got two wins, so did the guy you beat, he just happens to have a higher GP. Grow your GP if you don’t like being “4th”.

    That's irrelevant
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Ranks 2-4 are the same. Just think of it as you tied for second. Plus, it’s always a good idea to propose a solution to the problem you are bringing up. How would you break a tie?

    You didn’t lose out on gear.

    It really, it’s all about wins, you got two wins, so did the guy you beat, he just happens to have a higher GP. Grow your GP if you don’t like being “4th”.

    That's irrelevant

    How so?
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    PeteBajama wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Ranks 2-4 are the same. Just think of it as you tied for second. Plus, it’s always a good idea to propose a solution to the problem you are bringing up. How would you break a tie?

    You didn’t lose out on gear.

    It really, it’s all about wins, you got two wins, so did the guy you beat, he just happens to have a higher GP. Grow your GP if you don’t like being “4th”.

    That's irrelevant

    How so?

    How so indeed. There is no point in posting if you are going to be vague.
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    Because I ended up in fourth place with one of the two guys that I beat in second place.
    There's absolutely no difference in rewards for the three teams that end up 2-1. Adding a new tie-breaker is a waste of time.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    I tied with the guy in first so I lost out on a zeta. Which annoys me. GP isn’t a fair way to determine the winner.
    Well that's not possible because people on the forums keep telling me that sandbagging (lowering your GP on purpose) guarantees a win in Grand Arena!
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    Because I ended up in fourth place with one of the two guys that I beat in second place.
    There's absolutely no difference in rewards for the three teams that end up 2-1. Adding a new tie-breaker is a waste of time.

    He’s mad because he tied the last round, but lost because his GP was lower than his opponent, which took him out of first place.
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    Tie breaker should be based on total banners in previous rounds not total gp. And a coin flip on round 1. Not fair that each round one player has an advantage that's out of the players control
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    I kept my GP at 3,999,999. In the event of tie, it’ll be a coin flip at the very most. :D
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I tied with the guy in first so I lost out on a zeta. Which annoys me. GP isn’t a fair way to determine the winner.
    Well that's not possible because people on the forums keep telling me that sandbagging (lowering your GP on purpose) guarantees a win in Grand Arena!

    The guy I tied with had probably had two good teams. Both really good teams sith and bounty hunters. Great teams. High gear good mods. But his other characters were weak. Like few purple. An not high geared. My C and D teams beat them. Jus those two teams beat my toons. So I guess that’s a the strat. I worked hard for my roster and it annoys me that we tied and I lost out on a zeta and several stun guns. The gear I need the most because his GP is 3k higher before the GA start. Rather annoying to me.

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    Ultra wrote: »
    I tied with the guy in first so I lost out on a zeta. Which annoys me. GP isn’t a fair way to determine the winner.
    Well that's not possible because people on the forums keep telling me that sandbagging (lowering your GP on purpose) guarantees a win in Grand Arena!

    The guy I tied with had probably had two good teams. Both really good teams sith and bounty hunters. Great teams. High gear good mods. But his other characters were weak. Like few purple. An not high geared. My C and D teams beat them. Jus those two teams beat my toons. So I guess that’s a the strat. I worked hard for my roster and it annoys me that we tied and I lost out on a zeta and several stun guns. The gear I need the most because his GP is 3k higher before the GA start. Rather annoying to me.

    If you would of put up a better defense to hold back those two great teams, you would have won. Evaluate your opponents roster and plan accordingly. If you did that, you would have won.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Ties are already almost impossible.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ties are not "almost impossible." Unlikely, but not impossible. In the first GA tournament, I tied my third opponent when we were both 2-0 and battling for first. He won based on the higher GP. Tiebreaks for final rankings 2-4 and 5-7 are irrelevant since the rewards are the same. The only tiebreak that matters is individual round banner ties. There must be a better way to settle banner tiebreaks using data from the actual match instead of total GP.

    The idea that the solution is simply to "grow your GP" is ludicrous since we are randomly paired with similar GP opponents, so growing your GP doesn't resolve the randomness.

    Pick data from the match itself to settle tiebreaks: total GP set on D, total toons used on O, etc. There are a lot of options that would be simple to implement and give us some strategic control of the outcome.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I never said impossible.
    I need a new message here.
  • WasteMyTime2022
    192 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    HowieWan wrote: »
    Ties are not "almost impossible." Unlikely, but not impossible. In the first GA tournament, I tied my third opponent when we were both 2-0 and battling for first. He won based on the higher GP. Tiebreaks for final rankings 2-4 and 5-7 are irrelevant since the rewards are the same. The only tiebreak that matters is individual round banner ties. There must be a better way to settle banner tiebreaks using data from the actual match instead of total GP.

    The idea that the solution is simply to "grow your GP" is ludicrous since we are randomly paired with similar GP opponents, so growing your GP doesn't resolve the randomness.

    Pick data from the match itself to settle tiebreaks: total GP set on D, total toons used on O, etc. There are a lot of options that would be simple to implement and give us some strategic control of the outcome.

    Thank you. My whole point across this is I would’ve got first place. Which would’ve gave me more of two very important resources. We were both 2-0 so had I loss fair and square like I couldn’t beat a territory he had then fine whatever. But I beat them, he beat mine. So as a result I lost simply because his gp was 3k higher. I just don’t believe that’s fair.
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    By the end of it I was 60-70k higher than them all. There’s several ways to break a tie. Make us do a 6v6, even tho this is the easiest way they’ll probably add some complicated way to fix it. I know the 2-4th rank rewards are the same but I beat them and had I fought any of the other I probably would’ve beat them too. It just annoys me that we tied. So I lost a zeta and stun guns.

    You didn't tie in the last round, you lost in the last round. You lost the zeta and extra stun gun salvage because you lost the match. Sure, by the end you were 60k-70k higher than the other people in your pod, but none of that matters because the snapshot is taken at the start of the event. The 60k-70k improvements you made to your roster didn't get to be used in rounds two or three, so why should they count for tiebreakers?

    As for being 4th, you should be glad. That means at least two other players had higher GPs than you and you did just as well as they did, maybe you even beat them in one of the first two rounds. Everyone says that GP is the only thing that matters, so if you're beating people who are rated higher than you, you're doing well. If you're just mad that the number next to your name is 4 instead of 2, then who cares? Tell me the name of one person from your last GA other than you. No one cares where other people finish, so no one's going to look at you and say "FOURTH place? HAHAHA WHAT A NERD!" 2-4 is all arbitrary. 5-7 is arbitrary.

    Hell, I wish instead of showing a ranking, they just showed four prize brackets and the names listed alphabetically. But, then, people's egos would be hurt that they don't get to say "I was top of my bracket."
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Thank you. My whole point across this is I would’ve got first place. Which would’ve gave me more of two very important resources. We were both 2-0 so had I loss fair and square like I couldn’t beat a territory he had then fine whatever. But I beat them, he beat mine. So as a result I lost simply because his gp was 3k higher. I just don’t believe that’s fair.

    So you're saying that you both beat each other, but you should have won? Why shouldn't they have won? What'd they do to deserve losing?

    Galactic Power is a good tiebreaker because it's a measure of investment into your total roster. That player probably has a whole mess of jawas and tuskens on their roster that are holding them back because they spent time investing on those instead of minmaxing the way everyone else does. It means they have a whole bunch of ships and fleets sitting around gathering dust because those weren't used this time around, but it still counted to their GP and probably meant they had to play against more min-maxed rosters. They're playing with a handicap. So why should you get the win because you've worked on your roster LESS than they have?

    That's what the 3k means. It means they worked on their roster 3k more than you have. Why does that mean they should lose and you should win?

    I'm sorry you lost. I did, too. I lost in the 1st round, thought I had won because the UI showed my GP was higher than theirs, but that GP-count is live, it doesn't show the snapshotted GP, so the zeta I put that pushed me over their GP didn't count and I lost. Oh well. It means I've got another zeta for the next GA.

    And, no, you can't do total banners as a tiebreaker, because what do you do when there are ties in the first round?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I think the game breaks then and we all go outside.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    I think the game breaks then and we all go outside.

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    NicWester wrote: »
    Thank you. My whole point across this is I would’ve got first place. Which would’ve gave me more of two very important resources. We were both 2-0 so had I loss fair and square like I couldn’t beat a territory he had then fine whatever. But I beat them, he beat mine. So as a result I lost simply because his gp was 3k higher. I just don’t believe that’s fair.

    So you're saying that you both beat each other, but you should have won? Why shouldn't they have won? What'd they do to deserve losing?

    Galactic Power is a good tiebreaker because it's a measure of investment into your total roster. That player probably has a whole mess of jawas and tuskens on their roster that are holding them back because they spent time investing on those instead of minmaxing the way everyone else does. It means they have a whole bunch of ships and fleets sitting around gathering dust because those weren't used this time around, but it still counted to their GP and probably meant they had to play against more min-maxed rosters. They're playing with a handicap. So why should you get the win because you've worked on your roster LESS than they have?

    That's what the 3k means. It means they worked on their roster 3k more than you have. Why does that mean they should lose and you should win?

    I'm sorry you lost. I did, too. I lost in the 1st round, thought I had won because the UI showed my GP was higher than theirs, but that GP-count is live, it doesn't show the snapshotted GP, so the zeta I put that pushed me over their GP didn't count and I lost. Oh well. It means I've got another zeta for the next GA.

    And, no, you can't do total banners as a tiebreaker, because what do you do when there are ties in the first round?
    NicWester wrote: »
    Thank you. My whole point across this is I would’ve got first place. Which would’ve gave me more of two very important resources. We were both 2-0 so had I loss fair and square like I couldn’t beat a territory he had then fine whatever. But I beat them, he beat mine. So as a result I lost simply because his gp was 3k higher. I just don’t believe that’s fair.

    So you're saying that you both beat each other, but you should have won? Why shouldn't they have won? What'd they do to deserve losing?

    Galactic Power is a good tiebreaker because it's a measure of investment into your total roster. That player probably has a whole mess of jawas and tuskens on their roster that are holding them back because they spent time investing on those instead of minmaxing the way everyone else does. It means they have a whole bunch of ships and fleets sitting around gathering dust because those weren't used this time around, but it still counted to their GP and probably meant they had to play against more min-maxed rosters. They're playing with a handicap. So why should you get the win because you've worked on your roster LESS than they have?

    That's what the 3k means. It means they worked on their roster 3k more than you have. Why does that mean they should lose and you should win?

    I'm sorry you lost. I did, too. I lost in the 1st round, thought I had won because the UI showed my GP was higher than theirs, but that GP-count is live, it doesn't show the snapshotted GP, so the zeta I put that pushed me over their GP didn't count and I lost. Oh well. It means I've got another zeta for the next GA.

    And, no, you can't do total banners as a tiebreaker, because what do you do when there are ties in the first round?

    Should’ve read up. I don’t think it’s fair for either one of us to lose due to GP. I just said that we were 2-0. So I would’ve gotten first had the game went to me. Just saying that we were tied in W/L and banners. I just want a way that’s fair. Not by GP
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    NicWester wrote: »
    By the end of it I was 60-70k higher than them all. There’s several ways to break a tie. Make us do a 6v6, even tho this is the easiest way they’ll probably add some complicated way to fix it. I know the 2-4th rank rewards are the same but I beat them and had I fought any of the other I probably would’ve beat them too. It just annoys me that we tied. So I lost a zeta and stun guns.

    You didn't tie in the last round, you lost in the last round. You lost the zeta and extra stun gun salvage because you lost the match. Sure, by the end you were 60k-70k higher than the other people in your pod, but none of that matters because the snapshot is taken at the start of the event. The 60k-70k improvements you made to your roster didn't get to be used in rounds two or three, so why should they count for tiebreakers?

    As for being 4th, you should be glad. That means at least two other players had higher GPs than you and you did just as well as they did, maybe you even beat them in one of the first two rounds. Everyone says that GP is the only thing that matters, so if you're beating people who are rated higher than you, you're doing well. If you're just mad that the number next to your name is 4 instead of 2, then who cares? Tell me the name of one person from your last GA other than you. No one cares where other people finish, so no one's going to look at you and say "FOURTH place? HAHAHA WHAT A NERD!" 2-4 is all arbitrary. 5-7 is arbitrary.

    Hell, I wish instead of showing a ranking, they just showed four prize brackets and the names listed alphabetically. But, then, people's egos would be hurt that they don't get to say "I was top of my bracket."

    Sweetheart. We were tied 2-0 before the start. Everyone else was 1-1. And yes I did beat one them higher than me. But if there was a better way to fix a banner tie rather than GP. Had I won I would’ve got first place so I would’ve got the 3-0 and first place. But due to the crappy GP tie breaker. I don’t think that’s fair either. I mean we tied. We’re either both winners or both losers. I think we either should’ve had a tie breaker fight with our full teams or just both got first. I lost on the first place rewards is why I’m upset. Idc about 4th place it’s the same rewards ad 2nd place. Please read further down before you make a comment please.
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