GP discrepancy after recent update

One of my guild members noticed this and I checked and have the same issue... the GP when looking at my inventory isn’t the same as the gp listed when looking at my player stats:xf2rbhfbzg6e.jpeg

Has anyone else noticed this? How does the GAC and other Events match opponents by gp? Will this effect those events?


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    Same for me. In fact the one on the character screen shows lower than what I had the last round of GAC, which is weird because I unlocked and promoted 3PO through the journey guide since then.vclgzqkhquom.png
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    Same issue is intended or will it be a fix. I have 2 different gps depending on the screen.
  • BarbaricFett
    63 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    My matches my player stat screen, still not sure how I gained 250k gp from 3PO and adding 1 gear lvl to

    *edit for spelling
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    Happening all over. My guilds gp went up by 10 mil in 12 hours and has slowly been going back down. Then I check this am and my gp has jumped up 300k overnight while I was asleep...
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    Still going on and devs haven't even acknowledged it... Can't wait to see the tw matchup were gonna get
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    How long do they usually take to respond to something like this?

    I’d like to know that my opponents are matched up by accurate gp counts...
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    Right? GAC is less than 2 days away. I cant wait to be eaten by a Kraken when my account magically has an additional 500k. Hello false div 1 =P
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    They just released a fix but haven't even addressed the GP bug. When are they fixing this?? Please do it before the TW player lock!
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    YomAmma wrote: »
    Has anyone else noticed this? How does the GAC and other Events match opponents by gp? Will this effect those events?

    Yeah, there were a lot of threads and posts in the forums and on Reddit about this yesterday when it started happening. Not the first time there's been a display bug with the GP. Shouldn't impact TW or GAC as the correct GP is still there...just displaying incorrectly on certain screens. @CG_SBCrumb is this bug being looked into? Seems odd that there hasn't been any acknowledgment of the issue yet.

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    Which forums? I searched on this one and didn’t see anything so I posted...
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    Mine is inflated by 750k. Hope this doesn’t affect matchmaking for tw
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    Mine has inflated 300k on the player card screen... How will this effect our GAC brackets? Cus this would push me up into a new bracket, when I'm still 60k under the threshold in my inventory.
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    Just checked the matchup Bot and it's showing me as Over the threshold. Fix this now CG.
  • YomAmma
    4 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    What’s the matchup bot and how do I check it?
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    Yea my guild is having the same issues. We keep going down now after a sudden jump-up. Which makes it look like we are losing members when it drops by a mil each time.
  • MultUA
    21 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    To my best knowledge it is something related to overall fleet GP...
    Seems like it counts some ship which is not unlocked yet

    UPD: my guild has got 12.2% boost in fleet (about 10.5M GP) compared to Tuesday, 10th of December
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    You are not really expecting that this is fixed that fast, do you? >:)
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
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    Same problem here, which really messes up TB planning for us.... hopefully bug fix comes out soon so it gets corrected on GG and fixes my spreadsheet :tongue:
    (In game - Veran - Officer of ALLIΔNCE Nu)
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    I have seen this as well, and noticed our guild GP is falling but we have not lost any members? We went from 172mil to 169mil overnight?
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    YomAmma wrote: »
    What’s the matchup bot and how do I check it?

    Its a discord bot that can show your matchup vs another player. It shows all relevant GP.
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    Is some random emotional player going to at least give an ultimatum about fixing this in 24 hours or he quits?
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    Still seeing this after update
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    So glad to see that this bug put me in an otherwise higher division than I normally would. Ugh...
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    All your unactivated ships have gp
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    Lasod wrote: »
    All your unactivated ships have gp
    My guild mate has only GG flagmanship unlocked and the difference is 255k.

    But this is for sure something related to the fleet.
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    How are we supposed to plan for TB effectively when the gp discrepancies are so huge? A few hundred thousand per person adds up to over 10 million across the guild and it really throws a wrench in my planning to find out after the fact that all the numbers I was using are incorrect. This is ridiculous.
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    Any acknowledgement of this from CG?
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