Anyone unlock Darth Revan yet?


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    You can do auto battle on Tier V and it won for me 🙂 the rest were pretty easy going
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    Got him with gear 10 across the board, ZCarth, and basically average mods except for Bastilla. Have to say stages 1,2,6, and 7 were very easy for me. 3 took me three times to beat, and 5 was insane. Took me about 30 times to beat. Kept playing that stage for like 2 hours.
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    yeah... got the whole team...

    but BSF is miles slower than Jedi Revan, so either CG goofed again, or they're continuing with the intent of frustrating their players to no end. because they think that makes them more money, even if it means a segment of the playerbase quits each cycle (and new players do not replace them, so game = dying).

    now there's only potential left that Malak comes along very soon with some ability that will inflict -50 speed on the enemy leader or something.

    but still, the DR mirrors will seemingly come down to fastest BSF (which is pretty screwed up), unlike JKR mirrors.
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    I did beat the event with g12 bast and hk, g11 carth, g9 canderous, g7 juhani.
    Tier 5 was rough, my canderous was g7 and lvl 75, that wasn't enough. I put more potency on bastila which I believe let the fights be far more easier.
    Tier 6 was a nightmare with lvl 76 g7 juhani, had to retry a lot, but I didn't want to waste any carbanti on her, she's not worth that sacrifice. The point was to trigger the deathmark just before Darth Revan's turn, allowing him to just destroy Badstila.
    Other tiers were fairly easy. So happy about the last cutscene, what a teaser !
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    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?
  • Ravnos4
    15 posts Member
    edited March 2019

    Got him with G11 BSF, G10 HK, G8 Juhani, G10 Carth, G8 Ordo. Took 6 hrs but got him.
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    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?

    no chance it will hold on defense. JKR is way too fast, and nothing to stop him from marking BSF and then its game over. it can even happen when you're on offense, which is a kick in the face. so you might as well just keep using your JKR team instead.
  • Gluckychou
    50 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?
    For now, yes. Sith trooper is a bad tank against JKR who doesn't care about taunt, so you can destroy hk or badstila very easily before darth revan can play a turn. After that the fight is over.
    So until someone finds a better combo, i'd say JKR is still the meta because he doesn't die to BH squad, for example. lol
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    They really didn't tune that correctly. T5 made me want to put my phone in the microwave, then 6 and 7 could have been autoed.
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    Tier V was terrible, but everything else was pretty easy.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Yep. Did it earlier today.
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    I did it with Carth G11 +zeta pretty important for t5 if you were like me and had lower geared ppl, DBAS and HK G10, Juhani and Cand G8. My mods were mediocre i farmed them a couple weeks before the event nothing spectacular.
  • Atzel
    56 posts Member
    This is what took me to beat it
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    Done with this gear.

  • Bendur
    12 posts Member

    HK - G12
    Juhani, Canderous, Bastila - G11
    Carth - G10

    No zetas, no good mods or remodding

    Stage 4 of tier 5 was the hardest. I ended up beating it by targeting the boss the entire time and rotating fear and bastila AOE. I managed to kill 3 of the side droids without having to directly target them, and the boss fell shortly after.

    Everything before and after tier 5 is easy and you could probably get away with everyone at g10 if you are dedicated enough.
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    Bastilla g12
    Carth g11
    HK g11
    Juhani g10
    Ordo g8

    Tier 5 took a few tries but, the rest was easy.
    Didn’t plan stun guns accordingly so a few salvage short of gear9 currently.

    Congrats to all getting him.

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    Somehow managed to do it with G11 dBast and HK, G10 zCarth and Ordo, G9 Juhani.

    @Kyno: I apologize for my earlier rage out - perhaps I've become a little too jaded and trigger-happy over the years. Shouldn't have jumped the gun. Will watch my temper going forward. The work put into the assets and stages really gave me that KOTOR feel.

    @Anyone: I highly recommend moving mods with an emphasis on speed and protection. Carth's zeta helps, but I think it'd be doable without it. Some of the non sith-specific omegas really help - Canderous, HK, and Bastila specifically, especially the AOE shock (when already shocked).
    As soon as I re-modded - I could get to the last stage of tier V consistently enough to figure out a strategy. What people are saying is right. Leave one add and control it. Kill the others first. Make sure you can apply fear consistently - go "fastila" on this.Use Juhani to save any character about to get merced. After that it's a cake walk. Tier VI I've seen and heard online being an RNG crapshoot - but my G9 Juhani got through first try. Ignore the bots. Don't even worry about Tier VII.
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    Why no fight to this guy? All to easy after tier V
  • ne_alenska
    131 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    my team
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    ne_alenska wrote: »
    Why no fight to this guy? All to easy after tier V

    Next raid?

  • Nilah
    94 posts Member
    edited March 2019

    I was very scared because of the messages in this forum and was about to invest all my equipment. But then a friend said I should not invest Zetas and save the gear.
    If you understand how "fear" works, it's not that hard.
    One hour looking gameplay-videos on youtube. And then Tier 5 i needed two tries. (Ordo without omegas ;-) )

    Dont give up. Hold on.
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    Oh god - the sheer damage output by DRevan, HK, and Hot Topic... It's just brutal lol
    Just took out a triple zeta'd Nightsister team I was never able to beat - Force Storm followed by Havoc, followed by Wild Lightning on the one member who survived Havoc - which, still having shock, chained the damage to it's newly resurrected allies, killing them all immediately.
    It was disgusting, sick, and twisted - and I loved every second!

    Lol you can have all the issues you want with the kit on defense for now - but you've gotta admit, it's bloody beautiful to watch on offense. I'm satisfied just going in and wiping the floor with squads that used to give me trouble - well worth the effort to me.
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    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?

    Yes. Really not happy with DR. Kinda junk so far
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    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?

    Yes. Really not happy with DR. Kinda junk so far

    He and the Sith Empire team is garbage. I can't imagine anyone tested this against JKR teams, and if they did they should be fired.

    We have one dozen darth revans in my guild. 3 of them g12 already. So far zero happy customers. I can only assume the other part of the “deal” here is:

    We are supposed to keep working on this junk team until which point Malak comes and he’s going to fix what?? Currently, more than a half dozen teams are capable of completely destroying these g12 DR teams so after Malak, unless that number decreases to one maybe two, then what?

    Wow, I’m underwhelmed with my new Darth Revan. Certainly not worth any of the hype and or wait.

    I’ll add I wasn’t too bothered before by the gear gate thing but now seeing how terrible DR is at lower gear that feels so much more offensive.

    Great work as usual 🤗🤗🤗
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    Is it true that darth revan doesnt hold on defense ?

    Yes. Really not happy with DR. Kinda junk so far

    He and the Sith Empire team is garbage. I can't imagine anyone tested this against JKR teams, and if they did they should be fired.

    We have one dozen darth revans in my guild. 3 of them g12 already. So far zero happy customers. I can only assume the other part of the “deal” here is:

    We are supposed to keep working on this junk team until which point Malak comes and he’s going to fix what?? Currently, more than a half dozen teams are capable of completely destroying these g12 DR teams so after Malak, unless that number decreases to one maybe two, then what?

    Wow, I’m underwhelmed with my new Darth Revan. Certainly not worth any of the hype and or wait.

    I’ll add I wasn’t too bothered before by the gear gate thing but now seeing how terrible DR is at lower gear that feels so much more offensive.

    Great work as usual 🤗🤗🤗

    Yup. It's pathetic how weak this team is.

    I guess it’s our fault really. We haven’t quite done ALL the proper chores yet to have a decent team. Still Malak.
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    The main reason JKR is so much more powerful than DR is because they chose to give JKR Jedi synergy, and they chose to *not* give DR Sith synergy. If they actually had any desire for JKR to not be dominant, they would either give DR Sith synergy, or move all of JKR's synergies from Jedi to Old Republic.
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