How long have you been playing?

I’ve been playing since November 2015


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
  • Lysandrax
    1127 posts Member
    January 2017
    Because my mate wouldn't shut up about it
  • Tbirds01
    1235 posts Member
    August 2017
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster:
  • Karlito
    58 posts Member
    July 2017 didn't realise the game was already 2years old !
  • Slaveen
    481 posts Member
    How can you look up when you started?
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    Last day of November or first of December 2015.
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    December 15th, 2016
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    End of December 2015, got bored during the Christmas holiday and kept playing ever since.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    I’ve been playing since November 2015

    Me too.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    Slaveen wrote: »
    How can you look up when you started?

    If your on iOS, click quests, then achievements at the bottom, then Game Center achievements and look around in there. I completed Light side battle 1 on normal on 30NOV15. That should be a good indication of when you started
  • Stokat
    835 posts Member
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Slaveen wrote: »
    How can you look up when you started?

    If your on iOS, click quests, then achievements at the bottom, then Game Center achievements and look around in there. I completed Light side battle 1 on normal on 30NOV15. That should be a good indication of when you started

    Good tip, I didn’t know about that! I always thought I started playing in December 2015 but I see I finished my first achievement on 2 January 2016 so must have been very late in December.
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    August 2016 or so.
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    Nov 2016 (Oct 31st actually) :p
  • haysswa1
    169 posts Member
    Since the end of December 2015 and having a blast!
  • rokota
    166 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    April 2016, but took a break from July '16 to Jan '18
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    2015. December 2nd or 3rd I think. Same shard as Kyno. Most people in my shard started in November, and I am not a spender, so I was in the thousands in arena for months.
  • macray
    31 posts Member
    december 2017 / march 2018 with the 2nd account
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Edit: Nov, 2016. My brother shows it to me at Thanksgiving.

    Curse him.
    Post edited by VonZant on
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    Joined Dec 27 2015
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    Slaveen wrote: »
    How can you look up when you started?

    This. I genuinely don't there a way I can check?
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    was Oct 2015 or the very beginning of Nov. earliest google play achieve I can find is "open ten packs" on Nov 28th 2015 so maybe my memory's a bit fuzzy XD
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    Stokat wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Slaveen wrote: »
    How can you look up when you started?

    If your on iOS, click quests, then achievements at the bottom, then Game Center achievements and look around in there. I completed Light side battle 1 on normal on 30NOV15. That should be a good indication of when you started

    Good tip, I didn’t know about that! I always thought I started playing in December 2015 but I see I finished my first achievement on 2 January 2016 so must have been very late in December.

    Nice, thank you! Looks like I started playing at the start of November 2015.

    Wow. That's a long time...
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    So, when did the game start?
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    16th february 2016
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    was Oct 2015 or the very beginning of Nov. earliest google play achieve I can find is "open ten packs" on Nov 28th 2015 so maybe my memory's a bit fuzzy XD

    I thought I started playing in Oct too but I looked and it said the game launched in Nov. I’m guessing I was wrong, but I do remember them saying it was still in beta form so idk.

  • thedrjojo
    964 posts Member
    March 2018
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    Downloaded January 2017, didn’t really start playing regularly until June 2017.
  • Nico
    29 posts Member
    Since November, 25 2015
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    Long enough to loathe the Sith raid? :D

    Jan 2018 for me.
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    All my Game Center achievements say April 5 2017, that doesn’t see right, why would they all have the same date?

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