Compensation for Cheating Victims?

At one point, during the original postings - it was said that cheating victims would be compensated and brought back to whole. I can't seem to find that anymore (the posts have been edited and either that line has been removed or I'm looking at the wrong post).

Personally, I had a run-in with someone who was found to be cheating (they were reported, and have not logged in since and have been removed from their guild). So I'm confident and glad that the system is at least working.

However, because of that loss (which would have been a win, he beat me 1916 to 1904), I will now be missing Kyber league by 91 total points.

Are the people who get screwed over by people hacking the game just SOL?


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    I’m sure that CG seems themselves as the real victims here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC.

    That being said, yes you are correct that they said they would compensate players in GAC if they were cheated, and no I have not seen anyone post about being compensated.

    I will flag this to see if we can get clarification or a response.
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    @Kyno In my specific case, I reported it with appropriate info to LD, he messaged me back saying he would look into it, and the next day the guy (won't name him) was dropping in arena rank without climbing, and continued to drop daily in both arenas with no climbing at all. It seems pretty cut and dry. Would be a heck of a coincidence if he was banned for something else instead of the cheating against me in GAC.

    So it's a GOOD thing. They're obviously catching cheaters and this isn't just a situation where they are bluffing or talking a big game. I'm just hoping there's some recourse for those who got screwed over by people hacking.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    My point is that, your report could have spurned the investigation, which proved he was cheating elsewhere, but not in GAC.

    Again, just speculation, but it is possible.
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    I won't get into specifics, but among the information I provided was a screenshot of him bragging in discord about cheating. lol
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    I’m sure that CG seems themselves as the real victims here.

    You cant be more correct , CG are the victims. Buying several packs is the right way to compensate them
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    Broxxor wrote: »
    I won't get into specifics, but among the information I provided was a screenshot of him bragging in discord about cheating. lol
    I could go to Discord and claim to be the Pope. Doesn't make it true. :D

    Not saying the individual did or did not cheat, just that snapshots of online chats aren't exactly strong evidence in themselves because anyone can claim anything.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Broxxor wrote: »
    I won't get into specifics, but among the information I provided was a screenshot of him bragging in discord about cheating. lol
    I could go to Discord and claim to be the Pope. Doesn't make it true. :D

    Not saying the individual did or did not cheat, just that snapshots of online chats aren't exactly strong evidence in themselves because anyone can claim anything.

    he did say "among the information I provided" so you know more than just a screenshot of Discord. Not sure why you are giving the OP a hard time about wondering why people haven't been compensated like CG said they would
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Broxxor wrote: »
    I won't get into specifics, but among the information I provided was a screenshot of him bragging in discord about cheating. lol
    I could go to Discord and claim to be the Pope. Doesn't make it true. :D

    Honestly, I wish you would stop doing that. We keep asking for data and not getting any.
    I need a new message here.
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    Customer service told me that if there was going to be any compensation for those harmed by cheating it would be sent to everyone in the game. When I brought up that that approach will cause any cheaters who were banned for a week or month to also get compensated so in the end cheaters win. It's their policy to reward compensation to everyone even the cheaters returning from bans not just those impacted by cheating.

    Point is
    I wouldn't expect a personalized gift,
    If u get anything, everyone will get it then it's not really compensation for how cheaters impacted u.
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    Customer service told me that if there was going to be any compensation for those harmed by cheating it would be sent to everyone in the game. When I brought up that that approach will cause any cheaters who were banned for a week or month to also get compensated so in the end cheaters win. It's their policy to reward compensation to everyone even the cheaters returning from bans not just those impacted by cheating.

    Point is
    I wouldn't expect a personalized gift,
    If u get anything, everyone will get it then it's not really compensation for how cheaters impacted u.

    It's been established many times that CS often has no idea what they're talking about.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC.

    That being said, yes you are correct that they said they would compensate players in GAC if they were cheated, and no I have not seen anyone post about being compensated.

    I will flag this to see if we can get clarification or a response.

    "Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC."
    What does that even mean? If they are caught cheating in GAC, are they not proven to be cheating in GAC? Or do you mean they somehow cheated to get a legendary toon?
  • BobcatSkywalker
    2194 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Liath wrote: »
    Customer service told me that if there was going to be any compensation for those harmed by cheating it would be sent to everyone in the game. When I brought up that that approach will cause any cheaters who were banned for a week or month to also get compensated so in the end cheaters win. It's their policy to reward compensation to everyone even the cheaters returning from bans not just those impacted by cheating.

    Point is
    I wouldn't expect a personalized gift,
    If u get anything, everyone will get it then it's not really compensation for how cheaters impacted u.

    It's been established many times that CS often has no idea what they're talking about.

    True, but I beleive them in this case. I know many who have complained about cheating and some opponents have been banned but no one received anything in return to date...

    Is there a list of those effected by cheating and how does one get on it?

    Without that official list I'm not sure how any other outcome is possible (everyone gets compensation or no one gets anything are the only possible outcomes.)

    If u think they have a official impacted by cheaters list they are tracking behind the scenes I'd hate to burst your bubbly but the chance of that is about the same as getting a omega in cantina.
  • Options
    Is there a list of those effected by cheating and how does one get on it?

    Without that official list I'm not sure how any other outcome is possible (everyone gets compensation or no one gets anything are the only possible outcomes.)

    If u think they have a official impacted by cheaters list they are tracking behind the scenes I'd hate to burst your bubbly but the chance of that is about the same as getting a omega in cantina.

    If somebody is banned for cheating in GAC, it wouldn't be hard for them to provide compensation to anybody who lost to that player in GAC. Since there have been no reports of that happening, it seems unlikely that it is. But I don't think a CS rep saying everybody will get compensated equally carries any weight whatsoever.
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    Liath wrote: »
    Is there a list of those effected by cheating and how does one get on it?

    Without that official list I'm not sure how any other outcome is possible (everyone gets compensation or no one gets anything are the only possible outcomes.)

    If u think they have a official impacted by cheaters list they are tracking behind the scenes I'd hate to burst your bubbly but the chance of that is about the same as getting a omega in cantina.

    If somebody is banned for cheating in GAC, it wouldn't be hard for them to provide compensation to anybody who lost to that player in GAC. Since there have been no reports of that happening, it seems unlikely that it is. But I don't think a CS rep saying everybody will get compensated equally carries any weight whatsoever.

    Maybe they are tracking it as you beleive but i dont buy it. It's odd that people who complained about a player who was later banned have not received anything now a month later... if you think the check is in the mail ok I cant prove it isn't and you cant prove it is, I'm just saying it's super unlikely they give individual account level rewards to only people effected by cheating.

    Plus if you look at errors in the past that have effected only some people everyone was equally compensated.

    Server outage during 4 to 5pm payouts everyone get rewards not just 4 to 5pm accounts.

    When raids were bugged all guilds got full coins not just guilds that had open raids during the crash.
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    I’ve lost 2 GAC rounds to blatant cheating so I’d love to be compensated for that seeing as I would have come 1st or 2nd in both rounds had it not been for them.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Jack1210 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC.

    That being said, yes you are correct that they said they would compensate players in GAC if they were cheated, and no I have not seen anyone post about being compensated.

    I will flag this to see if we can get clarification or a response.

    "Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC."
    What does that even mean? If they are caught cheating in GAC, are they not proven to be cheating in GAC? Or do you mean they somehow cheated to get a legendary toon?

    Please tell me that you are just playing at being obtuse.

    You do realize that there are other events and game modes in this game and that cheating at one doesnt mean they cheat in any other ones.

    Being reported in one, doesn't mean they were actually cheating there, or that they were not reported in other areas where they were.

    After his explanation, it seems obvious that is not the case here, but that statement was made before that.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Jack1210 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC.

    That being said, yes you are correct that they said they would compensate players in GAC if they were cheated, and no I have not seen anyone post about being compensated.

    I will flag this to see if we can get clarification or a response.

    "Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC."
    What does that even mean? If they are caught cheating in GAC, are they not proven to be cheating in GAC? Or do you mean they somehow cheated to get a legendary toon?

    Please tell me that you are just playing at being obtuse.

    You do realize that there are other events and game modes in this game and that cheating at one doesnt mean they cheat in any other ones.

    Being reported in one, doesn't mean they were actually cheating there, or that they were not reported in other areas where they were.

    After his explanation, it seems obvious that is not the case here, but that statement was made before that.

    The OP sent screenshots of the GAC and a person claiming they have been cheating on discord . His claim could of spurred a investigation like you said but
    occam's razor suggests it's probably because of the OPs GAC
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    Is there a list of those effected by cheating and how does one get on it?

    Without that official list I'm not sure how any other outcome is possible (everyone gets compensation or no one gets anything are the only possible outcomes.)

    If u think they have a official impacted by cheaters list they are tracking behind the scenes I'd hate to burst your bubbly but the chance of that is about the same as getting a omega in cantina.

    If somebody is banned for cheating in GAC, it wouldn't be hard for them to provide compensation to anybody who lost to that player in GAC. Since there have been no reports of that happening, it seems unlikely that it is. But I don't think a CS rep saying everybody will get compensated equally carries any weight whatsoever.

    Maybe they are tracking it as you beleive but i dont buy it. It's odd that people who complained about a player who was later banned have not received anything now a month later... if you think the check is in the mail ok I cant prove it isn't and you cant prove it is, I'm just saying it's super unlikely they give individual account level rewards to only people effected by cheating.

    I guess you missed the part where I said I think it's unlikely.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Jack1210 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC.

    That being said, yes you are correct that they said they would compensate players in GAC if they were cheated, and no I have not seen anyone post about being compensated.

    I will flag this to see if we can get clarification or a response.

    "Obviously we dont have all the data, but proof of cheating, doesnt necessarily prove cheating in GAC. It is possible they were caught cheating, but not proven to be cheating in GAC."
    What does that even mean? If they are caught cheating in GAC, are they not proven to be cheating in GAC? Or do you mean they somehow cheated to get a legendary toon?

    Please tell me that you are just playing at being obtuse.

    You do realize that there are other events and game modes in this game and that cheating at one doesnt mean they cheat in any other ones.

    Being reported in one, doesn't mean they were actually cheating there, or that they were not reported in other areas where they were.

    After his explanation, it seems obvious that is not the case here, but that statement was made before that.

    The OP sent screenshots of the GAC and a person claiming they have been cheating on discord . His claim could of spurred a investigation like you said but
    occam's razor suggests it's probably because of the OPs GAC

    He said that after I made the remark in question.
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    @kyno does CG have a way of finding cheaters without being informed by the player base , like can they look at your battles and see a phoenix team take out DR and malak…?
    Because I thought they needed to gather the info from the snitch but I'm probably wrong, if they can locate cheaters or hackers without being fed names and clues then it's a wonder how it's been left going for so long.

    Either way just seems unlikely that somebody gets a ban after someone snitches on them and the ban has nothing to do with the snitches problem.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Treeburner wrote: »
    kyno does CG have a way of finding cheaters without being informed by the player base , like can they look at your battles and see a phoenix team take out DR and malak…?
    Because I thought they needed to gather the info from the snitch but I'm probably wrong, if they can locate cheaters or hackers without being fed names and clues then it's a wonder how it's been left going for so long.

    Either way just seems unlikely that somebody gets a ban after someone snitches on them and the ban has nothing to do with the snitches problem.

    They have stated they added new tools to help them locate cheaters, but also need the community to provide flags for investigation to help the process.

    They have been catching and banning players since before GA was a thing.

    I dont see why it's that unlikely, with all the hype around GAC, someone could simply be not cheating there and still cheating elsewhere thinking it keeps them "safe".
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    We got a small update on thia matter.

    There is no blanket policy on compensation for facing a proven cheater, it is done on a case by case basis and in the hands of the person reviewing the situation.

    We are pressing for clarification and a statement on this matter and will see how it goes, but the general statement around this is that it is very difficult for them to judge a proper compensation in many cases.
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    I mean i get the point from OP, but i highly doubt, that CG is able or to better say willed to do such personalized and specific actions/compensation.
    This would mean enormous effort and costs for CG, i'm sure this will not happen.
    Bottom line, you where unlucky to run into a potential cheater that messed up your Kyber goal, but don't expect anything to be rewarded personally to you.
    The guys at CG are struggling to identify the cheaters on their own, imagine how they could deal with such requests for personalized makegoods, no way. B)
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
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    Manumicio wrote: »
    I mean i get the point from OP, but i highly doubt, that CG is able or to better say willed to do such personalized and specific actions/compensation.
    This would mean enormous effort and costs for CG, i'm sure this will not happen.
    Bottom line, you where unlucky to run into a potential cheater that messed up your Kyber goal, but don't expect anything to be rewarded personally to you.
    The guys at CG are struggling to identify the cheaters on their own, imagine how they could deal with such requests for personalized makegoods, no way. B)

    Over-promise and under-deliver.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    We got a small update on thia matter.

    There is no blanket policy on compensation for facing a proven cheater, it is done on a case by case basis and in the hands of the person reviewing the situation.

    We are pressing for clarification and a statement on this matter and will see how it goes, but the general statement around this is that it is very difficult for them to judge a proper compensation in many cases.

    It's quite simple. Give them the points they would have had if they had won against the cheater and give them the difference between the rewards they got for that match and the next tier up rewards. For example, if they won the other 2 matches, give them the difference between what they got and the first place rewards.
  • ShaeVizla
    29 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Lol come really dont think that will happen.
  • BobcatSkywalker
    2194 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    We got a small update on thia matter.

    There is no blanket policy on compensation for facing a proven cheater, it is done on a case by case basis and in the hands of the person reviewing the situation.

    We are pressing for clarification and a statement on this matter and will see how it goes, but the general statement around this is that it is very difficult for them to judge a proper compensation in many cases.

    It's quite simple. Give them the points they would have had if they had won against the cheater and give them the difference between the rewards they got for that match and the next tier up rewards. For example, if they won the other 2 matches, give them the difference between what they got and the first place rewards.

    This is way to complicated imagine if someone should have received 3 zetas and they only got 2 then CG would have to do 3-2=1 for everyone who lost based on facing a cheater. 3-2 is very advanced mathematics and they dont have the resources to figure out the difference in rewards. I understand that.

    CG has trouble giving dooku more than 1 hp in mythic event, personalized rewards for specific people who fought cheaters are a pipe dream. You can write this down now if they issue compensation it will be for everyone, people impacted by cheating, people not impacted by cheating, and will even including the cheaters who didnt get perma bans who are back in the game when compensation is issued (if any ever). I beleive this 100% and you all should too.

    Sure you don't have to beleive me u can still beleive in justice but that just means you will be wrong when u dont get your personalized rewards.
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    Am I the only one who doesnt believe CG cares about cheating?
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    Broxxor wrote: »
    At one point, during the original postings - it was said that cheating victims would be compensated and brought back to whole. I can't seem to find that anymore (the posts have been edited and either that line has been removed or I'm looking at the wrong post).

    It’s here....
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