Predicting the next few months

17 posts Member
My theory is that the dark side territory battle will drop next month alongside geo reworks and a geo zombie. the T battle will also include B2 rocket droid as a special mission.

In July we may see a named separatist legendary which may require Galactic republic (Easy if you got padme) and possibly a commando droid marquee just cos'.

In August will be the lightside territory battle with jedi reworks for kit fisto, eith koth and Windu. marquees will drop for Ki adi mundi and shaak ti. Possible delta squad (fingers crossed).

And finally in September, we hopefully get the clone rework for all five of the boyz and maybe a marqee or two.

If you wanted to guess past that, CG could also be taking a look at the fleets, more importantly a separatist fleet.

Then there's also the speculation of the Anakin's fall event which would require:
-Master Kenobi (maybe a starfighter as well)
-Palpatine for /vs Windu
-Maybe Appo for the temple assault. (NO, we're not killing younglings!)

This could happen at anytime though, so stay alert for that.

But thats what i think, lets just hope they dont pull a malak on us and give us a clone that can literally yeet on jedi bastilla.


  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    If they drop a Geo zombie (yes please, plus the queen!) I would be shocked if it’s not in October for some sort of Halloween theme.
  • CT_3315
    17 posts Member
    If they drop a Geo zombie (yes please, plus the queen!) I would be shocked if it’s not in October for some sort of Halloween theme.

    The only problem with the geo queen (Karina the Great) is that she is 8.6 meters (Or 28 feet and 3 in) tall.
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    Geo queen would be awesome but like ct said she wouldn't be in the game for the same reason jabba won't, too big
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    Anyone know when the next CLS Event maybe taking place??
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    I just want sarge to get his name (HEVY)
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    Jaybone wrote: »
    Geo queen would be awesome but like ct said she wouldn't be in the game for the same reason jabba won't, too big

    Sounds about the same as the rancor...
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    I’d be in favor of Geo queen at Wampa size. Most of her was slug tail.
  • Nasdadjr
    66 posts Member
    So long winded for such a short answer. Here is the rest of the year that actually matters.

    Malak stays Meta till August so he has about 5 solid months.

    CG inundates you with new toons from clone wars that are good but not meta.

    Jedi Luke comes out of left field in August to be meta. First 4 zeta toon.

    He is meta till December when episode 9 hits.

    After that nothing matters
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    Jaybone wrote: »
    Geo queen would be awesome but like ct said she wouldn't be in the game for the same reason jabba won't, too big

    Fair, but the ships definitely aren’t the correct sizes, so I don’t think it really matters.
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    If they wanted to imbed a pseudo raid into one of lanes for the new TB, which I think would be fun, Geo Queen would be a good choice.
  • CT_3315
    17 posts Member
    If they wanted to imbed a pseudo raid into one of lanes for the new TB, which I think would be fun, Geo Queen would be a good choice.
    yeah i was thinking that she could be something similar to a mini boss

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    Next hero's journey will be next iteration of Rey requiring the Knights of Ren, who will be released as 5 marquee characters. Mark it down
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Jaybone wrote: »
    Geo queen would be awesome but like ct said she wouldn't be in the game for the same reason jabba won't, too big

    They could have most of her underground, so you only see her top half. Problem solved.
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    Geo Queen would be great but I’m thinking we just a Geo Guard or something.
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    You can have Geo Queens tail drag past the screen or whatever. Maybe place her to the far right of the screen.
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    Rcassino wrote: »
    Next hero's journey will be next iteration of Rey requiring the Knights of Ren, who will be released as 5 marquee characters. Mark it down

    Correction, 3 will be Marquee style, 1 will require Rose Tico 7* GS12 to unlock because reasons, and the other will be a galactic hunt that will be available on a special 100 energy node for 1 day in Augurarytember.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Correction, 3 will be Marquee style, 1 will require Rose Tico 7* GS12 to unlock because reasons, and the other will be a galactic hunt that will be available on a special 100 energy node for 1 day in Augurarytember.
    My Rose.

    Still not a he.
  • Angelloyd
    365 posts Member
    I predict people will keep complaining about everything that CG does. And others will complain about everything that CG didn't do. And some will complain about both.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Angelloyd wrote: »
    I predict people will keep complaining about everything that CG does. And others will complain about everything that CG didn't do. And some will complain about both.
    And then when people does something to address the thing that people were complaining about, people will complain about it.
    Still not a he.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Rcassino wrote: »
    Next hero's journey will be next iteration of Rey requiring the Knights of Ren, who will be released as 5 marquee characters. Mark it down

    I hope you are right. If Disney doesnt payoff the knights of ren someone needs a beating.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    I hope you are right. If Disney doesnt payoff the knights of ren someone needs a beating.
    If they don't show up in 9, they're gonna end up in a book or a video game.
    Still not a he.
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    Ben is gonna rise and return to the light and Rey will be revealed to be a Palpatine Clone. They’ll trade lightsabers at the end. Ben is already shown killing a knight in the Force dream and again in the new trailer.
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    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    I hope you are right. If Disney doesnt payoff the knights of ren someone needs a beating.
    If they don't show up in 9, they're gonna end up in a book or a video game.

    In which case someone will need a beating.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    DarthKoon wrote: »
    In which case someone will need a beating.
    No, they won't.

    The EU has been all over bits and bobs of side lore that never made it into the movies. The Knights of Ren aren't something integral and essential that they've promised to expand on. They're one frame and an offhand comment that the internet ran away with. Not having them in 9 is not a big deal.
    Still not a he.
  • taquillasun
    1158 posts Member
    You will always get burn on the web for stating something in absolute.

    I'll say it like this. There is a Dev chat tomorrow. In which they will talk about their vision ahead.

    Take everything with a grain of salt because everything they do and anything they do has to be given the okay by Disney.

    I know they led us to believe they will release the new TB in June or July.

    I don't think it will be released until Nov. with the release of the last season.

    I hope I'm wrong, but that's my best guess... until then, they will string along touch ups and re works,
  • taquillasun
    1158 posts Member
    Tomorrow will be a really good chance to get some info though....
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    Pretty good guesses. They will probably add Calo Nord, a Sith capital ship, and maybe another OT character or two along the way.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    DarthKoon wrote: »
    In which case someone will need a beating.
    No, they won't.

    The EU has been all over bits and bobs of side lore that never made it into the movies. The Knights of Ren aren't something integral and essential that they've promised to expand on. They're one frame and an offhand comment that the internet ran away with. Not having them in 9 is not a big deal.

    All true. BUT: The ability to have 5 named guys that look cool and and allow fandom to go all crazy over (e.g. Bounty Hunters or Rebel Pilots some bit-part Clones or Jedi) is one of the great successes of Star Wars. Not paying off the the Knights of Ren - even with just 5 minutes of Screen time and some names - would be a massive marketing and money-making mistake.

    They may not be important to the story but the are important for the universe.

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    My Prediction:

    1. Login Character: Mace Windu
    2. Dark Side Geo TB Map revealed.
    3. New TB battle “mini raid” reward toon: Geo Queen.
    4. New 6• Mod slicing material reward in TB
    5. Final gear 12 piece in TB
    6. Ships overhaul & New Capital ship requiring a new kind of prestige.
    7. Mace & Eth Koth get reworks.
    8. Major update takes place. GA/TW mod cheating fixed.
    My guesses.
  • keknoby
    93 posts Member
    next update will be
    - less rewards
    - droprate set to 0.1%
    - less attempts on hard nodes
    - more 100$ packs to get 1 piece of G12+ gear
    - one new gamebreaking character only obtainable with the 5 next marquee 7 starred, zeta'd and G12, 2 weeks after their release

    it seems to be the way this game is going
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