I call it ridiculous event

34 posts Member
How is it a g12 dooku and asaj can't even hurt these toons in tier 5? Seems unrealistic. Sorry I have invested so much time in this game.


  • Mithos
    109 posts Member
    Counter is bad against her and dooku andassaj have **** dmg, assaj dmg is only good after some deaths which you wont get without ns team, and dookus dmg is counters which buffs padme teams
  • Pitt
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    How am I doing it wrong when my g12 toons can't even damage the stupid padme
  • Pitt
    34 posts Member
    Well guess I'm not able to see the future. never thought I would have to waste money and gear on geos to one day get the unbeatable padme and I am not about to give these people any money. They have gotten over 3 years from me liking and promoting their PAY TO WIN GAME to friends and family.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Austin9370 wrote: »

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    Im getting fed up with this tier 7.
    I was coming close to beating it so i upgrade a few toons,went thru mods,got GG up to 46,000 health,put 136% potency on b2,now my team isnt coming close to performing like it was.Anakins one shotting toons like mad now.B2 isnt clearing buffs...Its so rng based,its beyond rediculous.Head my warnings,dont fall for this money trap.I tried around 500 times today with about maybe 20 real chances at beating it.I'll try again tomorrow but theres not much more i can do w/o having the pay toons.
  • Kozey
    14 posts Member
    Pitt wrote: »
    Well guess I'm not able to see the future. never thought I would have to waste money and gear on geos to one day get the unbeatable padme and I am not about to give these people any money. They have gotten over 3 years from me liking and promoting their PAY TO WIN GAME to friends and family.

    You obviously do not understand the mechanics of the fight. This is not a pay to win game compared to other mobiles. You can get her next time.
  • Options
    I think in their excitement to make the game so arduous for everyone they've forgotten it's supposed to be fun
  • Jeddiewan
    19 posts Member
    I'm no longer going to play at there game. I'll get Padme whenever. I'm going to just work on the toons I like from now on. It's too much too fast, and I'm just over it.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Took me 1000 tries, but I finally beat it with gg, ventress, b2, sun fac, and spy. Only Zetas on av and gg unique. Sun fac g8. It's possible! Spy was key for me... he's a beast vs those 6 stacks of prot up.
  • Options
    Adamklark wrote: »
    once I thought :finally, my geonosian and assaj gearing paid off.. I was wrong, so wrong

    So was I. But fear not. The unlock is near... Just invest some puples here or there...
    EA and CG care for their customers and refreshed the one or other shop:

  • Options
    yeah Geo spy is the key

    No, it's not. GG lead is the key.

  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    It's another ridiculous event for sure. There will be a huge wave of people leaving after this.

    I love how characters with 25-30% crit chance hit at about 80% during this event. Smh.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    yeah Geo spy is the key

    No, it's not. GG lead is the key.

    They were replying to my post where I stated I used gg lead. I think gg lead is fairly obvious, but using spy was the gamechanger, at least for me.
  • Altazarus
    174 posts Member
    Ehm, even if he uses geo ships, you reall think he would have made his geos G12+ with 6E mods on at least +130 speed per toon just to use the ships? And you expect THAT team to beat HT + Falcon teams in ship arena to make it worth the effort even remotely?
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Kozey wrote: »
    Pitt wrote: »
    Well guess I'm not able to see the future. never thought I would have to waste money and gear on geos to one day get the unbeatable padme and I am not about to give these people any money. They have gotten over 3 years from me liking and promoting their PAY TO WIN GAME to friends and family.

    You obviously do not understand the mechanics of the fight. This is not a pay to win game compared to other mobiles. You can get her next time.

    If people invested enough resources to 7* the strongest members of one of the worst factions in the game, they better **** well be able to unlock a toon at 5* without having to spend hours of retries. That’s not fun. That’s ****
  • Options
    Pitt wrote: »
    Well guess I'm not able to see the future. never thought I would have to waste money and gear on geos to one day get the unbeatable padme and I am not about to give these people any money. They have gotten over 3 years from me liking and promoting their PAY TO WIN GAME to friends and family.
    thank god, cause it would have been touch and go with out your promoting, for this game to have survived
  • Gypsidanger2501
    13 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Ya'll doing something seriously wrong if you can't beat T5 with G12 toons. Most of my guild inc; myself beat that tier with only 1 or 2 g12. The rest were sometimes as low as g9.

    Gg lead is essential. And B2. These rest seems to have quite a bit of flexibility.
  • Options
    I'm not getting her this time. Made peace with that.

    I've got all four Geos and Asajj, it's not happening. T5 is just so **** hard. I do agree in part, T5 should not be so hard, not like she can be used in raids or top the arena at 5* is it. I can appreciate 7* being difficult but not being able to unlock 5* with a Zeta, x3 G12 and x2 G11 is a bit ridiculous.

    Here's hoping the rumoured Geo rework is enough for next time otherwise I'm stuffed. I won't be getting the Droids anytime soon.
  • Options
    I unlocked her, but these events are getting out control. They are not fun at all. You’re supposed to enjoy them, but there is no joy in facing an op squad with a broken faction with little to no synergy at all. You go in and spend hours hoping for perfect rng. That’s not my idea of fun. I get that they intended for the GG and the Sep droids to beat it, but why not just say so and not waste people’s time on this monstrosity. Not looking for the next broken ridiculous ****.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    Chaac_Maul wrote: »
    I unlocked her, but these events are getting out control. They are not fun at all. You’re supposed to enjoy them, but there is no joy in facing an op squad with a broken faction with little to no synergy at all. You go in and spend hours hoping for perfect rng. That’s not my idea of fun. I get that they intended for the GG and the Sep droids to beat it, but why not just say so and not waste people’s time on this monstrosity. Not looking for the next broken ridiculous ****.

    This was a huge step back from what was a very enjoyable Malak event.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Ive hit a huge powercurve,im either killing padme too fast now,that GG cant get going bc Anakin is going nuts on me since i upgraded a few toons..i was closer when they were weaker.

    Lol..im about 1000 matches in.
  • Mark2theb
    18 posts Member
    Jeddiewan wrote: »
    I'm no longer going to play at there game. I'll get Padme whenever. I'm going to just work on the toons I like from now on. It's too much too fast, and I'm just over it.

    This is the best decision and one I decided on a while back. I refuse to become a whale, better things to spend money on in this life, imho, I will just enjoy plugging along, gearing up toons that interest me and be happy with that. I am not so competitive that I need to be first in a game on my phone.

    Once you make this decision, the game is fun again. :smiley:
  • Zzyymm
    51 posts Member
    Mark2theb wrote: »
    Jeddiewan wrote: »
    I'm no longer going to play at there game. I'll get Padme whenever. I'm going to just work on the toons I like from now on. It's too much too fast, and I'm just over it.

    This is the best decision and one I decided on a while back. I refuse to become a whale, better things to spend money on in this life, imho, I will just enjoy plugging along, gearing up toons that interest me and be happy with that. I am not so competitive that I need to be first in a game on my phone.

    Once you make this decision, the game is fun again. :smiley:

    This. 100% this. I really enjoy this game, probably more than I should for a game that I carry around on my phone. Once I realized the investment necessary for staying on top in this game, I realized it's just not worth it. I'll get this character eventually. In the meantime I'll develop the characters I want and enjoy them.

  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    You complainers are forgetting that we are getting a new TB and separatists are going to be key for it. So investing in them will have more payoff then just getting padamé.
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