What keeps you playing?

Trying to find motivation to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder each passing day. I've spent a fair amount on the game, but consider that a sunk cost at this point. Just curious where your own interest/motivation comes from.


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    Guild and arena chat groups. Basically the things CG can't screw up (at least directly). And the hope that some day it will get back on track.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    My brain is chemically dependent on the release of dopamine I get when upgrading characters with widgets or winning battles due to 3.5 years of habituation.
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    My time invested.
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    I love the people I play with.

    I also stepped back in arena. From top 5 to around 100.

    I worked on a faction that I really enjoyed.
    And I didn’t spend when JKR first came out.
    I actually got to enjoy the game and not worry about about being on my phone 2 hours straight.

    The change in payout time helped as well. My new day starts at 1pm est now. I get everything done in a matter of minutes.

    Sometimes when you are just so honed in you need to take a step back. Whenever someone says they are quitting I tell them to just say that they are taking a break. And if they never come back that’s ok but there is no added pressure on returning either.

    Gluck and feel free to reach out if you need some more tidbits or clarifications
  • Jarvind
    3930 posts Member
    Trying to find motivation to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder each passing day. I've spent a fair amount on the game, but consider that a sunk cost at this point. Just curious where your own interest/motivation comes from.

    Just quit. It sounds like you aren't enjoying yourself and you're looking for a reason to continue not enjoying yourself, which doesn't make any sense.
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    It's hard to up and leave after 3.5 years of the game as a constant. The question is more to see what keeps other people going, rather than imply I'm looking for a reason to continue. Habit is a reason to continue.

    Right on, Vinny_Vader_Vedi.
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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Sunk cost fallacy.

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    ****. No one enjoys playing :( just what they paid for. This is bad.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    My guild, and grinding on heroes. I like collecting and improving things. The arenas are almost always what make me consider quitting, so I've cut back there and settled for under 50, under 20 occasionally. It's an ebb and flow thing as metas change, so I don't take them too seriously.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    guild and the hope for a new raid
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Definitely the guild. A great guild is worth logging in to hang with. I have mentioned this in another post somewhere I too am looking to take a step or two back. Not quitting but definitely at a point where I dont care as much. I was f2p for the first year and a half then I dropped a ton cash over the following year and a half. Not that it has done me harm, but it's just not worth it to me imo.

    I enjoy the game quite a bit still and always expect CG to be CG. They are doing the best they can at times and at other times they just through something out to see if it sticks, and then remove cause it did stick(looking at Anakin). Its definitely not CG and what they do or dont do that keeps me, its Star Wars.

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    Star Wars
    The game is fun despite all the drama
    My guildies for almost 2 years are prob biggest motivation

    Hope CG gets all this vitriol directed at them back to a normal level as opposed to the max overdrive we’ve had this year.

    Still time to defuse this so we can focus on the positives of the game and not the negatives.
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    My steadfast conviction to retain my F2P status while acquiring all the Kotor characters and gearing them to the max. I'm finally set up to get JKR this go around and am so excited (1 more week). I can't wait to see if I can get DR next time he comes but I'm not worried if I can't. Malak is probably a year away and with Treya my guild can finally do back-to-back tier 6 STR, so I'm just chugging along.

    I'm also doing the Sith, Jedi, and Fulcrum quests but those are secondary to the Kotor characters. If I can advance a little bit in them I will but I'm not actively trying to complete them.

    Sorry you're feeling unmotivated, hope you find something to work towards. A break could also help, I know I've taken some weeks where I back off from my gung-ho attitude. It's only been recently that I've gotten back to truly helping my guild in the STR.
    Started July 2016, completely FTP : https://swgoh.gg/u/rogenhamen/
  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I love the strategy of predicting who to farm next. Missed out of JKR the first time as well as Jedi Training Rey,Thrawn, Chimera, Palpatine, and a few others took me forever like Traya, GK, Wampa, and Hoda, but lately I've been on it. I had my Rebels ready for CLS, got my BHs ready in time for Chewy, had my Ewoks ready to for C3PO as well as my BH ships for the Millennium Falcon. Once I finished the **** farm, I turned my focus to finishing farming up the KOTOR for the next JKR release. Finished them and switched to the new farmable KOTOR toons and had them ready for Darth Revan release. The whole time I'm farming these toons, Im also saving gear and Zetas for once I unlock them. So once Malak dropped. I used those saved Zetas to meet the 17500 requirements on the few undergeared toons. Then I waited and watched a few videos on the event. Ended up moving a few of my arena mods and beat LS on 3rd try and DS on 2nd try.

    Now onto the Clone Wars...saving up my Zetas and gear after the D Malak splurge until I see what is needed for the next badass toon, ignoring everything else.

    Oh and if you need some help in what to prepare for next. Have these 5 toons ready to go.

    Jango Fett, Aura Sing, Embo, Gar Saxon, and Imperial Commando Trooper.
    Post edited by Lilpup on
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  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Malak...he said he kill my family if I stopped playing and I believe him, he already absorbed my cat!
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    I’m asking that more and more myself lately. That Credit Heist is coming back after 9 days suggest they’re having some issues.
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    At this point, mostly just my previous investments. I’ll give it a few more months and then see what they’ve introduced to the game.
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    I hate throwing my money away to charities and good causes.
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    Events, getting all the characters/powering up the characters, star wars, its fun.
  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    Definitely my guild. Even if the game itself were to become 100% un-fun, knowing that I plunked down some imaginary credits and attracted 49 folks who get along and have fun with one another strikes me as one of the better accomplishments in my recent life.
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    Tried selling my account but there's no way to deregister an email and I don't want to deal with that. So I keep playing. But I joined a more casual guild.
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    I play just to see characters I like and upgrade them. I'm about 700 in squad arena and 150 in ship battles. I'm good. I don't expect to win. Not when there's ~$700 with of crap to buy every week, not including what you can buy with crystals.
    I'll never farm Phoenix Squad because I never watched rebels and don't know who they are really. Clone Troopers though..gimme more.
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    APX_919 wrote: »
    Malak...he said he kill my family if I stopped playing and I believe him, he already absorbed my cat!

    Malak when you don’t play for 24hrs
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    I’ve spent too much time and money into this game can’t quit now. GA and raids keep me going
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