How to beat NS team



  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Apparently they need mowing once a week. ;)

    Ah, he a landscaper
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    Palp Vader sion Nihilus baestila never fail me
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    At lower levels, zkru + kr + Phasma + fox can do ok with NS: Kru removes taunt, phas and kr aoe and fox special cuts them down like whack a rat. Soon as NS hit g10 or are zetad this stops working.
    My arena team do ok, but it's a coin toss. EzPz leads fast zader and zzthrawn with Sion and TFP. Zader first, force crush, sabre throw on zombie, make it weak. Fracture to break taunt, pile on weakest NS to kill it. If zombie moves in that time, should be weak to kill easy. Also tends to mean AV or OD have to heal instead of attack.
    Keep focus on weakest NS. If zombie moves, break taunt with Sion. Good time to see if ep aoe can stun too.
    Ideally, next kill daka, bit if you can ability block her with Vader/tfp you'll prevent the you can focus on AV. If MT is Thier lead, you need to watch for AV kills causing a revive, and zAV damage sky rockets with every toon death.
    MT and the 5th can be killed next and zombie last.

    Technically, you can kill zombie, but you basically need to kill her a couple of times then one shot her from revival. If she survives enemy damage before death, she revives.

    The Fetts are another option. Use their taunt ignore to kill the weakest NS twice, then anyone jango kills or boba executes can't come back anyway
  • Kluski
    68 posts Member
    I have a unique method: zBossk (l), zBoba, Dengar, zThrawn, zCLS.

    Option 1. Fracture zombie. Work on Asajj and leave her final blow for Boba's Execute (no revival). Keep Zombie fractured and work on others in the same way (Execute). Boba and CLS ignore Zombie's taunt and allow you to keep working down the other enemies until you can clear the taunt. Plus if Boba kills Zombie, Boba can be revived. You can also use Dengar to stun an enemy while you are working another.

    Option 2. CLS cleans Zombie's taunt and then fracture Mother, then work on Asajj and Daka as above.
  • Jarvind
    3929 posts Member
    NS teams are tricky. Key things to keep in mind:

    - Your first two non-zombie kills will immediately revive due to Zombie's unique. This also clears any speed debuffs the Zombie has from dying.
    - Once anyone dies, Talzin's lead will start going bonkers reviving them on basics. Things can very quickly spiral once this starts happening. Ideally, you want to kill a bunch of them at once (Daka/AV/Talzin) without any of them getting a turn in between to avoid this.
    - AV will start hitting harder and harder the more things die, on either team, so you probably want to make her a priority target.
    - If Acolyte is present, she'll be pretty much perma-stealthed, so you'll need some AOE damage or dispel to kill her and avoid the infinite zombie revive loop.

    As others have already stated, Imperial Troopers are by far the best counter to Nightsisters, due to getting loads of bonus turn meter and having lots of AOE damage. Even with them you can still lose though, especially if Talzin's unique is zeta'd (she gains 35% TM when anybody on either team drops below half health). The keys are getting those first two zombie revives out of the way ASAP, choosing a good kill order after that, and managing Plague via heals or denying MT turns.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Absolute best answer? zVeers, zStarck, Range, Snow and Shore troopers. That squad will beat any permutation of NS teams 99.9999999999999999% of the time. You can lose, but the RNG has to be absolutely abysmal.

    That is simply not true.
    You have yet to face well-modded zzAV-Spirit teams if you think Troopers work all the time.

    The most reliable, non-Revan, NS-counter is still the Triumvirate with a taunter (Shore, SiT) as 4th. Troopers and Palpatine work perfectly fine against subpar and mediocre NS teams. However, NS teams with a few G12+ pieces and 6 dot mods in the key slots will shut these counters down even on defense.

    @RandomSithLord Thanks for this. I have been ignoring my IT and they are getting soft compared to many NS teams now. I just faced a really nasty one in GA and 5* Traya team did the job. Thumbs up.
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    zbossk BH. (+ boba, cad, greedo and zam)

    i just mark time in the battle (spamming TDs) until ready.

    then cad stun-dispels zombie, and boba executes daka.

    repeat for talzin, then cleanup.
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