Grand Arena Championships - summary and current state

Following the sentiment on forums I would like to chime in and sum up all the problems and provide solutions for GAC going forward. Personally I think there are too many threads atm, so I wanted to summarize everything in one.
Currently there are 3 main issues with Grand Arena Championships:
  1. Matchmaking
    - GP - This is the biggest issue. To start off I want to say that there is no perfect system that satisfies all. Unless we implement an ELO system and give everybody access to same teams and mods, there will always be imbalance. Everyone that thinks that matching ppl with similar GP AND access to same units is the solution is delusional. Only mods will become a factor and ppl will get bored after a week, because every GA round will be a mirror match.
    Current system is much better than previous one, because it creates a much more competitve environment. The main differenciator now is comparing GP of set number of characters from player rosters (80 for Div 1/2, 60 for Div 3/4 and so on). This puts lower GP players at a disadvantage, because of much lesser roster flexibility. From experience I can say that to clear opponents board you have to use more than 1 team per fight, so including 2-5 teams in initial GP matchmaking (depending on division) would present a much more fair fight.
    - G13 power - current matchmaking doesn't take this into account and it should, since strength gained from g13 finishers is significant, but it doesn't reflect in GP. Devs suggested increasing GP gain from g12 gear pieces, but it won't solve the problem. There will still be matches where GP among players will be similar, but one will have 4-7 more than the other, because he was more focused on them or paid for it (happened to me a couple of times). The best solution for this is hardcodding max difference in g13 units into matchmaking algorithm - to me it's between 3-5. But in the end any change that takes this into account will be an improvement.
  2. Rankings
    As currently constructed rankings have no meaning and purpose. They don't present best players in each division. Devs suggested closing each division and pairing ppl only within it, but that wouldn't solve current problem of weak rosters being in top of rankings. Two things need to change for ranking to be viable:
    - Incentivise defenses - current system only promotes players focusing heavily on offense. Sure you need some semblence of defense to best out your opponent, but as rankings and public feedback shows, because of limited rosters (especially in lower divisions or in a huge GP mismatch), players focus heavily on being more efficient on offense than deploying stout defense. A solution to this is awarding a small ammount of points for each defended territory and successful team defence. This would award and promote those players that "play both sides of the court". However incentives shouldn't be as high as successful offensive wins, so ppl don't focus solely on setting best teams on defense. Limiting defensive points to 30-50% of those you get for playing offense seems like a reasonable solution.
    - Feats and league progression - point requirement for Kyber and lower leagues in Divisions 3 and lower are undervalued compared to Div 1/2. Optimal points per round in Div 1/2 is 1920 compared to 1560 in Div 3/4, this ratio generates 28,5k points requirement for Div 3/4 Kyber league (derived from 35,5k for Div 1/2). However this doesn't factor in points awarded for winning round as well as feats - both of which don't scale with divisions, so it's much easier for players in lower divisions to reach Kyber and other leagues. If we take all possible points then Div 3/4 Kyber requirements should be at around 31k points (I won't bore anybody with more math). This would be fair.
    In the same vein - feats don't scale with divisions, which is ok and good, but requirements for them should be easier to obtain for lower GP players. Just recently we got a "win 14 GA matches" feat when last GA event started, but it exceeded number of battles in all 3 rounds for lower divisions, so it was unattainable for them.
  3. Rewards
    The overlapping sentiment throughout community is that rewards aren't worth the effort. If we compare current weekly rewards to previous iteration of GA, they have been nerfed - we receive 670 mod energy and 1650 guild currency less than previously (only compating slicing materials). That is a huge difference.
    New addition are GAC tokens, however counting them together with other rewards is wrong. They are here to support g13 finisher farm. Please remember that current g12+ farming spots are only temporary and were added to jump start g13 revolution. After they are removed only GAC shop remains as main source of those.
    When it comes to end of season rankings there will only be max 2-3k players in each Kyber league, so 20-30k players across all divisions. Given that we have at least roughly around 500k players participating in GAC - we can estimate that over 90% of player base will receive at best 2,1k GAC tokens for a 4 week event, that equals 20x g12+ salvages for a monthly event. You can get additional 1150 on a weekly basis, but it's for selected few. They will get on average around 5,5-6k GAC tokens each month and that is... one g12+ prototype piece - 1/5th of g13 finisher. And that is only awarded to selected few - around 5-7% of player base. Current GAC rewards are horrendous - period. They have to be 3-4x more to actually be of any significant value.

Bottom line - GAC is a great inititive and overwhelming majority of player base loves it, but it's heavily unbalanced. There is only so far this horse can pull the cart until it dies from exhaustion. The ball is now in your court CG - @CG_TopHat @CG_SBCrumb


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    Okay check this out. So with the finish of this latest Grand Arena championship I placed 4th. At the beginning of round three myself and the person I was about to battle for my final battle we're both it two wins and everybody else in our clique had one win each. I lost my third match to 12 points and that put the person I battled ahead of me at 3 wins. How did the other people with one win each pass me at the podium and left me standing in fourth place??? I should have been at 2nd Place not fourth place you need to check your stuff and get back to me because that is **** I know it doesn't change my rewards but it changes my stats okay.eku35odu5sk4.jpg

    Now tell me that I don't belong at second place!

    **** off and frustrated

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    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??
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    Before you write pls check Dev notes on this forum.
    It was alreaedy written there, numerous times, that in case of a draw - in wins or points - player GP is a defining factor, higher one wins. And of course it's GP that is registered at start of GA, not at end.
    Is it fair - no, is it meaningful - no. Everybody skips it, unless you get a point draw and loose beaus of it.
  • Options
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    True, but what you see is only cosmetics, it has no bearing on rewards and standings. It only takes into account wins and GP afterwards.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.
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    This is what I got and I KNOW that it doesn't change my Rewards, but its a big deal between 2nd place and 4th place. Do you catch my drift??msyovsies3i9.jpg
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    @TLP_WICKED_0NE how is it a big deal? The guys at 2nd and 3rd place won just as many battles as you and got the same rewards.
  • Options
    This is what I got and I KNOW that it doesn't change my Rewards, but its a big deal between 2nd place and 4th place. Do you catch my drift??msyovsies3i9.jpg

    Yes and no.
    You're right that if you win 2 and loose in final , you should be second, but at the same time - matchmaking in 8man group is random, so it can happen that 2 best players are paired against each other in round 1.
    So is it fair that second best player in group is penalized by rng ? NO. That's why equalization of standing after round 3 is fair imo. Everyonee won 2 matches and get same rewards, standings doesn't matter.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    This is what I got and I KNOW that it doesn't change my Rewards, but its a big deal between 2nd place and 4th place. Do you catch my drift??msyovsies3i9.jpg

    It’s the opposite of a big deal since it affects nothing whatsoever.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.
    I need a new message here.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Now tell me that I don't belong at second place!

    You belong in the 2nd - 4th range, but there is absoloutely no way to determine who of those three performed better. Either of those three could be the stronger player. F.ex. it's possible that all three were at some point matched against the 3/3 winner and lost, while winning their two other rounds. It's also possible that one of the three is actually only the 6th strongest player of the eight, but by chance he was matched against the two weakest players and won before losing his final round.

    This is not the cup system. It's not a 7 rounds round-Robin. It's a mix.
  • wawrzon
    262 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.
  • vej85
    21 posts Member
    Wawrzon great post I don't have anymore to add, i hope CG will take this into account
  • wawrzon
    262 posts Member
    vej85 wrote: »
    Wawrzon great post I don't have anymore to add, i hope CG will take this into account

    Thx, my only concern is to make it fair across the board and trying to ignite some constructive debate on this topic, since some of proposed changes we heard from CG during Q/A session aren't gonna solve existing problems. Let's hope more ppl chime in :)
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.

    He's disagreeing that it's a shame that the post was moved or that it being moved means it won't get any recognition and will die. Since people who know how the forum works are perfectly capable of finding it. Like I just did.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    @Liath no, look at my first post in the thread.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    OP sorry I just know myself and it's better for me to say I don't agree with everything you wrote and leave it at that.
    I need a new message here.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Liath no, look at my first post in the thread.

    TVF, look at the post of yours that he quoted in the response I was responding to.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Liath no, look at my first post in the thread.

    TVF, look at the post of yours that he quoted in the response I was responding to.

    Seems like an obvious case of poor quoting to me.

    Perhaps not.

    Guess it doesn't matter.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.

    He's disagreeing that it's a shame that the post was moved or that it being moved means it won't get any recognition and will die. Since people who know how the forum works are perfectly capable of finding it. Like I just did.

    I would love if that was the case, but in the end this got burried, nothing changed for GA. All those "screamers" got recognition from general chat and CG changed matchmaking by locking divisions, which in turn created another problem I mentioned here - huge g13 disparity. I got matched against a person with 44x g13, having 7 myself.
    Their solution didn't provide any remedies, only created new problems.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.

    He's disagreeing that it's a shame that the post was moved or that it being moved means it won't get any recognition and will die. Since people who know how the forum works are perfectly capable of finding it. Like I just did.

    I would love if that was the case, but in the end this got burried, nothing changed for GA. All those "screamers" got recognition from general chat .....

    Where did this get burried?hmhwhm9mwd4u.png

  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.

    He's disagreeing that it's a shame that the post was moved or that it being moved means it won't get any recognition and will die. Since people who know how the forum works are perfectly capable of finding it. Like I just did.

    I would love if that was the case, but in the end this got burried, nothing changed for GA. All those "screamers" got recognition from general chat .....

    Where did this get burried?hmhwhm9mwd4u.png

  • Options
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    At the beginning of round 3, the top two players should battle for first and second place in every sport or game around the world RIGHT???? WTH??

    Places 2-4 get the same rewards. It doesn't matter where you place in that range.

    OP, while I don't agree with everything you wrote, that's a well written summary of concerns.

    A shame it was moved from general discussion to this one. It won't get any recognition and die naturally tomorrow. So many meaningless threads there and something with value that can start a debate is shoved aside.

    That's just how the forum works, for everyone. Anyone using the recent discussions link will see it at the top.

    Is there smth specific that you're not agreeing with ? I would like to know other ppl opinions, as long as theirs valid ground and solid reasoning behind it.

    He's disagreeing that it's a shame that the post was moved or that it being moved means it won't get any recognition and will die. Since people who know how the forum works are perfectly capable of finding it. Like I just did.

    I would love if that was the case, but in the end this got burried, nothing changed for GA. All those "screamers" got recognition from general chat and CG changed matchmaking by locking divisions, which in turn created another problem I mentioned here - huge g13 disparity. I got matched against a person with 44x g13, having 7 myself.
    Their solution didn't provide any remedies, only created new problems.

    Your proposal not being implemented has nothing to do with where your thread is located.
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