your beta testers cannot be your GCs



  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Game changers build connections over time... someone else messages them... usually on discord and tells them about a team that is bugged, or counters Malak, creates an endless loop etc..

    But game changers never discover those bugs themselves... they make the video that generates 20k views... but they never discover anything themselves... someone else does and then tells a Game changer. Then the Game changer gets all the credit.

    Except for all the times they call out the name of the person that developed a strategy, or found a bug, or whatever. They give credit where it is due all the time.

    Rofl. Good thing I wasn’t drinking when I read this or it would have come out my nose.
  • MoBlaq
    583 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    They should just open a beta test version of the game that people can download from the app stores
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    That’s definitely 109% wrong. To the point where I read your bad take on grammar and didn’t read the next paragraph where you likely made a point about something GC related. And to totally blow minds, a reference:
    SirCrankz wrote: »
    “I ate, grandma” and you decided to hear “I ate grandma” and proceed to call me a toxic, lying human being.

    If you are not a grandma yourself, both I ate, grandma and I ate grandma, mean the same and the only one thing - someone ate a grandma (in the one case you just have wrong punctuation). The situation takes all the ambiguity away. If you are a grandma, than the conversation changes.
    A poorly chosen example for actually a good argument :) It made me laugh regardless :P (and made me want to eat, grandma!

    As to the issue at hand - yes, the GC do have and bring competative advantage to themselves and their guilds. They might profit from the tactic of toerhs and make money out of it, but also the guilds profit greatly from them having unlimited tries in PvP to test both 3vs3 and 5v5 for TW and GA. I dont have a problem with them making money...For me this is a hobby and if someone makes money out of "my" game braking i wouldnt mind. The competative advantage i do mind though... The easy solution for that is already proposed (and was implimented shortly in the past) - make an open testserver.
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    SirCrankz wrote: »
    If you are not a grandma yourself, both I ate, grandma and I ate grandma, mean the same and the only one thing - someone ate a grandma (in the one case you just have wrong punctuation). The situation takes all the ambiguity away. If you are a grandma, than the conversation changes.
    A poorly chosen example for actually a good argument :) It made me laugh regardless :P (and made me want to eat, grandma!

    No No. "I ate, grandma." is using the vocative case. It means you are directly addressing grandma and telling her that you ate! It has nothing to do with you yourself being a grandma!

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    In your original comment you’re saying the speaker needs to be a grandma which is not the case at all.

    Glad we solved this particular punctuation dilemma. Now how do you all feel about Oxford commas?
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    Waiter, Check Please
  • Flugsvamp
    180 posts Member
    It's hilariously sad that a company of CG/EA's size can't do proper functional testing.

    It's should be no humans involved at all in the testing. All you do is leverage the API for character interaction that the AI is using and read the outcome streamed back from the session and store it.

    Then you parameterize everything.
    * All mods (type, values)
    * Gear level
    * Character attack order
    * Skills use order
    * etc etc

    You fire up a test harness with 10-20 parallel instances and run 1 Million iterations for each with no limit on attack speed with no gui, just the logic

    Record the data and do statistics analysis on the result set.

    If you find anomalies you can easily tailor a configuration to target that specific scenario and gain further insight.

    All of this would take maybe an hour to run on a normal x86 server.

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    Yes but we know the AI is stupid and will just target the wrong enemies first and give Attack buffs to 3PO.
  • Javin37
    367 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Hater are gonna hate. My question is, if you hate them so much, why are you guys giving them so much of your time. I don’t like watching a Fortnite streamer, so I don’t watch it. I don’t go about trash talking and hating on all the fortnite streamers because that would be stupid. Lots of people, myself included, think that the game changers are entertaining, some more than others. Let these people enjoy them without throwing unneeded shade their way. Golden rule peeps.

    I'm definately a hater when it comes to the gamechanger program, but is the shade thrown really unneeded? The whole program is just free advertisement disguised as independent players who just enjoy the game.
    As for the gamechangers themselves, i don't really have a problem with them personally and i definately don't hate them. My only critisims is that they choose to be in the gamechanger program, which makes them ea/cg's puppets to a certain degree. They exchanged their integrity for early access and test accounts (read: views). An understandable choice i might add, but still.
    Ofcourse that doesn't mean you can't enjoy their vids, but it's a valid critisism imo. It's certainly something i would like te be aware of.

    Sounds not valid at all.
    More like:They make money out of the same game I play and I don't.
    You can hate whatever you what, but that doesn't make your point valid.

    Leef's point is not only valid it's a commonly held viewpoint.

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    Javin37 wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Hater are gonna hate. My question is, if you hate them so much, why are you guys giving them so much of your time. I don’t like watching a Fortnite streamer, so I don’t watch it. I don’t go about trash talking and hating on all the fortnite streamers because that would be stupid. Lots of people, myself included, think that the game changers are entertaining, some more than others. Let these people enjoy them without throwing unneeded shade their way. Golden rule peeps.

    I'm definately a hater when it comes to the gamechanger program, but is the shade thrown really unneeded? The whole program is just free advertisement disguised as independent players who just enjoy the game.
    As for the gamechangers themselves, i don't really have a problem with them personally and i definately don't hate them. My only critisims is that they choose to be in the gamechanger program, which makes them ea/cg's puppets to a certain degree. They exchanged their integrity for early access and test accounts (read: views). An understandable choice i might add, but still.
    Ofcourse that doesn't mean you can't enjoy their vids, but it's a valid critisism imo. It's certainly something i would like te be aware of.

    Sounds not valid at all.
    More like:They make money out of the same game I play and I don't.
    You can hate whatever you what, but that doesn't make your point valid.

    Leef's point is not only valid it's a commonly held viewpoint.

    It’s at least a conflict of interest I would think. I don’t think anyone could argue against that. Still... ain’t no game changer discovering game breaking bugs... beta or no beta.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    MoBlaq wrote: »
    They should just open a beta test version of the game that people can download from the app stores

    This already exists.... its the game everyone currently plays.
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