3v3 DR badstilla, malak

Pretty simple how do I beat this without Darth revan or malak?

My opponent took 2/3/4 attempts on most of my GA defence and I managed to one shot all his.
All that's left is his Darth revan, malak team. Videos on YouTube show it seems to be unbeatable without Darth revan. Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.


  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    You don’t. The team is unbeatable without a mirror match and if you are slower forget it. Best you could do is send in a team of 2 to eat up fear and ferocity and let the timer run out. Then go in with your weaker Drevan team. Outside of that you are sunk
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    You obviously did not pay enough to win.
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    You obviously did not pay enough to win.

    Indeed I did not, I really suck at this game
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    How about burning his specials with a low team, and then bring the big guns?
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    kieltrx wrote: »
    How about burning his specials with a low team, and then bring the big guns?

    You just feed the team turn meter that way. Then the enemy all goes first before your big guns.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    Ye, but goes with basics.. seems like the only option for those without dsrevan.. unless you want to lose without even trying..
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    I saw a vid with jkr, jka and yoda beating dsr, bsf and malak but that was before anakin nerf and I don't know if the current ga still has pre-nerf unique on him or nerfed..
  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    It's not ideal, but you could try to burn down DR with CLS/Han/Chewie or something similar, then Malak wouldn't be stun-immune on subsequent attempts and you could stunlock him to death.

    Edit: And I just realized that probably won't work because of the Villain zeta. Nevermind, you're boned.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    You gotta have cls faster than dsrevan and emo bastila to even think about pulling this off..
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    Jarvind wrote: »
    It's not ideal, but you could try to burn down DR with CLS/Han/Chewie or something similar, then Malak wouldn't be stun-immune on subsequent attempts and you could stunlock him to death.

    Edit: And I just realized that probably won't work because of the Villain zeta. Nevermind, you're boned.

    From the videos I've seen cls trio just gets destroyed Agaisnt this
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.

    If the best trio in the game can be cheesed by lesser teams, then the game doesn't have much point.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.

    If the best trio in the game can be cheesed by lesser teams, then the game doesn't have much point.

    That's called tactics, you sacrifice a dozen of ga points to beat a team without counter and possibly clear the area for a win..
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    High gear level probe Droid to knock malak
  • Kailen
    90 posts Member
    Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.

    If the best trio in the game can be cheesed by lesser teams, then the game doesn't have much point.

    There shouldn't be a "best trio". There should always be R-P-S style multiple teams with strengths and weaknesses against each other. Having one specific "unbeatable team" is just poor design, especially in a game with so many characters and team combinations.
  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Kailen wrote: »
    Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.

    If the best trio in the game can be cheesed by lesser teams, then the game doesn't have much point.

    There shouldn't be a "best trio". There should always be R-P-S style multiple teams with strengths and weaknesses against each other. Having one specific "unbeatable team" is just poor design, especially in a game with so many characters and team combinations.

    Has this ever been the case? Except for a very brief period where CLS, Traya and Jedi Revan were all somewhat in balance (and even then, Revan had the clear advantage) I don't remember arena ever reaching this hallowed "Rock Paper Scissors" state that people love to talk about.

    There was some variety way back in the pre-mod, pre-zeta days, but that was mostly because synergy barely existed and matches were largely decided by RNG. I ran Phasma lead with Stick Rey, Princess Leia, Qui-Gon and Royal Guard (lol), and my whole strategy was "hope Rey crits and Leia triple taps." It worked pretty well, actually.
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    GA is now boring now that I have no counters to Malak; I just skipped playing it.
    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    Well I just had a ga fight against dr, bsf and malak and won with the strategy mentioned above. It took me 3 **** teams to burn specials, set tm on enemy, and finally check on airplane mode if the first round would go smoothly and then I took down this team with some heavy guns. Sure I got only 20 banners but i can move on to the next territory and I have no intention on going down without a fight.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • FailingCrab
    1155 posts Member
    The only reliable way I've identified is using my own Darth Revan (DR, Bastila and HK does well against DR/Bastila/Malak if you have a speed advantage). I tried brainstorming other counters but couldn't think of anything reliable.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Well I just had a ga fight against dr, bsf and malak and won with the strategy mentioned above. It took me 3 **** teams to burn specials, set tm on enemy, and finally check on airplane mode if the first round would go smoothly and then I took down this team with some heavy guns. Sure I got only 20 banners but i can move on to the next territory and I have no intention on going down without a fight.

    Nice one! Seriously kudos, care to give more details on your teams used?
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Once you feed tm to that trio its over.....period....unless the trio is g7 with no Zetas lol.....I have not had a single DR team go down in GA yet and that is going up against opponents who have every theoretical counter possible
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    Legend91 wrote: »


    This is also 3v3 so I wouldn't call that screenshot proof of anything. Sure, it took more than one attempt, but DR is certainly not unbeatable.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Yeah with a 5* malak lol
  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Mine was 5* too, yet the opponent got stuck on it. In the burn down with multiple teams approach it seems irrelevant whether Malak is 5 or 7*. It matters when you want to 1 shot the team.

    There are not too many 7* Malaks running around anyway, so if the unbeatable DR-Malak teams that people keep complaining about require a 7* Malak, those complaints have even less relevance.
  • Rhod101
    50 posts Member
    FWIW, in a previous GA, I had terrible RNG and lost in a mirror match to that team, but did take out DR and Badstila. They're bearable, but Malak is nasty, even alone. So I IPD'd him.

    I'd throw whatever you have at DR and Badstila and save an Empire team inc IPD for Malak. And pray.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    Just use any team to survive:
    - dr fear
    - bast fear
    - malak special
    - dr storm (with basic along)
    and get killed on bast lightning.
    Then they have all specials used and you can send in a better team. I used thrawn lead with chewie and han. Kill bast, fracture malak, kill revan, kill malak.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Aaand I won the phase :D never give up!
  • Fahrius
    620 posts Member
    I'd bet that bh could do something... Jango or aurra seems to be good options
    Aurra with boba and nest, nest can take the hits, while boba and aurra stay stealthed, boba could execute someone with some ferocities stacked... Aurra would lose her 1st turn but on the next could hit quite hard someone else...
    With jango maybe boba and bossk, bossk going first to get taunt, then boba to execute bastila (surely wont kill her as she would just have foresight) then bossk could do multiassist and finish her off with jango... 🤔
    https://swgoh.gg/u/fahrius/ - Discord - Fahrius#1194
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  • Kailen
    90 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Kailen wrote: »
    Gee guess the 'better player' won this time.

    If the best trio in the game can be cheesed by lesser teams, then the game doesn't have much point.

    There shouldn't be a "best trio". There should always be R-P-S style multiple teams with strengths and weaknesses against each other. Having one specific "unbeatable team" is just poor design, especially in a game with so many characters and team combinations.

    Has this ever been the case? Except for a very brief period where CLS, Traya and Jedi Revan were all somewhat in balance (and even then, Revan had the clear advantage) I don't remember arena ever reaching this hallowed "Rock Paper Scissors" state that people love to talk about.

    There was some variety way back in the pre-mod, pre-zeta days, but that was mostly because synergy barely existed and matches were largely decided by RNG. I ran Phasma lead with Stick Rey, Princess Leia, Qui-Gon and Royal Guard (lol), and my whole strategy was "hope Rey crits and Leia triple taps." It worked pretty well, actually.

    Just because EA/CG are incompetent at reaching a goal doesn't mean it shouldn't be a goal.
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