Easy fix to GA non-participation

To start, let me state that I despise GA and I’m clearly not the only one. While I’m fortunate enough to have revan and traya, I still don’t find PvP activities enjoyable. If you want to stop inactives from joining in, you need to incentivize opting out. While a lot of people are quick to say no one is forced to join, that argument is misguided. This game is designed around creating bottlenecks which is why every player wants to grab as many resources as they can get their hands on. While no one is forcing players to hit the join button, any rational person is going to hit it since getting something is better than getting nothing.

Possibly rewarding players with something that’s better than last place should keep a bulk of the inactives away since joining GA would then be disadvantageous. While I’m sure people will make the argument that non-participants should never earn more than those who put in work, i would hope that the improved state of the event might be worth the concession.

Also, before I get flamed, I’ve always set full defenses and a few times, have even messaged opponents in game to ask if they had any defensive requests. In my personal case, I get very obsessive compulsive with PvP and I feel the need to study my opponents rosters, mods, anticipate which teams will show on D, which hard counters they do and don’t have for my teams, etc... which I don’t particularly enjoy but feel compelled to do. I also don’t have the time or desire to theorycraft defensive teams and offensive counters. But that’s my issue to deal with and i hope a little insight from a non-GA fanboy could help the event since I know a lot of people do enjoy the game mode and it’s a shame that those people are suffering because of others.

I’m interested in people’s thoughts about this.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    it will never happen for the exact issue you say is not an issue. they will never incentivize not playing a game mode.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    it will never happen for the exact issue you say is not an issue. they will never incentivize not playing a game mode.

    Exactly this
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    But they already do and it’s irritating the player base. Hit join, don’t do anything and get a reward. I’m not sure how else to fix the issue.
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    Giving better rewards to not play a new game mode, . .. . That should not need to be pointed out how. . . .special .. that idea is.

    There are better and more appropriate ideas to handle that, If it’s an issue,. . . After a first round, the other two will typically be active, Personally. I have never seen a zero def yet,
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    Kyno wrote: »
    it will never happen for the exact issue you say is not an issue. they will never incentivize not playing a game mode.

    I’m not sure what I said was “not an issue”
    Giving better rewards to not play a new game mode, . .. . That should not need to be pointed out how. . . .special .. that idea is.

    There are better and more appropriate ideas to handle that, If it’s an issue,. . . After a first round, the other two will typically be active, Personally. I have never seen a zero def yet,

    You can keep your passive aggressiveness to yourself. But It sounds like you misunderstood my suggestion. Just make the rewards slightly better then last place. As anyone can see, last place rewards still suck but people will still hit the join button for the same reason they’re gonna still sim the training droid event. You’re still getting something. I have guildmates that have seen 0 defenses through the second round. I’m sure it’s not common but nonetheless, people are **** about losing out on credits and not able to progress in quest lines due to opponents not setting defenses. We can see that with peoples constant complaint posts here and on reddit about this exact issue.

    It was just a suggestion... if you start temporarily banning players or whatever the other suggestions were to crack down on this, you may start seeing protest defenses like hermit alone in the north and 3po south which really doesn’t solve the problem. This was just a possible alternative that I really haven’t seen yet and figured I’d bring it up.
  • Mucro
    111 posts Member
    Hun9So1o wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    it will never happen for the exact issue you say is not an issue. they will never incentivize not playing a game mode.

    I’m not sure what I said was “not an issue”
    Giving better rewards to not play a new game mode, . .. . That should not need to be pointed out how. . . .special .. that idea is.

    There are better and more appropriate ideas to handle that, If it’s an issue,. . . After a first round, the other two will typically be active, Personally. I have never seen a zero def yet,

    You can keep your passive aggressiveness to yourself. But It sounds like you misunderstood my suggestion. Just make the rewards slightly better then last place. As anyone can see, last place rewards still suck but people will still hit the join button for the same reason they’re gonna still sim the training droid event. You’re still getting something. I have guildmates that have seen 0 defenses through the second round. I’m sure it’s not common but nonetheless, people are **** about losing out on credits and not able to progress in quest lines due to opponents not setting defenses. We can see that with peoples constant complaint posts here and on reddit about this exact issue.

    It was just a suggestion... if you start temporarily banning players or whatever the other suggestions were to crack down on this, you may start seeing protest defenses like hermit alone in the north and 3po south which really doesn’t solve the problem. This was just a possible alternative that I really haven’t seen yet and figured I’d bring it up.

    I think it's a terrible idea to punish players for trying, and reward players for not trying.
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    I think it very unlikely that they will ever basically offer better rewards for not taking part than actually participating in any part of the game

    If they ever get the auto deploy for defense sorted and working again, then a lot of the problems and complaints will go away (certainly for those people who actually want to have an opponent to attack)

    Personally I would like to see a system where the game registers if you have zero banners in a GA round it ticks a box, get 2 or more ticked boxes in 1 GA tournament and you get nothing. So if you hit join and do nothing, you will get nothing.

    Even if this just forces people who join but don't want to actually participate to put down silly or rubbish defences, at least their opponent will have a chance to progress quests or gain some currency for defeating something
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I wonder how often people encounter players face others who didn't set a def.
    Out of the 10 GA rounds we've had, only 1 guy didn't set a def. Can't really blame him either because he was severely outmatched. If i had to chose between being that outmatched or face a no def opponent, i'd definately go with the latter.
    It happened to some of my guildmates more often, but they've severely outmatched their opponent more often aswell.
    That leads me to conclude that being outmatched is more of an issue than players not setting a def.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    While I’m sure people will make the argument that non-participants should never earn more than those who put in work, i would hope that the improved state of the event might be worth the concession.

    You didn't exactly say its not an issue, but you play it off like rewarding people for not playing the game mode should be a viable solution.
    Not sure how to fix this?

    Step 1 - if they dont put up a defense in the first round, flag them and send them a notification.
    2- second round they do it again, do not reward them the match rewards and notify them again.
    3- dont place defense for the 3rd match, they dont get rewards for joining the event.

    That would solve the problem.

    If they fix the auto deploy, same solution still works, and the other players get to actually fight and earn rewards. Which helps solidify the game mode in a good way.

    Could they just place defenses the first time and avoid this, sure, but they at least did something to participate.

    If they forgot and still attacked in offense, then dont count that as a non participation.

    There are other scenarios that would need to be worked out I'm sure, but again, nothing that involves people getting stuff for doing nothing.
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    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    I just would like to see zero participation, zero rewards. If you click join then you have to do something to get something
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.

    So if I (or any other player) looks at my opponents roster and find I do have an advantage I should just say to myself 'well they have made different choices within the game, so I better go easy and not use this toon or that toon... better leave out that squad, they have no counter to them.'

    Honestly? Would you do that to any opponent in the Squad or Fleet Arena?

    I want an opponent to fight. Someone who joins with no intention of actively participating but is then going to take the GA rewards is acting selfishly imo
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    If you join and don't set defence, you are blocked from joining the next GA. Kind if a "time out" for either A - being lazy/greedy, B - throwing a tantrum when you see your opponent roster.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.

    So if I (or any other player) looks at my opponents roster and find I do have an advantage I should just say to myself 'well they have made different choices within the game, so I better go easy and not use this toon or that toon... better leave out that squad, they have no counter to them.'

    Honestly? Would you do that to any opponent in the Squad or Fleet Arena?

    I want an opponent to fight. Someone who joins with no intention of actively participating but is then going to take the GA rewards is acting selfishly imo

    No, i'm not saying that at all. I'm saying it's kinda unfair to say that players who don't set a def have a poor attitude towards all other players in the GA group.
    Why would someone set a def only to get annihilated by a much stronger opponent? To please the guy who takes pleasure in absolutely destroying a much weaker opponent? sounds like a rather selfish request to ask someone to place a def only for it to be annihilated.
    I do however agree that ideally you're matched equally and both parties try to win.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    If you join and don't set defence, you are blocked from joining the next GA. Kind if a "time out" for either A - being lazy/greedy, B - throwing a tantrum when you see your opponent roster.

    People should always be given the opportunity to learn from the errors of thier ways. Also the dev team wont block people for not participating, they try not to interfere in someone's ability to play.
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    leef wrote: »
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.

    I'm a staunch GA defender, and I can honestly say I don't have any desire to "pound my opponent into oblivion because they have zero chance to win." If you really think that's why guys like me are irritated by non-participants, that's more reflective of your own insecurity than anything.

    I just want to actually play. To set my defenses and then wait a full 24 hours, only to find out that I can't actually do anything, is a massive letdown. I'll admit that I enjoy getting the credits for each win as well, but who doesn't need more credits? (Yes, I know some people have tens of millions just collecting dust. I and anyone near my GP level don't.)

    The free win is fine, I guess, but I will happily take the chance of losing every time if it means I actually get to use all these characters that normally warm the bench. It has nothing to do with inflating my ego by winning. It has everything to do with wanting actual gameplay when I play a game.
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    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.

    So if I (or any other player) looks at my opponents roster and find I do have an advantage I should just say to myself 'well they have made different choices within the game, so I better go easy and not use this toon or that toon... better leave out that squad, they have no counter to them.'

    Honestly? Would you do that to any opponent in the Squad or Fleet Arena?

    I want an opponent to fight. Someone who joins with no intention of actively participating but is then going to take the GA rewards is acting selfishly imo

    No, i'm not saying that at all. I'm saying it's kinda unfair to say that players who don't set a def have a poor attitude towards all other players in the GA group.
    Why would someone set a def only to get annihilated by a much stronger opponent? To please the guy who takes pleasure in absolutely destroying a much weaker opponent? sounds like a rather selfish request to ask someone to place a def only for it to be annihilated.
    I do however agree that ideally you're matched equally and both parties try to win.

    Well if they don't take part then they have no chance of improving anything to do with their roster / squad make-up / tactics to use against other squads / ways of using the toons in their roster to beat other teams.

    They might surprise themselves but if they aren't even going to try, what is the point of even joining?

    I have beaten stronger opponents and have also lost to ones I thought I would beat but each time you learn something (hopefully). If you approach the GA with the attitude that you are going to lose before you even start, chance are you probably will
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    I suspect that those players with rosters that aren't very GA friendly have already decided that they can't win, so no point trying, just join, do nothing and take some free rewards.

    Which is a poor attitude towards all the other players in your GA group.

    Is it really? Is it worse than wanting to pound an opponent into oblivion because he has zero chance to win to begin with? I'd say it's equally selfish.

    I'm a staunch GA defender, and I can honestly say I don't have any desire to "pound my opponent into oblivion because they have zero chance to win." If you really think that's why guys like me are irritated by non-participants, that's more reflective of your own insecurity than anything.

    I just want to actually play. To set my defenses and then wait a full 24 hours, only to find out that I can't actually do anything, is a massive letdown. I'll admit that I enjoy getting the credits for each win as well, but who doesn't need more credits? (Yes, I know some people have tens of millions just collecting dust. I and anyone near my GP level don't.)

    It has nothing to do with inflating my ego by winning. It has everything to do with wanting actual gameplay when I play a game.

    i hear you, but what's the difference between facing a guy who didn't set def and a super easy win vs a guy who did set a def gameplay wise? Aside from it being fun to destroy enemy teams ofcourse, but i consider that a selfish reason for wanting your opponent to set a def.
    I find it a bit strange that people feel like their opponent should set a defense solely for their benefit. Your opponent doesn't owe you anything. If your opponent can't enjoy GA because he's severely outmatched why should he go out of his way to please his opponent by setting a def so that his opponent CAN enjoy GA?
    For the record, i personally would always set a def out of courtacy, but by doing so i feel like i'm doing my opponent a favour. Not the other way around.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    Why would someone set a def only to get annihilated by a much stronger opponent? To please the guy who takes pleasure in absolutely destroying a much weaker opponent? sounds like a rather selfish request to ask someone to place a def only for it to be annihilated. ..

    Because setting defenses is part of the game mode?

    That's like saying, "I'm not going to attack the raid boss because it's just going to hit enrage and kill my team anyways..."

    Who cares if they're much stronger? What does one gain by setting no defenses? Nothing. And at the same time they're depriving the other guy of credits/quest progression. That's lazy and selfish. If they want to protest GA matchmaking, just don't join the game mode.
    Ally Code 766-465-766 swgoh.gg/u/trystansr/collection/
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    They might surprise themselves but if they aren't even going to try, what is the point of even joining?

    I assume they will try if they think they've got a chance of winning, other than that you should obviously always join for the rewards.
    I'm not saying that isn't selfish, i'm saying everyone is selfish.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I would like some of these no defense opponents everyone else seems to be getting. Most of my opponents are putting nearly all of their good characters on defense. Who wants to trade?!
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    I personally think the easy way to stop inactives from joining is to add a rule that says if you join and do not set defenses and/or do not make any attacks then you forfeit all rewards for the GA. If you want rewards for it you should have to participate. I do not like the GA but still try to compete for the rewards.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Why would someone set a def only to get annihilated by a much stronger opponent? To please the guy who takes pleasure in absolutely destroying a much weaker opponent? sounds like a rather selfish request to ask someone to place a def only for it to be annihilated. ..

    Because setting defenses is part of the game mode?

    That's like saying, "I'm not going to attack the raid boss because it's just going to hit enrage and kill my team anyways..."

    Who cares if they're much stronger? What does one gain by setting no defenses? Nothing. And at the same time they're depriving the other guy of credits/quest progression. That's lazy and selfish. If they want to protest GA matchmaking, just don't join the game mode.

    that's one horrible analogy my friend, lmao.
    Maybe other people have a different view on what GA is about, why should your enjoyment of GA force them to adjust they want to play? Why do you feel you should be the one who gets to enjoy GA and more importantly why do you feel your opponent should cater to that goal?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    They might surprise themselves but if they aren't even going to try, what is the point of even joining?

    I assume they will try if they think they've got a chance of winning, other than that you should obviously always join for the rewards.
    I'm not saying that isn't selfish, i'm saying everyone is selfish.

    I don't think that expecting an opponent who has to actively choose to join an event to then actually participate in that event is not selfish

    I think someone who joins simply to do nothing and then expects to take rewards for it, regardless of how it effects the other people in that event, IS a selfish act

    The game doesn't care how strong the defenses are, just spend 2 mins picking the dross from the bottom of your roster to fill in the required spaces. Just that. If you then decide that might want to attack then you still have the top of your roster to play with. That would take such a tiny of effort or time, anyone should be able to do it.
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    leef wrote: »

    that's one horrible analogy my friend, lmao.
    Maybe other people have a different view on what GA is about, why should your enjoyment of GA force them to adjust they want to play? Why do you feel you should be the one who gets to enjoy GA and more importantly why do you feel your opponent should cater to that goal?

    I'm not asking them to cater their playstyle to my wishes. I'm asking them to play period.

    Joining and then doing nothing isn't playing. It's welfare.
    Ally Code 766-465-766 swgoh.gg/u/trystansr/collection/
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    They might surprise themselves but if they aren't even going to try, what is the point of even joining?

    I assume they will try if they think they've got a chance of winning, other than that you should obviously always join for the rewards.
    I'm not saying that isn't selfish, i'm saying everyone is selfish.

    I know this is anecdotal and thus not reflective of everyone who does this, but I've definitely had a couple opponents who were at least equal to me in terms of G12s and zetas set zero defenses. I always message them like "hey man, you had a good chance, what gives," and of course no response.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    You're all entitled to your opinions.
    Most of you clearly think your enjoyment of the game is more important than that of your opponents, yet you call them selfish if they chose to not set a def for whatever reason. I find that to be quite ironic.
    I'm probably doing a poor job explaining, but i definately don't feel like my opponents owe me anything. They're just playing the game the way they like just like i am.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    I wonder how often people encounter players face others who didn't set a def.
    Out of the 10 GA rounds we've had, only 1 guy didn't set a def. Can't really blame him either because he was severely outmatched. If i had to chose between being that outmatched or face a no def opponent, i'd definately go with the latter.
    It happened to some of my guildmates more often, but they've severely outmatched their opponent more often aswell.
    That leads me to conclude that being outmatched is more of an issue than players not setting a def.

    It's probably a GP bracket thing. I was about 1.9mil for the first GA and at that level my opponents were mostly casual players (I haven't seen anyone else with Traya yet and only one revan so far), many of whom I don't think logged in every day. I had one GA where none of my opponents set defence until the final. I'm now at 2.2ish and it's more or less the same. I don't think you get to 3-4mil GP with that kind of play so your sample is different.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    Kyno wrote: »
    it will never happen for the exact issue you say is not an issue. they will never incentivize not playing a game mode.

    Maybe fix matching because I put in a ton of work regardless and end up with a loss..every time! I'm not buying the "well they geared to compete so why should they lose to someone of the same power level" argument. They geared to compete so let them compete with peers of equal value. I'm not talking just because of same or near same GP. I set defense and use every last toon in my roster...8&9 attempts..what is all of my hard work worth..7&8 place. When they one shot everything I set up weak or strong. So all my hard work is worth very little and all thier little work is worth so much more! Still frustrating Kyno..full respects from me!
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    Non-issue that needs no fix.
    Insisting on changes to the reward structure is a great way to ruin rewards for everyone.
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