What are other players using GW Tokens for?

536 posts Member
Well it's bound to happen when you grind everyday. Lumia, Poggle, 86, Phasma all maxed out. What are other players using tokens for? I was considering GG with extra shards but not 100%. Any input is appreciated.


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    Resistance pilot is super strong, NS initiate has buff immunity, and dathcha is good droid counter
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    As peanuts to throw at the screen 'cuz for the last two months I've not gotten through node 4 at lvl 70...
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    I have pilot and teebo at 6*. Next are biggs and datcha I guess
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    never go for biggs...he is horrible.

    Resistance pilot is your best bet.

    Or save up tokens for any future additions.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Drink coasters.
    Today I deliberately wasted 1600 for 2 Darth Vader shards.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    never go for biggs...he is horrible.

    Resistance pilot is your best bet.

    Or save up tokens for any future additions.

    Ok maybe tusken raider first then :) I just like to spend the things. I have resistance pilot at level 25 and 150 shards extra waiting to promote him to 6*. But I can't spare the resources for him.
  • scuba
    14120 posts Member
    RP is a decent easy to get glass cannon. Currently working on teebo and biggs
    Or save up tokens for any future additions.

    Only if you wanna waste crystals to get them faster or they release more than one new one at a time (doubtful).

    If you complete GW you get 1200 a day can on spend 1600 if farming one character most only spend 1200, gotta sleep.
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Resistance pilot has the highest base attack damage in the game according to some databases
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    They'll eventually have to add more characters. You can save up.
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    no point in saving up, you cant spend these credits faster than you make them unless you burn crystals

    I have all the good characters from GW maxed already, so im buying shards for characters I have maxed already so I can trade them in for grievous, I know it'll take like 6 months to get him 7* (have him at 4*+ now) but hes cool and this game is nothing but a grind anyway, getting Anakin and Ima to 7* are just as painful as grievous
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    scuba wrote: »
    gotta sleep.
    That's the du-mb-est thing I've ever read on this forum. We all hardcore gamerz brah. B)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    I maxed lum now going for teebo
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    I just finished IG-86 and I'm still farming Biggs & Poggle. I just started on Resistance Pilot.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Vader shards
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    They'll eventually have to add more characters. You can save up.

    You could do this - and I do to a point. I always have about 10k, just in case something crazy happens. (keep about 3-4k of Arena shards too). But honestly, the point is to play the game, try new heroes, etc. so I am throwing shards at ST Han (I don't have a tank really - no Poe and 3* RG is too hard to farm) and IG86, in case I get frisky for a droid team.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I have Lumi maxed, Phasma at 6* (70/100) and I'll target RP, Teebo, and Biggs next.
    2761 posts Member
    I have 11,600 right now and used to have over 15,000. I had Lumi and Phasma maxed and decided to start farming IG-86 and Poggle. Due to the Yoda event, I have 4 7* jedi and and QGJ is 82/100. I also have rey, 6* Yoda, all maxed out. Therefore, from now on, unless they put someone really cool in the GW Shipments, I am putting all of my shard farming efforts into dark side characters. 86 and Poggle in GW, 88 in Arena and GS in cantina battles. I need to beef up my dark side team. I only have Sid and Phasma at 7* for the Dark side.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Go for Biggs, the upcoming ship update should have a place for him.

    If not, I'd vote for Res. Pilot as he's pretty hard hitting.
  • VIII
    495 posts Member
    I save 400 for shard shop and the rest towards character shards I don't have, just because if there is a release of a new character at least I can pair him up with something
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I use them with no order. Some day i want Tusken Raider so i buy Tusken and some day i buy Teebo. When i concentrate on something it feels like it' gonna take forever so i don't focus on anyone. After Lumi and Phasma of course :)
  • scuba
    14120 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    gotta sleep.
    That's the du-mb-est thing I've ever read on this forum. We all hardcore gamerz brah. B)

    Read the forum more.
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    Res pilot is a nightmare to gear up. Just an FYI. He does hit like a truck though
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    Okay... Everyone needs to SHUSH about Resistance Pilot.


    He's keeping me competitive in Arena right now and no one else is using him (yet). I don't want it getting out how OP he is... errr... I mean terrible he is.
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    I have 70k of those right now noticing that the refresh has changed and it is not possible to spend the same tokens on refresh redeem anymore. I was not decisive and concluded a while ago I collect to immidiate level new characters which might be added in future. Now without refresh I would have a backlog of 3-6 month daily use depending on my daily redeem behaviour...
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    Gotta spend those crystals!
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    100% of respurces are going into farming grievous.............. Game over
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    never go for biggs...he is horrible.

    Resistance pilot is your best bet.

    Or save up tokens for any future additions.

    What if I already have RP 7*? I am going for Biggs for the "ship synergy".

    Luminara, Phasma, Poggle, and RP done. Biggs next then IG-86 I guess.
  • Puglio
    161 posts Member
    Nightsister Initiate was first because I have a Nightsister squad. Then Lumi and currently Tebo because I am trying to put together a hodgepodge light side team to advance in light side missions.

    I'm pretty happy with my nightsisters on the dark side. I haven't figured out what my long-term light side synergy will be. Clones, I hope, but they are not easy to get and have no healer. Nightsister and Jedi are the only synergies with heals.
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    Funny people are calling Resistance Pilot a he. I always thought it was a woman. Then I noticed some of the in-game text about the character, and it uses singular "they".
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Dathcha. Cause it's the only one I don't have at 7* (or enough shards to promote). I was hoarding the tokens, but I might as well finish it out
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