GAC Matchmaking Mess...

Good evening

I have recently read numerous posts promising that matchmaking has been addressed and match ups are now based on many factors other than overall GP. My simple question then is why with my one gear 13 character have I been matched with someone who has nineteen gear 13 characters?

Coincidentally my opponent happens to have 23 gear 1 level 1 characters and a whole bunch of lower level\gear characters which puts us around even GP. When TB first became a thing as a 2015 starter player I went all in (as advised to do so by devs and game changers) to level and gear all of my roster to help my guild and community thrive in Hoth TB so I have every character unlocked 7 starred and gear 8 minimum.

Nothing infuriates me more than seeing comments like ‘it’s up to players how to develop their rosters and whether to go broad or focussed’ for newer players this is 100% true but for day one players like myself that followed advice given on the release of Hoth TB that everything counts I now find myself placed in matchups I have absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning or even being competitive in so what is the point in even trying

This needs addressing as ok the rewards in this game mode are bad but I actually love the concept and have enjoyed the exhibition modes and had some close battles and a lot of fun but I will not waste my time with something I have zero chance of success with so sorry to my opponent Mace WinDOH bus I will not be participating in his attack phase until these obvious flaws are addressed.

Interested to hear if any other long time players are having the same frustrations


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    The GA matchmaking currently only uses your top X characters (I believe the range is 40-80 depending on division), so your rage is a bit misdirected. Whether they are 1 star G1 or 7 star G8, it's functionally irrelevant for matching purposes.

    Your complaint about the mismatch in G13 characters on the other hand is more valid. Currently the GP delta between G12+5 and G13 is only about 1%, even though the performance of G13 characters is most certainly >1% better than G12+5. Increasing the value of all G12 pieces, particularly the finisher, would greatly improve the likelihood of competitive matches, and I believe it's something CG has already acknowledged in a Q&A.

    Also, there are like 20 threads on this topic.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    It only uses their top 80 chars GP I believe.
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    G13 only raises your GP by 234 points... that's A LOT of practical pvp power for min GP gain.. a smart GAC kid focuses on G13 becuz greatly increases ur power without raising ur GP... how does smart kid do this? Fast? Before player lock...? He PAYS for it... that's why it ain't changing... have fun grinding kryos...

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    I as constantly matched against stronger people. I research there roster, document stats (esp spd), look up counters and such, deduct what teams they'll use. And have lost only one round. Tired of people crying about it. Do your homework and overcome.
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    Laugh at all the crybabies about their opponent instead of accepting the challenge and making improvement to their roster
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    I think not having gp go up when you finish a gear level is a big oversight with the current match making system as well. It makes the protection jump and base stats for percentage boosts have no effect on the mathmaking calculations when they make a huge impact.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    DJC_Chris wrote: »
    Good evening

    I have recently read numerous posts promising that matchmaking has been addressed and match ups are now based on many factors other than overall GP. My simple question then is why with my one gear 13 character have I been matched with someone who has nineteen gear 13 characters?

    Coincidentally my opponent happens to have 23 gear 1 level 1 characters and a whole bunch of lower level\gear characters which puts us around even GP. When TB first became a thing as a 2015 starter player I went all in (as advised to do so by devs and game changers) to level and gear all of my roster to help my guild and community thrive in Hoth TB so I have every character unlocked 7 starred and gear 8 minimum.

    Nothing infuriates me more than seeing comments like ‘it’s up to players how to develop their rosters and whether to go broad or focussed’ for newer players this is 100% true but for day one players like myself that followed advice given on the release of Hoth TB that everything counts I now find myself placed in matchups I have absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning or even being competitive in so what is the point in even trying

    This needs addressing as ok the rewards in this game mode are bad but I actually love the concept and have enjoyed the exhibition modes and had some close battles and a lot of fun but I will not waste my time with something I have zero chance of success with so sorry to my opponent Mace WinDOH bus I will not be participating in his attack phase until these obvious flaws are addressed.

    Interested to hear if any other long time players are having the same frustrations

    It's still not our fault that people play smarter.

    If you played in 2015 you should have majority of your roster G12 by now.

    It's not CGs fault it's yours and that's the hard truth people don't want to hear.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Out gp but not out played

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    16 gear 13 to 4 😂😂😂😂
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    SemiGod wrote: »

    If you played in 2015 you should have majority of your roster G12 by now.

    It's not CGs fault it's yours and that's the hard truth people don't want to hear.

    That's only true if you've been buying your roster since 2015. Maybe you have so you're out of touch with how 90% of the player base develops their roster.

    I've been playing actively for 3+ years and am in the same situation for the same reasons. 35 of my 172 toons are G12 and 1 G13 and it's definitely not because I chose not to G12 all of my toons. There's a limit to how fast you can farm and gear toons unless you're whaling. Stun guns and cuffs don't grow on trees.
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    @SemiGod the hard truth is the system is designed to limit the amount you can progress a single day. The hard truth is that system limits how quickly you can get to gear 13. The hard truth is it doesn’t matter how many gear 12 toons you have if a single team of gear 13 meta team can eliminate your entire roster. The hard truth is that meta team does not need to be gear 13. The hard truth is the relics are only going to crest more distance between the whales and everyone else. The hard truth is you get nothing but hate on the forum by people who defend every single little mistake because they’re the problem. The people that spend big time are the ones ruining the game. It’s funny because when people figure out a way to even the odds, like certain rosters that can win. The whales are the first ones complying and crying. How many times are they going to cause poor snaking to get nerfed? But when the tables turn they want to talk about should’ve played smarter, ie spent more. When f2p complain there’s so much venom thrown at them on this forum and they’re told to just deal with it. It’s sickening the amount of abuse you see on this forum. All from people who want to defend the mistakes made. Anyone can take a simple look and see the matchmaking isn’t equal. But until it causes the whales issues nothing will be done. Now bash away I’m full prepared.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @SemiGod the hard truth is the system is designed to limit the amount you can progress a single day. The hard truth is that system limits how quickly you can get to gear 13. The hard truth is it doesn’t matter how many gear 12 toons you have if a single team of gear 13 meta team can eliminate your entire roster. The hard truth is that meta team does not need to be gear 13. The hard truth is the relics are only going to crest more distance between the whales and everyone else. The hard truth is you get nothing but hate on the forum by people who defend every single little mistake because they’re the problem. The people that spend big time are the ones ruining the game. It’s funny because when people figure out a way to even the odds, like certain rosters that can win. The whales are the first ones complying and crying. How many times are they going to cause poor snaking to get nerfed? But when the tables turn they want to talk about should’ve played smarter, ie spent more. When f2p complain there’s so much venom thrown at them on this forum and they’re told to just deal with it. It’s sickening the amount of abuse you see on this forum. All from people who want to defend the mistakes made. Anyone can take a simple look and see the matchmaking isn’t equal. But until it causes the whales issues nothing will be done. Now bash away I’m full prepared.

    You forgot to say ‘hard truth’
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    In general, I agree. CG does not have brains, skill or conscience to make good MM. I don’t know what exactly.
    But I think it is again all about greed. “You do not spend (how much Carrie said?) 5,000$ per month, here your opponents with 20+ g13 more. Now, if you what to win, go sell your kidney”
    Of course any sophisticated MM would stop that rather quickly, but it’s not our case, it’s EA, worst company of the year several years in a row.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @SemiGod the hard truth is the system is designed to limit the amount you can progress a single day. The hard truth is that system limits how quickly you can get to gear 13. The hard truth is it doesn’t matter how many gear 12 toons you have if a single team of gear 13 meta team can eliminate your entire roster. The hard truth is that meta team does not need to be gear 13. The hard truth is the relics are only going to crest more distance between the whales and everyone else. The hard truth is you get nothing but hate on the forum by people who defend every single little mistake because they’re the problem. The people that spend big time are the ones ruining the game. It’s funny because when people figure out a way to even the odds, like certain rosters that can win. The whales are the first ones complying and crying. How many times are they going to cause poor snaking to get nerfed? But when the tables turn they want to talk about should’ve played smarter, ie spent more. When f2p complain there’s so much venom thrown at them on this forum and they’re told to just deal with it. It’s sickening the amount of abuse you see on this forum. All from people who want to defend the mistakes made. Anyone can take a simple look and see the matchmaking isn’t equal. But until it causes the whales issues nothing will be done. Now bash away I’m full prepared.

    The hard truth is that I'm not going to read that because a giant block of text is a pain to read.

    Space them out :P
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    In general, I agree. CG does not have brains, skill or conscience to make good MM. I don’t know what exactly.
    But I think it is again all about greed. “You do not spend (how much Carrie said?) 5,000$ per month, here your opponents with 20+ g13 more. Now, if you what to win, go sell your kidney”
    Of course any sophisticated MM would stop that rather quickly, but it’s not our case, it’s EA, worst company of the year several years in a row.

    Well they're making millions so they are doing stuff right.

    The only reason this game is more so becoming P2W is because the whales keep on buying.

    They're at fault for the games economy.
  • UnbelieverInME
    451 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    The whales still get the feel pride or whatever passes for it for beating the non-whales. Non-whales continue to play because it's Star Wars and they've come to far to give up now.
    This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken..” -Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
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    the hard truth,

    is the system is designed to limit the amount you can progress a single day.

    The hard truth is ,

    that system limits how quickly you can get to gear 13.

    The hard truth ,

    is it doesn’t matter how many gear 12 toons you have if a single team of gear 13 meta team can eliminate your entire roster.

    The hard truth ,

    is that meta team does not need to be gear 13.

    The hard truth is ,

    the relics are only going to crest more distance between the whales and everyone else.

    The hard truth is ,

    you get nothing but hate on the forum by people who defend every single little mistake because they’re the problem.

    The people that spend big time are the ones ruining the game.

    It’s funny because when people figure out a way to even the odds, like certain rosters that can win.

    The whales are the first ones complying and crying.

    How many times are they going to cause poor snaking to get nerfed?

    But when the tables turn they want to talk about should’ve played smarter, ie spent more.

    When f2p complain there’s so much venom thrown at them on this forum and they’re told to just deal with it.

    It’s sickening the amount of abuse you see on this forum.

    All from people who want to defend the mistakes made. Anyone can take a simple look and see the matchmaking isn’t equal.

    But until it causes the whales issues nothing will be done. Now bash away I’m full prepared.

    The hard truth is,

    I was at work so I was typing quickly and didn’t really take the time to be grammatically correct. So sorry to inconvenience you.

    I hope this is spaced out enough
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    @SemiGod but thanks for proving my point 😂😂😂
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    I'd opt for unalloyed truth.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

    I would ask that you go back and read those threads again. You will see at no point have they said "it has been addressed" in any final way.

    In fact many times they have said it is an iterative process and they are always monitoring it.

    The top 80 system they have implemented, does actually deal with the older player and early TB situation. I know not all players are aware of this, but it does help with that situation. So that statement is actually still more true then you may realize, and probably shouldnt upset you too much, at least not in that regard.

    Can I ask what your general strategy is? The matching of the top 80 system makes a close match to those numbers. If you only have 1 g13, you probably have more high gear but sub g13 toons in your top 80 to be matched against someone with 18 more than you, may I ask why you developed those toons in that way?
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    Complaining about whales being able to smash you, ruining the game etc. is just blinkered thinking.

    They are the only reason this game continues to exist. They are the ones funding every bit of new content we get. They are the ones saving us from having to endure in-game advertisements.

    Whales are great.

    It's not fun to come up against an overpowering roster, but at least that person is keeping the game going. I usually just hope there is something on the board I can find a way to beat, but it's not the end of the world if I can't. The end of the world (swgoh world I mean) is when the whales stop whaling.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @SemiGod but thanks for proving my point 😂😂😂

    Ty I could actually read it lol.

    Btw I'm not a whale I've just always had even matchmaking Lmao.

    Even when it was unfair matchmaking I still won because I played smarter than my opponent :P
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    @Winterwolves I’m not complaining about whales being able to smash me, they absolutely should be able to. But, I don’t believe, me, or anyone else should be matched against teams they can’t beat. There should be a competitive balance to the game.
    I shouldn’t be matched against someone who I don’t have a chance to beat, someone shouldn’t be matched me if they can’t win. You should always have a chance to beat your opponent.

    What new content? Resknned content? I don’t believe the whales are doing anyone any favors , they’re killing the game, but I don’t blame them at all. If they want to spend, then by all means they should. It coming against teams a person can’t beat isn’t cool, that’s not fun at all. That’s killing the game for sure.

    I’m not against them spending money or buying content, if that’s what they want. Maybe a better way of saying they’re killing the game is saying, taking the competitive balance out of the game is killing it. I mean, the game is here, it’s kicking, it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, and I hope it doesn’t. I enjoy playing. But the system of putting you in a no win situation is not good and it definitely needs to be fixed.
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    If they actually do use the top 80, then in that case my opponent’s 17 gear 13 toons and 50+ gear 12 toons are very evenly matched against my gear 13 Grievous and 35 or so gear 12 toons.

    I’ve never complained about roster disparity in GA (as I’ve usually been able to outsmart my opponents) but this is a little bit uneven for my tastes. I’ll take my rewards whatever the result, but I’d like it if the matchmaking didn’t pair me with someone with over 250k more character GP than I have every single time.
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    SemiGod wrote: »
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @SemiGod but thanks for proving my point 😂😂😂

    Ty I could actually read it lol.

    Btw I'm not a whale I've just always had even matchmaking Lmao.

    Even when it was unfair matchmaking I still won because I played smarter than my opponent :P

    I’ve had it both ways. If it’s winnable, I can usually squeeze out a win. USUALLY, but sometimes I’m a bone head and cause myself to lose.

    There are matches that I’ve been put in that there’s nothing I can do to win. Those are the matches that shouldn’t exist. I’ve also been out in matches there is no way the person can beat me, those shouldn’t exists either.

    In my opinion, you should always have a chance at winning.
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    Matchmaking has been adressed. If you are too bad to even see that, no need to complain about how unfair it is.
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    There’s 2 sides to every argument about this game, and every one of them are tired. I’m nowhere near a whale and know I will never be, but I think the match making is better than it was. And that’s coming from someone who’s only won the first round in each of my last 3 GA. BUT, I always felt like I had a chance.

    You have to use strategy. Setting the same defense for every battle is not strategy. The BIGGEST key to GA is anticipation. Flat out. Gotta anticipate who the opponent might place on D, and who they may attack with. I don’t have either Revan, and just knocked off a guy with full G12/zeta Revan squad, cuz he elected to use it for attacking. I blew thru his D, and he couldn’t touch the back wall. Poor planning on his part. Had he simply put Revan on D, he woulda most likely won. So there ya go. ANTICIPATE your opponents moves. I’m surprised this hasn’t been said before.
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    @Unrulyondamic that’s part of the problem, there are some teams that people get matched against that’s there’s no strategy against. Some matches are flat out unwinnable with rosters. If it were a strategy issue there would be no problem.
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    @Angelloyd there’s a lot of matches people are in that they can’t win. That’s why people complain. If this is addressing the issues then they need to take a second look at it because it’s not fixed.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    People shouldn't be able to win every match.
    I need a new message here.
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