How many stars will your guild get in GeoTB?

870 posts Member
edited July 2019
I thought it would be helpful to see how many stars guilds have and will likely be getting so we can kind of see A) How guilds of the same gp size did, and B ) How bigger gp guilds did so we can anticipate when more stars are achievable. Let’s do it in this format:

Guild GP:
Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion):
Projected Total Stars:

Guild GP: 211m
Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion): 22
Projected Total Stars: 27

**update - corrected our guilds stars**
Post edited by Ikky2win on


  • Options
    Guild GP: 151m
    Current stars: 8
    Projected total stars: probably 10.
  • Options
    Guild GP: 191m
    Current Stars: 16
    Projected Total Stars: 20
  • Options
    Guild GP: 168m
    Current Stars: 8
    Projected Total Stars: 12
    Ooba hutar.
  • Witness
    48 posts Member
    Guild GP: 230 mil
    Current: 22
    Projected: 27
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Guild GP: 165 mil
    Current: 13 (but will be 15 by end of P3)
    Projected: 18 (possibly 19 but unlikely)
  • Options
    Guild GP: 170m

    Current Stars: 12 (14 by end of P3)

    Projected 16-17
  • Options
    Guild GP: 148M

    Current Stars: 9 (10 by end of day)

    Projected 13 Stars
  • Lovimgsaskia1
    375 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Guild gp: 194m

    Current stars 17

    Projected 20-21
  • Options
    Guild GP: 83 Million
    Current Stars: 4
    Projected total: 6
  • Options
    Guild GP: 127 Mil.
    Current Stars: 4/5 (within a couple K of 5)
    Project Total: 6/7

    No more than 1 star per territory. Gave up on middle track.
  • Options
    Guild GP: 107M
    Current Stars: 5
    Projected Total: 6/7
  • Options
    Guild GP: 133M
    Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion): 6
    Projected Total Stars: 9
  • Options
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.
  • Sarcodino
    394 posts Member
    85k GP
    Current: 4
    Proyected: 5-6
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Guild GP: 144 Mil.
    Current Stars: 8
    Project Total: 10-11

    We are very causal. Had no 6* Trayas for Platoons. I imagine we can improve by a star or two next time. Had to focus on one territory at a time after first round.
  • baked_qft
    275 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Guild gp: 188 mil
    Current stars: 18
    Projected: 22

    Edit picked up 18th star
    Post edited by baked_qft on
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    GP: 159M
    Current stars: 12
    Projected: 15
    Participation in battles is lousy, many are discouraged from even trying.
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    Guild GP: 176 mil
    Current stars: 17
    Projected total stars: 21
  • Options
    Guild GP: 180mil

    Current stars: 15

    Projected total stars: 19-20

    Miscommunication cost us a star on Droid Factory though.
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Guild GP:199M

    Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion): 16 (it might be 17 by end of p3, not sure, haven't looked at how close we are)

    Projected Total Stars: 19-21 (most likely 20) if we stay at 16 stars in p3, or 20-22 (most likely 21) if we hit 17 during p3.

    Separate from the data we're trying to collect:
    I should say though that our guild TB coordinator thought we were very close to picking up 3 more stars in the first 2 phases - mostly through better organizing and a bit of learning optimal squads even before you get to new squads or gearing up squads that are currently under geared.

    Although I stand by my projections of 20-21 for this TB, with very little work we could hit 24 stars, and with a month or two of work we should be able to hit 25 no problem. We're a long way from 4/4 on p3 missions (much less p4), but we can see a roadmap to solid scores in the near future.

    We're also a guild who doesn't usually get 48 stars on Hoth DS TB. Usually we end up with 47. I thought we were going to get 48 the last couple of times, but both times we had a couple members flake out on us, so we have a history of being a very imperfect guild. I say this so that y'all know that we're not punching above our weight at 199M gp. Any guild with that much gp ought to be doing as well as we are, and some will do better.


    Update is that we're only going to get 16 stars by the end of p3. So projection is now:

    Guild GP:199M

    Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion): 16

    Projected Total Stars: 19-21 (most likely 20)
    Post edited by MasterSeedy on
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Alohomora wrote: »
    Guild GP: 191m
    Current Stars: 16
    Projected Total Stars: 20

    This - almost exactly. Projected 19 or 20.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Shadroth
    160 posts Member
    137mil gp (41 members)
    8. 9 if we are lucky
    Our guild has recently had 2 unsuccessful merger attempts so GTB might be on the back burner for some time 😕
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited July 2019

    Edit: 16 stars!!

    Expecting to get 20. Man, there are a few people dropping the ball. Maybe could've reached 21.
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.

    What's your guild GP?
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.

    What's your guild GP?

    Currently there are:
    7 guilds with 24
    29 guilds with 23 stars
    42 guilds with 22 stars.

    To get 31 they will need to be at either 24 or 23 most likely. I’m really stoked that were at 22 and we’re expected to get 27 at only 211m gp. We’re currently tied for 38th yet we aren’t even in the top 200 gp wise. We’ve been preparing and strategizing for awhile. Combined with 33 straight tw wins and #proudofguild. #humblebrag. #softrecruiting
  • R0LAND
    42 posts Member

    Guild GP: 170m
    Current stars: 14
    Projected total stars: probably 18
  • Options
    You posted this way to early. P4 has not begun yet.
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    At 18* (actually 17* now, but 400k from another * and we have reserve deployments). 19* should be possible since 10 ppl havent done fleet CMs and likely havent deployed and are dropping the ball. Total expected 22* (23* if we 3* p3 fleet).

    Edit: guild at 195m.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.

    Are you going to get to 24? I’m actually surprised we did. Not that I’m surprised our guild is doing as well as it is, but that it’s “easy” to get to 24 stars when it was announced most top guilds would get between 20-24.

    We are at 24*, hopefully getting to 31-32, and at 247M gp and some change.
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