Current GA rewards, one step back!? [MERGE]

110 posts Member
edited March 2019
Is it me or do these rewards suck? No zetas prob the worst exclusion.
Yes i know, stop whingeing about getting free stuff. But you cant feed us a devon and tomato sauce sandwiches for weeks then all of a sudden remove the bloody devon!
I feel these rewards are a step back from what i believe were always pretty good incentives to win


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    So in the last Grand Arena zeta mats were part of the rewards. This Grand Arena there’s no Zetas in rewards, only Omega mats and prestige for last place. There’s ZERO incentive for me to play in Grand Arena when the devs take away Zeta as rewards. I see no logic whatsoever in that decision, then again I fail to see the logic of CG decisions very often. #fail 4muyh0of85g9.png
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    With the opening of this most recent Grand Area, it is obvious that focus that the Dev's need to have for "quality of life" is to give better rewards for Grand Area. In my opinion this is the worst set of rewards I've seen in the Grand Arena. I actually have no incentive to participate other than to boost my self esteem.
  • Alinoe
    68 posts Member
    Yeah instead of boosting rewards we getting less lol. CG that's wrong direction. If you would like get people focus on winning just ADD more gear instead of removing it. Stun guns plus stun cuffs and carbantis will make 90% of players SUPER ACTIVE
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    Yeah I'm just gonna put down timeout teams and just not care
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    We knew it was coming. Do you not read?
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    Yup, that's pathetic. How do I unsubscribe from a GA? Oh wait, I can't because some genius neglected to add a leave button.

    I predict an increase in people not setting defenses this GA.
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    Yeah no zetas really drops my incentive to try at all. Which really sucks I like this game mode
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    Yeah no zetas really drops my incentive to try at all. Which really sucks I like this game mode
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    Cstone812 wrote: »
    We knew it was coming. Do you not read?

    No more association with zetas is a pretty massive Nerf though
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    GA with ships always have ship omegas insteas of zetas....
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    It’s 8 ship omega’s I believe but it was hard enough to get a good opponent that plays in GA without dropping the full piece to half a piece.
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    It’s ship omega’s (extremely rare) zeta’s and omega’s always switch over.

    Unfortunately it’s now half a gear piece but hopefully it doesn’t stop people playing this great game mode.
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    HORRIBLE NERF to rewards for 1 extra GA event per month, seriously CG? Put it back to twice a month then and give us the already low rewards back for such an event. Nevermind the gear drop but 3 Omega instead of 3 Zeta? Holy hell.

    There were already complaints about rewards low for the effort, no crystals etc and now this? A joke. Like the OP I now have barely any incentive at all to put in any effort.
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    HORRIBLE NERF to rewards for 1 extra GA event per month, seriously CG? Put it back to twice a month then and give us the already low rewards back for such an event. Nevermind the gear drop but 3 Omega instead of 3 Zeta? Holy hell.

    There were already complaints about rewards low for the effort, no crystals etc and now this? A joke. Like the OP I now have barely any incentive at all to put in any effort.
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    HORRIBLE NERF to rewards for 1 extra GA event per month, seriously CG? Put it back to twice a month then and give us the already low rewards back for such an event. Nevermind the gear drop but 3 Omega instead of 3 Zeta? Holy hell.

    There were already complaints about rewards low for the effort, no crystals etc and now this? A joke. Like the OP I now have barely any incentive at all to put in any effort.

    Omega’s and zeta’s constantly switch over in rewards they always have done.
  • TehUldan9001
    53 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    HORRIBLE NERF to rewards for 1 extra GA event per month, seriously CG? Put it back to twice a month then and give us the already low rewards back for such an event. Nevermind the gear drop but 3 Omega instead of 3 Zeta? Holy hell.

    There were already complaints about rewards low for the effort, no crystals etc and now this? A joke. Like the OP I now have barely any incentive at all to put in any effort.

    Last time we had ships it was ship omegas/omegas instead of zeta/omega.

    Slicing mats from placement where massively increased.

    If theres no incentive to try, ill be happy to take those wins
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    I predict an increase in people not setting defenses this GA.

    Hopefully shouldnt matter with the new auto deploy.
    But maybe they lowered the rewards incase a mad bug happens
  • Tabub
    50 posts Member
    I think not giving zetas is fine, as it’s too easy to just get 3 zetas for free, but for the love of god give me stun cuffs and carbantis please
  • Ultra
    11554 posts Moderator
    Was in it for mod salvage. I think its a great step-up personally
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    I just posted in our guild chat saying pretty much what the OP is saying. A step back but expected as they pretty much said they were nerfing rewards.
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    @CG_SBCrumb can you thank the rest of the team for the community? We really appreciate you nerfing the rewards for an event that takes 6 days to really finish completely. We are so grateful that you and the team decided we deserve less rewards for our time commitment. Really top drawer!
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    Wow people like to complain!
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.


    The gear salvage was halved since we are getting double the number of events. Meanwhile the good part of the rewards (the mod salvage) was almost doubled. How on earth is this a bad thing? Obviously we all want more gear/credits/zetas.... but no need to have a tantrum over it.
  • Options
    Wow people like to complain!
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.


    The gear salvage was halved since we are getting double the number of events. Meanwhile the good part of the rewards (the mod salvage) was almost doubled. How on earth is this a bad thing? Obviously we all want more gear/credits/zetas.... but no need to have a tantrum over it.

    Double the work for the same rewards. Lol
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Wow people like to complain!
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.


    The gear salvage was halved since we are getting double the number of events. Meanwhile the good part of the rewards (the mod salvage) was almost doubled. How on earth is this a bad thing? Obviously we all want more gear/credits/zetas.... but no need to have a tantrum over it.

    Personally the rewards don’t bug me but it doesn’t mean I think they are good. Mod salvage is not what I want. Mod salvage is incredibly easy to farm. I get why gear salvage was halved. I just wanted something more useful added instead of the extra, incredibly easy to farm mod salvage.
  • Options
    Wow people like to complain!
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.


    The gear salvage was halved since we are getting double the number of events. Meanwhile the good part of the rewards (the mod salvage) was almost doubled. How on earth is this a bad thing? Obviously we all want more gear/credits/zetas.... but no need to have a tantrum over it.

    Double the work for the same rewards. Lol

    Mod salvage is the good part of the rewards lol
  • Options
    Wow people like to complain!
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.


    The gear salvage was halved since we are getting double the number of events. Meanwhile the good part of the rewards (the mod salvage) was almost doubled. How on earth is this a bad thing? Obviously we all want more gear/credits/zetas.... but no need to have a tantrum over it.

    Double the work for the same rewards. Lol

    Mod salvage is the good part of the rewards lol

    Well yeah, obviously.... The rest is awful, saying it's the good part isn't saying anything
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    Paulos999 wrote: »
    It’s ship omega’s (extremely rare) zeta’s and omega’s always switch over.

    Unfortunately it’s now half a gear piece but hopefully it doesn’t stop people playing this great game mode.

    If they wanted to make Grand Arena great there would have been crystals and exclusive currency. Until they do that it's going to continue to be an easily ignored mode.
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