Tracking of drop rates

1070 posts Member
edited March 2022
Well, since I got abysmal droprates today, decided to start tracking the rates for shaakti.

Day 1 (1-Oct):
Main - 3/25 (12%)
Alt - 7/15 (47%)
Overall - 10/40 (25%)

Day 2 (2-Oct):
Main - 9/25 (36%)
Alt - 4/15 (27%)
Overall - 13/40 (33%)

Day 3 (3-Oct)
Main - 5/15 (33%)

Feel free to track ur own in the same thread. More data points definitely work out for better averages.

Edit: added alt’s runs. Clearly better rates there than my main as usual.
Post edited by EA_Mako on


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    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.
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    jkray622 wrote: »
    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.

    Is there a database on discord or somewhere that you know of that has the results from these attempts?

    I ask because I’m wondering if 20 energy hard nodes characters have a lower drop rate than lesser energy ones. I’ve questioned it before, but recently (in the summer) I started farming Rose and droideka on the same day doing 5 attempts per day. About a month in, I decide to increase droideka to 10 per day. A week after that, I increased Rose as well. Yesterday, Rose finished, but I still needed 12 more on Droideka.
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    afaik the rate is the same whatever the node being farmed. be it cantina or hard or fleet hard
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    jkray622 wrote: »
    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.

    Is there a database on discord or somewhere that you know of that has the results from these attempts?

    I ask because I’m wondering if 20 energy hard nodes characters have a lower drop rate than lesser energy ones. I’ve questioned it before, but recently (in the summer) I started farming Rose and droideka on the same day doing 5 attempts per day. About a month in, I decide to increase droideka to 10 per day. A week after that, I increased Rose as well. Yesterday, Rose finished, but I still needed 12 more on Droideka.

    That's a noise level difference. Inconsequential.
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    jkray622 wrote: »
    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.

    Is there a database on discord or somewhere that you know of that has the results from these attempts?

    I ask because I’m wondering if 20 energy hard nodes characters have a lower drop rate than lesser energy ones. I’ve questioned it before, but recently (in the summer) I started farming Rose and droideka on the same day doing 5 attempts per day. About a month in, I decide to increase droideka to 10 per day. A week after that, I increased Rose as well. Yesterday, Rose finished, but I still needed 12 more on Droideka.

    That's a noise level difference. Inconsequential.

    That might be true, but it would be nice to see data to back that up as being noise.
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    Ugg. Another poster who does not understand math, statistics, or RNG. Keep track all you want. It does not change the number for drop rates.
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    The drop rates are 33%

    Kyno close this thread.
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    jkray622 wrote: »
    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.

    Is there a database on discord or somewhere that you know of that has the results from these attempts?

    I ask because I’m wondering if 20 energy hard nodes characters have a lower drop rate than lesser energy ones. I’ve questioned it before, but recently (in the summer) I started farming Rose and droideka on the same day doing 5 attempts per day. About a month in, I decide to increase droideka to 10 per day. A week after that, I increased Rose as well. Yesterday, Rose finished, but I still needed 12 more on Droideka.

    There's a group in the Planet Coruscant discord server that collects drop rates.
  • OldBaldOneKenobi
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    I haven't collected drops in several months--it became too tedious--but did so for over a year with a total of 10,070 Light/Dark node attempts, 4177 Cantina node attempts, and 1568 Fleet node attempts. Here are the results (note, I didn't do any 8-energy Cantina nodes in that stretch of time):


    So, the short answer, is basically, that the energy per node doesn't matter, and neither does the node type. Hope this clears that up.

    For the morbidly curious, the Percentile column is simply a measure of how many possible outcomes have fewer successes, similar to how some standardized exams are scored. In this case, it is also a roundabout measure of the likeliness of getting that result, based on statistical probability. A percentile of 50% means that you exactly hit the expectation of 1 in 3 successes, whereas a percentile of 97% means that there is only a 3% (100% - 97%) chance of getting better. If there were no statistical variation (meaning this was deterministic), one would get 50% for all of the percentiles. Most of the percentiles are relatively near 50%, so these are not unlikely results. Only the 20-energy Light/Dark and the 20-energy Fleet nodes could be considered somewhat atypical under the assumption of 1/3 success rate. One is high, though, and one is low. In the end, the total percent drop rate is pretty consistent (and varies more with smaller sample size).
    Post edited by OldBaldOneKenobi on
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    I know it averages out to 33% or whatever but **** has the last few days been horrendous.
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    And some days are good with 80%drop rate. But people complain on forum when they get that 0/25 not when they get 20/25
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    I can’t understand the problem. If @Eddiemundie want track the rate and share with us, he would be free to do it. The science don’t learn because other say “this is the way”. It need practice, not trolls claim close the thread!.
    Item more, if you can’t see the code and didn’t track anything, you never know the exact rate. May be 30,29,34%...
    Pls @Eddiemundie, do it.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    I tracked droideka and got 35% overall. Put my conspiracy theories to bed, and yes, I tucked em in.
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    Shaak Ti went into her fleet node on 24 August. I’ve done exactly 10 sims per day from that day forward.

    380 sims, 140 shards. 36.8% drop rate.

    Nerf drop rates!
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    A dude in my guild's alliance went 5/5 2 days in a row with Fallen Bastilla. I've never been that lucky.
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    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    A dude in my guild's alliance went 5/5 2 days in a row with Fallen Bastilla. I've never been that lucky.
    The odds of getting 10 shards in row are approximated 59,049 to 1 (imagine a pedantic C-3PO voice, if you like). If you have 50 guild members, who have all been active for 3 years or so (1000+ days) and have done, say 30 attempts each day, then (on average) it's probably happened to three guildmates. So, all in all, not unexpected.
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    JDIII wrote: »
    Some random stranger saying he pulled this much on this day, and that much on that day isn’t real data. I can say that my drops were 4/5 for a certain character for 3 months straight, it don’t make it data. A lot of players said that the drop rates are about 33%, and a lot of players said it isn’t.

    And only one of those groups of players has any data to back up their stance. But clearly your fellow players who have crowd-sourced the data gathering are all lying to support this giant conspiracy around drop rates
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
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    JDIII wrote: »
    Some random stranger saying he pulled this much on this day, and that much on that day isn’t real data. I can say that my drops were 4/5 for a certain character for 3 months straight, it don’t make it data. A lot of players said that the drop rates are about 33%, and a lot of players said it isn’t.
    What does make data, then?

    I’d take anyone who had tracked a node for 3 months seriously, and their data would be significant.

    The thing that the “lot of players” who say it isn’t 33% all have in common is that none of them have more than 3 days worth of data, let alone 3 weeks or 3 months.

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    113/370 so far
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    Shaak Ti went into her fleet node on 24 August. I’ve done exactly 10 sims per day from that day forward.

    380 sims, 140 shards. 36.8% drop rate.

    Nerf drop rates!

    570, 165, ~29% drop rate.
    I see you've been taking my shards there bud...
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    jkray622 wrote: »
    Players have tracked tens of thousands of attempts.

    It works out to around 33%. Your individual results may vary due to small sample sizes.

    Is there a database on discord or somewhere that you know of that has the results from these attempts?

    I ask because I’m wondering if 20 energy hard nodes characters have a lower drop rate than lesser energy ones. I’ve questioned it before, but recently (in the summer) I started farming Rose and droideka on the same day doing 5 attempts per day. About a month in, I decide to increase droideka to 10 per day. A week after that, I increased Rose as well. Yesterday, Rose finished, but I still needed 12 more on Droideka.

    330 versus 318 shards. Under 4% difference. That's well within normal statistical variation for a sample of this size.
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    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    A dude in my guild's alliance went 5/5 2 days in a row with Fallen Bastilla. I've never been that lucky.

    I've been that lucky with Brood Alpha's node, with purple mats and one omega on top. But a few days ago I got zero shards for two Cantina energy refreshes. It evens out eventually.
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    I only have 4 days of data so far but here's my on topic contribution to the thread:

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    JDIII wrote: »
    @Ultra Please tell me you got that 4.8 mill all ftp, I wanna good laugh today

    It's not hard at all to be at 4.8mil gp ftp.
    I dont know why you would have an issue with this.
  • Reyn_Khuprus
    56 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I just did 5/5 on zalbaar node.

    We can conclude the drop rate is 100%.
    Thank you, close thread.

    You can't take 1 bad day and say the drop rate is bad. its 33% on the long run.

    followed by 2/5 jolee and 3/5 bsf

    Sure I have days at 0/5,
    today its 100% 40% and 60%.
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    JDIII wrote: »
    @DarjeloSalas how do you know who’s lying and telling the truth though, that’s the issue I was referring.
    Won’t address the ftp part of your post as we’ve been down that road before and it is off topic.

    @JDIII When it comes to drop rates, I tend to place my trust in people who present robust data. Take this post from further up the thread:
    I haven't collected drops in several months--it became too tedious--but did so for over a year with a total of 10,070 Light/Dark node attempts, 4177 Cantina node attempts, and 1568 Fleet node attempts. Here are the results (note, I didn't do any 8-energy Cantina nodes in that stretch of time):
    And then, in a different thread, there is a post like this...
    Dryff wrote: » F2P I generally don't pull refreshes unless I'm rushing for something.

    I mean, 8 months is roughly 250 days...maybe skipped around 50 days during events or vacation, so roughly 200 days = 1000 attempts. I'm at about 200 total shards which is ~20%. Well below the 33%, but certainly not like conspiracy-level rates like people claim...
    I’m hopeful you can spot the difference between them.

    Posts with the same level of detail as the first post, they’re the ones I would trust, and they’re the ones that have convinced me and many others that the shard drop rate is ~33%. Posts like the second one I dismiss as vague and unreliable. I’ve never yet seen a post that claims the drop rate is lower than 33% come anywhere close to the level of trustworthy data.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    @DarjeloSalas how do you know who’s lying and telling the truth though, that’s the issue I was referring.

    You just have to trust the numbers and data they provide in their posts. I hardly believe players, who are tracking their drops, also screenshot everything.

  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    @Ultra Please tell me you got that 4.8 mill all ftp, I wanna good laugh today

    Thank you for this good laugh, @JDIII. 5 million GP can easily have been reached FTP by veteran players.
This discussion has been closed.