How many stars will your guild get in GeoTB?


  • Jbp1515
    157 posts Member
    Guild GP: 158m
    Current stars: 11
    Projected total stars: 14
  • Options
    Guild GP: 119mill (about 112mill active though, we had a new addition after the TB started)
    Current Stars: 7* (2.2 mill from getting another star today :fingerscrossed: )
    Projected Total Stars: 9-11 most likely.


    Like most guilds our Seperatists (Geos especially) weren't where they needed to be yet.....I think with a bit of focus we can be aiming for 13-15 for our second try
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    sying wrote: »
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.

    Are you going to get to 24? I’m actually surprised we did. Not that I’m surprised our guild is doing as well as it is, but that it’s “easy” to get to 24 stars when it was announced most top guilds would get between 20-24.

    We are at 24*, hopefully getting to 31-32, and at 247M gp and some change.

    Nah don't think so. We are 236M (rank 25) but not even half of us have 5 x 7* separatist droids so we will only be 23* at the end of this phase.

    Hopefully by the next TB we can push for 9* this phase as more people get 7* droideka/b1

    Best of luck in P4!
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    Guild GP: 129M, 49/50
    Current: 8 stars
    Projected: 11 stars (98% likelihood, barring disasters)

    We're happy with that performance
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    Guild GP: 127 Mil.
    Current Stars: 4/5 (within a couple K of 5)
    Project Total: 6/7

    No more than 1 star per territory. Gave up on middle track.

    That's your mistake - get less progress and focus on more stars. Work out the cheapest stars to get, and the best method to get them. At 129MGP, we're only getting fleets into phase 3 battles, but have worked things to get 2 or three stars in all 4 land based territories in p1/2. It's as much about timing of GP and officer control. The tactics of maximising stars is actually quite fun.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Guild GP 160million
    14 stars at end of P3 all areas unlocked for P4
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    sying wrote: »
    Kameleonic wrote: »
    Max, 5.

    The guys at the top get the fantastic rewards boosting your levelling speed for everything, while the guys at the bottom take a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Dull.

    Hopefully 31 here.

    Rewards aren't that great. In a mid tier guild your sith raids last longer than 45 minutes giving you a better chance to grab top 10 rewards. That's likely better than the crap they will throw into the rewards box in geo tb.

    Are you going to get to 24? I’m actually surprised we did. Not that I’m surprised our guild is doing as well as it is, but that it’s “easy” to get to 24 stars when it was announced most top guilds would get between 20-24.

    We are at 24*, hopefully getting to 31-32, and at 247M gp and some change.

    wait what ???

    I thought no one was supposed to be able to beat the thing ??? 31-32 stars from the get go ???

    Jesus...they might make the thing harder....

  • Traitorarmor
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Tiig wrote: »
    Guild GP: 127 Mil.
    Current Stars: 4/5 (within a couple K of 5)
    Project Total: 6/7

    No more than 1 star per territory. Gave up on middle track.

    That's your mistake - get less progress and focus on more stars. Work out the cheapest stars to get, and the best method to get them. At 129MGP, we're only getting fleets into phase 3 battles, but have worked things to get 2 or three stars in all 4 land based territories in p1/2. It's as much about timing of GP and officer control. The tactics of maximising stars is actually quite fun.

    I agree with the strategy......but you didn't go north first to unlock the ship part right away? (unless I'm misunderstanding you, which is possible)

    I had to come up with our plan in an hour but we did this

    Day 1: Droid Factory (Characters)
    - one Traya short of full platoon which we'll have for next time
    - open up ship path

    Day 2: Canyons (Characters) and Core Ship Yards (Fleet)
    - no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    Day 3: Petranaki Arena (Characters) and Contested Air Space (Fleet)
    - again no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    Day 4*: Seperatist Command (Characters) and Republic Fleet (Fleet)
    - again no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    * the original plan was for day4 to go after Battle ground and the Wot Tambor Special Mission, but we don't have 7* GeoAlpha and it looks like Seperatist Command might be a bit easier to 2* for us


    Edit: Good thing we changed the plan, we didn't unlock Battle time well have to do Seperatist Command on Day 3 and Petranaki Arena on day 4
    Post edited by Traitorarmor on
  • Options
    190 million.

    16 stars

    19 stars
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Not sure...
  • Options
    Guild GP: 109m
    Current stars: 5
    Projected total stars: 7
  • Options
    Guild GP: 178 M
    After P3: 15 Stars
    Probable Result: 18 Stars

    I did the maths. We would need to win about 40 fleet battles for a second star in top territory which sounds unlikely. We need a total of 100 waves to get one star in each of the lower two territories which should be fine, but too many to get another star. Good luck to all the 180M+ Guilds who think they can get four stars.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Tiig wrote: »
    Guild GP: 127 Mil.
    Current Stars: 4/5 (within a couple K of 5)
    Project Total: 6/7

    No more than 1 star per territory. Gave up on middle track.

    That's your mistake - get less progress and focus on more stars. Work out the cheapest stars to get, and the best method to get them. At 129MGP, we're only getting fleets into phase 3 battles, but have worked things to get 2 or three stars in all 4 land based territories in p1/2. It's as much about timing of GP and officer control. The tactics of maximising stars is actually quite fun.

    I agree with the strategy......but you didn't go north first to unlock the ship part right away? (unless I'm misunderstanding you, which is possible)

    I had to come up with our plan in an hour but we did this

    Day 1: Droid Factory (Characters)
    - one Traya short of full platoon which we'll have for next time
    - open up ship path

    Day 2: Canyons (Characters) and Core Ship Yards (Fleet)
    - no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    Day 3: Petranaki Arena (Characters) and Contested Air Space (Fleet)
    - again no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    Day 4*: Seperatist Command (Characters) and Republic Fleet (Fleet)
    - again no cross over from the 2 sections and we get to use our full GP

    * the original plan was for day4 to go after Battle ground and the Wot Tambor Special Mission, but we don't have 7* GeoAlpha and it looks like Seperatist Command might be a bit easier to 2* for us

    Interesting approach - I'll have a think about the benefits.

    Our approach was: P1 we did Canyons to 3 stars, excess into droid factory but no star.

    P2 we did Droid factory to 2 stars, and Petranaki to 40M TP (just shy of first star), then excess into Separatist Command.

    P3 we did 2 stars in Petranaki, excess into Separatist Command (about 50M) keeping it short of first star, and 1 star in fleet (hopefully we can build this to 2 before long - we're about 11M short)

    P4 plan will be 2 stars in Separatist Command (2nd star is at 95,355,000 - so about 45M there), then try for 1 star in Sand Dunes, but not counting on it, and 1 star for fleet.

    That will give us 11, 12 if we're really lucky in Sand Dunes. The approach requires a lot of control to be exercised by TB General (me), and a guild that is mostly willing and wanting to follow orders to maximise stars. We are a fairly relaxed guild and have about 5 members not doing that much, but our communication is improving (many of us on discord but not all), and a lot of in-game orders to keep TP going where it needs to be. One of the biggest advantages of this approach is it is light on platoon allocation, which is pretty important at our level (only one 6* DT, no Malaks), so best toons are able to be kept for missions in the Phase 2 territories. As we get more DT and Malak and continue to grow we'll gradually extend how far we go, but I'm pleased with our results for our total GP - it has been pretty efficient.

    It seems you gain an extra fleet star by going droid factory on day 1, and we gain an extra star in Canyons, but I'll have a think and see if we can manage 2 stars in droid factory and grab 3 stars in Canyons on day 2 - might get us an extra fleet star - but also may make it harder to get the 2 stars elsewhere.
  • Options
    Guild GP: 194m
    Current stars: 21
  • Options
    Guild GP: 109m
    Current Stars: 6
    Projected Total Stars: 8
  • Torr
    29 posts Member
    Guild GP: 140m

    Current Stars: 15

    Projected Total Stars: 17
  • JMG680
    83 posts Member

    Guild GP: 111m
    Current stars: 6
    Projected total stars: probably 8
  • Options
    Guild GP : 190 Mio
    Current Stars : 17
    Projected Stars : 20
  • Options
    Guild GP: 112M
    Current Stars (or anticipated stars upon phase 3 completion): 6
    Projected Total Stars: 7

    If only I could pack spare Sith in a briefcase like that clone doctor.
  • Options
    Guild GP: 83 Million
    Current Stars: 4
    Projected total: 6

    That’s amazing for barely making the GP cutoff. Good on your guild.
  • Ameepa
    20 posts Member
    Guild GP: 102 M

    Projected stars: 6
  • Options
    204M GP.

    End of phase 3: 21 stars
    Projection: I expect we’ll stop at 26, but maybe we’ll sneak 27
  • Ephran
    499 posts Member
    Guild GP: 119mill (about 112mill active though, we had a new addition after the TB started)
    Current Stars: 7* (2.2 mill from getting another star today :fingerscrossed: )
    Projected Total Stars: 9-11 most likely.


    Like most guilds our Seperatists (Geos especially) weren't where they needed to be yet.....I think with a bit of focus we can be aiming for 13-15 for our second try

    My guild is 119mil, we're currently at 5* and going to get 7*. We had 5 members with a combined 10 mil go inactive right before it started.
  • EdSolo
    425 posts Member
    Guild GP: 203 Million
    Current Stars: 17
    Projected: 20? We are getting killed in P4. Should be able to get at least one star in ship zone, but unclear as to the other zones.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Guild GP 221

    Current 22

    Projected 27

    Awesome teamwork here, have had great participation even with the tougher missions.
  • Options
    GP 156

    End of P3: 10
    End of P4: 12
  • Tbirds01
    1235 posts Member
    150 million GP
    11 stars
    12 hopefully.
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster:
  • cannonfodder_iv
    992 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Before seeing P4:

    Stars: 20-something
    Estimated: 20-something + 6

    After opening P4 CMs:

    Stars: 20-something
    Estimated: 20-something + 1

    Relax everyone, it's a joke about how difficult the P4 CMs are.
  • Options
    122 million gp guild
    Will finish with 13 stars
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