Zeta defacit in upcoming GA tournaments

59 posts Member
With the upcoming GA Tournament, is, or has CG taking into account those who have developed their rosters faster then the game can accomadate zetas?
In every GA battle I've participated in, my opponents have had 10 to over 20 more zetas then me. I accepted it as a challenge to test my skills. But as those of us who win and progress to higher tiers should just except the inevitable. We will lose due to lack of critical game content.


  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    The only thing inevitable is your defeat

    I don't even know what losing is
  • TVF
    36703 posts Member
    Oh you mean loosing.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Still not a he.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Qubit wrote: »
    With the upcoming GA Tournament, is, or has CG taking into account those who have developed their rosters faster then the game can accomadate zetas?
    In every GA battle I've participated in, my opponents have had 10 to over 20 more zetas then me. I accepted it as a challenge to test my skills. But as those of us who win and progress to higher tiers should just except the inevitable. We will lose due to lack of critical game content.

    This is coming from someone that has planned
    Zetas poorly: If you are facing people with the same GP that have 10-20 more Zetas than you, I'm not certain that its CG's plan that needs adjusting.
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    Actually I did pretty well and had alot of fun in GA despite the lack of zetas. Like I said, "it was a challenge to test my skills", and I did pretty good and am proud of my wins and learned from my losses. @Ultra and @TVF, I really hope to see you on my way to the top. It'll be my pleasure to decimate you both to a point your both in tears.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    I am not the grammar police 👮 🚔, but he used the spelling and term correctly.

    Loose is improperly fitting as in a shirt which is too big and fits loosely on the wearer.
    Or let loose the hounds of war.

    Not everyone is a Titan like Ultra, though we aspire to it.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    I am not the grammar police 👮 🚔, but he used the spelling and term correctly.

    Loose is improperly fitting as in a shirt which is too big and fits loosely on the wearer.
    Or let loose the hounds of war.

    Not everyone is a Titan like Ultra, though we aspire to it.

    Dont think you caught this one ;)
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    I have a serious defacit when it comes to loosing
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    Lmao because it was supposed to be a retorical question. I didn't proof read before 8 posted and my grammar is crap I admit that. It always has been. Also my auto spell always add interesting words as well. Sorry for the run on sentence. Lol🤣
  • TVF
    36703 posts Member
    I am not the grammar police 👮 🚔, but he used the spelling and term correctly.

    Loose is improperly fitting as in a shirt which is too big and fits loosely on the wearer.
    Or let loose the hounds of war.

    Not everyone is a Titan like Ultra, though we aspire to it.

    You ruined the joke.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    I am the grammar police

    Not everyone is a Titan like Ultra, though we aspire to it.

    Yes I've seen her around here for years. Really do hope we meet in the arena!!! I was going to say meat just to urk you but ahh, it's all in good fun.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Qubit wrote: »
    Lmao because it was supposed to be a retorical question. I didn't proof read before 8 posted and my grammar is crap I admit that. It always has been. Also my auto spell always add interesting words as well. Sorry for the run on sentence. Lol🤣

    Relax, I've learned to accomadate and except a person's defacit in grammar
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    Not everyone is a Titan like Ultra, though we aspire to it.
    Its easy, don't put in your credit card on your Apple ID :wink:
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    Lol apple!!! They say apple phones lag. Don't want to hear anything about your phone lagging when I win!!!!! 🤣😂
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    Qubit wrote: »
    Actually I did pretty well and had alot of fun in GA despite the lack of zetas. Like I said, "it was a challenge to test my skills", and I did pretty good and am proud of my wins and learned from my losses. @Ultra and @TVF, I really hope to see you on my way to the top. It'll be my pleasure to decimate you both to a point your both in tears.
    I've never had the privilege of learning from a loss

  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    Qubit wrote: »
    With the upcoming GA Tournament

    This is coming from someone that has planned
    Zetas poorly: If you are facing people with the same GP that have 10-20 more Zetas than you, I'm not certain that its CG's plan that needs adjusting.

    I started with ships. I love ships. I was 1st place everyday for over a year until I was contacted by someone in my shard. He wanted to alternate. It's how deep my pockets are that caused the deficit. Not from lack of skill or farming.
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    @ultra my response has to be approved. And yes I'm familiar with the grind. All to well. I don't know why but I have a feeling we will meet in the arena!!! I'll go easy, you know, cause you never lost and all. I'll tell you something you may not know, but your going to understand, and that is rubber, baby, buggy, bumpers!!!!!!!
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    Not if anything to say about it I have!!!!!
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    They should have a grand arena tournament chat for trash talk and fun!!!!!
  • MightyWizard
    872 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    So you whaled out so hard that you have a bunch of 7* g12s but don't have any zetas to put on them? This is your own fault.
  • Qubit
    59 posts Member
    Lol. I didn't really whale out. I did a budget for each month. I only purchased so much each month. I loved ships so much, I didn't get cls until the 3rd time around. because I was farming ships and crew. I loved the grind and I love the game. I've beaten GA opponents with up to a 18 zeta defacit. So I'll be OK in sure. What do you know. I got 3 zetas from the aat special event!!!!
  • Options
    A. I could have played this better
    B. They paid for Malak and paid for better mods

    B is way more likely and if you can't see it you're in denial
  • Options
    The forums are a fascinating place to observe dichotomous thinking.
  • Buddy
    197 posts Member
    Dagonsith wrote: »
    The forums are a fascinating place to observe dichotomous thinking.


    Also: n’uh-uh!
  • TVF
    36703 posts Member
    A. I could have played this better
    B. They paid for Malak and paid for better mods

    B is way more likely and if you can't see it you're in denial


    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Qubit wrote: »
    @ultra my response has to be approved. And yes I'm familiar with the grind. All to well. I don't know why but I have a feeling we will meet in the arena!!! I'll go easy, you know, cause you never lost and all. I'll tell you something you may not know, but your going to understand, and that is rubber, baby, buggy, bumpers!!!!!!!

    oh hello.... I forgot to introduce myself.... My name is John Kimble....and i lovvvve my car

    EDIT crap wrong movie.... ummmm ummmm TO BE or not to BE.....noooot to be
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    A. I could have played this better
    B. They paid for Malak and paid for better mods

    B is way more likely and if you can't see it you're in denial

    C. They are the 882.
  • TVF
    36703 posts Member
    "Paid for better mods."

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Gcdevil
    153 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    You focused down on ships and have a zeta defcit?? This seems backwards as hell
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