Falcon Event Error


  • Maxamillion
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    The OP is trying 6* battle, meaning he completed through 5* and is getting this message. I'm attempting the 4* battle and getting this message. I have 3 ships. If OP only has the 3 ships then how did he get past 5*?
  • Options
    Thought it was any 3 BH ships.
    Can't find an official reference or announcement on the forums about requirements. It is like the forums have been scrubbed of any info about requirements.
    Searched "OT Millennium Falcon" and "Flight of the Falcon". Revealed no requirement info.

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    Thank you. OP must have 4 ships at 5*. I knew 3 ships stood out to me for a reason. Not going to get it this time around then.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Same here! It Seems like it is just one bug after the other with these game developers! So sad to see the game going down hill

    Literally unplayable and a slap in the face to the players!

    ....or bugs are a part of software development

    Not a bug... the only bug is that it allows you to click battle at all and reach team selection. It's always required 4 ships to launch the battle.
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    But what I want to know is how Darth Vader command a capital ship and fly a fighter ship at same time😮, I just broke all logic in this world, Does that mean Grand Moff tarkin is flying tie advanced? 😂

    Because the shop he's commanding is the Devastator for the event, not the Executrix
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    I didnt have the issue but i had all bh ships at 6*
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    Slippyfist wrote: »

    Because the shop he's commanding is the Devastator for the event, not the Executrix

    I just had to grin while imagining Vader as a salesman.
  • dogwelder79
    1508 posts Member
    The bug is with the message "requirements met". Mine says 2/3 even though it should say 2/4. The event requires 4 BH ships.
  • Options
    Nurgle wrote: »
    Slippyfist wrote: »

    Because the shop he's commanding is the Devastator for the event, not the Executrix

    I just had to grin while imagining Vader as a salesman.

    Ha! Dang autocorrect, I didn't even notice that 😂. Now I'm picturing the sign, "Welcome to the Devastator! Vader's subjugation services for hire!"
  • khelzac
    335 posts Member
    Slippyfist wrote: »
    Nurgle wrote: »
    Slippyfist wrote: »

    Because the shop he's commanding is the Devastator for the event, not the Executrix

    I just had to grin while imagining Vader as a salesman.

    Ha! Dang autocorrect, I didn't even notice that 😂. Now I'm picturing the sign, "Welcome to the Devastator! Vader's subjugation services for hire!"

    Vader: "It will cost you 300,000 credits."
    Customer: "But the board outside says 200k??"
    Vader: "I'm altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further."
  • Edge
    27 posts Member
    Clever ploy to get me to spend crystals so I could hurry up and get a 3rd BH ship to 4 stars, only to find the description is wrong and you need all four BH ships.

    Oh well, I’m sure EA will get right on it and compensate me for the crystals I spent due to their misinformation :p
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Same here! It Seems like it is just one bug after the other with these game developers! So sad to see the game going down hill

    Literally unplayable and a slap in the face to the players!

    ....or bugs are a part of software development

    Bugs are a part of software development, correct.

  • RufusDogbreath
    233 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Edge wrote: »
    Clever ploy to get me to spend crystals so I could hurry up and get a 3rd BH ship to 4 stars, only to find the description is wrong and you need all four BH ships.

    Oh well, I’m sure EA will get right on it and compensate me for the crystals I spent due to their misinformation :p
    This is what happened to me, but I was farming the BH ships anyway, so I’m not that bothered by the crystals, just the frustration of “here ya go... nope! Just kidding. No Mil.F for you!”
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
  • Options
    Edge wrote: »
    Clever ploy to get me to spend crystals so I could hurry up and get a 3rd BH ship to 4 stars, only to find the description is wrong and you need all four BH ships.

    Oh well, I’m sure EA will get right on it and compensate me for the crystals I spent due to their misinformation :p

    Umm....the falcon unlocks at 5 stars. Why would you hurry a ship to 4 stars?

    Maybe my sarcasm detector is broken 🤔
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    I'm trying Tier 5 and having the same issue - also people in my guild as well.
    I also spent $$ on crystals to boost my 3rd ship to 5* in time for the event. I would not have done so had they correctly stated you needed all FOUR bounty hunter ships to be at that level.

    I used to be top 3 in my fleet shard prior to the falcon release. Without the ship, I've dropped to high teens. I spent the last cycle (3 months?) getting my BH squads high enough to earn chewie, the falcon, and be a contender again.

    I do feel like EA robbed me of both time and money with this bug. I spent 2 hours on the phone today with Kimi first (1 hour - no help), missed a call from William, Jitesh (1 hour - bumped me to supervisor), and Supervisor Gunjan who told me nothing could be done except by the experts (her boss), but there is no way to contact them beyond using this forum - she was the highest person I could talk with and she could do nothing about it - "so sorry".

    The money has been spent - I don't expect a refund. I do expect to finish this situation with han's falcon. Either fix the bug so I can play the event with 3 ships, boost my fourth ship to 5* (only a dozen shards needed) so i can play the bugged event, or mark the event finished - giving me the 45 shards of the falcon needed to unlock the ship. Anything short of that and I plan to find another game to spend my time and money playing. It's been a fun 2+ years if that's the case, but this single bug has impacted 6 months of my life if it goes unresolved. If that is the ultimate end result, it would be a shame, but my wife would likely thank you.

  • Gcdevil
    153 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    rydennon wrote: »
    I'm trying Tier 5 and having the same issue - also people in my guild as well.
    I also spent $$ on crystals to boost my 3rd ship to 5* in time for the event. I would not have done so had they correctly stated you needed all FOUR bounty hunter ships to be at that level.

    I used to be top 3 in my fleet shard prior to the falcon release. Without the ship, I've dropped to high teens. I spent the last cycle (3 months?) getting my BH squads high enough to earn chewie, the falcon, and be a contender again.

    I do feel like EA robbed me of both time and money with this bug. I spent 2 hours on the phone today with Kimi first (1 hour - no help), missed a call from William, Jitesh (1 hour - bumped me to supervisor), and Supervisor Gunjan who told me nothing could be done except by the experts (her boss), but there is no way to contact them beyond using this forum - she was the highest person I could talk with and she could do nothing about it - "so sorry".

    The money has been spent - I don't expect a refund. I do expect to finish this situation with han's falcon. Either fix the bug so I can play the event with 3 ships, boost my fourth ship to 5* (only a dozen shards needed) so i can play the bugged event, or mark the event finished - giving me the 45 shards of the falcon needed to unlock the ship. Anything short of that and I plan to find another game to spend my time and money playing. It's been a fun 2+ years if that's the case, but this single bug has impacted 6 months of my life if it goes unresolved. If that is the ultimate end result, it would be a shame, but my wife would likely thank you.


    You need 5 star Xanadu Blood as well, it's always been this way, why people suddenly think the events requirements have changed is a mystery

    If you only need a dozen shards you should have no problem getting them by Wednesday and get your Falcon
  • Options
    Yeah, people claiming it impacts their last 6 months - during which time the Falcon event has appeared 3 times always with the same requirements.

    And lord how I wish I was in a fleet shard that meant having no falcon put you in the high teens. 7* falcons go well into the 200s on mine.
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    While I get that its been 4 in the past or so many are saying.

    If this is your first time seeing the event & you bust **** to get 3 ships up & running then yeah, to suddenly have this glitch when it apparently has read correctly in the past, well that is some first class **** IMHO.

    You say glitches in Software but that implies this is something new.

    If its the same event & it read correctly all along, then WHERE does this glitch come from?
    What the Devs just suddenly decided to change the text to read incorrectly?

    And WHY the hell hasn't it been fixed since the event started days ago?

    We are talking a typo here right?

    How do you let that go unfixed & call it anything close to Customer Service?

    Given there are many events that you start the first tiers at less than a full squad & don't need all 5 (4) till later tiers, I don't see why anyone wouldn't think this was a valid event to do at 3 ships instead of 4.

  • wyan
    2 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    wyan wrote: »
    Gcdevil wrote: »
    rydennon wrote: »
    You need 5 star Xanadu Blood as well, it's always been this way, why people suddenly think the events requirements have changed is a mystery

    If you only need a dozen shards you should have no problem getting them by Wednesday and get your Falcon

    A mystery? The reason is because it says that you need 3 units. In the event. In the game. That could be the answer to the "mystery".
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    wyan wrote: »
    wyan wrote: »
    Gcdevil wrote: »
    rydennon wrote: »
    You need 5 star Xanadu Blood as well, it's always been this way, why people suddenly think the events requirements have changed is a mystery

    If you only need a dozen shards you should have no problem getting them by Wednesday and get your Falcon

    A mystery? The reason is because it says that you need 3 units. In the event. In the game. That could be the answer to the "mystery".

    It‘s a mystery how a simple bug like this hasn’t been fixed in several iterations of this event.

    Maybe it brings CG money if people are mislead by being given false requirements. It‘s been know in the forum since the first time, but not many players visit the forums.
  • Options
    Nurgle wrote: »
    wyan wrote: »
    wyan wrote: »
    Gcdevil wrote: »
    rydennon wrote: »
    You need 5 star Xanadu Blood as well, it's always been this way, why people suddenly think the events requirements have changed is a mystery

    If you only need a dozen shards you should have no problem getting them by Wednesday and get your Falcon

    A mystery? The reason is because it says that you need 3 units. In the event. In the game. That could be the answer to the "mystery".

    It‘s a mystery how a simple bug like this hasn’t been fixed in several iterations of this event.

    Maybe it brings CG money if people are mislead by being given false requirements. It‘s been know in the forum since the first time, but not many players visit the forums.

    This bug wasn’t present for the first 2 MilFalcon events. So it hasn’t been “know” in the forums since the first time.
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    Nurgle wrote: »
    wyan wrote: »
    wyan wrote: »
    Gcdevil wrote: »
    rydennon wrote: »
    You need 5 star Xanadu Blood as well, it's always been this way, why people suddenly think the events requirements have changed is a mystery

    If you only need a dozen shards you should have no problem getting them by Wednesday and get your Falcon

    A mystery? The reason is because it says that you need 3 units. In the event. In the game. That could be the answer to the "mystery".

    It‘s a mystery how a simple bug like this hasn’t been fixed in several iterations of this event.

    Maybe it brings CG money if people are mislead by being given false requirements. It‘s been know in the forum since the first time, but not many players visit the forums.

    This bug wasn’t present for the first 2 MilFalcon events. So it hasn’t been “know” in the forums since the first time.

    I stand corrected.
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    EA has confirmed that this is a bug. Description should have read X/4 ships, not X/3.

    See https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Bugs-in-the-Malenum-falcon-event/td-p/7996787u6uw0zspzuha.png
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    The fix is to get FOUR bounty hunter ships to that star level, right now its counting your capital ship as a bounty hunter ship.
  • Tf112
    9 posts Member
    To be clear: the event does *not* require a same star capital ship. Only the appropriate starred four BH ships.
    This is the evidentiary case, as individuals with only 6* capital ships have a 7* falcon. It is also not the explicit statement in the previously mentioned forum post linked above. This is, frankly, false advertising.
  • scottdude8
    280 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    I’m in this boat as well. I’m furious as I put all my crystals into getting 3 BH ships to 7* and neglected the fourth when I saw that only three were required. Now I’m out a ton of crystals and am not gonna get my 7* falcon. This was blatantly incorrect in game and requires some sort of Dev response. I could’ve geared up DR with those crystals but instead I put them into IG-88’s dumb ship.
    Officer in BDB, a "casual but competitive" guild that has Rancor and HAAT on farm, gets 37* in LS TB, and kicks butt in TW. PM if interested in joining!
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