New "Old Republic" Characters Drop Rates (Day 28) [COMPLETED]

90 posts Member
edited March 2019
So today i decided i was gonna start keeping track of the New "Old Republic" toons drop rates and see how i fare over time. as the total amount of days increase, the rates will change and a better, more accurate drop rate will start to show. The amount of attempts will be as follows:
-Juhani (24-32 attempts [2-3 Refresh])
-Bastila Fallen (16-24 attempts [1-2 Refresh])
-Carth Onasi (24 attempts [2 Refresh])
-Canderous (34-42 attempts [3 Refreshes])

Total Crystals spent per day: 450-750

After each day i will add my results to the ones down below so that we can get a better overall average. So if your curious it should be updated everyday at about 10PM PST (updates may vary).

After a total of (28) days of my New OR grind these were my results (Simming by groups of 2 and 3 for hard/fleet nodes and just groups of 2 for Cantina):
-Juhani: 162 for 470 (34.5%) [COMPLETED]Finished ABOVE average! B)
-Fastila: 115 for 352 (32.7%) [COMPLETED]Finished below average... :(
-Carth: 154 for 448 (34.4%) [COMPLETED]Finished ABOVE average! B)
-Canderous: 28 for 84 (33.3%) [COMPLETED] right on average. :D


Stars Currently at:
-Juhani: 7* [COMPLETE]
-Fastila: 7* [COMPLETE]
-Carth: 7* [COMPLETE]
-Canderous: 7* [COMPLETE]

Any shards bought in shipments/packs:
-Juhani: 82 (2560 crystals) [+50Pack]
-Fastila: 50 [+50Pack]
-Carth: 90 (7,200 crystals)

Total Money spent:
$72 ($40 from the Juhani/Fastila Pack)
Post edited by Shafro_Fos on


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    I'll save you some time here.

    It's 33%, across the board. You had some good luck with carth and some bad luck with Juhani, but even with your one day results, you average 34.1%.
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    I'll save you some time here.

    It's 33%, across the board. You had some good luck with carth and some bad luck with Juhani, but even with your one day results, you average 34.1%.

    I appreciate the advice. This is more of an experiment to see how i personally do overall with my OR grind. I'm just curious to see if I end up being below or above the average drop rate by the end.
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    I'm keeping track of my farm as well and Carth is being an issue for me. If my math is correct, I need slightly over 12 shards on Carth and Juhani per day.

    Juhani seems doable, because her energy costs less, but Carth is very different. I'm doing 3x100 crystal on ship energy refreshes and only farming his node - I will have to buy his shards to have a chance on sustaining 12 per day, it seems.
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    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??
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    Good stuff!!!
    Please keep updating this, even if you get alot of "drop rates are 33%".
    I know it averages to that, but I really like seeing results/data like this.
    And I have zero time to keep track of it. Haha.
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    mvmss wrote: »
    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??

    no but the "solo" one is the closest
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    mvmss wrote: »
    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??

    no but the "solo" one is the closest

    Thanks! I guess I can use Lando for Carth and Bastila for Badstila.

    How many days are we expecting the event to go live? 10?
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    mvmss wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    mvmss wrote: »
    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??

    no but the "solo" one is the closest

    Thanks! I guess I can use Lando for Carth and Bastila for Badstila.

    How many days are we expecting the event to go live? 10?

    what event are you referring to? Did i miss some announcement?
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    Shafro_Fos wrote: »
    mvmss wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    mvmss wrote: »
    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??

    no but the "solo" one is the closest

    Thanks! I guess I can use Lando for Carth and Bastila for Badstila.

    How many days are we expecting the event to go live? 10?

    what event are you referring to? Did i miss some announcement?

    The Darth Revan event. It has not been announced yet

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    Canderous is going to be bad for me. It feels like it's 1/10 times.
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    Ummm you guys are starting way late on canderous and badstila.

    I had those 7 star f2p last week.

    Juhani 41/65
    Carth 54/65
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ummm you guys are starting way late on canderous and badstila.

    I had those 7 star f2p last week.

    Juhani 41/65
    Carth 54/65

    I had been working on other hard node grinds (BH ships), so I only recently got started on Badstilla. Canderous is almost done. I only need about 18 more shards so he's not that big of a deal. I doubt I'll have all these characters ready for whatever OR event they throw at us this time around, but hey, better late than never. :)
  • Shafro_Fos
    90 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Day two is now in the books. Results should be seen up above.
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    So in the last 5 days now that I've been farming Carth, I've gotten 4 shards out of doing his one 20 energy node 8 times a day. (not doing refreshes). 4 out of 40 attempts. But I guess that means in the next 5 days I should be getting like 3 or 4 a day to even it out? Or after I get him to 7 star if I keep farming I'll get 5 or 6 shards a day to "even it out"?

    Looked at Juhani, same thing. 8 sims a day and no refreshes. I have 4/30 for her.

    I also question the actuality of that 33% number being for all shard nodes and being constant 24/7/365. (Especially when there's an "event" coming up that we have a 'panic farm' calculator established for.)
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    So in the last 5 days now that I've been farming Carth, I've gotten 4 shards out of doing his one 20 energy node 8 times a day. (not doing refreshes). 4 out of 40 attempts. But I guess that means in the next 5 days I should be getting like 3 or 4 a day to even it out? Or after I get him to 7 star if I keep farming I'll get 5 or 6 shards a day to "even it out"?

    Looked at Juhani, same thing. 8 sims a day and no refreshes. I have 4/30 for her.

    I also question the actuality of that 33% number being for all shard nodes and being constant 24/7/365. (Especially when there's an "event" coming up that we have a 'panic farm' calculator established for.)

    I feel ya. I wouldn't doubt that they "adjust" the drop rates during certain events. But, you are gonna have those stupid stretches where you just have an awful drop rate. I've had days where i did 1 refresh per day on certain characters and only got 1 shard out of a total two or three days. It really sucks.
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    Carth 12/65 juhani 17/65

    But that's only because I have bought 20 shards of Carth from shipments. 3 refreshes per day. Started on 0/30
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    mvmss wrote: »
    Is there a panic farm calculator out there??

    no but the "solo" one is the closest

    young solo event ? for who?
  • Jedi_of_Oz
    547 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    My drop rate for Carth is lamentable at 26% (25/96). This is based on 24 rolls per day. I'm having to buy from shipments to compensate for it. That drop rate is consistent with what I've had for Sith Fighter (27.1%), also a 20 energy fleet node.

    It is considerably better for Juhani at 35% (56/160). That's based on 40 rolls per day.

    BSF was completed at 31.6%, and C'Ordo completed at 35.4% drop rates.

    Overall drop rate holds at 32.9%.


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    Jedi_of_Oz wrote: »
    My drop rate for Carth is lamentable at 26% (25/96). This is based on 24 rolls per day. I'm having to buy from shipments to compensate for it. That drop rate is consistent with what I've had for Sith Fighter (27.1%), also a 20 energy fleet node.

    It is considerably better for Juhani at 35% (56/160). That's based on 40 rolls per day.

    BSF was completed at 31.6%, and C'Ordo completed at 35.4% drop rates.

    Overall drop rate holds at 32.9%.


    Always cool to see other people’s results. Hopefully your rate with Carth gets better.
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    Shafro_Fos wrote: »
    Jedi_of_Oz wrote: »
    My drop rate for Carth is lamentable at 26% (25/96). This is based on 24 rolls per day. I'm having to buy from shipments to compensate for it. That drop rate is consistent with what I've had for Sith Fighter (27.1%), also a 20 energy fleet node.

    It is considerably better for Juhani at 35% (56/160). That's based on 40 rolls per day.

    BSF was completed at 31.6%, and C'Ordo completed at 35.4% drop rates.

    Overall drop rate holds at 32.9%.


    Always cool to see other people’s results. Hopefully your rate with Carth gets better.

    Not betting on it, mate. I've bought as many from shipments as I've yielded from farming thus far.

    It is what it is.
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    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85

    How many crystals have you spent?

    Also, my Carth rate has been atrocious. Out of 22 tries today, I’ve gotten 2 shards. Releasing him on a fleet node is cruel
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    Juhani 8/85, Carth 28/85. No messing around, farming until the projected yield exceeds 80 crystals/shard. Then maybe I'll pick up some shipments on Carth.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Haven't been keeping track of my drop rates but I know I should be easily be able to get them to 7 stars without any problems
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    Juhani 8/85, Carth 28/85. No messing around, farming until the projected yield exceeds 80 crystals/shard. Then maybe I'll pick up some shipments on Carth.

    Wise words, my man. 👍
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85

    Nice! Did you have a nice stockpile of crystals before you started?
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85

    How many crystals have you spent?

    Also, my Carth rate has been atrocious. Out of 22 tries today, I’ve gotten 2 shards. Releasing him on a fleet node is cruel

    I spend near 600 a day off winnings on farming plus whatever the free amount we get is.... avg about 3 to 4 refresh on each character for that
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    Shafro_Fos wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85

    Nice! Did you have a nice stockpile of crystals before you started?

    I did. I do not now though
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Shafro_Fos wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    5 star carth and 5 star juhani now.

    Juhani 3/85
    Carth 1/85

    Nice! Did you have a nice stockpile of crystals before you started?

    I did. I do not now though

    sounds about right. :D
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