What keeps you playing?


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    Guild and arena chat groups. Basically the things CG can't screw up (at least directly). And the hope that some day it will get back on track.

    All my guild.
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    Guild and old republic toons
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    Honestly? My wife playing. I'm currently working on another game and am playing SWGoH only enough to complete dailies - I just don't care about the game at this point anymore because it has become so pay-to-win. I wouldn't care if this was a premium game with a subscription and tons of solo content so I could play a ton more, but instead it's a pay-to-win game with very limited playtime opportunities no matter how much of a whale I could be. Who cares if the roster's full if gameplay is still timegated?
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    The sunk cost fallacy. Basically F2P but with 4.75m GP and nearly 3.5 years years in the game with arenas and raids on farm, it’s hard to drop.
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    I continue playing for 4 reasons:


    2)Time spent so far

    3)Money spent so far

    4)The hope to see Jedi Luke one day.

    I should have quit long ago cause since the release of JKR...this game isn’t even fun anymore. I just know if I was to quit and return I’d be behind. When I do decide to eventually quit I wanna make sure 100% I will not return.
  • RevanRevanMalak
    41 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    And the hope that some day it will get back on track.

    forget it they will still mess and play around with the player who plays this game.

    Post edited by RevanRevanMalak on
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    Guild and the fact that I can play with characters I like and do not use the characters I dont like.
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    I think that the truth is really simple. This is a really fun game! That's why people are sooo invested to the point will they will spend real money and ridiculous amounts of time on it. Ultimately, people need to remember that the point of playing any game is to have fun.

    I have been playing for about a year and half. I have neither Revan. I get legendaries on about the third attempt. But, overall I just love the depth of characters offered. Exploring the synergies every time a new wave of characters is released is so intriguing. Making decisions on which teams to invest in next is also like a constant fantasy sports draft. The ever evolving nature of the game is what keeps it alive, not what breaks it.

    I think people need to return to the purpose of a game. I know that CG wants you to spend crazy amounts of money. But I have a simple solution. DON'T!

    It no different than a sports team. I love watching my teams, but would never be a season ticket holder. I may go to a game here and there. If someone is a season ticket holder for a crappy team, they get to decide whether to continue buying tickets.

    Best solution. If you won't want to keep getting frustrated, only spend money that you can stomach losing. If spending $50 on Anakin will make you happy, spend it. If you only want to spend $50 on Anakin because he can compete with the current meta, guess what, in some amount of time this character will no longer be good enough and then you will have to spend another $50 and then another $50 and the another $50.

    I'm investing in Anakin because I am excited about the new Galactic Republic synergy. I also know that once Episode 9 comes along they will get some crazy new synergy and same will happen when the Mandalorian is release and this cycle will continue.

    Don't chase something that you can actually never catch!
  • Tbirds01
    1235 posts Member
    The fun of playing non competitively helps a ton for me. I play for the raids, TB, GA, and TW. I try to not let squad arena rule my playtime.
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster: https://swgoh.gg/p/842694912/
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    I'm a masochist
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    My stupidity...
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    I don’t think very highly of myself, and the time I spend playing this game is a constant reminder of that.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    I like the game. I like playing it, I like strategizing and building my roster to suit my needs.

    I also like talking about the game and learning all the different angles and stories out there that make this a great universe to immerse yourself in.

    All of this, plus the people in my guild and both arena shards. Cool bunch of folks from all over the world. We have a great time.

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    SamuraiUX wrote: »
    Honestly, the trick is not to care about the meta.

    I still love the game because I find new things I want to work on all the time and do it, whether it's useful or not. Tusken Raiders! Droids! Jedi! Nightsisters! Clones! These are all factions I worked on randomly when I felt like it, and while some (droids, Raiders) have never panned out strong, others (Jedi, Nightsisters) have and others still (Clones, I'm guessing) will in the near future. But I pay no attention to that. I just build what I want to.

    You really have to resist peer pressure. I had to find a guild that wasn't pushing me to 'help the guild' by buying Revan or whatever. I don't have Revan, I don't have the OTHER Revan... heck, I don't have JTR yet because I couldn't be bothered with the dumb Vets. But I DO have a diverse roster with 3.6 million GP, so I'm no slouch. It's just characters I'M excited about, not because anyone told me I ought to farm them.

    I'm guessing this will be hard for most people to do. But it really, truly is the trick to continuously enjoying the game. For example, I LOVED Clone Wars so much that my Anakin and Ahsoka were G12+ back at the end of 2018, just because - no particular promise in sight for them. And now? It was easy-peasy to drop the extra zetas I've saved on GK and Ahsoka and now I'm really happy with the totally non-meta team of zzGMY, Anakin, zAhsoka, zGK, and zBarris. Because Clone Wars, baby! I don't care that I can't get above 180 in the arena. Whatever man. AHSOKA TANO RULES.

    So that's my advice. Take a look at how enthusiastic and happy I still am while everyone else is grumbling. Who cares about Darth Malak? Don't even know the guy. I'm already 4 metas behind, so what's the biggie? Try it, you'll like it. =)

    Sam UX

    You can apparently beat darth malak with that team. Rn whales be like "**** is this, we cant have anakin beating malak!1!!11!11!1!1"
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited April 2019

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    If someone gave me a few hundred bucks for my account I'd sell it today. If course it's against the rules so I can't do that. I feel bad to quit because of how much time I've put into this, my account is well kept other than Darth Revan and Malak I got pretty much all major factions to a good point and I don't want to let it decay.

    The there is the new movie coming out so I know that right around Christmas I'll have star wars cravings and I'll probably seek the game out, by then I will have missed a ton of stuff and I will never catch up.
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    kalidor wrote: »
    My guild, and grinding on heroes. I like collecting and improving things. The arenas are almost always what make me consider quitting, so I've cut back there and settled for under 50, under 20 occasionally. It's an ebb and flow thing as metas change, so I don't take them too seriously.

    Exactly this :) even down to the arena ranks :P
  • JD010
    16 posts Member
    This game was my dream game when I first got into it. I had no idea what I was doing and I just collected and unlocked characters, with no worry about gear or star levels. Then I wanted palpo so I started 7*ing everyone that was relevant, and every legendary character like that.

    Game peaked for me when I could take my zEP into battle against nightsisters, Bastilla, Treya, CLS, zEP, Bossk-led, even imperial trooper and JTR teams in the arena. Then Revan came out and ruined the game, basically. Power creep is fine, power leaps are not.

    Them mirror matches are so fun! My 310 speed Revan beat most other Revans (coz that’s all I ever saw) but it was such a chore.

    Now it’s just a habit for me. Farm for Malek, make sure I get 7* 3PO. Bored. I stopped spending crystals a little while ago, and I don’t refresh since the hard attempts went back to 5.

    I just hope it gets back to the days pre-Revan. I’ll start dropping cash again then. But I guess my couple hundred don’t matter against the 0.1% of people that spend $k’s worth.
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    I'm staying until they hit the lights.
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    Trying to find motivation to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder each passing day. I've spent a fair amount on the game, but consider that a sunk cost at this point. Just curious where your own interest/motivation comes from.
    Trying to find motivation to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder each passing day. I've spent a fair amount on the game, but consider that a sunk cost at this point. Just curious where your own interest/motivation comes from.
    Trying to find motivation to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder each passing day. I've spent a fair amount on the game, but consider that a sunk cost at this point. Just curious where your own interest/motivation comes from.

    I quit trying to be competitive everywhere after I got ftp Drevan and falcon 1 time. That burned me out. Now I farm what I want. Going to get new teams when the come second time and If I want them. After stop putting too much effort in competitive aspect the game suddenly started to give me some positive emotions.
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    I place top 50 in Fleet and top 88-200 in Arena. I gave up going for higher or remaining there for crystal income. I focus on the other aspects of the game, and it’s a lot more fun.

    My guild, and larger conglomerate guild, are amusing and engaging. You can not deny the social aspect of this game which makes it similar to an MMO family.
  • NoMack
    46 posts Member
    I just like constantly having something to work towards. Working on Old Republic now. Still need to work on Rogue 1 and troopers; Now clones and geos. I'll just keep chasing that dragon...
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    simple enjoyment of the game. I don't stress arena or other things, just love to play...
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    I play because I love most things star wars and because I need something to fill up the many holes in my life left from 10+ years of depression. I’m able to forget the world for 4 or 5 hours a day here. I probably shouldn’t play because I hate the pricing strategy and the direction of the game. I quit for about a year but found myself here again.
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    Old republic era of toons dosent have to be kotor but that era in general could make way more toons from freedom nadd era all the way to darth banes era then all the movies and clone wars era toons
  • R2D2MTLcrew
    69 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Hey CG. If you dont move you gonna kill the game. So hurry up and do something. We need new raid
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