Droid marquee leads to...

As many (but not all) marquee characters lead to legendaries or heroes's journey, which hero could be related to all those droids were getting along the GG rework?

Maybe nothing, but if there was, which one would it be?


  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
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    Jarjar! :D
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    Triple zero for sure 😂
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    Hondo? Not many legends left from clone wars.
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    Most marquee characters don't lead to legendaries/journeys.

    But clearly, the Grievous rework is leading to legendary Padawan Sha'a Gi using Separatists.
    Still not a he.
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    Padme, clones or a young Kenobi!
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    Kenobi is my bet, since he is very related to GG and
    Magnaguard (episode III) and Droideka (mainly episode I, in the scene with Qui Gonn).
    Well, he faced basically every droid of the rework in the prequels, making him a solid antagonist.
    The journey/legendary makes sense to me.
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    No need of a legendary, making them the new meta will bring in enough revenue.
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    My bet is also on the separatist marquees being required for a Grievous team, in order to make it completely operational. No legendary this time.
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    I say Padme with a separatist droids squad needed. Anyways, it wouldn't be bad to get a little GK zeta as a counterbalance for the upcoming takeover of droids on Jedi
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    Release Padme & then let’s have a Heroes fall Dark side Anakin event once the new Clone wars season is unveiled on the fall... after that they’ll focus on Episodd IX First Order & Resistance.
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    If it leads to another legendary I personally hope it isn't another Jedi. Galactic republic need a legendary.
  • President_Palpatine
    99 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Most marquee characters don't lead to legendaries/journeys.

    But clearly, the Grievous rework is leading to legendary Padawan Sha'a Gi using Separatists.

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    The GK in the game just needs a zeta slapped on him. Let's not be encouraging another Han/Chewie' multiple iteration nonsense again. Old Obi Wan and young Obi Wan is enough.

    Let's get hooded dark side Anakin in the game, or rework the existing one
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    Give us shaggy
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    I'd be hyped if it turned out to be the opposite of a heroic journey...instead a "Hero's Fall" for Jedi Anakin.

    He starts out fighting clones and other seppies...but before the event is done, he gets to fight jedi. Bonus level he takes out a buncha younglings and kills Padme for good measure.

    Ta-da! Pre-mask Vader, 7*.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    A Droid marquee leads to... Invasion!!!!

    The death toll is catastrophic. We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me!
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    DocDoom wrote: »
    I'd be hyped if it turned out to be the opposite of a heroic journey...instead a "Hero's Fall" for Jedi Anakin.

    He starts out fighting clones and other seppies...but before the event is done, he gets to fight jedi. Bonus level he takes out a buncha younglings and kills Padme for good measure.

    Ta-da! Pre-mask Vader, 7*.

    I know he is technically dubbed "Darth Vader" before he gets the mask/armor, but somehow it would bother me to have a maskless, young Anakin named Darth Vader.

    Since we have a precedent in Bastila, I'd want him to be called "Anakin Skywalker (Fallen)."

    Long as we're on this topic, I've always thought it would be cool to have a helmetless, lightning-scorched Vader called "Darth Vader (Redeemed)." Yes, I know he doesn't really do anything in that state in the movies except die (zomg spoilerz!), but Hermit Yoda doesn't really do much either and he's one of the best characters we've got, sooo...
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    I'd be fine with a Fallen Anakin...and as for a redeemed Vader, there was that "Infinities" comic where he eventually joined the Rebs. They gave him white armor instead, so maybe if CG runs out of other ideas and starts digging into old comix, you can have something resembling your wish granted...
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    DocDoom wrote: »
    I'd be hyped if it turned out to be the opposite of a heroic journey...instead a "Hero's Fall" for Jedi Anakin.

    He starts out fighting clones and other seppies...but before the event is done, he gets to fight jedi. Bonus level he takes out a buncha younglings and kills Padme for good measure.

    Ta-da! Pre-mask Vader, 7*.

    I know he is technically dubbed "Darth Vader" before he gets the mask/armor, but somehow it would bother me to have a maskless, young Anakin named Darth Vader.

    Since we have a precedent in Bastila, I'd want him to be called "Anakin Skywalker (Fallen)."

    Long as we're on this topic, I've always thought it would be cool to have a helmetless, lightning-scorched Vader called "Darth Vader (Redeemed)." Yes, I know he doesn't really do anything in that state in the movies except die (zomg spoilerz!), but Hermit Yoda doesn't really do much either and he's one of the best characters we've got, sooo...

    You cant murder a bunch of kids and then become redeemed, no matter what Lucas says.
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    ...Separatist ships. Tri-fighter and vulture droid, most likely, as well as a capital for either GG or Nute Gunray.
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    Invisible Hand or Malevolence, whichever--exactly what Ships needs to regain some heterogeneity! Gimme.
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    Vanov77 wrote: »
    Padme, clones or a young Kenobi!

    What about episode 3 Kenobi
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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