Guild participation

Are any guilds having issues getting people to participate in everything? Or getting people to join? We've been 44/50 for months and no new people joining. It seems with GA we lost participation in everything else.


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    we've had this issue since the start...

    we dither around 40-50 peoples but the attrition rate is terrible, almost every new join plays for 1-3 months and poof...inactive. out of our "active" player base we have folks that either dont or arnt able to log in every day and on occasion its a worry on if we will make in into a territory war due to 25 people needing to click join.

    we only recently became able to do heroic tank raidsa month or two ago, but heroic sith seems many many miles away even though our best hitters can certainly do 4-8% each if i had to guess.

    been in the same guild since the beginning. 3 years + now since guilds were introduced. no interest in new guilds, etc just really wish i could convince our less actives to just do whatever they can on a daily basis =( that and if only there were a couple new mechanics to help new players catch up easier/better and make the experience less painful for them. maybe a bigger donation system? love a "box" i can throw the 5000+ whatevers in for my guildies to take from as they need..even if it was on a daily 5-10salvage draft or whatever

    hard to tell someone new to the game that they can play with you...after a year of building. no entirely true obviously but its unfortunately close enough to the truth...
  • haysswa1
    169 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Depends, in my guild there is very little required so in turn a very relaxed atmosphere. And We like it that way, no fuss, no muss. We ask that if you join tw you at least place a defense but it's not mandatory. For the tbs it's just at least dump your gp if you're not really into it and we're cool. For the raids only about 35 to 40 of us do the hstr, the pit is on sim and the tank usually only about 15 to 20 participate.
    So, if you're in an extremely active and competitive guild, my guild would seem like it's inactive or has low participation. But it's all in what you want from your guild. Currently we have 44 members and for this tw only 35 have signed up. And I have posted before in the guild recruitment section before to no avail. But it's all good since all content is available and doable for us.
    Some folks are looking for certain things in guilds like orginization, structure, leadership, 3rd party app useage, how well they do in tw and tb, how often and fast the raids go down etc.
    Good luck and game on!
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    Yes, I think its just a case of turn over being accelerated a little recently. I think the constant territory wars, battles and raiding, for us at least, is showing the free loaders more. We are seeing lots join in but do zero damage which in turn is costing us victories or putting pressure on those that do participate.

    Maybe some people are limited for time and GA is taking their attention.

    Our current mind set is ruthless kicking of people doing zero damage until we get rid of the problem people. Its sad and it causes myself and the officers more headache. Hopefully we will slowly replace the 10-20 slackers.

    We have also seen a few long time members leave since Revan first arrived.
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    As part of a guild that's currently sat at 23/25 for tw with 30 minutes to go; how about the ability for GMs to push a notification to members once a day with reminders to participate.
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    We're a casual but active guild. We don't care if you do zero damage, just join and try if possible. Especially for raids. It's the TW/TB we have a hard time filling. And GA takes up time I don't have, but that is obviously individual. We generally boot people gone longer than 7days but the way it's been, we would lose another 5 players.
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    I think it depends on both the energy that officers put into this ('spamming' people on discord, in game, actively recruiting, actually coordinating raids/tw/tbs etc), and also on the guild's goal (casual or competitive).
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    We aggressively kicked, over the course of 4 months, at least 25 people. We now are full and seeing more stars in TB, some wins in TW, and everyone active daily. Just make sure you get to 50 before kicking. Make a list and boot one or two upon getting full. State rules clearly. Have an absence channel.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    BananaBoy wrote: »
    As part of a guild that's currently sat at 23/25 for tw with 30 minutes to go; how about the ability for GMs to push a notification to members once a day with reminders to participate.

    They do... at 3 hours to go
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    we've had this issue since the start...

    we dither around 40-50 peoples but the attrition rate is terrible, almost every new join plays for 1-3 months and poof...inactive. out of our "active" player base we have folks that either dont or arnt able to log in every day and on occasion its a worry on if we will make in into a territory war due to 25 people needing to click join.

    we only recently became able to do heroic tank raidsa month or two ago, but heroic sith seems many many miles away even though our best hitters can certainly do 4-8% each if i had to guess.

    been in the same guild since the beginning. 3 years + now since guilds were introduced. no interest in new guilds, etc just really wish i could convince our less actives to just do whatever they can on a daily basis =( that and if only there were a couple new mechanics to help new players catch up easier/better and make the experience less painful for them. maybe a bigger donation system? love a "box" i can throw the 5000+ whatevers in for my guildies to take from as they need..even if it was on a daily 5-10salvage draft or whatever

    hard to tell someone new to the game that they can play with you...after a year of building. no entirely true obviously but its unfortunately close enough to the truth...

    You’ve been in the same guild for 3 years and only just starting to do heroic tank... if your a active player I’d highly recommend joining another guild as most have been doing heroic tank for ages and at least half been farming heroic sith
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    Same boat as you all. Fairly chilled guild of mostly grown up 80s kids ( or never gonna grow up in my case ) so we all have lives and families. Even then, it is getting a bit disheartening as participation is slowly dying down to a core group of maybe 25 out of the 44 we have.

    Reality is that you can't force someone to play more than fits their lifestyle. We just don't seem to be attracting enough newish hungry active players to balance out the chilled-ness, so that's where we're gonna focus I think
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    Ya, gotta agree with OP. We've had this same issue in our guild lately. Not sure what it is, but people just aren't participating in the events much anymore. They'll log in daily, but they either don't know to join or miss the events. Kinda sucks.
  • Syce
    24 posts Member
    We've had a lot of people leave after the whole Malak thing. I think people are getting fed up with the game. 10 people have left. 3 let us know in Discord and the other 7 just stopped playing. We just started consistently clearing heroic sith raid too. I guess not even traya shards could get people to stick around.

    CG is killing this game.
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    I’ve found that the key to guild contentment is finding players with the same level of commitment/activity. Otherwise, you’ll continually be frustrated.
    Staying in an underperforming guild seriously handicaps your own growth. You have to choose what’s important to you.

    If you aren’t a HSR guild, you will struggle to attract recruits - everyone, even Level 80 players want to do HSR (even if they aren’t ready).

    HSR fractured my original guild, causing conflicts between the active, ready to go-for-Traya players and the more casual players. The actives left and went through a couple of mergers before we met the similarly minded folks who have made the current guild the best I’ve been in with either of my accounts.

    It’s the people and matching expectations that breeds happiness.
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    We've had a similar thing. We merged two guilds to make a HSTR guild and during that time our participation, tickets and TW performance were great. Then stuff happened and most of the merged players left to rejoin their original guild. We're still clearing HSTR with 38 members or so, but it's been demoralising to see the drop in TB rewards and raid tickets.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    You’ve been in the same guild for 3 years and only just starting to do heroic tank... if your a active player I’d highly recommend joining another guild as most have been doing heroic tank for ages and at least half been farming heroic sith

    extremely active player, and believe me im painfully aware of how far behind we are as a group. but i've never been one for jumping about in any game ive ever been a part of. you are quite right though, I do understand bro. If our group ever completely falls apart i intend to do just that, but as is...happy enough here... just cant help but wish we had more active players.

    as far as heroic tank...i can almost solo it was kinda inevitable we'd get through it eventually... buts its crazy how fine a line that was for so long :) thanks for the advice bud, do totally understand.

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    I have seen lots of large Whales/Krakens leave the game recently as well. You have to ping people on discord to join and use all your resources and medias to recruit people.
    We aggressively kicked, over the course of 4 months, at least 25 people. We now are full and seeing more stars in TB, some wins in TW, and everyone active daily. Just make sure you get to 50 before kicking. Make a list and boot one or two upon getting full. State rules clearly. Have an absence channel.

    @DaarthBrewer Where are you recruiting people? I have never seen that many people looking at one time 😂
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    We've had a similar thing. We merged two guilds to make a HSTR guild and during that time our participation, tickets and TW performance were great. Then stuff happened and most of the merged players left to rejoin their original guild. We're still clearing HSTR with 38 members or so, but it's been demoralising to see the drop in TB rewards and raid tickets.

    Maybe it's time to think about another merger. It sucks, but just not enough active players for as many guilds there are.
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    You’ve been in the same guild for 3 years and only just starting to do heroic tank... if your a active player I’d highly recommend joining another guild as most have been doing heroic tank for ages and at least half been farming heroic sith

    extremely active player, and believe me im painfully aware of how far behind we are as a group. but i've never been one for jumping about in any game ive ever been a part of. you are quite right though, I do understand bro. If our group ever completely falls apart i intend to do just that, but as is...happy enough here... just cant help but wish we had more active players.

    as far as heroic tank...i can almost solo it was kinda inevitable we'd get through it eventually... buts its crazy how fine a line that was for so long :) thanks for the advice bud, do totally understand.

    Commitment to the same guild all that time is an admirable quality don’t get me wrong, but you should have a think if being loyal to the guild you’ve always been in out-ways the benefit of being in a more active guild. Whatever suits your game play style at the end of the day but I’d imagine you want treya at least some point sooner rather than by the time another raid comes out?
  • FailingCrab
    1155 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Monel wrote: »
    We've had a similar thing. We merged two guilds to make a HSTR guild and during that time our participation, tickets and TW performance were great. Then stuff happened and most of the merged players left to rejoin their original guild. We're still clearing HSTR with 38 members or so, but it's been demoralising to see the drop in TB rewards and raid tickets.

    Maybe it's time to think about another merger. It sucks, but just not enough active players for as many guilds there are.

    I think a merger is called for, but unfortunately everyone else wanting a merger is also a 40ish person guild looking for 10-15 people.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    Well, my guild is looking for more people. However, as stated before by someone else, only 6-10 people. So, a merge is unlikely. Need more active players. The guild is High Ground Warriors. Any questions, just ask
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    Basically in same group as the rest, but if anyone wants to merge, I'm sure wed gladly toss out the 10 to 15 losers to make room, so wed have a place for about 20 or so....
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    Btw, anyone know what's the smallest amount of ppl.need3d to do the hstr? Lol I'm sure the 10 to 15 who r ready, ready mind u not just active lol can possibly accomplish the feat.
  • Darc
    17 posts Member
    Yeh, we seem to have the same trouble. Raids is no problem. But it's TW we struggle with.
    We had a time where we struggled to get 25 to join,
    But now we have 35 some times. But only like 20 participating.
    But even then we can win sometimes.

    We are a fairly relaxed guild, not running heroic sith raid yet.

    Lots of non talkers too.
    As they don't use dischord
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    TW zero scoring is our only major participation yellow then red card rule. Increases difficulty and decreases success chances so ruins the event for active participants. We don't require TW enrollment but make it very clear that if you zero score more than once you are kicked. Simple. Very rarely happens these days.
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    If you want to be in an active guild you need to contribute. So many people just want to leech. Only rule in my guild is no leeching. Half the guild including myself can solo rancor and tank. Hsith required to do at least 1m. Tw required is special mission and battles. Don't just deploy dump and leave. TB required is 3D minimum and you are still expected to attack a few times.
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    Btw, anyone know what's the smallest amount of ppl.need3d to do the hstr? Lol I'm sure the 10 to 15 who r ready, ready mind u not just active lol can possibly accomplish the feat.

    It's not the smallest amount of people it's the total teams. You would probably need 4-5 nightsister 10m teams for phase 3 and 4. Then another 4-5 jte and reven teams for 10m phase 1 and 2.
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    Now it shows we're 50/50, we are 39/50.
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    Rekrn123 wrote: »
    Btw, anyone know what's the smallest amount of ppl.need3d to do the hstr? Lol I'm sure the 10 to 15 who r ready, ready mind u not just active lol can possibly accomplish the feat.

    It's not the smallest amount of people it's the total teams. You would probably need 4-5 nightsister 10m teams for phase 3 and 4. Then another 4-5 jte and reven teams for 10m phase 1 and 2.
    Y tyvm :) also I saw a YouTube vid of jtr doing 25% in p3, but u needed to get her speed to 318 which seemed like an ungodly high number
  • begem_ua
    39 posts Member
    we have that issue too. I understand real life etc. but participation is awful now. another big problem we have - people doesn't read notifications, chat, requirements and other
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